[00:20] i'm making a warc of all the flv files from my steam app dump [00:20] over 2k videos are there [00:22] do they have readable names, or just random characters? [00:28] its mostly movieLrg.flv?t=something [00:29] the something is a very long number [00:29] but its grabbing everything [00:46] looks like it maybe not be the high version of the videos [00:47] the movieLrg.flv files but there is also movie940.flv files [05:56] 23gb and counting of the steam videos [05:56] we may get a video collection more then a warc collection [05:57] only saying that cause its very big [06:12] https://aws.amazon.com/powerof60/ [06:14] looks like my d-addicts forum dump is in wayback machine now [06:16] so i got a problem [06:16] looks like my d-addicts dump is just being show the raw files [06:17] good news is the links on the pages are right [06:17] but images are still going to the original urls [06:17] not the wayback version [06:20] for example this page is using the wayback page: http://web.archive.org/web/20130910124213/http://www.d-addicts.com/forum/ [06:20] but my dump doesn't have the banner: http://web.archive.org/web/20131111171226/http://www.d-addicts.com/forum/ [06:21] also i found out that this is the raw pages [06:21] the links of the pages are not full urls [06:21] so at least that examples it [08:31] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_of_American_Archivists [08:31] now that is weird [09:27] jsut finished the geocities torrent download :) [09:27] no idea why, or what I'm going to do with it, but . . . [09:28] delete it. :P [09:38] i stopped my warc grab of the steam videos [09:38] i may just make it into a collection at some point [09:52] so i found out there were videos that 404 error [09:52] so i can't get those [10:14] i'm starting to upload more glenn beck stuff [13:24] http://lowendtalk.com/discussion/comment/410458/#Comment_410458 [13:24] azure performance is atrocious [13:37] lol tru [14:02] godane: wasn't it you who spun up a bunch of azures? [14:08] rubbish test anyway :p [14:10] i used a bunch for hyves [14:14] wtf is wrong with PHP! [14:14] when will this plauge of php be stopped. [16:10] well fuck [16:10] lost two days worth of pastebin pastes [16:10] :( [16:10] due to a bug in my scraper [20:54] http://pnacl-amiga-emulator.appspot.com/ this thing is pretty impressive, pretty sure someone would have linked it here already though [22:32] https://twitter.com/evanphx/status/399552820380053505 Rubyforge going away, site maintainers will be posting a public archive [23:18] so turns out episode 13 of film riot is out of sync [23:19] luckly the youtube version is not