[05:57] rake routes [05:57] oops [06:10] http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/30/business/media/judge-rules-against-grooveshark-in-copyright-infringement-case.html [09:58] beep beep boop boop [09:58] I'm on a megabus (again) [09:58] http://www.speedtest.net/result/3797846984.png [09:58] notbad :D [09:58] DNS server was a bit fucked, but managed to work around that [10:01] megabus logo is strange [10:23] midas: it is [10:23] I like the buses though [10:23] in the newer type of bus now [10:23] less airco, more laptop space [10:23] I can comfortably type [10:23] :P [10:23] legroom is fine in both old and new buses [10:23] but old buses don't really have any space for laptop [10:23] without cramping your arms [10:24] the busses are fine, just the logo, it gives me nightmares [10:24] haha [10:24] nightterrors? [10:24] midas: have you ever been on a megabus [10:24] :p [10:24] i cant [10:24] seriously, i dont fit, normal people have legroom, im stuck [10:25] im a lazy fatass, remember that :p [10:27] looks like there maybe alot of microsoft research videos missing around 135000 and 138000 [10:27] midas: have you tried it [10:27] i got one video with zero metadata [10:27] because I'm /really/ tall and I *still* have more than enough legroom on megabus [10:27] on the Thalys I was cramped, on every other bus I'm cramped [10:27] but megabus (their own buses, not the over-capacity rentals) are fine [10:28] on the normal bus i have to sit in the middle seat at the end else i need to buy new knees [10:28] midas: same for me [10:28] :p [10:28] I'm like 1.93m or some shit [10:28] im 185 and fat [10:28] I'm not even touching the chair in front of me right now [10:28] neither with my knees nor with my laptop on my lap; [10:28] and I'm comfortably typing :P [10:28] that is kinda impressive actually :p [10:28] yes :P [10:29] I was surprised tbh [10:29] omg midas is fat [10:29] unexpected! [10:29] given what I'd paid, I'd expected ryanair-type legroom... [10:29] i could use some kilos, let's trade! [10:29] but it's really surprisingly luxury [10:29] you can have alot of my kilo's schbirid [10:29] nah, 10 is enough ;) [10:29] legroom, reclining chairs (without bothering the person behind you too much), power sockets, wifi that sometimes works [10:29] a clean, working toilet [10:29] powersockets [10:29] \o/ [10:29] gnuplot _can_ be beautiful http://www.gnuplotting.org/waterfall-plots-with-changing-color/ [10:30] the airco is either almost non-existent or hurricane mode, though [10:30] so that's a bit annoying [10:30] midas: yes :D [10:30] UK plugs, though [10:30] like [10:30] one USB socket and one UK socket per two seats [10:30] not bad at all [10:30] but it's turned on throughout the trip [10:30] KLM only has that in business class [10:30] turned off on the eurotunnel train / ferry (30-60 minutes) [10:31] and depending on the driver, either turned on or turned off during stops [10:31] (depends on whether he keeps the engine running or not) [10:31] midas: indeed! [10:31] and the power has worked all 3 times so far [10:31] for me [10:31] this is the first time wifi has worked reliably from departure, though [10:31] you are in the UK now? [10:33] in a short while, not anymore [10:33] midas: currently, yes [10:33] :P [10:33] we're driving to dover now [10:33] so yeah, if I disappear [10:33] that's the wifi taking a shit [10:33] ah :p [10:37] anyway, midas, just try taking a megabus some time [10:37] and see if it works out :P [10:37] they're pretty empty outside holiday season [10:37] so you can easily take up two seats if necessary [10:37] there's maybe, 15 people in this bus right now? [10:39] lol ok [10:39] btw boat or train back to mainland? [10:40] * midas loves the boat [10:40] before that, hooverspeed \o/ [10:41] -o tho [10:41] midas: depends [10:41] usually train by day, ferry at night [10:41] also, P&O ferry sucks [10:41] occasionally ferry by day [10:41] lol [10:41] stenaline > P&O [10:42] hoverspeed doesnt operate anymore i think [10:42] http://www.simplonpc.co.uk/Hoverlloyd/PofWales-01_HS.jpg [10:42] 20 minutes :p [10:42] midas: not sure, not between hook of holland and harwich anyway [10:43] idk about calais-dover [10:43] alright, nearing dover [10:43] will be dropping in a while [10:43] found something interesting [10:44] looks like video 138618 is missing but really is not [10:44] its here now: http://channel9.msdn.com/blogs/charles/engkoo-english-learning-vertical-search-from-bing-and-ms-research-in-china [10:56] also looks like i maybe missing alot of the videos aways cause of my error resolve problem [11:37] midas: http://www.speedtest.net/result/3798020295.png [11:37] eurotunnel free wifi [11:37] lol [11:38] thats not bad at all! :p [11:38] in the tunnel or in lounge? [11:38] midas: neither [11:38] queue [11:38] like [11:38] car queue [11:38] lol [11:38] (lounge? there is a lounge?) [11:38] anyway, just walked out to grab a hotdog [11:38] for the train? yes in the station before dover :P [11:38] and I come back to this great wifi connection [11:38] lol [11:38] interesting [11:38] didn't know that [11:39] I've only ever traveled to the UK by train/ferry and by megabus [11:39] so I'm not at all familiar with the train lounge [11:39] :P [11:39] :p [11:39] airport lounge, amex > every lounge [11:39] ? [11:41] i can go into the airport lounges with my creditcard [11:41] wat [11:41] yeah [11:42] for free [11:42] because i have a gold amex and used to fly _alot_ [11:44] :| [11:50] lol amex [11:54] company gave it Rotab [11:55] after i left i kept it for my flying blue miles [13:32] looks like this video file is damaged: https://archive.org/details/ColorPri [13:38] it gets stuck at 00:20:35.80 [15:20] http://hannes.enjoys.it/blog/2014/09/commandline-file-hosts/ [15:22] only mac users could design curl.io [15:22] "oh, you want to upload from your terminal? please visit the website first" [15:25] hahahahaha [15:41] Boop [15:41] Wow, so much stuff on FOS [16:59] http://archive.org/download/aol-file-protocol-4400-3001-to-3100/aol-file-protocol-4400-3001-to-3100.zip/AOLDLs%2FYe%20Olde%20Forum%20Library%2FThe%20Online%20Comedy%20Express%2FOLCEFLR.bmp [17:10] https://news.yahoo.com/britons-sign-away-first-born-children-free-wifi-222708987.html [17:11] The experiment was aimed to highlight "the total disregard for computer security by people when they are mobile" the report said. [17:11] never mind that if this went to court then it would get torn apart like said baby if it was thrown to hungry wolves [17:16] And to those contract terms we say "Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999", which is a thing. [17:17] the part about getting emails and passwords is more concerning, what service still isn't using https [17:19] mobile facebook = pure evil [17:24] http://events.ccc.de/2014/09/30/31c3-special-terms-at-radisson-hotel/ [17:25] "Oh boy, this hacker conference has included free wifi!" :) [17:25] http://archive.today/20130123134419/http://www.forbes.com/2009/02/18/black-hat-hackers-technology-security_0218_blackhat.html DFJustin [17:32] welp [17:39] people who write HTML tables in divs should be punched in the face [17:40] * yipdw has been doing maintenance work on a codebase that pulls that shit [17:40] I have no idea why the developer who did this thought that was a good idea, except that maybe he read some shit on w3schools that said "tables are bad" and proceeded to overgeneralize [17:41] there's gems like
[17:41] schbirid - i will be at 31c3 ... are you going? [17:41] ive offered to buy a drink/coffee to any archiveteam people [17:41] the main reason why this sucks, btw, is that browsers and shit-tier reset stylesheets apply different layout rules to tables and
s masquerading as tables, and the visual result is all sorts of fucked up [17:43] shannon: definitely! [17:47] RedType, antomatic: I don't think the "we own your children" clause is the interesting part, because whatever a court does or what the laws say are not interesting unless you believe laws apply equally to all [17:47] the more interesting part, and the part that no court action will remedy, is data leakage [17:49] schbirid ... it is going to be really, really awesome .. thanks for the link... that's less expensive and less hassle than finding a flat [17:49] :):):) i will be coming from good 'ol north america [17:49] shannon: you can probably find much cheaper places but that one is nice because it is right next to the venue [17:49] Some days, you just gotta blast Infected Mushroom and get through the backlog. [17:49] last year i helped some guy find a nice airbnb place [17:50] SketchCow: run run run to the archives of the future, take what we can and bring it back home? [17:51] schibirid, i did find some that were cheaper ... but yes ... and also, breakfast included is splendid. even with a budget of 100 euros per day (times two people) there is plenty left over :) [17:51] oh uit's going to be so much fun [17:52] :)) [17:52] i have not been to a conference since H2K2 [17:53] c3 is overwhelming [17:54] moreso than HOPE? [17:54] HOPE is overwhelming partly because it is in Manhattan [17:54] no idea, only ever been in hamburg :( [17:55] the first HOPE in 2000, i met RMS and Cap'n Crunch [17:55] also talked to Kevin Mitnick on the phone [17:56] i have never been to Germany, so this is exciting for me [17:59] you picked a great city as starting point [18:05] SketchCow: i'm getting my backlog of Microsoft Research uploaded [18:06] anyways the aol files are going good [18:06] i'm going to be upload a 3101 to 3300 set later today [18:23] SketchCow: http://orkut.google.com/en.html [18:23] we may have hope [19:08] I heard this [19:08] It makes me happy [19:45] jaw dropped. [19:46] nice! [19:48] a... community archive... [19:48] wow. [19:48] * joepie91_ slow claps [20:03] Better than Yahoo's "All your stuff? Gone, so gone." approach, though. [20:09] antomatic: it was non-sarcastically [20:16] Has the JSMESS night news challenge been mentioned yet? https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/libraries/submissions/making-historic-software-eternal [20:17] joepie91_: I think Google just won some kind of yet-to-be-determined ArchiveTeam award. :) [20:18] yes. I think we need to invent an award [20:18] for not-being-shitty-about-user-content or something [20:19] which is a pretty low bar but somehow still isn't hit very often [20:19] The "thank you for not burning down the library" award :) [20:19] haha [20:19] well the non-public stuff is still gone right [20:19] oh man [20:19] you could make a great image out of that [20:24] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkQh7a86mRo [20:32] "A beautifully engineered syncing client. You will be delighted to use it everyday." [20:32] HN in a nutshell [20:39] I thought http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m97povtiTz1rc9zsto1_500.png is HN in a nutshell [20:41] :> [21:01] haha [21:28] i'm starting to upload The Sydney Morning Herald for year 1917 [22:11] Adding some nice menu software for an item on archive.org. [22:11] But they so obviously made it so it works JUST well enough but then explodes and you need to pay for Customization Services. [22:12] Anyway, that's me hating the day. [22:12] It's a day I'm not getting anything else done. Well, except talks with the tax guy [22:28] i just found this: http://eric.ed.gov/ [22:29] and pdf urls are guess-able: http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED464790.pdf [22:31] ERIC is great, so is http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/ [22:34] i figured at worse i give you guys a zip of the pdfs [22:34] i may try to upload them so we have a collection of pdfs [22:38] once i find the pdfs i can then get the pages with metadata: http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ801065 [22:41] godane you around [22:51] Famiconman: yes [22:51] Famicoman: yes [23:36] "INFO: Server startup in 111495 ms" [23:36] jesus