[00:23] uploaded: https://archive.org/details/Video_Game_Tricks_Codes_and_Strategies_Vol.3 [01:19] from the other channel: Article http://archive.is/ZNESC bullshit emails http://www.centerforinquiry.net/blogs/entry/what_i_wrote_to_scientific_american/ [01:19] twitter: https://twitter.com/karenstollznow https://twitter.com/karenstollznow/status/367024053762011136 https://twitter.com/RALindsay/status/367023754531966977 [01:22] http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2013/08/swartz-foia-release/ [01:24] The dude is trying to be a nitpicky bitch [01:25] oh that fucker even pulled the Ms. bullshit instead of Dr. [01:26] There is a great article that shows by default many men refer to women as Ms or Mrs instead of their title like Dr. Prof. President etc... [01:27] And also the reverse happens as well. Men will refer to female colleagues by last name instead of first name like with male colleagues to appear professional [01:27] because god forbid you call a woman by her first name [01:31] uploaded: https://archive.org/details/aaron-swartz-usss-first-release-08-12-13 [03:18] The Bits Season 4 episodes are finally all uploaded [10:48] They finally fixed the internet outage here, nearly a half day gone [10:48] At least I did not have to pay for the repairs [10:49] welcome back then [11:14] This is a pic of my friend's most recent smoked meat of the week https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1149294_4663363082036_865566005_o.jpg [11:25] that looks rather burnt o_O [11:25] far too hot D: [11:25] tho it is pulling nicely [11:29] He smoked it for 12 hours [11:29] we did 9 hours, planned to do 10 [11:29] but a "chef" (guy we know, used to be a chef long ago) turned up and said it prob been on long enough [11:29] it hadn't :/ [11:30] but it wasn't like that [11:30] we didn't glaze it either.... [11:30] Yeah that had a couple coats of glaze [11:30] I am thinking of doing a dry rub for this weekend [11:30] https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-UEe61GK9t4o/Uf5EnPVwQfI/AAAAAAAAe1E/X99qO2ph-7Q/w661-h881-no/20130804_130840_Suffolk+Close.jpg [11:30] bbq on left, smoker on the right [11:31] Is that your bicycle? [11:31] no, this is around my friends [11:31] Y? [11:31] Should I buy it off him? [11:31] The pic is not detailed enough to show parts so I cannot make that call [11:32] k :D [11:32] I want offroad bike anyway, simply bigger tires for me [11:33] I almost always ride a mountain bike when commuting around the city. It can handle pot holes, curbs and all the junk better than a road bike. If the roads were better maintained I might switch [11:35] yeah [11:36] Thats my thinking, I'm not exactly the most experienced rider either. Just need to figure out how to maintain it properly etc too [11:36] #1 rule for bike maintenance is always make sure your tires have good pressure [11:37] yeah [11:37] People tend to not pay enough attention to that, you see car owners are the same way [11:39] yah [11:42] The US bicycle support sucks [11:43] There is a huge difference between riding in a top 15 city versus everything else [11:44] For example [11:44] many US city ratings include future plans [11:44] whereas on the world stage many great bicycle cities never count their future plans [11:46] A simple way to visualize this is to look at the bicycle layer for a city using google maps or OSM [11:47] shame I'm in the UK :D [11:47] and pffft, I'll ride anywhere, hense wanting mountain bike rather than road. [11:47] So do I but some roads and places are extremely unfriendly to bicyclers [11:48] Bristol is the UK's top cycle city [11:49] Here are the US top 10 for context [11:49] 1. Minneapolis, MN [11:49] 2. Portland, OR [11:49] 3. Boulder, CO [11:49] 4. Seattle, WA [11:49] 5. Eugene, OR [11:49] 6. San Francisco, CA [11:49] 7. Madison, WI [11:49] 8. New York, NY [11:49] 9. Tucson, AZ [11:49] 10. Chicago, IL [11:49] The only surprising one for me is #9. That city has some fucked up urban sprawl [11:50] well most of the city centre here is non car so thats nice [11:51] http://www.bicycling.com/news/advocacy/america%E2%80%99s-top-50-bike-friendly-cities [12:02] Riding a bike is so much more fun with proper tire pressure [12:02] It's exhausting and somewhat tedious with the wrong pressure [12:03] Which reminds me that I should pump my tires [12:03] ersi, how is the cycling in your city? [12:04] It's a "bike city" - a lot of students. It's also very flat :) [12:04] I'd say it's quite good, for what I know at least. [12:05] Then again, there's roughly 200k citizens in my city.. so it's pretty small, you can manage to go anywhere on bike really [12:06] 2 million here [12:07] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uppsala [12:07] Oh, about 140k citizens. the 200k+ figure is for the whole county [12:08] yeah the bicycle layer for that city looks excellent [12:09] I got many colleagues in Stockholm that bike as well [12:09] most with road bikes [12:15] How do road bicycle peeps deal with snow? My mountain bike has got deep knobby tires to handle it [12:15] I understand the physics of slicks working in the rain but snow and ice are a different story [12:17] i think they don't ride!? :D [12:17] you can get spiked tires also. [12:19] I think most people put away their bikes, when winter comes around. [12:19] I bike all around the year, mainly because I bike such short distances [12:19] I think icould walk to work in 30-40 min [12:19] SO biking should take around 20. [12:19] I can walk 20min to the train station, then 15min the other side, thats my last option [12:19] I think it's about 1.8 "miles" single journey - which frankly, is not much [12:20] But in -20C, it's pretty fucking long. [12:20] (I've learned my lesson. No more biking in -20C weather) [12:22] Do people own more than one bicycle? I have two fully working ones and most of my bicycle friends only have 1 [12:24] Hehe, I/we do :D At one time we had like 6 bikes on 2 people - where only I rode [12:24] One was mine, one was my gf's and the others came from our summer house (ie. collected family bikes through the ages) [12:27] thats like me with pc's [12:29] http://www.fastcompany.com/3015418/from-inside-walled-gardens-social-networks-are-suffocating-the-internet-as-we-know-it [12:29] I <3 off road riding, I will take having just a mountain bike over having just a road bicycle [12:30] I like having both since there is a finished 12 mile flat straight trail for high speed road bicycling [12:30] It was a former train track [12:30] plus disc brakes [12:31] I don't think most people own multiple bikes here though [12:32] People see you as "hardcore" when you have 2+ bikes [12:32] For me I think having 3 total would be the best fit [12:33] well for me, it'll mostly be for getting to work [12:33] of course I'll use it in other ways I expect [12:33] I think most people will see you as hard core if you have a road bike :) [12:33] ie thin weels and light frame etc [12:34] Hipsters only rock road bikes and they are hardly hardcore [12:34] I see people biking with sandals on and I am thinking "Wow future foot injury waiting to happen" [12:35] hmm [12:35] i remember when I was young [12:35] haha [12:35] we used to ride around all the time [12:35] yeah, that always felt very insecure [12:35] my friend got his foot trapped [12:36] it ripped his trainer to peices in the second or so he took to stop [12:40] uploaded: http://archive.org/details/Good_Morning_Australia_11-11-85_BetaRip [12:40] Yeah I still have some bad bicycling habits. I never wear a helmet, I do not carry tools or spare tubes [12:40] The most I carry is a chain and a lock [13:20] so looks like there was only 2060 videos in the computer tech collection before i came along [13:45] looks like i will be able to save another g4 show [13:46] 2 months 2 million [13:46] and the 720p is on usenet [13:47] Computers and Tech wasn't given the attention you are giving it. [13:47] That's true for a lot of archive.org. I'm adding so many documents that I've had to create dozens of collections to hold them. [13:47] And I completely redid software, as you've seen. [13:47] at least it's actually getting up there [13:48] SketchCow: most of it is tech podcasts before [13:56] i have got life.hackaday.com [13:56] grabing handmade.hackaday.com [14:09] http://www.worth1000.com/discussions/70353/the-future-of-worth1000-everyone-please-read/ [14:09] YES, SOMEONE GETS THE POINT [14:09] tl;dr closing down, making everything into a static museum. [14:11] \o/ [14:11] ARCHIVE IT ANYWAY [14:13] Yeah, but it's miles better than "I quit hosting this site. Pulling plug in an hour" [14:15] indeed it is [14:28] http://openglam.org/2013/08/13/getty-releases-4600-images-into-the-public-domain/ [14:29] yay [14:30] Awwww, I am sad regarding worth1000.com [15:15] nice, usually museums are more like the seagulls in finding nemo [15:15] Things are slowly starting to change [15:34] omf_: that really confused me for a moment [15:34] "Getty" [15:34] my first mental connection was to "Getty Images" [15:35] (that very lawsuit-happy stock image publisher) [15:43] yeah I thought the same when I first say the title [15:43] but openglam.org is pretty ontop of their subject matter [15:43] also Russia http://instinctmagazine.com/post/olympic-committee-confirms-it-will-punish-athletes-who-support-lgbt-rights-russia#sthash.R93EgPXt.uxfs [15:44] omf_: getting the idea that they're just looking to see how far they can push it [15:44] and still get away with it [15:46] If you scan down the comments there is a point about how this violets an earlier rule [15:46] existing rule [15:49] Someone is going to do something on camera [15:49] at the winter olympics [18:11] Still my fav funded kickstarter -> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1960086844/miniature-wargaming-flying-assault-butts [19:21] I loved Worth1000 [19:43] Will miss it! [19:43] Let's take a copy. [19:57] SketchCow, am I going to need to hold you back from breaking some poor idiot's nose? [19:57] Also, how did you recognize the guy? Same phone number or something?