[02:15] http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/8610778/Regular.Show.S04E33.The.Last.Laserdisc.Player.PDTV.x264[mR12] [03:14] hm [03:14] I ran across this [03:14] http://archive.org/details/InfiniteSkillsLearningPythonProgramming [03:15] turns out that someone is using archive.org as a free warez host to drop their passworded zips on [03:15] this, to be exact: http://engineering-lectures.blogspot.nl/2013/05/infinite-skills-learning-python.html [03:15] not sure what should be done with something like that? [03:15] cc SketchCow and underscor in particular [03:17] lots of people do that, it'll get darked when an admin notices it [03:18] hm, right. [03:22] I threw the password on in a review so at least posterity will have it [03:34] :) [03:34] also, awesome set on afterhoursdjs.org right now [03:35] I'll just link straight to the archived version [03:35] http://archive.org/details/DJMash-D-Live_ElectroNight_28_with_Mash_D_from_Germany_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR-31Dec2010 [03:35] (it's being broadcast from the ahdjs liveset playlist..) [04:05] ? [04:05] We have people on it. [04:56] Its funny how catching up on sleep can cause headaches, ugh [05:02] and by funny I mean I need aspirin [05:08] It's I need aspirin how catching up on sleep can cause headaches [06:15] hahahah suck yeahh [06:18] GLaDOS, are you drunk again [06:18] sure [06:19] can I have some [06:49] I wish I was drunk, I am doing more data recovery work and man is it boring [06:51] type a few commands, wait until it is done and the repeat [06:53] I should find a yak to shave [06:56] heh [06:57] omf: I've been thinking of ways to automate and parallelize common archiving projects such as disc recovery, scanning, etc. [06:57] I haven't come up with much so far... [06:58] my only real idea so far is to get some 20 canon LED scanners (which are like 30 euro each, and probably like 10-15 euro secondhand) [06:58] and run all of them in parallel [06:58] using some kind of usb hub contraption and a custom script that controls all of them simultaneously [06:58] for scanning using a professional grade camera can speed things up if you have a lightbox [06:59] then you have no flash artifacts and you still get high resolution [06:59] it does not work so well for glossy photos though [06:59] joepie91, you just gave me my answer. I can finish scanning while waiting for data recovery [07:00] heh [07:00] and I was more thinking about scanning comic books and such [07:00] I like the result of flatbed scanning, quality-wise [07:01] if it can be properly parallelized, you can get a decent speed out of it [07:10] woohoo just recovered another 25gb [13:53] SO.... photos backed up by auto backup are instantly accessable if you can guess the URL.... Interesting. [13:53] on Google+ ;) [13:53] Have fun googling tht guys [13:53] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-0PYt5rpIhuQ/Ud6r4W2eTqI/AAAAAAAAUhU/vrxfU4MVITw/w741-h578-no/20130711_135605_Clifford+Bridge+Rd-1.jpg example url [14:11] if you can guess the URL [14:11] "0PYt5rpIhuQ" alone is 62^11 combinations [14:18] I was about to say [15:15] so i found some old discs i have [15:20] i also found a aol disc [15:21] just know its aol 9.0 [15:21] 1099 hours free [15:29] godane, the tireless warrior [15:30] there are more disks too [15:30] mp3 underground disc is one of them [15:30] some pc magazine disks [15:31] red hat unleashed [15:31] a earth link sprint toal access disk [15:32] britannica 2003 deluxe edition (2 discs set) [15:33] a complet idiot's guide to create a web page [15:33] and kellogs cd of atlantis the lost empile search for the journal [15:34] the aol disc is in a metal tin too [15:34] with 10 free games [15:55] http://www.polygon.com/2013/7/11/4513294/nintendo-were-trying-to-shut-down-evo-not-just-super-smash-bros-melee [16:05] Oh, Nintendo. [16:05] http://www.teleread.com/copy-right/the-internet-archives-open-library-is-violating-authors-copyrights/ [16:14] Am I the only one who found the comments more insightful on that article than the drivel that was the article? [16:15] "You and the perspectives expressed here represent most of what needs to be fixed about existing Copyright law. I have the feeling from reading this piece that you’re philosophically also against the very idea of libraries, and possibly the First Sale Doctrine. The solution isn’t to try to shut down the libraries, but to repair the laws." [16:15] "It’s not just the Open Library; the Internet Archive itself is a copyright infringement lawsuit waiting to happen." [16:17] I always skip the first post, it is usually junk [16:17] would the words "come at me bro" be relevant here? [16:18] yes [16:19] ahem [16:20] COME AT US BRO [16:21] omf_: yes you are right [16:21] I like how a non-profit trying to create a universal knowledge repository is the problem when the regular piracy problem has no real solution. Please fuck over the good guys, it doesn't make you look really fucking dumb [16:22] Tephra, I learned that habit on slashdot with the constant "First Post" responses [16:26] the whole point of the internet is that it can repair itself [16:27] so in theory the fight againist pirates will never win [16:27] *never stop [16:28] I agree godane it was the same before the internet. I could take a shiny new blank cassette tape and copy off the radio or copy a record or copy another tape [16:32] i'm close to getting all of wilkow single episodes of june [16:33] paywalls are another from of censorship [16:34] no, they're not [16:34] i say in a sort of way [16:34] the internet routes around damage [16:34] you're arguing that anything that isn't giving stuff away completely unrestricted for free is censorship [16:35] i mean, if you want to make that point, go ahead, but that's reeeeally stretching the word [16:35] i know [16:36] but paywalls are sort of censorship in that some stuff is in the usa but for sale else where [16:36] netflix for example [16:41] in any case, what openlibrary is doing isn't drastically different from what other libraries are doing with digitised works, as i understand it [16:42] as in digital lending and yadayada [16:43] I am really against paywalls for academic papers especially ones that come from universities that are funded by tax money [16:45] omf_: eh, with no tax money i'm against it when the price is what no reasonable individual would be willing to pay [16:45] or when subscribing as an individual isn't even possible [16:45] reasonable prices are something these people have never heard of [16:45] They bundle shit with what you want so you have to pay more [16:45] when subscribing as an individual isn't even possible <-- this is the fucking worst [16:46] omf_: with you there [16:46] It's like 'You won't let me pay you for something you are selling?' [16:46] the gatekeeper mentality is awesome [16:47] in unrelated news, someone should tell me what the catch is here: http://www.ovh.co.uk/dedicated_servers/kimsufi.xml [16:47] as a student that has access to a lot of shit i'm happy to help if anyone needs something [16:47] apparently, actual dedicated atom servers for £10.79 a month, what [16:47] SketchCow, omf_, I find it interesting how one of the conclusions in that teleread article is that "the intro text in the book says you can't reproduce, so IA is violating copyright law" [16:48] because apparently intro texts are now written laws? [16:48] joepie91: yeah, that person obviously put a lot of thought into that piece [16:48] never mind that things such as fair use exist [16:48] and other exceptions [16:49] also, winr4r [16:49] OVH does deliver what they promise [16:49] the catch is that 99% of OVH is automated [16:49] if your server is broken, they have an automated alert system and it'll be fixed without any tickets etc [16:49] that does mean that if you _do_ need human support, it's often slow and spotty [16:50] joepie91: gotcha [16:50] but their network is good, their reliability is good, their automatic systems work 99% of the time [16:50] just don't get DDoS [16:50] well actually [16:50] that may have changed [16:50] they introduced network-wide DDoS mitigation I think [16:50] or are about to do so [16:50] or have archive team decide to download you? :) [16:50] that might trigger it, not sure [16:50] anyway, OVH is basically just a bit odd [16:50] but if you don't cause problems, they deliver exactly what they claim [16:51] it's the ryanair of dedicated servers, really [16:51] gotcha :) [16:51] winr4r: i was thinking from a network idea that paywall is censorship [16:52] where 200 status codes ment to be [16:52] winr4r: also, from a practical experience point of view [16:52] or something [16:52] if you just use it for your own stuff you're fine [16:52] :P [16:52] but don't try to host other people on it [16:52] that goes for all of OVH, not just Kimsufi [16:52] quite a few hosts have learnt that the hard way [16:53] if $random_other_user does something shitty on your server, then your box will go down, you'll get an FTP login to grab your data and gtfo, and it's entirely your problem [16:53] think network attacks and such [16:53] but I doubt they'd care about archiving [16:54] joepie91: or if their wordpress install gets turned into a pharmaceutical-selling machine or something, yeah [16:54] unless you're unlucky enough to have it trigger the DDoS detection thingie, but I suspect that system will be turned off when ddos mitigation is rolled out network-wide [16:54] winr4r: well, for wordpress not so much [16:54] Does OVH have tools so you can monitor your network usage [16:54] from what I've seen they basically take the approach that "mistakes happen once and only once" [16:54] or is that self setup [16:54] they're not gonna work too hard to keep you on board, is what i was getting at [16:54] joepie91: yeah, that :) [16:54] thanks joepie91 [16:54] omf_: _theoretically_ they keep track of your traffic [16:54] except two caveats [16:55] 1. traffic within OVH (the majority of seedbox traffic and such) is not counted [16:55] 2. their traffic counting is highly inaccurate, sometimes with a factor of 20 [16:55] but their throttling mechanism uses the same traffic counting system [16:55] so generally as long as your traffic counter doesn't show an overage you'll be fine [16:56] (and with inaccurate I mean it sometimes only counts 1/10th or 1/20th of what you've actually used) [16:56] a friend of mine had something like that happen on one of those "pile 'em high" VPS hosts [16:56] (the unaccuracies are always in your favor) [16:56] they're not gonna work too hard to keep you on board, is what i was getting at [16:56] exactly [16:56] they cut him off with no warning and no recourse after a DDoS [16:56] they're huge and automated [16:56] one lost customer is not a disaster to them [16:56] yeah [16:56] which is fine as long as you are aware of this [16:56] and know what you're getting into [16:57] * winr4r nods [16:57] OVH boxes are great for testing setups and raw data processint [16:57] processing * [16:57] because cheap dedicated resources [16:57] or just hosting a bunch of static files, which is my use case [16:57] you could also host sites off it although you'll probably want to reverse proxy it through a more lenient host [16:57] if it's likely to attract any kind of trouble [16:57] nah, a blog writing about interesting things, i'm not controversial or prominent enough to DDoS [16:58] should probably be fine unless you plan on becoming the next wikileaks [16:58] :P [16:58] right [16:58] also, another caveat: they only do CC, no paypal [16:59] i can deal with that i think [16:59] thanks for the advice :) [17:00] np [17:01] also, good news, I might be making an effort at archiving 4chan in the near future [17:01] as in, 4chan entirely [17:02] joepie91: i can see why you'd do it, but isn't ephemerality part of the appeal of 4chan? [17:05] some one get this: https://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/7050943/WikiLeaks_Insurance_release_02-22-2012 [17:06] winr4r: in a way, yes [17:07] 4chan already has numerous archives on the net so the idea shit goes away is just not true anymore [17:10] godane: just upload the .torrent file as an IA item and IA will grab it [17:11] they have an older insurance file but not that one it seems https://archive.org/search.php?query=collection%3Awikileaksarchive&sort=-publicdate [17:11] oh [17:11] godane: just upload the .torrent file as an IA item and IA will grab it [17:11] huh? really? [17:12] the piratebay is going to IA [17:12] :-D [17:12] I think it gives up if it takes too long, but in general yes [17:13] I haven't used it personally because all the stuff I grab needs to be cleaned up (extracted from .rar etc) before upload [17:13] the piratebay is going to IA [17:14] wait what? [17:16] strictly speaking it already went https://archive.org/details/Backup_of_The_Pirate_Bay_32xxxxx-to-79xxxxx [17:18] i got that i think uploaded [17:18] also i think ftp is not working [17:18] someone did a newer one too https://archive.org/details/PirateBayComplete20130219 [17:19] and i was going to upload that [17:19] DFJustin: i uploaded that one [17:20] the first link [17:26] nice [18:10] oh [18:10] actually [18:10] #archiveteam stuff [18:10] not bs [18:31] https://twitter.com/teapartynation/status/355364617746268163 [18:33] Well, that's a lot of people saying nothing. [18:33] yeah, i was pretty much thinking that [18:33] * SketchCow is scanning in newsletters, uploading files, and watching Cowboy BeBop [18:33] So three things at once. [18:33] what a goat rodeo [18:33] SketchCow: awesome [18:34] woot [18:34] DFJustin:) why did you link that, I will never get that time back [18:35] You did it, you destroyed 15 minutes of human life [18:35] you killed a quarter of an hour of a person [18:36] he's like 3.5x10^-3000 of a murderer [18:39] I dunno it's just funny watching someone trying to call @YesYoureRacist a racist [18:39] i sentence you to nine tenths of a second in prison [18:39] DFJustin: no, not really [18:40] everyone's sense of humour is different! [18:40] it was a bunch of people from both sides throwing invective at each other [19:16] poo throwing? Can I join in? [19:18] sup SmileyG [19:18] * omf_ flings bag of flaming poo at SmileyG's front door [19:18] I am 13 again! [19:19] hey winr4r [19:19] usually the bag is on fire, not the poo [19:19] I am interested in your process [19:21] damnit my pouet upload failed [20:00] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6020279 no words... [20:02] Schbirid: did you know your google+ autouploaded photos are public? [20:02] "your" being the user's [20:02] just need to guess the URL. [20:02] * SmileyG waits for this to appear somewhere in a few weeks [20:02] nice [20:03] I haven't looked at how the URL's are built, that stuff is beyond me [20:03] but yup, public \o/ [20:03] oh my god [20:03] you are fucking kidding me [20:04] winr4r: go to your autobackups [20:04] get the image url [20:04] paste it here, I'll tell you what the image is [20:04] autobackups of what [20:04] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-0PYt5rpIhuQ/Ud6r4W2eTqI/AAAAAAAAUhU/vrxfU4MVITw/w741-h578-no/20130711_135605_Clifford+Bridge+Rd-1.jpg <<< I haven't shared this anywhere [20:04] It is "just" auto-backed up to G+ [20:04] and by "you are fucking kidding me" i was talking about Schbirid's link [20:04] that is just amazing [20:04] winr4r: mine is more fun [20:05] SmileyG: congrats, you are pregnant! [20:05] SmileyG: no, yours requires guessing a 62^44 key *and* the filename [20:05] depends how random that key is [20:05] "just" https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-0PYt5rpIhuQ/Ud6r4W2eTqI/AAAAAAAAUhU/vrxfU4MVITw/ but yeah that seems "secure" [20:05] as in as secure as it can be [20:05] security via obscruity? really? [20:06] sure [20:06] Schbirid: why is it publically accessable _AT ALL_? [20:06] because google+ :P [20:06] Schbirid: your link says you need the timestamp of the recording? [20:06] thats HARDER ? [20:06] nah, check out the rest of the comments [20:06] it is as easy as grep and wget [20:06] yeah I just got off yahoo services and next is google. [20:07] Schbirid: :D [20:07] I am moving all my photos over to deviant art [20:07] "Me, looking gloomy" :P [20:07] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-0Ka4fiUM50A/UHP_eldVVcI/AAAAAAAAMW8/fA37MOI2qcQ/s899-h/%E6%A7%8D%E3%83%B6%E5%B2%B3%EF%BD%9E%E7%A9%82%E9%AB%98%E5%B2%B3 [20:08] https://www.google.co.uk/#safe=off&sclient=psy-ab&q=site:lh3.googleusercontent.com%2F&oq=site:lh3.googleusercontent.com%2F&gs_l=serp.3...6635.6635.0.6837.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=af3eb650b602e21b&biw=1063&bih=909 [20:08] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-jdegSAlqvLs/T-mww2W2qzI/AAAAAAAAAuA/LzoQeKvhJgo/s1600-h/DSCF1489.jpgsite << hope they had a nice wedding. [20:08] This is my current mood http://doblelol.com/uploads/28/funny-wallpaper-rabit-desktop-wallpapers.jpg [20:09] SmileyG: using 62^44 possible things is not security by obscurity [20:10] Private facebook photos are public too [20:10] yeah by the sounds of it the voice mail thing = lol, google photos = no problem demonstrated [20:10] winr4r: it's not? [20:10] If you get the fbcdn link [20:10] I don't see any issue with the google thing [20:10] But the fact they have keylisting on for their bucket [20:10] is a big whoops [20:10] underscor: I just think it should be known. [20:11] SmileyG: if we're talking about g+, it's not, even at one trillion attempts a second, and one billion trillion files distributed across that key space, you're still talking many billions of years before brute forcing would find anything [20:11] okay here is a test [20:11] no, I agree [20:11] https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/1048680_10103184723884725_350226696_o.jpg [20:11] this is a valid url [20:11] for example, the fact my pregnancy photos got uploaded today :D [20:11] do it [20:11] omf_: http://pixelgirlpresents.com/images/desktops/Scott_Jackson/homewardbound_1024.jpg [20:11] underscor: the odd thing is if you move them to a album, they are then private by default, until you share that album [20:11] on the other hand [20:11] but for some reason the "backup" album is public, and you can't seemingly change it (I can't see it listed as one of my albums). [20:12] SmileyG: oh, wat [20:12] the bigger privacy issue with fb photos is that given a filename you can load the profile and determine the user's real name [20:12] i was about to say, all the other systems around that, are just a fucking privacy disaster waiting to happen [20:12] yup, it's NOT in my album list, I presume it's hidden some how., [20:12] but they forgot to make sure it's private too [20:12] DFJustin: not a problem imo [20:12] aww, facebook profile ids are not in the url anymore? [20:12] Normally to share a photo, you'd create a post for said photo, or put it in an album and share that. [20:12] Schbirid, https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3197/3141220334_2684d5fd25_b.jpg [20:12] if you're trying to hide from someone, don't fucking post pictures of yourself [20:13] well your idiot friends can post photos of you [20:13] winr4r: of course. [20:13] DFJustin: yeah, if you're trying to keep identities separate, keep them separate [20:13] or you can repost a picture trying to be clever because your face is out of frame [20:14] omf_: http://i.imgur.com/g7CIaxw.jpg [20:14] people who violate boundaries between identities in any way, while trying to keep them separate, will find some *other* way of unveiling who they are [20:14] I mean obviously if you're real up on this stuff you would know the risks but I think the average person would not expect that [20:15] Schbirid, yeah I went there www.justsaypictures.com/images/happy-dog-02.jpg [20:15] :D [20:15] :D [20:15] DFJustin: yup, and the average person might not expect that the same image could be fed into tineye/google image search, if they violate boundaries between identities it's basically inevitable that they're going to fuck up in some way that is not facebook filenames [20:16] like I've personally seen 4chan threads where people post pictures of their hot friend/cousin/whatever only to have people later in the thread dig up their real name and info [20:16] I have seen that too [20:17] right, i think today I might actually move onto my new HDD :D [20:17] well HDDs [20:17] which you usually can't do with just tineye because the photos are not public on fb [20:17] DFJustin: or people posting *other* peoples' stuff in the hope that someone will figure out shit from the filenames, etc [20:18] it's only a matter of time before someone makes a practical face search engine but until then facebook should at least try to obfuscate [20:18] well dang, I don't exist on tineye [20:18] DFJustin: i see the merit in your point, thinking about it [20:19] well google facetaging is really quite impressive. [20:19] I was very impressed at some of the angles it has learn to identify me at [20:20] g4tv.com-video3502: Ballmer 1: https://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video3502 [20:21] i have a 4 part intervew with ballmer up [20:21] if they used the md5sum as the filename for example then you would get no information other than what you would have from just the photo [21:09] just recovered 7gb :P