#archiveteam-bs 2015-04-09,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
00:05 🔗 Start-mob has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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01:08 🔗 kyan has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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02:01 🔗 schbirid has joined #archiveteam-bs
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03:04 🔗 swebb sets mode: +o underscor
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03:04 🔗 acridAxid has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
03:04 🔗 Zebranky has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
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03:11 🔗 Start-mob has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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04:06 🔗 joepie91_ [20:56] <xmc> what is this even
04:07 🔗 joepie91_ this, my dear xmc, is the current state of crypto in proprietary applications - and also the reason I tell people "source code or GTFO" when claiming they have implemented 'secure crypto'
04:07 🔗 joepie91_ :)
04:08 🔗 joepie91_ almost any proprietary crypto app you'll look at will be similar
04:08 🔗 joepie91_ it's bizarre
04:12 🔗 xmc well it makes it easier to use at least
04:21 🔗 mistym has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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04:21 🔗 Sanqui has quit IRC (ircd.choopa.net ircd.shaw.ca)
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04:23 🔗 ircd.shaw.ca sets mode: +ooo underscor SadDM DFJustin
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04:24 🔗 swebb sets mode: +o DFJustin
05:02 🔗 dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
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05:15 🔗 * phillipsj mapped the electrical layout of his apartment.
05:16 🔗 phillipsj If I physically lose a machine, I can turn off breakers to narrow it's location.
05:17 🔗 phillipsj Except electrician got lazy and hung way too much on the breaker for the living room, while leaving another one unsued.
05:17 🔗 phillipsj *unused
05:22 🔗 schbirid has joined #archiveteam-bs
05:36 🔗 Ravenloft has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
05:40 🔗 dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
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06:43 🔗 mistym has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
07:05 🔗 joepie91_ phillipsj: there does not appear to be any logic in the layout of this house
07:05 🔗 joepie91_ basically any electrical work comes down to "should probably shut down your PC, no idea whether it's on this breaker or not, just in case"
07:09 🔗 primus104 has joined #archiveteam-bs
07:30 🔗 Sue__ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
07:47 🔗 GLaDOS has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
07:49 🔗 GLaDOS has joined #archiveteam-bs
07:59 🔗 Sue_ has joined #archiveteam-bs
08:27 🔗 midas joepie91_: ... may i remind you of some shower lamp you had?
08:52 🔗 acridAxid has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
08:56 🔗 acridAxid has joined #archiveteam-bs
09:15 🔗 primus104 has quit IRC (Leaving.)
10:22 🔗 joepie91_ midas: yes, what about it
10:29 🔗 midas well, that was some impressive electrical bulb wasnt it? didnt it stay on if you turned off the switch
10:30 🔗 joepie91_ midas: no, it refused to turn on
10:30 🔗 joepie91_ :P
10:42 🔗 midas :p
11:03 🔗 BlueMaxim someone just put up a single torrent of all the TOSEC 2014-12-31 branches on PleasureDome, if someone wanted to grab it and had an account there you might wanna do that
11:04 🔗 BlueMaxim I'd upload it if my internet wouldn't take several months to upload all that data >___>
11:05 🔗 joepie91_ BlueMaxim: download it and send a HDD!
11:06 🔗 BlueMaxim I live in AU. Shipping costs would be higher than the actual hard drive
11:06 🔗 BlueMaxim I need to buy a seedbox one of these days
11:07 🔗 joepie91_ BlueMaxim: hold
11:07 🔗 * BlueMaxim holds joepie91_
11:07 🔗 joepie91_ dear australia post, if you write your own autocomplete, you should PROBABLY turn off the browser autocomplete
11:08 🔗 BlueMaxim australia post won't let you send electronics
11:08 🔗 joepie91_ they.. who.. what?
11:08 🔗 joepie91_ BlueMaxim: what?
11:08 🔗 BlueMaxim insurance shit
11:08 🔗 joepie91_ what.
11:08 🔗 joepie91_ okay, how about a stack of DVDs?
11:09 🔗 BlueMaxim oh jesus christ that'd be a lot of dvds
11:09 🔗 BlueMaxim would probably end up being more than shipping a hard drive D:
11:09 🔗 joepie91_ BlueMaxim: how big is the data?
11:09 🔗 BlueMaxim 122GB
11:09 🔗 joepie91_ (not necessarily)
11:09 🔗 joepie91_ okay, sec
11:09 🔗 joepie91_ .wa 0.70oz in grams
11:09 🔗 botpie91 convert 0.7 oz (ounces) to grams;19.8 grams;0.0198 kg (kilograms);~~ 0.34 &times; type 1 tennis ball mass ( 56 to 59 g );~~ 0.43 &times; maximum golf ball mass (~~ 1.6 oz );~~ 1.3 &times; mass of an empty 12-ounce aluminum soda can (~~ 15 g );mass;Weight w of a body from w = mg:, ->0.044 lbf (pounds-force), ->0.0014 slugf (slugs-force), ->195 mN (millinewtons), ->19461 dynes, ->20 ponds;Volume V of water from V = m\/rho_(H_2O):, ->20 m
11:10 🔗 joepie91_ .wa 19.8 grams * (122 / 4) in kg
11:10 🔗 botpie91 convert 19.8 grams&times;122\/4 to kilograms;0.6039 kg (kilograms);1.331 lb (pounds);1 pound 5.3 ounces;~~ 0.97 &times; NBA basketball mass ( 22 oz );~~ 1.4 &times; FIFA soccer ball mass ( 410 to 450 g );~~ 1.5 &times; NFL football mass ( 14 to 15 oz );mass;Weight w of a body from w = mg:, ->1.3 lbf (pounds-force), ->0.041 slugf (slugs-force), ->5.9 N (newtons), ->592224 dynes, ->604 ponds;Volume V of water from V = m\/rho_(H_2O):, ->0
11:10 🔗 BlueMaxim numbers! words!
11:10 🔗 joepie91_ so, about the same as a HDD
11:10 🔗 joepie91_ assuming paper sleeves
11:10 🔗 joepie91_ so that'd be $20.45 to NL by sea mail
11:10 🔗 joepie91_ not cheap, but doesn't exactly break the bank either
11:10 🔗 joepie91_ that's AUD I presume
11:10 🔗 joepie91_ .wa 20.45 aud in usd
11:10 🔗 botpie91 convert Au$20.45 (Australian dollars) to US dollars;$15.81 (US dollars);, 1-year minimum->$15.51 (April 3, 2015->6 days ago), 1-year maximum->$19.41 (July 2, 2014->9 months ago), 1-year average->$17.82 (annualized volatility: 7.5%)
11:11 🔗 joepie91_ well there
11:11 🔗 joepie91_ 15 bucks :P
11:11 🔗 BlueMaxim annoying someone else can't take my account and do it instead :P
11:11 🔗 joepie91_ will take a few weeks probably, but it's not expensive
11:11 🔗 joepie91_ I presume you can get DVDs for less than $0.50 there if you buy in bulk
11:11 🔗 joepie91_ so...
11:11 🔗 joepie91_ .wa 122 / 4
11:11 🔗 botpie91 122\/4;61\/2;30.5;30 1\/2;30&times;4+2;4->, ->30 |;2^(-1)&times;61;[30; 2];30 + 1\/2
11:11 🔗 joepie91_ ..
11:12 🔗 joepie91_ .calc 122 / 4
11:12 🔗 botpie91 122 / 4 = 61/2 (exactly 30.5)
11:12 🔗 botpie91 Note that .calc is deprecated, consider using .c
11:12 🔗 joepie91_ that's $15 for DVDs, $15 for shippng
11:12 🔗 joepie91_ shipping *
11:12 🔗 joepie91_ shipping might be cheaper elsewhere, idk
11:13 🔗 BlueMaxim did you wanna try using my pd account joepie91_? don't really care if it gets banned or not, only use it for mame romsets and I'm pretty sure I could get those elsewhere
11:14 🔗 joepie91_ BlueMaxim: eh, I could do that, at a point in the near future
11:14 🔗 joepie91_ but right now I don't have enough HDD space
11:14 🔗 joepie91_ (they allow qBittorrent, yes?)
11:15 🔗 BlueMaxim they do
11:15 🔗 BlueMaxim lol don't have 120GB floating around?
11:15 🔗 joepie91_ not currently
11:15 🔗 joepie91_ have a few TB of stuff queued up to upload to IA
11:15 🔗 joepie91_ :P
11:16 🔗 BlueMaxim ...wow. carry on then
11:17 🔗 joepie91_ BlueMaxim: I've gotten into the habit of collecting older, hard-to-find TV shows
11:18 🔗 joepie91_ the kind of stuff that has 1 seeder, if you're lucky, that's online once every week or so
11:18 🔗 BlueMaxim o_o
11:18 🔗 joepie91_ and overall I collect unhealthy torrents
11:18 🔗 joepie91_ that are likely to die out in the near future
11:19 🔗 joepie91_ I currently have torrents for 3 discs of a DVD set running
11:19 🔗 joepie91_ that go at under a KB/sec
11:19 🔗 joepie91_ and have been doing so for a few days
11:19 🔗 joepie91_ very occasionally another peer pops up that gives me like 50-100KB/sec
11:19 🔗 BlueMaxim it reminds me of hell.
11:19 🔗 joepie91_ for a few minutes
11:19 🔗 joepie91_ it reminds me of WinMX and Napster :)
11:20 🔗 BlueMaxim yes, hell
11:20 🔗 joepie91_ haha
11:20 🔗 joepie91_ WinMX is nice :P
11:20 🔗 Rotab lol
11:21 🔗 joepie91_ I should probably queue up a few more torrents
11:21 🔗 joepie91_ er
11:21 🔗 joepie91_ a few more uploads
11:22 🔗 BlueMaxim how fast is your upload
11:23 🔗 joepie91_ helpful resource: http://www.elivermore.com/mailing_dvds.htm
11:23 🔗 joepie91_ BlueMaxim: 100mbps
11:24 🔗 joepie91_ I have 100/100 FttH :P
11:24 🔗 BlueMaxim you son of a slootweg. <___<
11:24 🔗 joepie91_ :D
11:25 🔗 BlueMaxim I have 10/1...and I'm lucky to get that
11:25 🔗 joepie91_ BlueMaxim: I don't get 100mbps to IA though
11:25 🔗 joepie91_ need to run a lot of parallel uploads to get even 30mbps
11:26 🔗 joepie91_ their international peering is not amazing, it would seem
11:26 🔗 BlueMaxim nah, it's just jason taking up every pipe
11:26 🔗 joepie91_ jason, get off the goddamn pipes!
11:26 🔗 joepie91_ :P
11:27 🔗 BlueMaxim man, what I wouldn't do for your internet...wouldn't have to wait six hours for a video to upload
11:27 🔗 Rotab haha yeah
11:27 🔗 Rotab i dont think ive ever gotten good speeds from IA
11:29 🔗 joepie91_ Rotab: I've seen good speeds to some boxes in the US
11:29 🔗 joepie91_ where "good speed" means 10mbps+ incoming from IA
11:29 🔗 joepie91_ BlueMaxim: I could make many terrible jokes here
11:30 🔗 BlueMaxim I could do you. :P
11:41 🔗 Ctrl-S would anyone here be willing to take a quick look at a db structure and tell me if there are any major problems?
11:41 🔗 Ctrl-S https://www.dropbox.com/s/mjln3ufr9270gpa/tables.py?dl=0
11:42 🔗 joepie91_ oh dear, that's noisy syntax
11:42 🔗 Ctrl-S i'm basically writing a tumblr archiver
11:42 🔗 Ctrl-S noisy syntax?
11:42 🔗 joepie91_ yes, lots of characters to define very little :)
11:42 🔗 joepie91_ Ctrl-S: anyway, the date fields should be a date type, if sqlalchemy offers it
11:42 🔗 joepie91_ not bigint
11:43 🔗 joepie91_ or datetime/timestamp, rather
11:43 🔗 Ctrl-S it's given to me by the api as an integer
11:43 🔗 joepie91_ ok?
11:43 🔗 Ctrl-S should i be converting it?
11:43 🔗 joepie91_ that is what I'd do, yes
11:43 🔗 joepie91_ normalize data in own storage
11:44 🔗 joepie91_ most DB engines use unix timestamps for timestamp columns internally anyway
11:44 🔗 joepie91_ so space-wise it's not a problem
11:44 🔗 Ctrl-S i just figured it's one more thing i could screw up, so i left it alone
11:45 🔗 Ctrl-S the main thing is the media table
11:45 🔗 joepie91_ I'll look at that in a bit
11:45 🔗 Ctrl-S i've spent the last few days splitting it into seperate tables, the old columns are in the commented out part of it's definition
11:45 🔗 joepie91_ how does sqlalchemy handle string fields?
11:45 🔗 Ctrl-S varchar
11:45 🔗 joepie91_ okay, that defaults to 255 iirc
11:45 🔗 joepie91_ is that enough for
11:45 🔗 joepie91_ info_description = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String())#String You guessed it! The blog's description
11:45 🔗 joepie91_ ?
11:45 🔗 joepie91_ and other fields
11:46 🔗 Ctrl-S i don't know of a length limit on strings
11:46 🔗 joepie91_ there is
11:46 🔗 joepie91_ VARCHAR is bounded by definition
11:46 🔗 joepie91_ and defaults to 255
11:47 🔗 joepie91_ you need TEXT for unbounded text, but that's a bunch slower on mysql to work with
11:47 🔗 joepie91_ though for a description it's prob fine
11:47 🔗 Ctrl-S I'm generating an example DB now
11:48 🔗 Ctrl-S from staff.tumblr.com
11:48 🔗 Ctrl-S once the first few posts are in i'll show you
11:48 🔗 joepie91_ just read up on the default String behaviour :)
11:48 🔗 BlueMaxim has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
11:48 🔗 joepie91_ and confirm that it works for your case
11:49 🔗 joepie91_ TubmlrVideo
11:49 🔗 joepie91_ typo
11:49 🔗 joepie91_ Ctrl-S: is there any particular reason you have so many tables with essentially the same schema?
11:50 🔗 Ctrl-S I was told to split the media one
11:50 🔗 joepie91_ okay, why?
11:50 🔗 Ctrl-S I had loads of fields that were mutually exclusive
11:50 🔗 joepie91_ such as?
11:51 🔗 Ctrl-S youtube_yt_dl_info_json = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String()) ; tumblrvideo_yt_dl_info_json = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String())
11:51 🔗 joepie91_ and why couldn't you roll those into a single yt_dl_info_json field and an additional 'source' column?
11:51 🔗 Ctrl-S I should do that then?
11:52 🔗 Ctrl-S Most of this is guesswork
11:52 🔗 joepie91_ Ctrl-S: well that'd be a good start :P
11:52 🔗 joepie91_ also, Ctrl-S: I am guessing you're using MySQL?
11:52 🔗 Ctrl-S sqllite at the moment
11:52 🔗 Ctrl-S couldn't get it to connect to mysql
11:55 🔗 Ctrl-S i'm storing values over 1k characters long using string (sqlalchemy.String()
11:55 🔗 Ctrl-S so it seems to be okay
11:55 🔗 Ctrl-S and this SQLLite viewer says it's stored as a varchar
11:58 🔗 Ctrl-S so I should just ditch the seperatee media tables?
12:01 🔗 joepie91_ oh, sqlite
12:01 🔗 joepie91_ sqlite doesn't care about anything
12:01 🔗 joepie91_ lol
12:01 🔗 joepie91_ Ctrl-S: I'd say yes, and just add a column to indicate the source
12:01 🔗 Ctrl-S okay
12:01 🔗 joepie91_ Ctrl-S: but I'd recommend looking into PostgreSQL
12:01 🔗 joepie91_ it has first-class JSON support
12:01 🔗 joepie91_ :)
12:01 🔗 joepie91_ http://clarkdave.net/2013/06/what-can-you-do-with-postgresql-and-json/
12:06 🔗 Ctrl-S i'll just use the function name for extractor names
12:06 🔗 joepie91_ ?
12:06 🔗 Ctrl-S thanks for all the help
12:25 🔗 Rotab joepie91_: US maybe.. yeah. :P
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13:21 🔗 joepie91_ https://national.shitposting.agency/
13:21 🔗 ersi hah
13:53 🔗 Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.)
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14:37 🔗 joepie91_ wtf
14:37 🔗 joepie91_ https://github.com/simonwhitaker/habilis
14:37 🔗 joepie91_ this just vanished
14:37 🔗 joepie91_ into thin air
14:37 🔗 joepie91_ no copies anwyehre
14:37 🔗 joepie91_ :|
14:37 🔗 joepie91_ anywhere *
14:37 🔗 joepie91_ (was an email-to-dropbox gateway)
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15:27 🔗 xmc it did so over a year ago http://web.archive.org/web/20140107171700/https://github.com/simonwhitaker/habilis
15:28 🔗 xmc have you tried emailing the author
15:41 🔗 godane i'm uploading more ERIC pdfs now
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17:04 🔗 wacky Attempting to watch the aws summit stream here, theres gotta be some humor somewhere when they can't even keep a stream going
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17:35 🔗 joepie91_ argh
17:35 🔗 joepie91_ ERROR: ZVhq_Vjsmkk: YouTube said: This video contains content from Animasia Studio Sdn Bhd, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.
17:35 🔗 joepie91_ fuck off
17:35 🔗 joepie91_ wacky: but it's web scale!
17:35 🔗 joepie91_ ... oh wait, wrong company
17:35 🔗 joepie91_ wacky: but it's the cloud!
17:42 🔗 schbirid lol, please paste https://www.torproject.org/ into a status update at facebook and tell me what headline the preview has for you
17:42 🔗 schbirid "Shots fired as Russia detains Chinese fishing ships" here
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17:55 🔗 mahadri schbirid: "Shots fired as Russia detains Chinese fishing ships" Warning: Inferred Property: The 'og:title' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags. https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.torproject.org%2F
17:59 🔗 schbirid thanks
17:59 🔗 schbirid i wonder how that headline got in there, its CNN
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18:35 🔗 schbirid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0ng2Tp01Hc The World Of dBASE
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18:54 🔗 godane i'm starting to upload memritv clips: https://archive.org/details/memritv-clip-english-sub-1
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23:05 🔗 antomatic godane: Have you seen this? http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/tsvorzwanzigjahren100.html - looks like about 6 years worth of German evening news bulletins
23:12 🔗 godane no i have not seen that
23:18 🔗 wyatt8750 If I ever make a chat system for a game or program or something, it'll be like IRC but it'll support grepping and other forms of text processing.
23:21 🔗 kyan has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
23:30 🔗 godane antomatic: i'm grabbing it
23:31 🔗 antomatic great! good luck!
23:31 🔗 godane the html has the mp4 urls
23:32 🔗 godane 1989-09-01 url: https://media.tagesschau.de/video/2009/0901/TV-20090901-1819-2701.webl.h264.mp4
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