#archiveteam-bs 2013-06-05,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
02:09 🔗 yipdw dashcloud: that page just says "In that spirit, the Administration recommends that Congress pursue [...]", which is equivalent to "Fuck-all"
02:09 🔗 yipdw at least with the current state of the US
02:09 🔗 dashcloud but there are some good items there
02:09 🔗 yipdw unless I missed something
02:09 🔗 yipdw there are, yeah
02:11 🔗 dashcloud 1 & 2 from the Executive list are probably the most helpful from what the executive branch can do
02:12 🔗 yipdw I'm worried that #3 on the executive actions list will have the unintended effect of making patent reform peter out
02:15 🔗 yipdw or, at least, will eliminate one driver for it
04:39 🔗 BlueMax someone on Reddit wanted to know if we were going to back up OMGPOP if it ever shut down :P
04:44 🔗 underscor x3
04:46 🔗 BlueMax hi underscor
04:46 🔗 BlueMax how's your boyfriend
04:46 🔗 underscor missing him :c
04:47 🔗 underscor https://twitter.com/ab2525/status/342108995240198144
04:47 🔗 BlueMax how the hell do you say your last name
04:48 🔗 BlueMax "bwuhaiiii"
04:48 🔗 underscor Like the navigational marker
04:48 🔗 underscor Buoy
04:48 🔗 omf_ oh the tact :D
04:49 🔗 BlueMax lol
04:50 🔗 omf_ Do we all follow each other on twitter? I started noticing people got accounts
04:50 🔗 BlueMax I only follow Jason
04:50 🔗 underscor I follow too many accounts
04:50 🔗 omf_ 310 isn't bad
04:50 🔗 underscor and mine is a mix of technology, furry, and sex
04:50 🔗 underscor x3
04:50 🔗 underscor I follow too many noisy accounts, rather.
04:51 🔗 BlueMax you follow noisy technological furry sex
04:51 🔗 BlueMax sounds like a band name.
04:51 🔗 BlueMax One Night Only: Noisy Technological Furry Sex!
04:51 🔗 underscor also abbreviates to NTFS
04:51 🔗 underscor excellent choice
04:51 🔗 * BlueMax facepalms
04:51 🔗 BlueMax only a true nerd would notice that.
04:52 🔗 * underscor proud of it!
04:52 🔗 BlueMax I wonder how we could turn that into an anti-Yahoo slang
05:21 🔗 underscor "I'm ready, take me, baby" https://www.dropbox.com/s/8l9yziz80gprn6i/2013-05-24%2018.47.03.jpg
05:21 🔗 * underscor giggles
05:21 🔗 underscor Love my catte
05:22 🔗 BlueMax I see your cat hiding under a pillow trying to eat an identical cat
05:22 🔗 underscor no
05:22 🔗 underscor her head is just curled upwards
05:22 🔗 underscor that's her body
05:23 🔗 * BlueMax throws underscor out a window
05:23 🔗 BlueMax mine's funnier.
05:23 🔗 underscor Oh
05:23 🔗 underscor I didn't realize it was a joke
05:23 🔗 underscor D:
05:24 🔗 * omf_ gives BlueMax a cookie. That is what windows are for.
05:24 🔗 BlueMax yes, windows were invented for the purpose of defenestration
05:25 🔗 underscor I adore that word.
05:26 🔗 underscor https://www.dropbox.com/s/1xcl17sgf7no9mx/2013-05-22%2015.34.40-1.jpg
05:26 🔗 BlueMax The only word I like better than defenestrate is discombobulation
05:26 🔗 underscor She also likes being blanketcat
05:33 🔗 omf_ transmogrification
05:34 🔗 omf_ masticate
05:34 🔗 omf_ are two of my favs
05:34 🔗 omf_ also epeen
05:35 🔗 omf_ just cause it is so stupid
05:39 🔗 Zebranky I like "reification"
05:40 🔗 godane now i'm pissed of with my wifi
06:10 🔗 godane so it now looks like glenn beck is making the flv files sizes up to 1.5gb
06:10 🔗 godane this is cause he is adding wilkow to his show
08:44 🔗 * omf_ Flicks a grape at SmileyG,
08:44 🔗 omf_ Do cats like grapes?
08:45 🔗 SmileyG dunno but I dont D:
08:45 🔗 omf_ Not even bitter red
08:48 🔗 omf_ Our tosec stuff got a nod in the comments of a relevant article http://tech.slashdot.org/story/13/06/04/2353210/vint-cerf-data-thats-here-today-may-be-gone-tomorrow
08:51 🔗 SmileyG nothing to do with me either :D
09:11 🔗 * BlueMax shaves SmileyG
09:14 🔗 godane we need to work on my idea of the 1PB dvd/bluray
09:14 🔗 godane now how has $100B to do?
09:15 🔗 ivan` it would probably cost < $100B to make DNA storage work
09:15 🔗 ivan` or similar nanogoop
09:15 🔗 godane then lets work on that
09:19 🔗 omf_ The prototype HVDs are 1TB each
09:20 🔗 omf_ My bad, they got them up to 3.9 TB now
09:20 🔗 godane 6TB on wikipeida
09:23 🔗 godane http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Electric_holographic_disc
09:24 🔗 omf_ There is no citation to back up that 6 tb claim
09:24 🔗 godane ok
09:24 🔗 omf_ even the 5tb comment is marked {citation needed}
09:24 🔗 omf_ If we are that far along I would love to see which company is doing it
09:25 🔗 godane i keep think we need disks to be in the 400TB to 2PB area
09:25 🔗 godane only causei want to be future proof
09:26 🔗 godane last thing we want is geting 80TB hard drive with 400TB discs cause $30
09:26 🔗 omf_ 6 TB is for the 2016 launch of the next HVD format
09:27 🔗 godane is it me or are hard drive double slowed down?
09:28 🔗 godane i think its cause of all the cloud/clown storage and tablets
09:29 🔗 omf_ The problem is they are cramming more on the surface of the disk without lowering the media error rate, meaning when parts fail as the drive size increases more data is just lost
09:29 🔗 godane now thats bad
09:30 🔗 omf_ I have a paper about it, that is the main practical failing with spinning metal disks
09:30 🔗 godane what about M-Discs?
09:31 🔗 godane they should be like pressed discs
09:31 🔗 omf_ they shouldn't be effected
09:32 🔗 godane when M-Discs Blurays come out i may buy some
09:32 🔗 godane will have to get another bluray player though
09:32 🔗 godane *burner
09:33 🔗 omf_ https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bianca/fast07.pdf
09:36 🔗 godane i may now get all the amgia 17-bit collection
09:36 🔗 godane turnned out the other two torrents had no trackers in them
09:36 🔗 godane and the one thats working did have a tracker in it
09:37 🔗 omf_ and of course this one http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Mary_Baker/publications/wip.pdf
09:38 🔗 omf_ http://www.hindawi.com/journals/at/2013/521086/
09:53 🔗 antomatic I had a few of the early 17-bit Amiga PD CD-Roms once - sold them on eBay a few years ago.
09:53 🔗 antomatic might still have kept a cheeky ISO 'backup' somewhere..
09:54 🔗 omf_ Shudder in terror at pre-digital archiving http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q299/elevy_bucket/new/fd294367.jpg
09:55 🔗 omf_ I heard you like paper cuts
10:20 🔗 godane so i'm going to be getting that cnn 1980-2000 cd
10:21 🔗 godane i also placed a bid on 24 maximum pc cds
10:22 🔗 SmileyG hmmmmm hungry
10:24 🔗 omf_ Just grab a house plant and scarf it down
10:24 🔗 omf_ or a cat
10:25 🔗 omf_ http://www.blogcdn.com/www.urlesque.com/media/2010/04/funnyreign.jpg
10:34 🔗 * SmileyG scarfs
10:43 🔗 * BlueMax shaves
10:44 🔗 godane so glenn beck is thinking WW3 is going to start
10:45 🔗 godane he even has a map of the world showing how it would happen
10:45 🔗 BlueMax who?
10:46 🔗 SmileyG I know that name but I don't know why.
10:46 🔗 godane the guy i have been archiving
11:34 🔗 godane so i'm grabing xml data of theblaze/gbtv
12:31 🔗 balrog SmileyG: he's one of the more popular right-wing wackjobs
12:31 🔗 SmileyG ah
14:33 🔗 * BlueMax puts twrist in a potato
14:35 🔗 twrist ..but I am a potato.
14:35 🔗 twrist I AM INSIDE MYSELF
14:43 🔗 omf_ Potatoception
14:43 🔗 omf_ or cannibalism
14:47 🔗 BlueMax I prefer cyberhomocide
14:58 🔗 SmileyG https://ia801802.us.archive.org/16/items/rotavault.ign.com/ - boom.
15:01 🔗 BlueMax good job.
15:12 🔗 SmileyG i want ze warcs putting in ze right collection
15:12 🔗 SmileyG but I guess I need to get them _all_ uploaded first :(
15:17 🔗 BlueMax *zem
15:32 🔗 SmileyG WOOO I'M DONE
15:59 🔗 SmileyG you hear that omf_ ? :D
15:59 🔗 SmileyG They uploading the last ones now :)))
18:05 🔗 joepie91 what to pick for language if it's a japanese video with english subtitles?
18:05 🔗 joepie91 when uploading to IA
18:09 🔗 omf_ whatever is spoken
18:10 🔗 omf_ you can always add english subs as a tag
18:47 🔗 DopefishJ joepie91: you can have two language tags, I would put both
18:59 🔗 godane S[h]O[r]T: are you there?
18:59 🔗 godane need some help with gbtv xml data
19:17 🔗 nico_ deploying a ruby apps is strange
19:17 🔗 nico_ so much things to setup
19:17 🔗 nico_ redis, passenger, nginx
19:27 🔗 nico_ bundler
20:08 🔗 S[h]O[r]T godane
20:08 🔗 S[h]O[r]T i am
20:13 🔗 godane S[h]O[r]T: hey
20:14 🔗 godane I'm trying to look up more on web.gbtv.com xml data
20:14 🔗 godane it looks like all of it is there but i don't know how get the video ids for this
20:26 🔗 S[h]O[r]T ok so right now i cant say what number the ids start at but i would guess they need to be at least 3 numbers and it looks like they skip around
20:27 🔗 S[h]O[r]T for the highlights/free videos http://www.video.theblaze.com/gen/multimedia/detail/1/4/5/27724145.xml
20:27 🔗 S[h]O[r]T and the numbers before 27724145 are the last 3 in the video id
20:28 🔗 S[h]O[r]T you can pull the same xml for videos that are private/require login but you still need an auth string
20:28 🔗 S[h]O[r]T http://www.video.theblaze.com/gen/multimedia/detail/6/8/9/27577689.xml
20:28 🔗 S[h]O[r]T so technically if you have a login/subscription for gbtv you could login and get that auth string and then likely use rtmpdump
20:31 🔗 godane i found the search data
20:31 🔗 godane but its limited to the first 1000 for some reason
20:32 🔗 godane example: http://www.video.theblaze.com/ws/search/MediaSearchService?type=xml&bypass=y&start=1001&hitsPerPage=1&&combined_media_state=media_archive
20:32 🔗 godane change the start to 1000 you get data
20:42 🔗 S[h]O[r]T maybe they onlykeep 1000 clips there
20:42 🔗 S[h]O[r]T for the open areas
20:44 🔗 godane http://www.video.theblaze.com/ws/search/MediaSearchService?type=xml&bypass=y&start=1001&hitsPerPage=1&&gbtax=highlight
20:44 🔗 S[h]O[r]T if you google for "MediaSearchService" looks like mlb tv and there are a few other example urls of variables you can pass to that script
20:45 🔗 S[h]O[r]T src=vpp is something common and then the gbtv subject= are (subject:GBTV_REALTIME_HIGHLIGHT|subject:GBTV_SHORT_FEATURE|subject:GBTV_LONG_FEATURE|subject:GBTV_LIVE|subject:THEBLAZE_RTH|subject:THEBLAZE_SHORT_FEATURE|subject:THEBLAZE_LONG_FEATURE|subject:LIVE_EVENT_COVERAGE)"
20:45 🔗 S[h]O[r]T you might as well just bruteforce scan the xml urls
22:42 🔗 godane S[h]O[r]T: This may help you figure out that pattern: http://web.gbtv.com/ws/search/MediaSearchService?type=xml&bypass=y&start=1&&gbtax=highlight
