[04:27] bwahaha, best software name for today; trousers [04:40] apt-get remove trousers [04:46] apt-get install trousers-buttonfly [04:59] apt-get will even automatically unzip your package [05:09] hahahah [05:25] oww [06:46] i'm now going to do some thing crazy with underground gamer forums [06:46] i'm going to downland all of them in one go [06:47] i figure the viewtopic ids only will go up to 46000 [06:47] since the last topic is maybe in to the 44500 [06:47] but not sure [06:48] so grab everything in my index.txt file by using seq 1 46000 with this base url below: [06:48] http://www.underground-gamer.com/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=$i [06:49] only accept urls with action=viewtopic and page= [07:19] Be kind and add some waiting between requests [14:17] This is my song of the now http://perelandrarecords.bandcamp.com/track/drifting-deeper [17:09] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ_fO8BSPZo