[05:45] http://kajjan.bloggo.nu/robots.txt [05:45] User-agent: ia_archiver [05:45] Disallow: / [05:45] :( [05:45] I don't get why people do that [05:45] Assholes [05:46] because fuck history? [05:46] I guess [05:46] Well, I'll force download the whole thing sooner or later [05:46] because, fuck your settings etc :D [06:01] ersi: that doesn't look that big [06:03] nah, that's just one blog of several at *.bloggo.nu* [06:03] It's some kind of blog hosting provider [06:03] oh [06:03] ersi: so apparently Alexa also uses ia_archiver or something? [06:03] as useragent [06:04] !abort 636acsp7a8xu71hzpze43l6di [06:04] It does? I guess it wouldn't be super strange, seeing how Brewster Kahle made Alexa and all [06:04] yipdw: Initiated abort for http://kajjan.bloggo.nu/. [06:04] wait wtf [06:04] oh right [06:04] I forgot that bot was in here [06:04] haha [06:04] also, ia_archiver is also in a bunch of 'unsafe robot' lists [06:04] such as http://www.yellowpipe.com/yis/tools/robots.txt/unsafe-robots.php [06:04] unrelated [06:05] if anyone has a bunch of idle wget-warcs [06:05] here's your todo list: https://www.google.nl/search?q=%22User-agent%3A+ia_archiver%22&oq=%22User-agent%3A+ia_archiver%22&aqs=chrome..69i57.1129j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=%22User-agent%3A+ia_archiver%22+inurl%3A%22robots.txt%22+-how [06:05] "unsafe robots" o_o [06:05] :) [06:05] How would they be.. unsafe.. [06:05] they violate the Three Laws [06:05] hah [06:06] My Spouse Was Killed by The Googlebot [06:06] " User-agent: grub" [06:06] haha what [06:08] I wonder if website operators still do user-agent bans on server side [06:08] if they do maybe I should change ATBot's user-agent [06:08] Yeah, they still do I think [06:08] hmm [06:08] Because there's still retarded robots, which sometimes are nice enough to stop being retarded if you block them with a robots.txt [06:08] yipdw: that's a very grubby bootloader scraper there! [06:09] By the way, ever seen a GoogleBot crawl in action? I worked at a shared-hosting company.. and it was a bit amazing [06:09] ersi: how do you mean? [06:09] ersi: I've seen a couple, but only on small sites like mine [06:10] joepie92: They launch.. a lot, of connections and pull really quickly. I'm not sure if they think "Hey, these are all on the same IP/IP-range" or just "Let's load a million jobs up at once" - but damn :) [06:10] I mean, that shared-hosting company had.. a lot of customers. And they hit, quite many, at the same time ;D [06:14] ah, in that sense [06:14] well, I've seen from my own access logs that Googlebot doesn't seem very good at distributing load [06:14] then again, not sure if you can expect them to [06:15] with such a large operation [06:17] I think they're okay with a few failures ;) [07:37] http://owely.com/413eo2F [07:37] this is just... no. [07:37] Nokia, this is NOT how you handle disappearing pages [07:43] I LIVE AGAIN AFTER BARELY MAKING IT THROUGH A SCHOOL CAMP [07:50] welcome back to the land of the living, GLaDOS [09:25] joepie92: Hah.. well.. better than nothing (ie HTTP 404)I guess [09:32] ersi: not much difference in practice [09:32] "HAHA SUCKER ARTICLE IS GONE, GO LOOK FOR IT YOURSELF" [09:32] is pretty much what it comes down to [09:32] :| [09:32] Sure, but at least it points.. somewhere. [09:35] It is a little treasure hunt. [09:35] I love treasure hunts! [09:36] Especially when the outcome is 04,01death [09:37] * ersi backs away slowly [09:38] GLaDOS: well, that killed the atmosphere there [09:38] hehe [09:38] hue [09:39] huehuehue [09:39] http://huehuehuehue.com/ [09:40] (x_x;) [09:40] whyyyyyyyyy [09:43] * joepie92 blinks [09:44] a Qt QThread doesn't have an 'abort' signal, just a 'finished' signal that doesn't fire when it's aborted? [09:44] what [09:44] aahhaahahahahahah [09:44] what the hell [09:44] waaaait [09:45] never mind [09:45] * brayden likes Qt, other than that thing [09:45] just misunderstanding something [09:45] That can only end well. [09:45] Pfft [09:45] You doubted it! [09:45] all the Qt examples on the net use "sys.exit(app.exec_())" [09:45] which makes sense [09:45] EXCEPT WHEN YOU WANT TO HANDLE THREAD ABORST [09:45] ABORTS * [09:45] derp [09:46] PyQt? [09:48] brayden: yes [09:48] ah neat [09:48] pyqt threads are mostly an undocumented mess [09:49] Yeah :( [09:49] I kinda implemented thread-safely correct thread subclassing [09:49] Tried to learn them and went "fuck it" [09:49] but I'm having trouble with the shutdown bit [09:49] that is [09:49] But I do like PyQt a lot [09:49] cleanly running shutdown functions [09:49] before pyqt goes [09:49] I always read the official QT docs first. They are complete and well maintained [09:49] HAHAHAHA IMA BURN EVERYTHING IN THIS PROCESS DOWN TO THE GROUND [09:49] which is kind of what I want to avoid [09:49] lol [09:49] It works great on Windows/Linux, unlike Java swing which looks like crap on anything :( [09:50] omf_: the official Qt docs describe Qt, not PyQt [09:50] they're not much help when trying to figure out "hey how do I do threads sanely in Python with Qt" [09:50] brayden: heh. [09:50] but they have forums and have you tried searching their forums? [09:51] omf_: I google [09:51] I am assuming their forums are Google-indexed [09:51] (I avoid forum-specific search functionality, it almost always sucks balls) [09:59] k [09:59] starting to get seriously annoyed now [10:01] brayden: help [10:01] lol [10:01] http://pastie.org/private/y5kwulqaf7tneqyrhfyfua [10:02] t = ApplicationThread() [10:02] however, t.shutdown() won't actually properly emit the shutdown signal [10:02] it reaches that shutdown function defined in BaseThread, but self.worker.shutdown is never called [10:02] what am I fucking up? [10:06] ..I don't know! [10:06] * brayden never did threads with PyQt, embarrassingly. [10:07] :( [11:43] Famicoman: i found high res episodes of the first 2 episodes of rev3gazette [11:44] it only puts the first episode a 41mb and the 2nd episode at 36mb [13:23] Rev3 Gazette collection is starting: https://archive.org/details/Rev3_Gazette_1 [13:24] i also found better video for the first 2 epsiodes [13:26] if anything there bigger then the youtube rips Famicoman grab and there from rev3 bitgravity [13:26] serives [13:26] *servers [15:41] joepie92: it's not possible for Qt (or any threading system) to emit finished() in all cases [15:41] if the thread abnormally terminates, the signal/slot system may not get a chance to emit it [15:41] if you want to send a message to terminate a thread, you almost always want to use a sentinel check, e.g. "if running" [15:41] yipdw_: intention was a clean shutdown, but Qt appears to throw the baby out with the bathwater upon closing the main application window [15:42] ? [15:42] I've not encountered that, and I've used QThread a lot [15:42] idk what's causing it [15:42] I guess I need to see the code you're working on [15:42] either way, I somehow kinda fixed it and it's only for a testing thing [15:42] and I kind of don't want to think about it [15:42] anymore [15:42] lol [15:42] hmm ok [15:42] well [15:42] but if it keeps occurring again, I'll certainly poke you about it :P [15:42] I just wanted to throw in there that QThread's behavior is actually not insane [15:43] oh, not saying it is [15:43] was just unclear how to use it [19:59] http://jgc.org/nocarrier.html [19:59] o_o [19:59] whyy [20:12] it [20:12] what