#archiveteam-bs 2014-09-01,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
11:19 🔗 godane i'm making some progress with archiving arcadeathome.com/forums
11:19 🔗 godane i have around the 2300 posts mark now
11:21 🔗 godane i do end up getting around 700 to 800 posts per a web archive
11:21 🔗 godane i may end up merge all of them into a one big mega web archive before uploading it
14:02 🔗 midas How start-ups work: https://i.imgur.com/vfiFViO.gif
14:29 🔗 schbirid anyone else getting tuebl?
14:30 🔗 midas tuebl?
14:32 🔗 schbirid <schbirid> http://tuebl.ca/books/{IDRANGE}/download *cough*
14:32 🔗 schbirid 0-90000 or something
14:33 🔗 schbirid it's a site where authors upload their ebooks, totally legal and stuff ;)
14:35 🔗 midas nice!
14:35 🔗 midas did you write a wget wrapper for it yet? :p
14:37 🔗 midas oh wait
14:38 🔗 schbirid totally not archiveteam stuff
14:38 🔗 schbirid rather arrrrchiefteam
14:38 🔗 midas yeah i had to switch my brain from archive to arrr!
14:39 🔗 schbirid ~35gb i think
14:40 🔗 midas nice find
14:40 🔗 midas just need to add the download names to the files
14:41 🔗 godane i will look at it
14:42 🔗 schbirid --content-disposition
14:42 🔗 schbirid godane: not legal at all, don't bother ;)
14:43 🔗 midas yeah
14:43 🔗 midas i found that
14:44 🔗 midas nice find schbirid
14:44 🔗 schbirid courtesy of /r/opendirectories iirc
14:44 🔗 midas next vacation ill have enough books again
14:45 🔗 schbirid too much rather :(
14:46 🔗 midas true
15:23 🔗 schbirid talking about http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/35033162/ (search for leaker on the page) btw
15:24 🔗 schbirid because i noticed that idiocy as well
15:26 🔗 schbirid oh dear http://pastebin.com/j6PejE2b
15:28 🔗 schbirid wow how stupid can you be
15:28 🔗 schbirid (or genius if it is all fake)
15:28 🔗 schbirid https://web.archive.org/web/20140811035545/http://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/2d3ut6/movies_on_my_storage_hdd_keep_getting_corrupted/cjlx9s0
15:29 🔗 schbirid same groups and everything like on the leak screenshots
15:29 🔗 schbirid witch hunting over, sorry
15:29 🔗 midas link broken here
15:29 🔗 midas anyway, rolling
15:29 🔗 schbirid let's split this from archiveteam stuff, i might posting random findings in #fnerp
17:11 🔗 schbirid oh i was even later than fuckign buzzfeed http://www.buzzfeed.com/charliewarzel/bryan-hamade-blamed-by-redditors-for-jennifer-lawrence-leak
21:32 🔗 Dec-31-99 I wonder why you lose voice op after exiting chat.
21:33 🔗 yipdw IRC user modes aren't persistent in the channel
21:33 🔗 yipdw that's why some networks have services for that
21:33 🔗 yipdw EFnet doesn't
21:34 🔗 Dec-31-99 Is that why you all use EFNet? (I discussed here, as it's more of a topic on this channel.)
21:35 🔗 yipdw we use efnet because #archiveteam started on efnet and there hasn't been a reason to switch
21:35 🔗 yipdw as for why efnet, ask SketchCow
21:38 🔗 Dec-31-99 yipdw. I installed Linux Mint (Debian 32-bit) with MATE desktop on VirtualBox.
21:39 🔗 yipdw ok
21:39 🔗 Dec-31-99 Since Python is a pain to run on Windows. I also burned to a blank DVD.
22:02 🔗 Dec-31-99 The ArchiveTeam site is slow today. It gives me 508 errors. -_-
22:03 🔗 SketchCow It's not "slow"
22:03 🔗 SketchCow It's "bigger than the allocated disk space"
22:03 🔗 Dec-31-99 Right, right. My mistake.
22:03 🔗 Dec-31-99 Is it frustrating users?
22:11 🔗 * ersi just glares
22:29 🔗 * BlueMaxim hides
