#archiveteam-bs 2017-09-30,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
00:01 🔗 odemg "It's typically the kind of thing that's a pain to work with in a terminal" this is entirely wrong, the 'terminal' and tools you leverage and can string together inside a terminal give you a VAST flexibility over a dumb and numb gui based app
00:02 🔗 odemg also fuck windows
00:09 🔗 Frogging yeah it's hard to give a GUI the same flexibility
00:12 🔗 TBO I vastly prefer having a preference window with fifteen tabs containing radio buttons, fields, checkboxes
00:12 🔗 astrid please
00:13 🔗 TBO Yeah, it's superior in ways I care much more about than the flexibility of the linux shell
00:14 🔗 TBO I love to design UIs.
00:15 🔗 TBO Since the specifics of a single website sweep can vary so much from another, I'd love a GUI for that
00:16 🔗 TBO It'd be much faster to change some checkboxes than navigating through a manual building the perfect command, not necessarily knowing at first the options available to me
00:16 🔗 odemg I just puked in my mouth a little.
00:16 🔗 TBO Figuring the various dependencies/incompatibilities between arguments and options, missings stuff I didn't know I wanted
00:17 🔗 TBO Haha
00:17 🔗 TBO Classic elitism
00:17 🔗 TBO But yeah if you get over yourself you'll learn to love GUIs
00:18 🔗 TBO Get a CLI for things it's good at. Navigation. Chat. Logs. Low configuration stuff. Things that actually benefit from a shell.
00:19 🔗 Soni has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
00:19 🔗 odemg No I wont, I've been there and short of building your own there are no gui based tools to do half the things I do on a daily basis, I can't even tell if you're a troll at this point honestly your opinion is so far from reality
00:19 🔗 TBO Yeah right, a troll
00:19 🔗 TBO 'fcourse
00:20 🔗 TBO If there's one thing I've learned having the GUI argument over the internet
00:20 🔗 TBO linux people are the damn worse with this one
00:21 🔗 TBO I also use linux though.
00:22 🔗 odemg 2 options, do it in shell or wait for a gui tool that may never come. No brainer there buddy, shell. I've been a linux user for 12 years, should I ever have to touch a windows machine I still use command prompt and even when I was running windows daily I still found myself writing my own scripts to do things gui based tools just couldn't
00:23 🔗 TBO not really a no brainer
00:23 🔗 TBO I asked this in a bubble that seems to very much like its CLI tools
00:24 🔗 TBO You probably wouldn't know a good GUI tool since you wouldn't actively search for it
00:24 🔗 astrid cool your jets, both of you
00:24 🔗 TBO no offense with the bubble
00:24 🔗 yipdw the popularity of console tools is because we have a bunch of one-offs, and with the current state of computing as it is, console is often the path of least resistance. it isn't some religious thing
00:25 🔗 astrid i'm going to go out and have a beer, and i encourage you all to do something you find similarly relaxing
00:25 🔗 TBO astrid: timezones :I
00:25 🔗 astrid TBO: where are you?
00:26 🔗 astrid sets mode: +o yipdw
00:26 🔗 TBO France
00:26 🔗 TBO 2:30AM
00:26 🔗 astrid ;|
00:26 🔗 astrid we;lp
00:26 🔗 Soni has joined #archiveteam-bs
00:26 🔗 astrid maybe it's bedtime :)
00:26 🔗 TBO 2:30 has always been the time for bringing up religious topics D:
00:27 🔗 astrid haha, good point though
00:27 🔗 astrid anyway. i'm in seattle and it's just after 5pm and i really shouldn't still be at the office, but,
00:28 🔗 odemg astrid, I'm high as a kite, chill as fook. Also 230am. CLI or Die, I'm out. *Drops mic*
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00:50 🔗 TheLovina has joined #archiveteam-bs
01:01 🔗 BlueMaxim has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:25 🔗 Frogging [20:12:37] <TBO> I vastly prefer having a preference window with fifteen tabs containing radio buttons, fields, checkboxes
01:25 🔗 TBO ya
01:25 🔗 Frogging there's nothing wrong with that but designing those things and keeping them updated takes a lot of time
01:25 🔗 TBO I also like the fact that menus are implicitly a tree view
01:26 🔗 Frogging you could design a graphical frontend for youtube-dl :)
01:26 🔗 TBO "i need X option, oh it must be in preferences... video... acceleration... nope, hardware then. There we are"
01:28 🔗 TBO Instead of "i need X option, man software, try search, nope, other search, nope, okay. *squint* maybe there *scroll scroll scroll* Ah ! Acceleration ! -venable-vacc ? -no-prompt-vacc ? no...."
01:28 🔗 TBO and occasionally missing something, trying google, but the software is a web spider and you end up looking at pictures of spiders.
01:28 🔗 TBO I hate spiders
01:29 🔗 TBO Ah, graphical front ends
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01:30 🔗 Frogging well, to be fair, I don't think taking that long list of command line options and putting them into menus would make the process a whole lot easier. you'd still have to go through all of it and find the options you need, and read the documentation to find out what they do
01:30 🔗 TBO Yeah, I should. I was thinking about it
01:31 🔗 TBO There's a whole lot that can be implicit through a well designed GUI
01:31 🔗 TBO And most importantly, hidden until needed
01:32 🔗 TBO Description goes in context menus when you hover, for choices you use radio buttons instead or checkboxes conveying if you can use one or more
01:33 🔗 TBO It shrinks fast. At the cost of the shell. But with a front end you can even export a .sh file
01:33 🔗 Soulflare I think I did it right?
01:33 🔗 TBO Hm ?
01:33 🔗 Soulflare oh wiki edit
01:33 🔗 TBO I don't know
01:34 🔗 TBO but if you did Git's GUi you did it wrong
01:34 🔗 Soulflare I didn't edit on github
01:34 🔗 Soulflare I use github as pastebin mostly
01:35 🔗 TBO Yeah sorry it was a joke but it went over your head :°
01:35 🔗 Soulflare whoosh
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02:37 🔗 BlueMaxim has joined #archiveteam-bs
02:48 🔗 Frogging git has a GUI?
03:18 🔗 second What do you guys use to organize things?
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04:02 🔗 BlueMaxim has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
04:31 🔗 Sk1d has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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05:02 🔗 hook54321 second: What kind of things?
05:03 🔗 Jonimus has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
05:04 🔗 hook54321 In case anyone wants to archive it, the LDS Church is doing their semi-annual General Conference tomorrow and the day after. I think there are various tools to download live streams while it's going. I'm not sure if there are easy ways to save the video viewer chat though.
05:07 🔗 Jonimus has joined #archiveteam-bs
05:07 🔗 swebb sets mode: +o Jonimus
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06:23 🔗 kristian_ has joined #archiveteam-bs
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08:16 🔗 Mateon1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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09:15 🔗 JAA Laverne: Yes, electronic program guide data.
09:21 🔗 JAA My Dead Format grab seems to be nearly done. 503k URLs retrieved, 14k left.
09:23 🔗 JAA My scrapers are almost finished as well. All three-char prefixes have been scraped, four of them are still running because they're very large (and therefore slow).
09:24 🔗 JAA They discovered 18 additional users since I started the grab. Now 11550 in total.
11:38 🔗 schbirid wpullmaintenancekickstarterplz
11:39 🔗 dan- has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 633 seconds)
11:39 🔗 dxrt ya
11:42 🔗 schbirid chfoo: would you be willing to work on it if money came?
11:44 🔗 schbirid brb
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12:11 🔗 REiN^ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
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12:29 🔗 wp494 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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15:17 🔗 hook54321 Is there a way to automatically save something onto archive.is every 5 minutes?
15:34 🔗 TBO has left WeeChat 1.4
16:05 🔗 Smiley has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
16:08 🔗 icedice has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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17:06 🔗 astrid has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
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17:06 🔗 swebb sets mode: +o astrid
17:25 🔗 ranma youtube-dl never ceases to amaze me
17:26 🔗 ranma how is it youtube hasn't found a way to block youtube-dl?
17:26 🔗 ranma or does it mimic a browser THAT perfectly?
18:00 🔗 Asparagir has quit IRC (Asparagir)
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18:03 🔗 dd0a13f37 has joined #archiveteam-bs
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18:06 🔗 dd0a13f37 They could, but then youtube-dl would update
18:06 🔗 dd0a13f37 and then they'd block it again
18:06 🔗 dd0a13f37 It's a game of cat and mouse that would drain more resources for google than youtube-dl
18:06 🔗 dd0a13f37 Since youtube-dl would probably get a few new contributors out of spite
18:07 🔗 dd0a13f37 And they can't update all the youtube applications in smart tvs, etc easily
18:08 🔗 dd0a13f37 Anyone here have vpn/live in a country where people don't care about copyright and know how to use firefox js debugger? It's just too unbearably slow in torbrowser
18:09 🔗 dd0a13f37 I've set the breakpoints, but they don't trigger even though the code is executed and everything is painfully slow
18:13 🔗 dd0a13f37 About the private trackers (adinbied godane odemg), would it be possible to archive the torrent files and metadata without the actual files?
18:14 🔗 dd0a13f37 The categorization could be useful, and you can often programatically map the well-sorted private files to the public files with heuristics (file name, extension, size, scene release lists)
18:14 🔗 dd0a13f37 So it's definitely worth saving
18:14 🔗 Asparagir has quit IRC (Asparagir)
18:16 🔗 dd0a13f37 I asked a website to upload a site archive to archive.org. They said sure, and that they'd upload it and send me a link. Hasn't happened anything for two weeks, what should I do?
18:17 🔗 Asparagir has joined #archiveteam-bs
18:17 🔗 schbirid ask them nicely if you can help
18:20 🔗 dd0a13f37 He said that he would ask "his coder" to do it, so I have no idea how I would do that
18:26 🔗 dd0a13f37 The other ones haven't responded at all, but I know gmail blocks all anonymous emails. Anyone with a clean gmail/hotmail/similar address want to try to and resend my archival requests?
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18:41 🔗 Frogging anonymous emails?
18:42 🔗 dd0a13f37 Emails that don't need a phonenumber to sign up
18:42 🔗 dd0a13f37 ie airmail.cc, cock.li
18:43 🔗 Frogging stupid that mandatory phone numbers for registration is even a thing
18:43 🔗 Frogging it has to be a *mobile* number too and all I have is a landline or VoIP on my mobile
18:44 🔗 dd0a13f37 Don't landlines work? You can ask them to call
18:45 🔗 Frogging I think yahoo wanted to send a text message
18:45 🔗 dd0a13f37 Were you scraping some yahoo project and needed an account?
18:46 🔗 Frogging no I wanted an account for other reasons
18:46 🔗 Frogging but it was ridiculous the hoops I had to jump through
18:46 🔗 dd0a13f37 oh ok
18:46 🔗 dd0a13f37 https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/3x3161/pythongithub_mount_a_torrent_as_a_filesystem_if/ this + a huge torrent database would be extremely powerful
18:47 🔗 dd0a13f37 You could offload the parts of your data that are well seeded temporarily, e.g. if you're running a large open directory
18:47 🔗 dd0a13f37 Well, mostly everyone has a phone#
18:47 🔗 dd0a13f37 and the spammers haven't started running phone botnets yet
18:48 🔗 Frogging it'd be nice if google didn't lie about why they're asking for it. they say it's for "account recovery"
18:48 🔗 Frogging it may be used for that but that isn't why it's *required*
18:49 🔗 dd0a13f37 "It's all for your own security!"
18:56 🔗 dd0a13f37 Why does the JS debugger in firefox cause extreme lag, even when I blackbox all scripts I don't care about? I set a breakpoint, it doesn't even trigger. What's going on?
18:56 🔗 dd0a13f37 I've gotten it to work before, so it's not completely broken
18:56 🔗 dd0a13f37 Anyone here have vpn/live in a country where people don't care about copyright? It's just too unbearably slow in torbrowser?
18:56 🔗 dd0a13f37 *torbrowser.
18:59 🔗 Frogging what are you trying to do with tor browser?
18:59 🔗 Frogging I think most places don't care enough to watch people's traffic for copyright infringement
19:00 🔗 dd0a13f37 I'm trying to get the pdf files from dn.se
19:00 🔗 dd0a13f37 I'm trying to get the pdf files from dn.se
19:00 🔗 dd0a13f37 I know how to do it, but you need an encryption key which you need the js debugger to get
19:01 🔗 dd0a13f37 dn.se is a major swedish newspaper, so they would care enough to find my IP in the logs
19:01 🔗 Frogging I've used the firefox JS debugger once or twice and it wasn't unusable. I don't imagine tor browser would be much different in that regard
19:01 🔗 Frogging maybe the script is doing something weird
19:01 🔗 dd0a13f37 Do I need to do anything to get the breakpoints to trigger?
19:02 🔗 dd0a13f37 Nah, I've used it on a site that had the exact same script but with different key and different analytics
19:02 🔗 dd0a13f37 not as heavy-handed
19:02 🔗 dd0a13f37 It goes up to 100% CPU whenever I try to use it
19:03 🔗 Frogging are you sure noscript isn't interfering?
19:03 🔗 Frogging it's included with the tor browser
19:03 🔗 dd0a13f37 I've disabled it for that site, it works otherwise
19:04 🔗 dd0a13f37 if you want I could send you login details in query so you can see for yourself (in torbrowser recommended)
19:04 🔗 Frogging nah, I don't have time to set that up right now
19:04 🔗 Frogging but when I insert a breakpoint in firefox in the debugger tab, it just works
19:04 🔗 dd0a13f37 ah okay, well I wouldn't recommend it without Tor
19:06 🔗 Frogging to insert a breakpoint you're pressing ctrl+B right?
19:06 🔗 Frogging and it's listed in the sources pane with a checkbox
19:07 🔗 Frogging pressing ctrl+B or clicking the line number, either should work. the line number background should turn blue
19:07 🔗 Frogging (sorry, I'm going after the obvious here)
19:07 🔗 dd0a13f37 Clicking on line number
19:08 🔗 dd0a13f37 Yeah, it does, and it works on other sites
19:08 🔗 dd0a13f37 It shows up in the breakpoints list
19:08 🔗 Frogging you're 100% sure the line in question is actually getting executed?
19:09 🔗 Frogging it
19:09 🔗 Frogging it's possible it just isn't being executed
19:09 🔗 dd0a13f37 If I try it on another website, it works fine
19:09 🔗 dd0a13f37 Yes, I don't see why it wouldn't - the line of code generates an encryption key, and it has the encryptino key
19:10 🔗 dd0a13f37 and in another identical instance of the same webapp it works fine
19:12 🔗 Frogging no idea then. I'd probably try moving the breakpoint somewhere higher up in the call stack just to make sure
19:14 🔗 dd0a13f37 I got it to work now I think
19:19 🔗 dd0a13f37 Yeah
19:20 🔗 SilSte has joined #archiveteam-bs
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20:46 🔗 schbirid https://www.unseen64.net/2017/09/29/8-16-bit-games-you-will-never-play-low-price-edition-book-vol-1/
21:00 🔗 hook54321 sets mode: +b *!*@wowana.me
21:00 🔗 hook54321 sets mode: +b *!*@krustykrab.restaurant
21:01 🔗 hook54321 sets mode: +b *!*@
21:01 🔗 hook54321 sets mode: +b *!*@
21:02 🔗 hook54321 sets mode: +b *!*@v133-130-110-187.a039.g.tyo1.static.cnode.io
21:02 🔗 hook54321 sets mode: +b *!*@
21:13 🔗 JAA Moving the discussion over from #archivebot: how to archive source code repositories?
21:14 🔗 dd0a13f37 Git clone over HTTPS is non-intrusive I think since the packfiles are already generated
21:14 🔗 dd0a13f37 And could be done with wpull
21:14 🔗 dd0a13f37 For all the warc stuff
21:15 🔗 JAA Yeah, either that or simply taring up the cloned repo.
21:16 🔗 dd0a13f37 Right, but it can be integrated with archivebot if done properly
21:18 🔗 JAA That could be done with both solutions.
21:18 🔗 JAA But maybe a separate bot would be easier.
21:19 🔗 hook54321 dd0a13f37: On any of the clearnet servers.
21:19 🔗 dd0a13f37 So look around for the password or install tor
21:20 🔗 dd0a13f37 all you need to do is download browser bundle from torproject.org then set local socks to localhost:9150
21:20 🔗 dd0a13f37 or 9050 for regular, non bundle tor
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21:39 🔗 ola_norsk !ia https://twitter.com/lsarsour
21:40 🔗 ola_norsk dangit..forgot the command
21:41 🔗 ola_norsk is there some reason wayback machine seems to struggle with archiving certain twitter account?
21:42 🔗 ola_norsk or is it just due to high traffic on said accounts?
21:45 🔗 ola_norsk @hook54321 : I'm guessing you've already updated on Lunduke now being a member of W3C..
21:45 🔗 hook54321 yup
21:45 🔗 hook54321 #archivebot
21:46 🔗 ola_norsk the twitter archived eventually
21:47 🔗 ola_norsk im guessing it's got certain reason for high "coverage" currently..
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21:57 🔗 godane so bought 19 tapes today
21:57 🔗 godane i got them from savers
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22:06 🔗 godane has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
22:20 🔗 qwebirc32 What is there in the Wii Shop Channel? Virtual Console has been archived many times over and it's all ROMs anyway
22:24 🔗 qwebirc32 is now known as dd0a13f37
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22:55 🔗 dd0a13f37 https://btdig.com/36ac1d1c556af96099e6b5662a54c11e33c73f5d/wiiware Could someone unpack and see what's inside? Would be much appreciated
22:55 🔗 dd0a13f37 Or nevermind, it's too small
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