#archiveteam-bs 2013-03-30,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
00:09 🔗 omf_ http://aaronbatalion.com/post/46617716711/moving-on-to-new-adventures - LivingSocial co-founder quits
00:10 🔗 omf_ Which is not a surprise since they were goodreads before goodreads existing but killed that app because fuck you
01:06 🔗 closure so, identi.ca is moving to a new platform and they're backing up all their user's data on archive.org before taking it down
01:07 🔗 closure doing it Right.. but hilariously here's the founder getting bugged by users who don't want to be archived http://identi.ca/conversation/99313029#notice-100391723
01:14 🔗 omf_ backups everywhere \o/
02:34 🔗 dashcloud this is interesting: http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2013/03/27/internet-explorer-11s-user-agent-string-what-does-it-mean/ IE 11's changed it's user agent string, possibly in an effort to not be treated as IE of old
02:40 🔗 omf_ They are trying to shed over a decade of IE only CSS garbage
02:40 🔗 yipdw I'm going to guess that that change means absolutely nothing
02:40 🔗 omf_ The reality is their browser is still behind the times
02:40 🔗 yipdw to the IE team
02:41 🔗 yipdw and the Internet, like it usually does, is exploding it out of proportion
02:41 🔗 omf_ I think they are going to remove all those backwards compatible modes
02:41 🔗 omf_ which used to be a key selling feature until they figured out it fucked things up more
02:41 🔗 yipdw everyone's moving on to feature detection anyway
02:41 🔗 omf_ UA sniffing was never a good idea
02:42 🔗 yipdw I do however find it interesting how a user-agent string change can trigger a blog post
02:43 🔗 dashcloud that's rather interesting because if it's true, that means Gecko will show up nearly every modern UA string
02:47 🔗 yipdw yeah, it's an interesting study in backwards compatibility
06:00 🔗 godane so i'm uploading some files very slowly
06:00 🔗 godane only cause there is hidden character or something
06:01 🔗 godane it cause IA to give me a 400 bad request
06:02 🔗 godane luckly i can remove the last word and then readd it back in
06:02 🔗 godane to fix it
06:17 🔗 godane looks like + is replaced with %2B
06:18 🔗 godane i only readd + in names with spaces so it was in sync with the xml data list i have
07:53 🔗 godane so i just saved a gamespot episode
07:53 🔗 godane that was lost
10:03 🔗 SketchCow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO2rM-l-vdQ
10:03 🔗 SketchCow Unreal Engine 4 real-time demo.
10:03 🔗 SketchCow Of course YouTubers are calling it out, but they showed it real-time switching dynamic lighting and wireframes, etc.
10:38 🔗 godane still finding tons of dialup episodes of the screen savers
10:39 🔗 godane trying to give you guys enough of the index to give a big picture of g4 videos index
13:19 🔗 omf_ gotta power down again for a hardware upgrade.
13:42 🔗 omf_ The replacement fan didn't exactly fit
17:04 🔗 Schbirid linux game tome will shut down http://happypenguin.org/newsitem?id=11236
17:04 🔗 Schbirid "Sometime soon, I'll make available a dump of the Game Tome games database (minus user information) that anyone may use for any purpose they'd like, including building a successor site."
17:10 🔗 Smiley Schbirid: yup, someone here has grabbed it, possibly omf_
17:10 🔗 Smiley I don't recall who, I posted here about it tho.
17:10 🔗 Schbirid good! :)
18:07 🔗 balrog_ uhh can anyone here help with grapyahoogroup?
18:12 🔗 chronomex ?
18:13 🔗 balrog_ http://sourceforge.net/p/grabyahoogroup/code/127/tree/
18:13 🔗 balrog_ specifically http://sourceforge.net/p/grabyahoogroup/code/127/tree/trunk/yahoo_group/
18:13 🔗 balrog_ it's supposed to download yahoo groups
18:13 🔗 balrog_ but I don't know perl :/
18:16 🔗 balrog_ hmm I got it working ;)
18:16 🔗 chronomex oh
18:21 🔗 * balrog_ starts downloading entire Yahoo groups
19:23 🔗 godane i'm starting to mirror happypenguin.org
19:52 🔗 omf_ godane, it is already done
19:53 🔗 omf_ I already got all of happypenguin.org
19:54 🔗 godane thanks
20:01 🔗 omf_ So a recently released report says that the top ecommerce sites have been getting slower since the end of 2011
20:10 🔗 godane so ch00806100 was screwed up twice
20:10 🔗 Smiley omf_: o_O
20:11 🔗 godane i only know cause both ch00806100 and ch00806100_2 are just the color screen
20:11 🔗 godane with tone
20:24 🔗 omf_ http://www.webperformancetoday.com/2013/03/27/top-ecommerce-sites-are-slower-than-they-were-last-year/
20:24 🔗 omf_ 5.94 to 7.25 seconds per page load
20:24 🔗 omf_ and ideal is < 3s
20:26 🔗 Smiley o-O weird.
20:26 🔗 Smiley any reaoning to it? I'll need to have a read.
20:27 🔗 omf_ Developers are lazy
20:27 🔗 omf_ applications are trying to do more now
20:28 🔗 omf_ Basically the top three reasons they found all point to developers not optimizing websites
20:33 🔗 omf_ As a developer I agree with this article. Most web devs are happy just to have a working app on time
20:35 🔗 Aranje yeah ew
20:36 🔗 omf_ I stress the on time part
20:38 🔗 Smiley awr
20:38 🔗 Smiley rawr
20:38 🔗 omf_ :3
20:41 🔗 Aranje yeah
20:42 🔗 Aranje What horrifies me (and instantly loses a site my business) is when their ad network stuff loads faster than the actual page
20:43 🔗 omf_ Why would a commerce site need an ad network anyway
20:44 🔗 omf_ Oh this one is good: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/233192/detecting-stealth-web-crawlers
21:26 🔗 Trancer they are also doing more real time analytics and optimizations behind the scenes for you.. which take time
21:27 🔗 omf_ Yeah I watch a tech talk which showed how real time analytics hardly do anything. It is mostly hype
21:28 🔗 omf_ How does knowing 85 of something sold in the last second help right this instance versus looking at the day as a whole at the end of the day
21:28 🔗 nico_32 so let's continue here Smiley
21:28 🔗 nico_32 i try to put appliance in their own vlan
21:28 🔗 nico_32 with some serious filtering
21:29 🔗 nico_32 i've seen multifunction printer scanning my whole network for snmp server
21:29 🔗 Smiley nod.
21:30 🔗 Smiley tbh I wish our work network was a WHOLE lot clearer than it is
21:30 🔗 Smiley that said, I also know of worse.
21:30 🔗 Smiley but theres some things I cringe at and can't fix. This makes me sad.
21:30 🔗 nico_32 when we moved, i forced vlan & logging in the new infra
21:30 🔗 Smiley my boss tried to do vlan when they moved
21:30 🔗 nico_32 otherwise, it would be a big l2
21:30 🔗 Smiley however he never got it working
21:31 🔗 Smiley and everything where I am is *now* with the whole "we can add that later"
21:31 🔗 Smiley from the usernames and passwords stored in plain text on the db
21:31 🔗 nico_32 aka never
21:31 🔗 Smiley to the default passwords on drac cards
21:31 🔗 Smiley nico_32: when i started, after about 2 months I went bonkers in a tech meeting
21:31 🔗 Smiley It was appently quite a sight
21:31 🔗 nico_32 been there, done that
21:31 🔗 Smiley I basically flamed all the devs for their terrible actions. I pointed out as an outsider I could completely bring down the whole business quite easily
21:32 🔗 Smiley the CTO was very impressed.... so much infact I got a double pay rise when that time came
21:32 🔗 Smiley I forced them all onto SSH keys.
21:32 🔗 Smiley One day maybe we'll get root logins disabled completely, but at least it's 16 random chara passwords
21:32 🔗 nico_32 and they put password-less private key on a nfs v2 fileserver ?
21:32 🔗 Smiley Also a account with access to everything, and a password simular to "password".
21:33 🔗 Smiley nico_32: Not found anyone doing that yet
21:33 🔗 Smiley Actually, I know one guy will of, but I give up with him
21:33 🔗 Smiley he thinks he "knwos IT" as he's meant to be joining the IT team because he currently does telecoms
21:33 🔗 nico_32 i try to force SSO everywhere
21:33 🔗 Smiley however I've watched him trying to fix things and wanted to cry.
21:33 🔗 Trancer omf_: it helps a bit when you sell a lot of random crap.. "oh you viewed coffee beans just before you bought this espresso machine.. let's suggest you some of the beans you looked at it before for a combi deal"
21:33 🔗 Trancer but yeah - generally not worth it that much
21:33 🔗 Smiley I'd love to have full SSO, but .... alas I'm not a programmer in any way and everyhting else seemed broken in one way or another.
21:33 🔗 nico_32 i lost with the legacy ERP
21:34 🔗 omf_ I wouldn't classify that so much as real time analytics. For example amazon does this built on months of viewing history
21:34 🔗 Smiley Our finance team are currently stuck on XP due to the need for a specific bit of software
21:34 🔗 nico_32 "no, i will not enable ssh root login, use your **** AD-account and sudo :"
21:34 🔗 Smiley I'm getting rather bored of waiting for them to finish updating and thinking I might try getting them a load of XP vm's which I can hide etc./
21:34 🔗 Trancer right
21:34 🔗 omf_ But slams new things in there right as the page loads
21:34 🔗 Trancer its only good when you can influence the decision on the spot based on new things happening.. but that is hardly ever the case
21:35 🔗 Smiley nico_32: biggest issue is I don't have enough experience to know how to setup these beautiful things.
21:35 🔗 Smiley and they need it *now* remember? ;)
21:35 🔗 omf_ Also Trancer I would not count the existing real time analytics we already had
21:35 🔗 omf_ RAM usage, io usage, process monitoring, disk space
21:36 🔗 nico_32 Smiley: my current task is to change the legacy AD recovery password
21:36 🔗 omf_ all that stuff we had before this "real time analytics" garbage. When I hear that term I think of marketing just like "Big Data"
21:36 🔗 Smiley So we are talking windows setup nico_32 ?
21:36 🔗 nico_32 someone in the support team give it to a contractor ...
21:36 🔗 Smiley D:
21:36 🔗 nico_32 Smiley: windows + *nix shop
21:36 🔗 omf_ lol
21:36 🔗 Smiley ah, we are nix + windows :D
21:37 🔗 nico_32 i introduced fetchmail when they wanted to use popbeamer
21:37 🔗 Smiley wtf is popbeamer?
21:37 🔗 nico_32 converted 90% of the team
21:37 🔗 * Smiley looks
21:37 🔗 Smiley well everyone loves ssh keys now ;)
21:37 🔗 Smiley "I can use my OWN password?"
21:37 🔗 nico_32 latest version of openssh is fun
21:38 🔗 Smiley y/
21:38 🔗 nico_32 SSO for public key :)
21:38 🔗 Smiley eh?
21:38 🔗 Trancer omf_: we do tonsss of big data
21:38 🔗 Trancer omf_: on our few million records :P
21:38 🔗 nico_32 and revocation list
21:38 🔗 Smiley rev list doesn't make sense :/
21:38 🔗 Smiley you just remove from auth keys?
21:39 🔗 Smiley or am i missing something here?
21:39 🔗 nico_32 you can always miss a server
21:39 🔗 Smiley no i can't
21:39 🔗 omf_ I cannot find a good way to explain what big data is without sounding like a marketing drone
21:39 🔗 nico_32 ha ?
21:39 🔗 Smiley https://sites.google.com/site/jeromeboismartel/code-s-corner/ssh-key-management-with-skimp
21:39 🔗 Smiley see this?
21:39 🔗 Smiley :D
21:39 🔗 Smiley delete key from database
21:39 🔗 Trancer omf_: I wrote some decision network for real time (has to be, it is in survey optimization so based on previous answers) that uses a neural net to decide certainty about an outcome.. when certain it routes you further/onwards
21:39 🔗 Smiley update all servers
21:39 🔗 Smiley watch as it's removed
21:39 🔗 Smiley giggle wildly
21:39 🔗 Smiley watch as boss goes :O
21:40 🔗 Smiley however yeah I see what you mean nico_32
21:40 🔗 Trancer omf_: I like the VVV once, volume, variety, velocity (the velocity is marketing garbage though)
21:40 🔗 Smiley so the revoke list is stored centerally?
21:40 🔗 Smiley otherwise the same issue happens
21:40 🔗 Smiley you forget to push the revoke list to one server...
21:41 🔗 nico_32 not yet
21:41 🔗 nico_32 will probably come next version
21:41 🔗 Smiley hmmm
21:41 🔗 Smiley well then at work that'll likely update in 3 years then (damn centos and their slow updates).
21:42 🔗 Smiley btw nico_32 any good at coding/figuring out how to grab sites?
21:43 🔗 Smiley i want to grab thq forums
21:43 🔗 nico_32 not really my area
21:43 🔗 Smiley fair enuf, mer neither :LD
21:44 🔗 nico_32 http://wwe.thq.com/go/thread/view/category_id/thread_id/
21:45 🔗 Smiley yup
21:45 🔗 Smiley tried a few things
21:45 🔗 Smiley always just got a few pages and then it dies
21:45 🔗 Smiley need someone whos good ;)
21:45 🔗 nico_32 look like it redirect to http://www.thq.com/tools/goodkeymaster.one?url=
21:46 🔗 nico_32 Set-Cookie: core_u=b6dc65c58f5e14683e926204b033930e; expires=Tue, 19-Jan-2038 03:14:07 GMT; path=/; domain=.thq.com
21:46 🔗 nico_32 look like a time token
21:47 🔗 Smiley nod
21:47 🔗 nico_32 try to send something a cookie with core_pending=yes and follow the redirect
21:47 🔗 Smiley #ur already better htan me :P
21:47 🔗 Smiley I haven o idea how :D
21:47 🔗 Smiley I'm newb at htis
21:47 🔗 nico_32 what are you using ?
21:47 🔗 Smiley and I'm getting drunk
21:47 🔗 Smiley wget-warc
21:47 🔗 nico_32 wgey -r ?
21:47 🔗 Smiley hmmm, it was longer than that ;D
21:48 🔗 nico_32 don't know lua
21:48 🔗 nico_32 but it look like you need sometime to restart a core_pending=yes request to http://www.thq.com/tools/goodkeymaster.one
21:48 🔗 Smiley wget -m -v -np -p --warc-file=saintsrow_forums_19032013 --load-cookies=./cookies.txt http://saintsrow.com/community/forum
21:50 🔗 nico_32 yeah look like it a sso
21:51 🔗 nico_32 no cookie =302=> http://www.thq.com/tools/goodkeymaster.one with core_pending=yes
21:51 🔗 nico_32 then 4 cookie that =302=> http://community.saintsrow.com/tools/keyslave.one
21:52 🔗 nico_32 which validate the nonce and set them for the current domain name
21:52 🔗 nico_32 and finally =302=> the original page
21:53 🔗 nico_32 don't really know how to tell wget to periodicaly update the cookie
21:53 🔗 nico_32 by forcing a core_pending=yes request
21:53 🔗 Smiley I think it will automatically
21:53 🔗 Smiley otherwise you pass somethi9ng like --no-cookies
21:54 🔗 Smiley I maybe wrong.
21:54 🔗 nico_32 no cookie => stop on http://community.saintsrow.com/tools/keyslave.one
21:57 🔗 Smiley D:
22:01 🔗 nico_32 i program badly in php
22:01 🔗 nico_32 not really a code cli language
22:01 🔗 nico_32 s/code//
22:36 🔗 nico_32 http://www.online.net/fr/serveur-dedie/dedibox-extremesp ==> if you don't speak french: dell r910 dedicated server with 4*10 CPU cores, 1TB ram, 8x*900 Go SAS
22:38 🔗 Smiley xDF
22:39 🔗 BlueMax Wow
22:39 🔗 BlueMax 2000 euro a month
22:39 🔗 BlueMax That's nutty
22:39 🔗 nico_32 but Proxad have a s*** peering policy
22:39 🔗 Smiley :OOO
22:39 🔗 BlueMax they have a shit peering policy
22:39 🔗 nico_32 so internet connectivity (including french destination)
22:39 🔗 Smiley That server would cost what, £32k?
22:40 🔗 nico_32 is shit
22:40 🔗 nico_32 numericable => proxad: boucing across london
22:40 🔗 nico_32 every other french ISP: IX in paris in the worst case
22:41 🔗 nico_32 some peer at lyonix
22:41 🔗 nico_32 they have cogent & tata as transit
22:41 🔗 nico_32 they don't want to upgrade the links
22:41 🔗 nico_32 so hi congestion
22:42 🔗 nico_32 interesting: a /25 is provided
22:42 🔗 Smiley lol
22:43 🔗 nico_32 in france, every university have multiple /16
22:44 🔗 nico_32 because the ripe is now checking allocation
22:44 🔗 nico_32 they are moving every system in the dmz :D
22:47 🔗 Smiley ¬_¬
22:48 🔗 Smiley so ingore the fact someone already nmaped the entire segment? XD
22:48 🔗 nico_32 they will probably tell the ripe that they did have a local issue
22:49 🔗 nico_32 it will probably will be true
22:49 🔗 * nico_32 still got mail from the internal sysadmin mailing list
22:50 🔗 nico_32 "the old extreme switch that linked sport department to the rest of the campus failed"
22:51 🔗 nico_32 10 /24 in the dark
22:52 🔗 nico_32 "fiber cut, what is the ETA on the microwave backup ??"
22:52 🔗 * nico_32 is happy he left before the whole merging
22:58 🔗 Smiley nico_32: hahah like my work, but that is on a far larger scale
22:59 🔗 Smiley ours is "yeah, you know that raid array, we've been warning you about for 2 years? the one which went out of manufacturing 9 years ago and no one stocked parts for the last 7 years? The one we have no spare parts for and you've told us you'll move off it presently?" "..." "It failed".
23:00 🔗 nico_32 "and the consumer-grade NAS that we used for the backup ? it silently corrupted the data"
23:01 🔗 nico_32 :)
23:02 🔗 Smiley nico_32: back up?
23:02 🔗 Smiley lolwhat?
23:02 🔗 omf_ Yeah no one does backups
23:02 🔗 Smiley if this wasn't one of the ONLY win boxes in our setup
23:03 🔗 omf_ shit lives forever on the butts
23:03 🔗 omf_ this is the FUTURE
23:03 🔗 Smiley because the billing guys are too stupid/stubond to do anything else, maybe the IT guys (me, the others) could of saved it
23:03 🔗 Smiley but they are like "don't touch it, it's ours"
23:03 🔗 Smiley so we left them to it
23:03 🔗 Smiley It cost £32kish to save the data.
23:03 🔗 nico_32 want to know the latest wtf here ?
23:03 🔗 Smiley Want to hear the REALLY funny part?
23:04 🔗 nico_32 head of bean counter told us that one of them deleted her directory
23:04 🔗 omf_ Smiley, why didn't they just virtualize the windows into vmware/kvm/xen/etc ... and then it could have snapshot backups
23:04 🔗 nico_32 we check the backup, no such directory found
23:05 🔗 nico_32 she told us we don't know our job and kick a bug fuss
23:05 🔗 Smiley omf_: :O downtime?
23:05 🔗 omf_ We could do that stuff in 2004, it is really nothing new but I understand
23:05 🔗 Smiley omf_: and we have tried to do so
23:05 🔗 omf_ with vmware you can do it with no downtime
23:05 🔗 Smiley it's so old
23:05 🔗 nico_32 we check with the bean counter and in fact, this directory was never on this server
23:05 🔗 omf_ but you have to buy a few programs
23:05 🔗 Smiley it won't import into VMware
23:05 🔗 Smiley omf_: ;)
23:05 🔗 Smiley it's so old
23:05 🔗 Smiley so old, VMware borks on it
23:05 🔗 Smiley we've tried
23:05 🔗 Smiley they have new servers
23:05 🔗 omf_ What version of windows is it?
23:05 🔗 Smiley with all the software installed, virtualised
23:05 🔗 Smiley they "have" moved all the data over
23:06 🔗 Smiley the servers go outta warranty this year
23:06 🔗 Smiley 3 years..... they haven't even been booted up.
23:06 🔗 Smiley .... instead they continue to run on the old stuff.
23:06 🔗 nico_32 p2v of windows 2003 fail more often than win2k8
23:06 🔗 Smiley And the FUNNY part?
23:06 🔗 omf_ hit me
23:06 🔗 nico_32 ha ha ha
23:06 🔗 Smiley the "other" one is still running (it was clsutered).
23:06 🔗 Smiley It failed, 2 years ago
23:06 🔗 Smiley so Thats.... 11 years outta manufacture.
23:06 🔗 omf_ you mean clusterfucked right?
23:06 🔗 Smiley I actually think the guy will LOOSE his job when it fails
23:07 🔗 Smiley And I will stand there, laugh and go "I warned you."
23:07 🔗 Smiley as I did last time too.
23:07 🔗 Smiley This is why I love this company, I can say this stuff.
23:08 🔗 omf_ Make sure you did it in email a few times
23:08 🔗 nico_32 i believe i worked for your company 2 year ago ...
23:08 🔗 nico_32 omf_: no, paper works
23:08 🔗 nico_32 don't hesitate to insert copy of the warning on all meeting notes
23:08 🔗 omf_ yes
23:10 🔗 Smiley nico_32: hahaha yes
23:10 🔗 Smiley it'd work if the guys turned up for meetings
23:11 🔗 Smiley the prtoblem is this guy is old school
23:11 🔗 Smiley and they won't get rid of him
23:11 🔗 Smiley but if he costs them another £32k I think they might
23:11 🔗 Smiley especially when I point out tto the New CTO that this has been dragged out for 11 years
23:11 🔗 Smiley and the servers they had especially brought for them haven't been used either.
23:12 🔗 omf_ Always frame it as how much money they wasted
23:12 🔗 omf_ That is how you get their attention
23:13 🔗 Smiley am i a bastard? naah, I'm pissed off with how bad this is
23:13 🔗 Smiley yup
23:13 🔗 Smiley my next shouting fest will be
23:13 🔗 Smiley £32K..... £32 FUCKING K.
23:13 🔗 omf_ Just remember you owe the company nothing and no one there is loyal.
23:13 🔗 Smiley yeah
23:13 🔗 Smiley i work hard, play hard
23:14 🔗 Smiley fuck everyone
23:14 🔗 Smiley burn the world
23:14 🔗 omf_ Business loyalty ended decades ago.
23:14 🔗 Smiley the buisness is really nice suppisingly
23:14 🔗 Smiley some of the staff tho
23:14 🔗 nico_32 including japan
23:14 🔗 * Smiley facedesks
23:14 🔗 nico_32 good bye loyalty, welcome CYO
23:14 🔗 nico_32 s/O/A/
23:15 🔗 omf_ I prefer the opposite of cya, fuck your co-workers
23:15 🔗 omf_ Keep ammo around to lob if necessary
23:15 🔗 nico_32 eeeeev
23:29 🔗 Smiley - Downloaded 5000 URLs, found 4522 usernames
23:35 🔗 omf_ Why do beginning programmers always think they can do better rewriting the same programs over and over again
23:35 🔗 omf_ And I am not talking about the common programs people write to learn programming or a new language
23:36 🔗 omf_ Like todo apps, editors, html parsers
23:36 🔗 omf_ A new one I am seeing constantly is getting information out of imdb
23:40 🔗 Smiley oh thats another thing they do ¬_¬
23:40 🔗 Smiley they are currently got 2 programmers building a monitoring program
23:40 🔗 Smiley theres nothing they are planning we can't already do with our existing one
23:40 🔗 omf_ oh fuck
23:41 🔗 Smiley but still they forge ahead
23:41 🔗 omf_ another monitoring program
23:41 🔗 * Smiley dies
23:41 🔗 nico_32 lol
23:41 🔗 Smiley omf_: oh this will be internal only
23:41 🔗 nico_32 and ?
23:41 🔗 nico_32 what is their reason ?
23:41 🔗 Smiley but I just face palm.
23:41 🔗 Smiley nico_32: because nagios isn't nice enough for customers.
23:41 🔗 nico_32 strange api ? nih ?
23:41 🔗 Smiley ....
23:41 🔗 Smiley the funny thing is, our customers don't give a fuck
23:41 🔗 Smiley they want to see "you are making $$$/hr"
23:41 🔗 Smiley thats it
23:41 🔗 omf_ You should introduce them to 'Not Invented Here' and 'Re-inventing the wheel' concepts
23:42 🔗 Smiley they don't give a fuck if teh Aus servers are having packet loss
23:42 🔗 Smiley I already KNOW the aus servers are having packet loss...
23:42 🔗 Smiley so I dcunno
23:42 🔗 Smiley omf_: I did ask, but they never come to IT and go "we want to do this, but maybe you already know how?"
23:42 🔗 Smiley They write C programs to do stuff I can do in bash
23:42 🔗 * Smiley laughs
23:42 🔗 nico_32 Smiley: and they leak memory
23:43 🔗 Smiley :)
23:43 🔗 nico_32 using o(n^n) algo
23:43 🔗 nico_32 or o(n!)*
23:43 🔗 nico_32 :)
23:43 🔗 omf_ If I need to do anything more than a loop in bash I jump up to a scripting language
23:43 🔗 Smiley their head dev insists that each "project" or arm of the company is on its own seperate hardware stack
23:43 🔗 Smiley yet can never explain to me why this is required.
23:45 🔗 Smiley then theres the time they put 1,000,000+ .wav's in a single directory
23:46 🔗 omf_ on a windows filesystem?
23:46 🔗 Smiley wait, that sounds like it only happened once
23:46 🔗 Smiley The first time, yes, ntfs
23:46 🔗 Smiley second time, ext3
23:46 🔗 omf_ rofl
23:46 🔗 Smiley nither likes it very much
23:46 🔗 nico_32 yes
23:47 🔗 nico_32 1M files ==> sharding
23:47 🔗 Smiley there is a 2 year old mantis ticket from me saying "guys, you remmeber how on ntfs you put all the files in a single dir...? well you've done it again, plz stop before it starts breaking"
23:47 🔗 Smiley then a few weeks ago
23:47 🔗 Smiley Oh look, it's started breaking
23:47 🔗 Smiley :D
23:47 🔗 Smiley doing ls would lock up the box
23:47 🔗 nico_32 ha ha ha
23:47 🔗 * Smiley facepalms
