#archiveteam-bs 2013-10-27,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
04:10 🔗 godane i may have found something interesting
04:11 🔗 godane so it turns out that wal-mart has a 3rd-party host some pdfs
04:11 🔗 godane the 3rd parts is vo.msecnd.net domain
04:26 🔗 joepie92 godane: something microsoft
04:36 🔗 godane any ways there is a msrvideo.vo.msecnd.net domain and it has pdfs of there research
04:51 🔗 joepie92 SketchCow, undersco2, someone is reporting issues with warc2zip - where do I report this?
05:14 🔗 godane joepie92: the pdfs are from microsoft research labs
05:39 🔗 godane so the microsoft research pdfs are going to be a uploaded as a zip file
05:40 🔗 godane this way i can do the dump slowly per a 1000 ids
06:15 🔗 godane i'm starting to upload the microsoft research pdfs i found: https://archive.org/details/msrvideo.vo.msecnd.net-pdf-grab-103000-to-104000
06:15 🔗 godane the range alone is over 1gb
06:16 🔗 godane also know i try downloading from 100000 but got nothing until 103339
07:24 🔗 joepie92 Lord_Nigh: I typically imagine warriors as a fleet of express trains that spawn out of nowhere, run over a due-to-be-shutdown service, somehow magically transport all the data into their cargo hold, and then vanish into thin air
07:29 🔗 BlueMax I imagine "THIS! IS! ARCHIVING!" *kick* followed immediately by a Battle of Thermopylae situation
07:43 🔗 joepie92 Battle of Thermopylae?
07:45 🔗 BlueMax The famous battle with King Leonidas and his 300 spartans, joepie92
07:45 🔗 joepie92 ahhh
07:45 🔗 joepie92 heh
09:43 🔗 Schbirid huh, i cant lpay the ogv from https://archive.org/details/internetarchivecelebration20131024 with mplayer or vlc.
09:58 🔗 Lord_Nigh question about scanning schematics: for large 11x17 schematics which only ever had about a 1140x1720 or so image printed as the schematic istelf on them, i think 400dpi is sufficient
09:58 🔗 Lord_Nigh for most hand drawn or greyscale schems 800 is needed but in this case i think 400 is fine
10:45 🔗 godane just know that 105000 to 120000 range of microsoft research papers is going to be very small cause there are very few files there
13:03 🔗 BiggieJon /join #archiveteam
19:21 🔗 balrog SketchCow: re your scanning blog post: I personally don't mind destroying something to scan it if it's very common and easy to replace
19:21 🔗 balrog reminds me though, I need to upload some recent scans
20:04 🔗 * phillipsj has pasted his root password into IRC chat.
20:47 🔗 Schbirid wget's -D matches all subdomains for the specified domains, is that new or did i never notice
20:47 🔗 Schbirid ev tumblr.com will match ALL *.tumblr.com
20:47 🔗 Schbirid ev = eg
21:38 🔗 ersi https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1385827_651805974859860_2051484422_n.jpg
21:41 🔗 w0rp ersi: I love it!
21:42 🔗 phillipsj lol. My comeback always was: "No, but 'u' and 'i' are in community!"
