#archiveteam 2011-06-29,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
00:01 🔗 Tatsujin http://buddhisttorrents.blogspot.com/2011/06/ending-buddha-torrents.html
00:01 🔗 Tatsujin how would one go about ripping a blogger site
00:01 🔗 Tatsujin do you guys just use wget most of the time?
00:52 🔗 DoubleJ Depends on the material being downloaded, but yeah, for blogs wget will usually work just fine.
02:25 🔗 chronomex i'm pretty bummed about never having a chance to see one
02:25 🔗 chronomex woops wrong window
02:35 🔗 underscor Now I'm super curious about what chronomex was trying to see
02:36 🔗 chronomex shuttle launch
02:37 🔗 underscor That sounds vaguely sexual
02:38 🔗 chronomex anything is, with that tone of voice
02:41 🔗 * chronomex leers
02:41 🔗 underscor :D
02:41 🔗 * underscor wiggles eyebrows
02:44 🔗 chronomex you have no idea ...
02:53 🔗 underscor beardicus: Was it you that shipped me a hard drive?
02:54 🔗 beardicus i did indeed underscor.
02:54 🔗 underscor Trying to remember whose this is
02:54 🔗 underscor Okay
02:54 🔗 underscor Moving data off of it atm
02:54 🔗 underscor haha
02:55 🔗 beardicus i guess i could paypal you monies to send it back. i need something to stick friendster on and mail out.
07:23 🔗 ersi "Bit.ly gets you blocked" (ie. mail thrown away/spam classed) http://www.circleid.com/posts/20110628_bitly_gets_you_blocked/
07:44 🔗 chronomex deserve it
07:45 🔗 ersi fuck yes
07:48 🔗 chronomex https://www.google.com/takeout/
08:12 🔗 ersi Ohhhhhh fuck that's nice
08:13 🔗 ersi chronomex: Is that very new? Seeing how they got "Streams" in it and all
08:13 🔗 chronomex yeah, it's new
08:14 🔗 no2pencil Hey, what's up Archivers?
08:14 🔗 ersi hope they'll add more services
08:14 🔗 chronomex hopefully
08:14 🔗 chronomex this is just the latest offering from the google data liberation team
08:15 🔗 ersi lol
08:15 🔗 ersi got a 404 when trying to get my archive :/(
08:17 🔗 chronomex hmmm
08:17 🔗 chronomex try again?
08:17 🔗 ersi archive gone D:
08:17 🔗 ersi created a new one, still 404
08:17 🔗 chronomex strange
09:13 🔗 SketchCow Hey
09:14 🔗 BlueMax Hello SketchCow
09:15 🔗 alard Hello.
09:17 🔗 no2pencil Hello
09:22 🔗 chronomex hello
09:22 🔗 chronomex what's going on
11:17 🔗 Lembam Hiya. :-)
14:56 🔗 underscor Delaying for 9 seconds
14:56 🔗 underscor Downloading adultcowgirlcostume
14:56 🔗 underscor I don't even
15:31 🔗 Spirit_ oh, ouch. the 100k robots.txt files are using 1GB on the harddisk
15:32 🔗 Spirit_ damn those tiny files
15:32 🔗 Spirit_ still looking for a compressed read/write filesystem, if possible one i can put into one file
16:28 🔗 closure so is friendster over?
16:29 🔗 ersi sorta
16:29 🔗 ersi they're still up though :D
16:31 🔗 closure I have a few dozen gb of friendster I really should upload sometime
16:32 🔗 ersi yeah
18:18 🔗 zumthing can someone send me an ls -laR of a directory on blindtiger?
18:19 🔗 underscor zumthing: Talk to SketchCow
18:19 🔗 zumthing i was hoping someone else might be able too, too. ;)
18:19 🔗 zumthing SketchCow: you 'live?
18:19 🔗 zumthing is there a non-irc way to get ahold of him?
18:20 🔗 underscor jason@textfiles.com
18:20 🔗 ersi yeah, either here or that mail
18:20 🔗 underscor He's pretty fast with email
18:20 🔗 underscor (As long as he's not out doing something)
18:36 🔗 bbot_ https://picasaweb.google.com/nitrobaphotos/NeXTCubeFireAtLLL
18:36 🔗 bbot_ 1993
21:58 🔗 alard Hey. Does anyone have experience with scraping Google results?
21:58 🔗 underscor I've done it before
21:59 🔗 underscor Google really doesn't like it
21:59 🔗 underscor heh
21:59 🔗 alard I'm currently trying to make a list of some gallery.me.com usernames.
21:59 🔗 underscor Man, I have so much shit on my desk
21:59 🔗 underscor 31 hard drives
21:59 🔗 underscor fucktons of coards
21:59 🔗 alard That's quite a lot.
21:59 🔗 underscor cords*
21:59 🔗 underscor and papers
21:59 🔗 * underscor hates summer cleaning
22:00 🔗 alard At the moment I am using this query: site:gallery.me.com *aaa*
22:00 🔗 alard where I replace aaa by different sequences: a, aa, aaa, aab etc.
22:01 🔗 alard It seems to produce some results, but maybe there is a better way?
22:02 🔗 underscor Nope
22:02 🔗 underscor But there's no need for the stars
22:02 🔗 underscor They're not going to get you more results
22:02 🔗 underscor Google doesn't do wildcard searches
22:02 🔗 alard Oh, I hoped they would.
22:03 🔗 underscor It would take too much processing power
22:04 🔗 alard The gallery is really nice, by the way: you can ask it to produce one zip file with all the images in it.
22:05 🔗 underscor That's spiffy
22:06 🔗 chronomex underscor: you know a kid on the internet named 'sabur'?
22:06 🔗 underscor Sounds slightly familiar
22:06 🔗 underscor Why?
22:06 🔗 underscor Oh yeah, I do
22:06 🔗 underscor Why?
22:06 🔗 chronomex former roommate of mine
22:07 🔗 underscor Aha, that's cool
22:07 🔗 chronomex somehow two other people on a local channel mentioned that they both knew you
22:07 🔗 underscor haha
22:07 🔗 underscor Really?
22:07 🔗 underscor Sabur and who else?
22:07 🔗 chronomex cemeyer/konrad
22:07 🔗 underscor Dunno who that is
22:07 🔗 * chronomex shrugs
22:07 🔗 underscor They probably use a different nick on the networks we share
22:07 🔗 chronomex probably
22:08 🔗 * underscor likes to keep it simple, 1 nick for all nets
22:08 🔗 * chronomex nods quietly
22:09 🔗 underscor * [Sabur] #hackerfurs
22:09 🔗 underscor * [Sabur] (~josh@FUR-1146827D.seattlewireless.net): Josh
22:09 🔗 underscor * [Sabur] bear.anthrochat.net :AnthroChat, London, UK
22:09 🔗 underscor Hey, you guys have a similar hostmask
22:09 🔗 chronomex yeah we're on the same box I think
23:49 🔗 SketchCow Hey, gang.
23:49 🔗 SketchCow OK, so I go out today, be back in a few hours, see if we can assess projects.
23:49 🔗 SketchCow Friendster is going down down down!
23:52 🔗 underscor SketchCow: Just sent you an email fyi
