#archiveteam-bs 2018-08-03,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
00:01 🔗 godane i'm only 12k items away from 1.5 million items
01:24 🔗 godane this is interesting: https://www.ebay.com/itm/22-VHS-tapes-of-Japanese-tv-show-program-movie-as-blank-tapes-T120-may-has-ads/202389451320
02:30 🔗 achip has quit IRC (west.us.hub irc.Prison.NET)
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03:31 🔗 BlueMax has joined #archiveteam-bs
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04:20 🔗 achip has quit IRC (west.us.hub irc.Prison.NET)
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04:37 🔗 Odd0002 has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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05:44 🔗 Stilett0 has joined #archiveteam-bs
07:48 🔗 godane has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
07:54 🔗 Flashfire https://torrentfreak.com/movie-tv-show-companies-want-subtitle-sites-blocked-down-under-180802/
07:54 🔗 Flashfire I understand grabbing all of these sites is not viable as many host pirated content but i would appreciate any help in grabbing subtitles sites in the coming weeks
07:55 🔗 godane has joined #archiveteam-bs
08:31 🔗 Smiley has joined #archiveteam-bs
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09:29 🔗 DragonMon has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
10:15 🔗 Silvan has quit IRC (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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12:20 🔗 Silvan has joined #archiveteam-bs
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12:25 🔗 Silvan has quit IRC (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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13:26 🔗 BlueMax has quit IRC (Leaving)
14:08 🔗 schbirid has joined #archiveteam-bs
14:21 🔗 JSharp jrwr, fair
14:22 🔗 jrwr So
14:22 🔗 JSharp sorry for the noise in the main channel
14:22 🔗 jrwr ah its all good
14:22 🔗 jrwr So
14:22 🔗 jrwr I do know the IA will take anything shipped to it and archive it
14:23 🔗 jrwr document/tape wise
14:24 🔗 JSharp that's good -- but arranging the shipping and collecting the fee it would require to move it across the pacific, and dealing with customs ... eh that'll take time
14:25 🔗 jrwr Ya
14:25 🔗 jrwr There might be local efforts, I would look into other places that handle computer history
14:26 🔗 JSharp True, it sounds like there are a number of efforts
14:26 🔗 jrwr Making a simple book scanner is pretty easy (A glass triangle works well from what I understand)
14:26 🔗 jrwr Those will keep longer then the tapes
14:27 🔗 jrwr The tapes will be hit or miss, I would research people who have dumped data from these formats in the past, the drives are a PITA and can do more harm then good sometimes
14:34 🔗 JSharp indeed ... right now I'm mostly concerned with their physical preservation
14:34 🔗 JSharp can't dump them if they've been bulldozed :/
14:34 🔗 jrwr Right
14:34 🔗 JSharp and I'd rather they end up at the archive than some private collection, tbh
14:34 🔗 jrwr ya
14:34 🔗 jrwr go and email http://www.computerhistory.org/
14:35 🔗 JSharp That's a good idea
14:35 🔗 jrwr and ask what would be best to look out for
14:35 🔗 JSharp they actually publish a want list
14:35 🔗 jrwr cool!
14:35 🔗 JSharp http://www.computerhistory.org/artifactdonation/
14:35 🔗 jrwr pay a close eye
14:35 🔗 jrwr to anything they want
14:35 🔗 jrwr get everything you can
14:35 🔗 JSharp yeah, already made plans to go first thing tomorrow and search for things... know any other computer history museums with want lists?
14:36 🔗 JSharp (I miss usenet for things like this)
14:36 🔗 jrwr Ya
14:36 🔗 jrwr Im not too much on the phys side of things
14:37 🔗 jrwr Scott would be the best help I think, he is currently traveling I think
14:37 🔗 JSharp indeed. fortunately we have more time than we had for the tech manual rescue job in 2015
14:37 🔗 JSharp but not much more
14:38 🔗 JSharp and it's in Australia...
14:38 🔗 jrwr Ya
14:38 🔗 jrwr Focus on the wanted list and spider from there
14:40 🔗 JSharp will do
14:58 🔗 JSharp 888 Woodville Rd, Villawood NSW 2163 is the location of the warehouse
15:03 🔗 JSharp that was surprisingly annoying to find
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16:00 🔗 vegmitemo has joined #archiveteam-bs
16:01 🔗 vegmitemo Holy crap, I've just figured out what's causing the 503s/failed attempts to set metadata.
16:02 🔗 vegmitemo This link: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/21438-illustrated-tips-guidelines-making-beautiful-female-characters/?p=520411 (best not to click on it) will cause it to fail.
16:02 🔗 vegmitemo But if you change loverslab to some other domain, it works!
16:03 🔗 vegmitemo I wouldn't have thought that archive.org blacklisted links from descriptions like that but what other explanation is there?
16:03 🔗 znak vegmitemo: weird, do you know why? What about a www.loverslab.com URL with a different path component?
16:04 🔗 vegmitemo znak, nope: http://www.loverslab.com/somepathorsomething fails too.
16:05 🔗 vegmitemo http://www.loverslob.com/somepathorsomething works though.
16:05 🔗 znak and I forgot some context--this is when the URL appears in some metadata field of an item you're trying to upload, like {"description": "Source is http://www.loverslab.com/..."}?
16:05 🔗 vegmitemo znak, yeah, I had to strip the description from https://archive.org/details/youtube-pKJ4atlC2fA
16:05 🔗 znak That's interesting, seems like a spam filter or something.
16:07 🔗 vegmitemo Bit of a weird choice, seems like it hinders archiving efforts rather than helping.
16:08 🔗 vegmitemo loverslab.com is in the Wayback Machine too, so maybe a keyword problem like 'lover'?
16:08 🔗 JAA But you said that loverslob.com isn't a problem...
16:08 🔗 vegmitemo Yeah, just realised.
16:09 🔗 vegmitemo https://archive.org/details/whoahitsatest here's the test item for reference.
16:11 🔗 vegmitemo Not sure how some lude mods site got the ire of IA, haha.
16:12 🔗 znak It could also plausibly be a malware filter--like maybe at some point loverslab.com got hacked and had JavaScript malware, and ended up on some domain blacklist--and archive.org is filtering it as part of its anti-virus check or whatever.
16:13 🔗 vegmitemo znak, I wonder if the big G's safebrowsing filter might have a problem with it.
16:16 🔗 vegmitemo Even more interesting, adding https://web.archive.org/ at the beginning doesn't work, so no work around.
16:17 🔗 znak Maybe not safebrowsing specifically, "No unsafe content found" https://transparencyreport.google.com/safe-browsing/search?url=http:%2F%2Fwww.loverslab.com%2F
16:18 🔗 vegmitemo znak, wonder who IA use, or there own solution?
16:18 🔗 vegmitemo their*
16:18 🔗 vegmitemo People using Tubeup must have been pretty lucky so far not to hit a blacklisted domain (or maybe they haven't realised yet).
16:22 🔗 vegmitemo Does IA give older accounts any sort of privelleges maybe with uploads?
16:34 🔗 Stiletto has joined #archiveteam-bs
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16:38 🔗 astrid nope
16:38 🔗 astrid there's no automatic grants of privileges
16:38 🔗 astrid i have an elevated account but that's because i do a bunch of stuff with it
16:44 🔗 vegmitemo astrid, any idea how a domain might be rechecked or something? As infamous as that place is I don't remember any sort of malware scandal.
16:54 🔗 astrid domain rechecked? what do you mean?
16:56 🔗 vegmitemo astrid, if the domain is blocked because of found malware, if it were rechecked the malicious file(s) might have been purged since. It's not impossible for people to get hacked so a perma-block would make archiving things 'lossless'ly more difficult.
16:56 🔗 astrid i still need more context
16:56 🔗 astrid is this on ia?
16:56 🔗 astrid what do you mean by "blocked"
16:56 🔗 astrid can you provide an example?
16:58 🔗 astrid just so you know, i'm not super up on internal IA processes
16:58 🔗 astrid i don't work there ;)
16:58 🔗 vegmitemo An upload to archive.org or metadata change will fail if a field contains a blacklisted domain (in this case loverslab.com). I was wondering if there's a way domains can be rechecked for malware (or whatever IA didn't like about the site) so they aren't blacklisted. Realise you aren't from IA, just curious if you had some insight.
16:59 🔗 astrid ahh
16:59 🔗 astrid well that probly means they got a spam run mentioning that domain
16:59 🔗 astrid email info@archive.org and they will probably help, or fix it, or whatever needs to be done
16:59 🔗 astrid IA has been suffering under a lot of spam items lately
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17:00 🔗 vegmitemo Yeah, I've seen some of them.
17:00 🔗 astrid and one thing they might do is blacklist mentioning particular domains in metadata
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17:00 🔗 vegmitemo I even encountered an item that redirected to another domain when clicked (this was months ago though).
17:00 🔗 astrid eep
17:00 🔗 astrid that's a bug and should be reported
17:01 🔗 astrid do you know what item that was?
17:01 🔗 vegmitemo I'll see if it still exists, one moment.
17:03 🔗 vegmitemo https://archive.org/details/fav-zolotaia_orda_kriak this was it I think, looks like that was fixed though.
17:04 🔗 astrid ah yeah they did
17:04 🔗 astrid <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://tinyurl.com/y74fjay7" />
17:04 🔗 vegmitemo Ouch.
17:04 🔗 JAA I was going to say, sounds like an XSS.
17:05 🔗 astrid (at the bottom of the description field)
17:05 🔗 vegmitemo Always a shame when people abuse such a useful service.
17:06 🔗 astrid it's gonna happen
17:06 🔗 astrid always does
17:06 🔗 vegmitemo One of those laws of the universe or something.
17:08 🔗 JH88 has joined #archiveteam-bs
17:15 🔗 vegmitemo Another one for future reference, a link per field limit of 16.
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18:31 🔗 godane has quit IRC (Leaving.)
19:05 🔗 Stiletto this hero is uploading old MS Knowledge Base entries to Github : https://jeffpar.github.io/kbarchive/
19:41 🔗 godane has joined #archiveteam-bs
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22:17 🔗 godane so this item is down for some reason : https://archive.org/details/DTIC_ADA530010
22:19 🔗 godane same for this item : https://archive.org/details/DTIC_ADA530317
22:19 🔗 fenn what was it?
22:19 🔗 astrid DTIC ADA530010: Quality Improvement of Cheese Spread
22:19 🔗 godane yup
22:19 🔗 astrid strange, i can't see much in the info about why it got darked or whatever
22:19 🔗 godane its not darked based on the history logs
22:20 🔗 astrid er right
22:20 🔗 fenn because it's "defense" cheese spread
22:21 🔗 godane this one is waiting to derive: https://archive.org/details/DTIC_AD0530744
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23:20 🔗 balrog has quit IRC (Quit: Bye)
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