#archiveteam-bs 2013-03-12,Tue

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Time Nickname Message
00:28 🔗 mistym I had no idea Apple's cctools (binutilsesque package) still had support code for M68k at least as recently as Xcode 4.1, maybe even more recently than that.
00:33 🔗 mistym Also includes M88k (I don't think NeXT ever released hardware or an OS for that)
01:18 🔗 omf_ godane, I am getting a bunch of video off the gamespy sites. Just thought you would be interested
01:23 🔗 balrog_ mistym: they also have support for i860
01:23 🔗 balrog_ tell me what used that :P
01:25 🔗 mistym balrog_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeXTcube, apparently
01:26 🔗 balrog_ nope. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeXTdimension
01:26 🔗 mistym Or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeXTdimension more specifically
01:26 🔗 balrog_ yeah
01:26 🔗 balrog_ I badly need an eeprom dump out of one
01:26 🔗 balrog_ since the flasher tool that comes on the service disk only has the program and not the kernel
01:26 🔗 balrog_ it's funny... back then they had a video card running Mach
01:27 🔗 balrog_ and today, the Lightning AV Adapter ... runs Mach :P
01:28 🔗 mistym Retro is in.
01:33 🔗 balrog_ so yeah if you know where I can get an EEPROM dump of a nextdimension board, it would be nice :)
01:33 🔗 balrog_ I actually have an 040 non-turbo cube and a slab
02:04 🔗 mistym balrog_: Afraid not, but I'll let you know if I run across one!
02:05 🔗 balrog_ ok :)
02:05 🔗 mistym Also: jealous of the NeXT hardware :D
02:05 🔗 balrog_ they go for over $1000 these days
02:05 🔗 balrog_ ;(
02:05 🔗 balrog_ yeah NeXT hardware is certainly pretty
05:25 🔗 DFJustin mess emulates the web http://forums.bannister.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=86656
05:30 🔗 Aranje so mess is officially at inception levels of awesome
05:31 🔗 Aranje viewing the web through the web through javascript through 1986
05:31 🔗 * Aranje inception noise
05:32 🔗 Aranje Sue:) ^
05:32 🔗 DFJustin not quite through javascript yet, this is the latest bleeding edge native version
05:32 🔗 DFJustin and even once jsmess syncs up we would need some kind of web sockets
05:32 🔗 Sue hmm what
05:32 🔗 Aranje ahhhh
05:33 🔗 Aranje didn't realize mess and jsmess were different
05:33 🔗 DFJustin but probably will come sooner or later
05:33 🔗 Sue oh lordy that's so nifty
05:33 🔗 Aranje I thought the whole thing was in js haha
05:33 🔗 Aranje mah bad
06:17 🔗 closure http://article.olduse.net/1024@whuxlb.UUCP 30 years ago today
06:36 🔗 SketchCow Watching demos while transferring items to the archive. Doesn't get better than this.
06:36 🔗 SketchCow Trying to not grab stuff from the net while emptying out the FOS machine.
06:37 🔗 SketchCow I have a lot sitting there.
06:37 🔗 SketchCow Alard had 8.7tb of stuff on one partition, although some of that is emptying out.
06:37 🔗 SketchCow The other is 5.7tb of my stuff
06:37 🔗 SketchCow Wait, reverse that.
06:41 🔗 BlueMax Impressive
06:44 🔗 godane so all of 201009 around the net segments are founded
07:00 🔗 godane so i got 3gb more of images
07:00 🔗 godane i think some are in the 20mb area
09:27 🔗 Smiley ahhh we can move AMI's from region to region now :) yey.
09:30 🔗 Smiley ARUGGGGH
09:30 🔗 Smiley They changed the ip changing on ec2 instances
09:30 🔗 * Smiley pokes everyone
09:30 🔗 chronomex what hi
09:33 🔗 Smiley chronomex: amazong changes to networking on ec2
09:33 🔗 chronomex what'd they change about IPs?
09:33 🔗 Smiley now by default, a ec2 instance will keep thesame IP after restarts (From what I'm reading at least).
09:33 🔗 chronomex hrm :
09:33 🔗 chronomex :|
09:33 🔗 Smiley if we want the old behaviour you need to change the vpc to ec2-classic
09:33 🔗 Smiley http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/03/12/amazon_ec2_ami_copy_default_vpc/ - just find on ec2-classic
09:34 🔗 Smiley It's not a problem, we just need to be aware of it for posterous like services.
09:34 🔗 Smiley People will be going bonkers wondering why the IP isn't changing on restarts.
09:35 🔗 chronomex ah, ok
09:37 🔗 Smiley I haven't checked exactly how you change it either, but i expect it'll be quite simple
10:08 🔗 omf_ http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-supported-platforms.html
10:09 🔗 omf_ and here are the release notes https://aws.amazon.com/releasenotes/4286407650196705
12:52 🔗 omf_ Does anyone still watch youtube directly? When someone sends me a link I just grab the video with get-flash-video and watch later
12:52 🔗 omf_ It makes saving good material to show others much easier
12:58 🔗 ersi Yeah, I do. Since it's so horribly slow to fetch with youtube-dl/get-flash-video
12:58 🔗 ersi but now in-browser streaming is super sucky as well
12:59 🔗 omf_ I have never noticed a speed slowdown. Plus I am never in that much of a hurry to watch a video.
12:59 🔗 omf_ I got one going right now and it is getting 1mb per second
13:00 🔗 omf_ Vimeo never feels that snappy
13:01 🔗 closure I've seen it vary wildly when downloading, depending on location
13:01 🔗 ersi It looks like youtube is either very strict about ratelimiting, or I'm watching unpopular videos and they're having problems streaming it through their backend
13:01 🔗 ersi I assume the back-end storage is tiered
13:01 🔗 ersi that'd be sane
13:03 🔗 omf_ for me certain cdn machines are faster
13:24 🔗 omf_ I am so glad multithreaded ffmpeg is rock stable
13:24 🔗 omf_ I remember before the fork existed how long 1080p video took to convert
13:24 🔗 omf_ youtube and their silly upload limits
13:25 🔗 omf_ There used to be a java app that could resume uploads on any video site but I cannot remember it now
13:34 🔗 omf_ yeah I just did some tests on youtube
13:35 🔗 omf_ popular clips like movie trailers download way faster than things like tech talks
13:35 🔗 omf_ 28mb in 8 seconds
14:14 🔗 DFJustin in my experience the difference is that HD videos download much faster than non-HD
15:53 🔗 omf_ https://github.com/panicsteve/cloud-to-butt Change instances of 'the cloud' to 'my butt'
15:54 🔗 soultcer I store all my data in the butt
15:55 🔗 omf_ exactly :)
17:42 🔗 illunatic heh
18:31 🔗 Sue for maximum hilarity, http://www.thecloud.net/
18:32 🔗 Sue "Talk to us today about joining My Butt network"
18:33 🔗 Sue the only problem is they wrote the site with crazy per word canvas tags so it doesn't replace everything
18:47 🔗 godane so i found another missing video
19:10 🔗 godane ok now this is weird
19:10 🔗 godane looks like the s=is only in the first page of the forums
19:10 🔗 Smiley we should hire ourselfs out as stress testers for web apps
19:11 🔗 godane page2 and beyond the links without any s= links
19:13 🔗 godane so at worse i can just grab the indexes of the forums 2013-02 with my cookies
19:14 🔗 godane so even older sources from 2013-02 are used it will not be a big deal since not of the linked posts are stored with s=
19:17 🔗 Smiley SO anyway...
19:17 🔗 Smiley "Archiveteam, we can stress test your site and provide backups!"
19:18 🔗 ersi "Archiveteam, because, fuck your site"
19:20 🔗 Smiley that too
19:31 🔗 Smiley anyone concidered a torrent of the warrior?
19:32 🔗 ersi There is a torrent of the warrior
19:32 🔗 ersi Since IA hosts it
19:32 🔗 ersi hmm, lets see if i can find it
19:34 🔗 ersi doesn't seem to be a torrent for it. Maybe it's because it's under Web Crawls > ArchiveTeam > ArchiveTeam Warrior
19:39 🔗 Smiley oh if it's on IA then i doubt it's an issue.
19:40 🔗 ersi Sure, but a lot of the collections have torrents, which IA seeds
19:42 🔗 Smiley <nod>
19:57 🔗 Smiley hmmm
20:01 🔗 godane i have most of the forums uploaded
20:02 🔗 godane *g4tv.com forums
20:02 🔗 godane i'm uploading the off topic section
20:02 🔗 godane its 2.5gb warc.gz
20:03 🔗 godane *2.4gb warc.gz
20:04 🔗 godane also i have uploaded over 16k items to g4tvideo-web
20:08 🔗 Smiley "Archiveteam, We flush YOUR cache!".
21:33 🔗 godane Halo Wars Video Documentary: Core Gameplay Fun: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video36872
21:36 🔗 godane DICE 2009: iD Software CEO Todd Hollenshead Interview: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video36903
21:36 🔗 godane Spore: Galactic Adventures Dev Diary: Missions: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video36904
21:37 🔗 S[h]O[r]T i think we can stop SOPA
22:17 🔗 illunatic https://www.pressfreedomfoundation.org/blog/2013/03/fpf-publishes-leaked-audio-of-bradley-mannings-statement here is manning's court statement
