#archiveteam-bs 2014-09-04,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
00:01 πŸ”— arkhive heh. you will. but me?!!!?
00:01 πŸ”— arkhive i love Carl. HeҀ™s such a piece of shit
07:50 πŸ”— godane so i'm installing windows xp in qemu
09:57 πŸ”— schbirid lol systemd! something crashed several times, later i notice 100% cpu, nothing to see in root htop. iotop shows systemd-coredump
09:57 πŸ”— schbirid fuck you red hat \o/
10:01 πŸ”— norbert79 Come on, it's a cool system, it has a hat on...
12:13 πŸ”— ersi It's cool to hate.
13:41 πŸ”— schbirid thanks systemd, for silently filling up my / with coredumps
13:58 πŸ”— godane looks like qcow is very slow
13:59 πŸ”— godane i wonder why it took 2 to 3 hours just install xp into it
18:39 πŸ”— xmc shiiiit
18:39 πŸ”— xmc #quitpic is window 69 in my irc
18:39 πŸ”— xmc maybe I should clean this out
18:39 πŸ”— xmc ehhh
18:39 πŸ”— RedType /win c
18:54 πŸ”— sep332 how much data did we sent to IA from fotopedia? roughly
20:00 πŸ”— schbirid interesting first result thre https://www.google.de/search?q=%22lrb.bsp%22
21:20 πŸ”— arkhive heh. indiegala.com/weekly Monday Bundle has Gold Rush Classic. I have that for Mac OS Classic on floppies
21:21 πŸ”— BlueMaxim is that the sierra adventure game where it's stupidly easy to die?
21:30 πŸ”— arkhive donҀ™t remmeber lol
21:30 πŸ”— arkhive but BlueMaxim do you want some steam codes i have extra of? or anyone on AT?
21:31 πŸ”— BlueMaxim depends on what games, I own 1600 of the bloody things :P
21:31 πŸ”— arkhive I have Actua Soccer 3 and Realms of the Haunting and many more. I canҀ™t sell them on eBay. got a notice email from them warning me this morning
21:31 πŸ”— arkhive lol garbage mainly
21:31 πŸ”— arkhive i have 837
21:32 πŸ”— BlueMaxim where'd you get all of them >___>
21:32 πŸ”— arkhive lol stolen.
21:32 πŸ”— arkhive jk
21:32 πŸ”— arkhive from bundles
21:32 πŸ”— arkhive indiegala, indieroyale, bundlestars, humblebundle, groupees, flyingbundle
21:32 πŸ”— arkhive and such
21:32 πŸ”— arkhive i have about 60 more
21:32 πŸ”— BlueMax lord I remember when I used to follow those bundles like a hawk
21:33 πŸ”— arkhive i have hitman absolution is newest probably
21:33 πŸ”— arkhive extra of
21:33 πŸ”— BlueMax eh don't worry about me I'd never find time to play them anyway
21:34 πŸ”— arkhive septa core: legacy of the creator, iron grip: warlord, bridge constructor, garshasp:the monster slayer, huntsman: the orphanage, two worlds 2, humanity asset, etherlords 1 and 2, doorways, ring runner:flight of the sages, tropico 3 gold, disciples II:resurrection, king arthur 2: the role playing war game, commandos 3:destination berlin, commandos 2: men of courage, commandos:beyond cal of duty, commandos:behind enemy lines, legendar
21:34 πŸ”— arkhive spacechem, section 8, garshasp temple of the dragon, another commandos 3, dear esther, airbuccaneers, supreme commander, supreme commander:forged alliance, stcc II, zeno clash, nuclear dawn, blades of time limited edition, hydrophobia prophecy, postal, tiny and big:grandpas leftovers, fez, restauarnt empire 2, inquisitor, type:rider, warlock, red faction armageddon, darksiders, red faction guerrilla, little inferno, broken sword 2,
21:34 πŸ”— arkhive offspring fling, jack lumber, little racers street, not the robots, gun metal, hostile waters: antaeus rising, humanity asset, marine sharpshooter 2:jungle warfare, 1953 KGB Unleashed, trauma, the void, the journey down:chapter 1, time gentlement please ben there dan that, realms of arkania 1 blade of destiny classic, realms of arkania 2 star trail classic, realms of arkania 3 shadows over riva classic, red faction armageddon dlc, ac
21:34 πŸ”— arkhive soccer 3, realms of the haunting
21:34 πŸ”— arkhive oh shit. didnҀ™t know itҀ™d be that large of copy pasta
21:34 πŸ”— pft i'll take an iron grip warlord
21:34 πŸ”— arkhive if anyone wants any of those codes just message me. IҀ™m not always here but will see it. if not msg me again.
21:34 πŸ”— arkhive okay
21:34 πŸ”— arkhive hold on let me find it.
21:35 πŸ”— BlueMax section 8 is great
21:35 πŸ”— arkhive pft i just pm ed you
21:36 πŸ”— arkhive i just earned my 10 year service badge from steam in august lol
21:36 πŸ”— arkhive you want it, BlueMax ?
21:36 πŸ”— pft thanks :)
21:36 πŸ”— arkhive :)
21:36 πŸ”— BlueMax nah already have it
21:36 πŸ”— BlueMax just saying, make sure it goes to someone who'll play it
21:36 πŸ”— arkhive i have played probably 50 of the 837 i have.
21:36 πŸ”— arkhive ya
21:37 πŸ”— arkhive i just kinda went crazy buying on steam sales and mainly bundles
21:53 πŸ”— pft hmm. i think i barked up this tree before and the answer was no: is there any way to pull warcs for sites in the wayback machine?
21:58 πŸ”— xmc not easily
21:59 πŸ”— pft is there a hard way?
21:59 πŸ”— xmc you could grovel through the web collection and build your own index of all the warcs
22:00 πŸ”— xmc or suck down all the indexes
22:00 πŸ”— pft ahhh ok
22:00 πŸ”— xmc and look through it
22:00 πŸ”— xmc it's genenrally all spread around, you have to look in the .cdx files for a specific url
22:00 πŸ”— pft ahh okay
22:00 πŸ”— pft makes sense
22:00 πŸ”— pft so you'd download billions of .cdx files to find the right one
22:00 πŸ”— xmc yea
22:01 πŸ”— xmc hard way is not easy ;)
22:01 πŸ”— yipdw pft: that said if it's something we got in archivebot, the WARCs are there
22:01 πŸ”— yipdw still have to dig through go packs, though
22:02 πŸ”— yipdw until the archivebot search thing is resurrected
22:02 πŸ”— pft well i mean ancient things
22:02 πŸ”— yipdw oh
22:02 πŸ”— pft probably in the alexa stuff which i wouldn't be able to access anyways
22:06 πŸ”— DFJustin non-archive team warcs are not publicly downloadable
22:10 πŸ”— pft ok
22:10 πŸ”— pft thanks :)
