[00:01] :[ [07:00] SketchCow: thanks for the CastAR Kickstarter link; I had no idea that was up [07:00] * yipdw is getting in on that hotness [07:02] I used the protoype, it's really crazy [07:03] did the prototype include the TrueAR overlay? [07:09] No;. [10:18] Anyone else watch the 'Once upon a time in Wonderland' pilot? It was trippy but weak compared to the show it spun off from [10:34] http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/oct/15/lavabit-online-user-data-download-snowden-secure-email [10:34] ++ [10:37] godane, balrog, for reference [10:37] was the streetfil.es IP [10:37] it does not appear to be running a HTTPd right now [10:37] but it might be useful later if it ever comes back up [16:57] looks like now i'm grabbing sources used on wikipedia that are dead [16:58] its twit related though [18:11] fyi, mediatemplate is acquired by godaddy [18:26] joepie91: mediatemple? :( [18:26] blaaaah [18:26] yup [18:52] I am getting AWSed to hell right now [18:52] what a fascinating system [18:52] * yipdw is dealing with optimizing pricing [19:20] Another day, another set of talks uploaded to IA [19:27] Anyone from sweden here? Puting this here if anyone is interested: http://www.kb.se/aktuellt/utbildningar/2013/Hur-ska-vi-bevara-vara-datorspel-/ [19:32] For anyone that doesn't read swedish. Its a seminar by the National Library of Sweden on how to preserve games for the future and how we should also make them playable [19:58] Yeah, I'm from Sweden [19:58] shrug, 100$ fee [20:02] might be interesting though [20:11] yes, maybe get some people interested in JSMESS there [20:18] I'm not currently in the "convince people about JSMESS" biz right now. [20:18] Archive.org announces they support JSMESS as a player internally next week. [20:18] Should be exciting. [20:18] I'm trying to figure out the classic programs to include. [20:19] wow awesome [20:25] SketchCow: that's very awesome [20:25] If people want to help me, I'm trying to determine some 'canonical' programs. [20:25] Applications, Games, Utilities. [20:30] Unfortunately i'm to young to have used any interesting old computer to know what was used, but if i can help in any way I'm up for it [20:32] "< mcote> there's a band called 1023 MB. They haven't had any gigs yet." [20:39] Oregon Trail and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego [20:40] looks like there is a game for amiga 500 in 1985: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_in_the_World_Is_Carmen_Sandiego%3F_%281985%29 [20:40] that at least should be easier to emulate with jsmess [21:04] the apple II version would be even easier [21:05] ok [21:09] I'll come up with some suggestions later, at work now [21:10] I'm improving the Visicalc we have [21:19] https://archive.org/details/VisiCalc_1979_SoftwareArts [21:19] There, now it's better. [21:19] The key is that the Asimov archive we have is superior to the TOSEC archive. [21:44] http://ia601704.us.archive.org/zipview.php?zip=/13/items/asimov.apple.archive.2013.03/asimov.apple.archive.2013.03.zip [21:44] Any classics? [21:44] One limitation: It really should be one-disk items. [22:10] AppleVision might be a fun demo if it runs OK [22:11] that's about the only thing I remember from my Apple ][ days, apart from VisiCalc [22:18] https://archive.org/details/Pacman4KNTSC [22:33] http://archive.org/download/asimov.apple.archive.2013.03/asimov.apple.archive.2013.03.zip/apple_II%2Fimages%2Fmasters%2Fmodel_specific%2FApple%20Presents%20The%20IIc%20-%20An%20Introduction%20691-0016-A%20%28Apple-1984%29.dsk [22:33] http://archive.org/download/asimov.apple.archive.2013.03/asimov.apple.archive.2013.03.zip/apple_II%2Fimages%2Fmasters%2Fmodel_specific%2FApple%20Presents%20The%20IIc%20-%20Exploring%20Apple%20Logo%20691-0015-A%20%28Apple-1984%29.DSK [22:33] these were some of my first exposure on how to use a computer in the early 90s [22:35] or probably the IIe variation actually http://archive.org/download/asimov.apple.archive.2013.03/asimov.apple.archive.2013.03.zip/apple_II%2Fimages%2Fmasters%2Fmodel_specific%2FApple_Presents_the_IIe%20%281986%29.dsk [22:36] I was trying everywhere to find a browser apple 2 emulator that had that logo disk the other day to try to explain programming to someone but couldn't find it [22:46] https://archive.org/details/SiliconSalad [22:47] I can't get IIe working right now, don't know why [22:55] I know it's a monster, but: [22:55] http://archive.org/~abuie/mess/messloader.php?module=apple2c&game=ApplePresentsTheIIcAnIntroduction6910016AApple1984/Apple%20Presents%20The%20IIc%20-%20An%20Introduction%20691-0016-A%20%28Apple-1984%29.dsk&scale=2 [23:04] darn, backspace/delete key isn't mapped [23:05] https://archive.org/details/ApplePresentsTheIIcAnIntroduction6910016AApple1984 [23:10] it really shows how you had to start from ground zero explaining concepts like key repeat, delete, etc. at that time [23:10] Agreed. [23:10] I need to add something besides Atari 2600 and Apple II items, my go-tos. :) [23:10] (some old people could probably use that now but no one seems to provide it anymore) [23:10] windows 3.1 had a whole thing with characters explaining how to move the mouse and "click" on things [23:20] Yeah [23:21] pcmda + http://archive.org/download/MESS_0.149_Software_List_ROMs/MESS_0.149_Software_List_ROMs.zip/MESS%200.149%20Software%20List%20ROMs%2Fibm5150%2Fmsadvent.zip [23:53] I don't know if I can run pcmda [23:53] https://archive.org/details/jsmess_engine_v1