#archiveteam 2012-02-13,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
00:04 πŸ”— underscor 5 REDBULLS?!?!?!?!?
00:04 πŸ”— SketchCow OVER 9000
00:04 πŸ”— underscor SketchCow: you're gonna kill yourself
00:04 πŸ”— underscor I was buzzed after that one!
00:04 πŸ”— SketchCow You're a lightweight
00:04 πŸ”— SketchCow I'm a hardcore redbuller
00:04 πŸ”— SketchCow And have been since before you were born
00:04 πŸ”— underscor haha
00:05 πŸ”— underscor You can handle a whole ginger beer too, so your tolerance for everything is probably higher
00:06 πŸ”— DoubleJ Ugh, Red Bull. My one and only experience with the stuff was drinking vodka & Red Bull during a night of drinking.
00:06 πŸ”— DoubleJ The third one was probably a mistake.
00:06 πŸ”— DoubleJ The fifth one definitely was.
00:07 πŸ”— underscor hahah
00:08 πŸ”— DoubleJ Yeah, not the most auspicious way to turn 30.
00:08 πŸ”— DoubleJ (Wanna know how to make a hangover worse? Add a racing heart on top of it! Holy crap the next day sucked.)
00:08 πŸ”— underscor Drinking red bull, going on a roller coaster, drinking a ginger beer, having the fucking spiciest burrito in existence, and then scrambling to find a gas station with nesquik to cut the heat
00:09 πŸ”— underscor srsly :D
00:10 πŸ”— DoubleJ Jeez. After putting all that through your system I hope you left a nice tip for the housekeeping staff.
00:10 πŸ”— underscor haha
00:11 πŸ”— underscor I babysat their daughter and played games all night with her, does that count?
00:20 πŸ”— Nemo_bis underscor, you prevent their daughter from sleeping and ask recognition?
00:21 πŸ”— underscor ha
00:22 πŸ”— underscor This was like 5pm to 11pm :P
00:22 πŸ”— underscor Not like it was all night
00:23 πŸ”— Nemo_bis :p
00:37 πŸ”— underscor http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/5-hour-energy-drink-inventor-revealed-buddhist-monk-225843909.html
00:46 πŸ”— underscor :D
00:46 πŸ”— underscor SketchCow: http://i.imgur.com/yXUna.png
00:56 πŸ”— SketchCow http://i.qkme.me/362i4b.jpg
00:57 πŸ”— SketchCow game and match
00:58 πŸ”— underscor hahahahahahaha
00:58 πŸ”— underscor that is beautiful
00:58 πŸ”— underscor <3
00:58 πŸ”— underscor SketchCow: Instead of red bulls, you should just get a few grams of http://www.dmaastore.com/
01:00 πŸ”— SketchCow The 5 hour meth?
01:00 πŸ”— SketchCow http://i.qkme.me/362i7t.jpg
01:02 πŸ”— underscor hahahahaha
01:02 πŸ”— underscor you're really good at those, aren't you?
01:07 πŸ”— chronomex hahaha hermoinecam
01:13 πŸ”— SketchCow I wish I could say it was hard
01:14 πŸ”— nitro2k01 That's what she said
01:14 πŸ”— SketchCow http://i.qkme.me/362imr.jpg
01:40 πŸ”— SketchCow http://thejit.org/ <-- go play with that, alard/underscor
01:45 πŸ”— underscor holy
01:45 πŸ”— underscor fuck
01:56 πŸ”— SketchCow http://tracker.archive.org/df.html seems to not have javascript graphs yet
01:56 πŸ”— SketchCow chop chop
01:57 πŸ”— underscor That would be cool!
01:58 πŸ”— underscor I'll add them in a few
01:58 πŸ”— tef underscor: d3.js
01:58 πŸ”— underscor Need to finish this essay and vocabulary
02:31 πŸ”— chronomex underscor: where's the graphs it's been half an hour goddamnit get moving
02:37 πŸ”— * SketchCow looks at watch and looks at you and looks at watch and walks away, looking at you
02:38 πŸ”— chronomex :|
02:41 πŸ”— chronomex :| |: :|
02:43 πŸ”— SketchCow I think if I got one free punch in life, it'd be to find one of those guys who is the wiry asshole in the okay suit who walks up and down the line to keep people working
02:43 πŸ”— SketchCow And just punch him in the face. down he goes. cheering
02:50 πŸ”— chronomex
02:53 πŸ”— chronomex I think I used up my free punch already
02:54 πŸ”— chronomex on a guy who sat down at my laptop when I wasn't there and then complained that my keyboard layout wasn't what he was expecting
02:54 πŸ”— chronomex I won't name names, but he's the sort of person who knows that you shouldn't do that
03:10 πŸ”— SketchCow chop chop
03:34 πŸ”— underscor UGH
03:34 πŸ”— underscor GAWD
04:41 πŸ”— SketchCow I come back and what do I find
04:42 πŸ”— underscor I'M TRYING TO GET IT TO WORK
04:42 πŸ”— underscor I'm tired :(
04:42 πŸ”— SketchCow The sun was in your eyes
04:42 πŸ”— SketchCow Lag
04:42 πŸ”— SketchCow Crappy mag
04:42 πŸ”— SketchCow map
04:44 πŸ”— bsmith094 random question ive looked everywhere are there any archives for the rubicon conferences
04:44 πŸ”— SketchCow http://www.cow.net/rubicon/
04:44 πŸ”— SketchCow I have some.
04:45 πŸ”— SketchCow http://audio.textfiles.com/cons/rubicon/
04:46 πŸ”— underscor SketchCow's fetish -- [XXX][PORN]Boxxy - Sweet Emo Teen in Her First Porn (Anal).wmv
04:48 πŸ”— bsmith094 SketchCow: interesting, the one thing you're missing is your own keynote
04:48 πŸ”— underscor ha
04:48 πŸ”— underscor I'd like to hear it as well
04:48 πŸ”— bsmith094 and come to think of it , where are the other rubicons, theyre dead now, and china bought the domain
05:07 πŸ”— Aranje underscor: you milf, that girl looks nothing like Boxxy and you know it
05:08 πŸ”— arrith underscor: one day..
05:09 πŸ”— underscor hahaha
05:09 πŸ”— underscor wait
05:09 πŸ”— underscor Aranje: Did you just call me a milf
05:09 πŸ”— Aranje underscor: you fucking know it
05:10 πŸ”— underscor ... :P
05:21 πŸ”— SketchCow Where's that hot new interface we were promised at the last archiveteamcon
05:22 πŸ”— underscor ffffff
05:23 πŸ”— underscor I prefer writing in bash and playdoh҄’
06:02 πŸ”— kreitz I've apparently been banned from efnet?
06:02 πŸ”— * kreitz grumbles
06:10 πŸ”— chronomex you seem to be h ere
06:11 πŸ”— kreitz web client
06:11 πŸ”— kreitz my IP is blocked from connection though
06:12 πŸ”— * kreitz misses freenode
06:12 πŸ”— chronomex ah
06:23 πŸ”— SketchCow http://www.flickr.com/photos/textfiles/sets/72157628758936913/with/6867910843/
07:17 πŸ”— SketchCow Oh, awesome, /3 is not responding very well.
07:17 πŸ”— SketchCow I'll bet people are gifting it tons of greatness.
07:19 πŸ”— SketchCow There, it's back.
07:19 πŸ”— SketchCow Not heartattacky or anything.
07:25 πŸ”— kennethre hmm, am I free to spin up a few instances?
07:29 πŸ”— SketchCow No, you really aren't.
07:29 πŸ”— SketchCow alard and I will be setting it up that you're going to a special drive shortly.
07:29 πŸ”— SketchCow And then when you do it, it'll go there and I'll have something running there that's doing live transfers over.
07:29 πŸ”— SketchCow That should solve the problem.
07:29 πŸ”— kennethre fantastic
07:30 πŸ”— SketchCow Well, besides the fact that right now, we're likely to absorb 60% of all of archive.org's free space
07:30 πŸ”— SketchCow Which is fascinating in itself.
07:30 πŸ”— kennethre damn
07:31 πŸ”— kennethre I assume that creates a few complications
07:31 πŸ”— SketchCow Not overly.
07:31 πŸ”— SketchCow 60% of 380 terabytes still leaves hundreds of terabytes
07:32 πŸ”— SketchCow They don't like to pay for spinning drives with no data.
07:32 πŸ”— SketchCow Bear in mind we're currently absorbing hundreds of hours of live television a day.
07:33 πŸ”— SketchCow And we've gone from 900gb of google groups on the batcave to 275, so that's going well.
07:34 πŸ”— kennethre are they running any fancy big storage hardware?
07:34 πŸ”— kennethre (e.g. netapp heads)
07:34 πŸ”— SketchCow http://www.archive.org/web/petabox.php
07:34 πŸ”— kennethre very nice
07:35 πŸ”— kennethre shipping container -- incredible
07:36 πŸ”— DFJustin "so what's in this container?" "THE INTERNET"
07:38 πŸ”— SketchCow Just going after friendster on the batcave will kill 3-4 terabytes, at least.
07:38 πŸ”— SketchCow Then I'm stepping through others.
07:39 πŸ”— kennethre I wonder how those compare vs http://blog.backblaze.com/2011/07/20/petabytes-on-a-budget-v2-0revealing-more-secrets/
07:42 πŸ”— SketchCow http://blog.backblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/pod20-cost-of-a-petabyte-amazon-dell.jpg
07:42 πŸ”— SketchCow That's my favorite.
07:44 πŸ”— kennethre hahaha
07:44 πŸ”— kennethre S3 has its uses
07:44 πŸ”— SketchCow Giving amazon millions seems to be one
07:45 πŸ”— kennethre that $94k needs to be tripled for 3x replication across the planet
07:45 πŸ”— kennethre Can't argue with nine nines :)
07:45 πŸ”— kennethre haha, you have no idea
07:45 πŸ”— kennethre how much heroku's amazon bill is every month
07:46 πŸ”— kennethre https://a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com/img/92a0e6c8cfa3aae0e70f442fc915263ee59bf5bf/687474703a2f2f6d656469612e74756d626c722e636f6d2f74756d626c725f6c74757a6a766251364c31717a677078392e676966
07:46 πŸ”— kennethre gr
07:46 πŸ”— kennethre http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltuzjvbQ6L1qzgpx9.gif
08:26 πŸ”— SketchCow OK, so anyhub threatened to disappear, and didn't.
08:26 πŸ”— SketchCow So we're left holding a lot of data.
08:26 πŸ”— SketchCow OK, well, that's going up now too.
08:44 πŸ”— alard SketchCow: I'm available now, for the coming hours at least.
08:47 πŸ”— SketchCow I'm blowing anyhub up to archive.org.
08:47 πŸ”— SketchCow (Just so you know)
08:47 πŸ”— SketchCow We can hopefully do the swap shortly.
09:01 πŸ”— SketchCow Oh, as someone mentioned before.
09:01 πŸ”— SketchCow There's a way to tell archive.org "don't even waste time deriving"
09:01 πŸ”— SketchCow So if I do that, stuff shoots up quicker.
09:10 πŸ”— SketchCow http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/404492_10150606146673750_507173749_9094164_595426655_n.jpg
09:10 πŸ”— SketchCow Fairly amazing
09:11 πŸ”— kennethre hahahaha
09:12 πŸ”— kennethre 179 google results for that phone number already
09:16 πŸ”— alard kennethre: I was just thinking: does your army of mobileme workers lose users when you kill them?
09:16 πŸ”— kennethre alard: they do
09:16 πŸ”— kennethre ideally i turn them on and leave them on until the project is finished
09:16 πŸ”— alard Also between 'mark download' and 'finish upload'?
09:17 πŸ”— kennethre they're just running seesaw.sh
09:17 πŸ”— kennethre if i kill them, everything that wasn't uploaded is gone
09:19 πŸ”— alard Ah, yes. That's good to know, we'll have to check the list of uploads later to see what's missing. (Right now the system isn't designed to handle 'losing' things. If you cancel while downloading, that's ok, but losing things afterwards is not.)
09:21 πŸ”— kennethre yeah
09:22 πŸ”— kennethre for the splinder downloads we had a second go-round once the tracker reached 0
09:22 πŸ”— kennethre luckily, it should be quite minimal
09:22 πŸ”— kennethre as long as I don't have to stop again :)
09:25 πŸ”— SketchCow That's why I need you to wait, likely a few days, maybe a week.
09:25 πŸ”— SketchCow Once this works, we can pump through amazing amounts of stuff.
09:26 πŸ”— SketchCow Although my belief is we will never be able to pump through at your full rate.
09:26 πŸ”— SketchCow So we might want to figure out how to deal with that.
09:26 πŸ”— kennethre yeah, that was just excessive
09:26 πŸ”— SketchCow What was it, 400tb every 3 hours you were doing?
09:26 πŸ”— SketchCow 400gb
09:27 πŸ”— kennethre sounds about right
09:27 πŸ”— kennethre it was 100+MB/s
09:27 πŸ”— SketchCow It's too much
09:27 πŸ”— SketchCow I can't possibly pull that in, yet, into their system
09:27 πŸ”— SketchCow Not when we have 25+ people all hammering this box as we go.
09:27 πŸ”— SketchCow Now, MAYBE... MAYBE the new box can handle it.
09:27 πŸ”— kennethre hehe
09:27 πŸ”— SketchCow The new box is somewhere else than batcave.
09:27 πŸ”— SketchCow I'll do a test when I get a shot.
09:28 πŸ”— alard We should probably add a delay option to seesaw, so the tracker can return 'please wait X seconds'.
09:28 πŸ”— kennethre what's the point of that?
09:28 πŸ”— SketchCow alard, did you see that javascript library I found?
09:28 πŸ”— alard kennethre: The point of that is that we can then throttle the uploads without you having to kill everything.
09:29 πŸ”— kennethre ah
09:29 πŸ”— alard SketchCow: Yes, I saw and clicked the link. Not investigated further.
09:29 πŸ”— alard Looks interesting.
09:29 πŸ”— kennethre well everything gets recycled once every 24 hours
09:29 πŸ”— kennethre so it can only buy so much time :)
09:30 πŸ”— alard Well, if the tracker just says 'no, wait' instead of giving out usernames I think it might work.
09:31 πŸ”— SketchCow I can also verify that the poor batcave machine is thrashing
09:31 πŸ”— SketchCow Just all this disk operation at once.
09:31 πŸ”— SketchCow I've got 20 windows doing things.
09:31 πŸ”— kennethre i can always setup a little webservice that my jobs check between each pull
09:31 πŸ”— kennethre so i can tell them to pause without turning them off
09:31 πŸ”— SketchCow http://www.archive.org/details/scientific-american-1845-1909 is growing along.
09:32 πŸ”— SketchCow http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=collection%3Aarchiveteam-googlegroups&sort=-publicdate growing too.
09:33 πŸ”— SketchCow I'm moving a mobileme tar over to fortressofsolitude
09:34 πŸ”— SketchCow It thinks it'll take 10 hours.
09:37 πŸ”— SketchCow I may have convinced negativland to host their back catalog on archive.org
09:37 πŸ”— SketchCow That would be nice
09:38 πŸ”— SketchCow Now it thinks 17 hours.
09:38 πŸ”— SketchCow I can't tell if the problem is on batcave or fortress yet.
09:39 πŸ”— SketchCow About to find out.
09:51 πŸ”— Nemo_bis Not bad, Friendster is compressed 80% in bz2
09:55 πŸ”— chronomex fuckin huffman codes, how do they work
09:59 πŸ”— SketchCow He came up with that while he was a grad student
09:59 πŸ”— chronomex yes, he was mr. badass.
10:09 πŸ”— Nemo_bis uh, you can almost imagine Morgan Forster's characters with this http://www.archive.org/details/northernitalyi00karl
10:10 πŸ”— Nemo_bis (Very few items deriving.)
10:10 πŸ”— SketchCow > do
10:10 πŸ”— SketchCow > echo "" >$each
10:10 πŸ”— SketchCow for each in *
10:10 πŸ”— SketchCow > done
10:10 πŸ”— SketchCow You would think that wouldn't take 4 minutes
10:10 πŸ”— SketchCow But it does
20:39 πŸ”— SketchCow Hey, what are the instructions for downloading wget-warc again?
20:40 πŸ”— kennethre there's a get-wget-warc script
20:41 πŸ”— alard wget https://raw.github.com/ArchiveTeam/mobileme-grab/master/get-wget-warc.sh ; bash get-wget-warc.sh
20:51 πŸ”— SketchCow Thanks a lot.
20:51 πŸ”— SketchCow ---------------------------------
20:51 πŸ”— SketchCow http://www.archive.org/details/archiveteam-googlegroups
20:51 πŸ”— SketchCow ---------------------------------
20:52 πŸ”— Nemo_bis \o/
20:53 πŸ”— Nemo_bis but 36*36=1296!=1192?
20:54 πŸ”— Nemo_bis some combinations were not used apparently :)
21:06 πŸ”— SketchCow Well, yeah.
21:07 πŸ”— soultcer Well done, running those google scrapers (discovery only because I had only little diskspace) was great fun
21:07 πŸ”— SketchCow I might still find some caches, and they'll go in too.
21:09 πŸ”— SketchCow And now I'm in the process of uploading anyhub collections.
21:09 πŸ”— SketchCow anyhub which stopped dying
21:14 πŸ”— alard Well,who wouldn't want gigabytes of unnamed files?
21:43 πŸ”— alard SketchCow: Any developments on the moving of mobileme? (If not, I might be going offline for today.)
21:43 πŸ”— SketchCow Let me clean things a little more, and then set up a rsync on the new server, and then we can do the rest of the install
21:43 πŸ”— SketchCow So tomorrow
21:44 πŸ”— SketchCow Thanks for today
21:44 πŸ”— balrog alard: what's the situation with mobileme?
21:44 πŸ”— alard Okay. See you tomorrow then.
21:44 πŸ”— alard balrog: There's a new server to upload to, which probably has more space.
21:44 πŸ”— balrog ahh, ok :p
21:45 πŸ”— alard But you're not above the 100GB-per-hour threshold, so it doesn't really affect you. :)
21:45 πŸ”— balrog I know
21:45 πŸ”— balrog and I don't have that kind of bandwidth :<
21:59 πŸ”— SketchCow wget-warc has just become an official archive.org tool
22:00 πŸ”— SketchCow they're using it in production
22:01 πŸ”— Coderjoe hopefully official releases with the warc support start coming out sometime soon
22:02 πŸ”— SketchCow Uploading the sciam archive you got, Coderjoe
22:02 πŸ”— Coderjoe I noticed. cool. and you're welcome
22:07 πŸ”— bsmith094 theres a sciam archive?
22:07 πŸ”— SketchCow Sort of.
22:08 πŸ”— SketchCow We grabbed the public domain ones.
22:08 πŸ”— SketchCow They may still be dicks about it, we'll see.
22:09 πŸ”— * DFJustin grabs popcorn just in case
22:10 πŸ”— SketchCow I'm trying to close out that process, just like I'm flushing files out of this machine, so I am running 4 windows of uploading. New issue up every 15 seconds.
22:10 πŸ”— SketchCow Still needs to derive, of course.
22:24 πŸ”— soultcer If you can squeeze in some time between clearing out the batcave, the urlte.am domain still goes to Dreamhost.
22:33 πŸ”— Nemo_bis sweeeet http://batcave.textfiles.com/ocrcount/
23:02 πŸ”— Nemo_bis http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/foundation-l/2012-February/072036.html
23:14 πŸ”— SketchCow hahahaha
23:14 πŸ”— SketchCow That OCR Count? That's me, motherfuckers.
23:15 πŸ”— SketchCow Close your eyes, archive.org, it'll all be over soon
23:15 πŸ”— DFJustin http://www.archive.org/catalog.php?whereami=1 is amusing too
23:18 πŸ”— DFJustin oh and while we're on the topic can someone restart the derive for http://www.archive.org/details/desqview-x-booklet
23:19 πŸ”— SketchCow Trying it.
23:19 πŸ”— SketchCow It had a disk error.
23:19 πŸ”— SketchCow Now it's working.
23:19 πŸ”— LordNlptp its on a raid array?
23:20 πŸ”— LordNlptp is it in degraded mode?
23:20 πŸ”— SketchCow It's fine now.
23:20 πŸ”— DFJustin I think it's because I initially uploaded in .gif, so I replaced it with .png
23:20 πŸ”— SketchCow No.
23:20 πŸ”— DFJustin ok
23:20 πŸ”— SketchCow It's a system-level thing.
23:21 πŸ”— DFJustin thx
23:21 πŸ”— SketchCow I have finished slamming in the scientific americans.
23:21 πŸ”— SketchCow I also uploaded the full .tar.gz, coderjoe, unindexed.
23:22 πŸ”— SketchCow They've fixed the MIME filetypes for the file browsers, at least for .zip
23:22 πŸ”— DFJustin excellent
23:26 πŸ”— SketchCow http://www.archive.org/details/desqview-x-booklet looking good
23:27 πŸ”— DFJustin I like the optimistic tagline on the cover
23:27 πŸ”— SketchCow Same here
23:27 πŸ”— SketchCow I notice you MESS guys are really going PC architecture mad recently
23:27 πŸ”— DFJustin yeah for some reason half the dev team have been gangbanging it all of a sudden
23:28 πŸ”— SketchCow It's good, just don't let the freaks mess with you
23:28 πŸ”— SketchCow The OCR is blasting through the queue I just caused.
23:28 πŸ”— SketchCow These newsletters are mostly 4-5 pages, some are 10.
23:29 πŸ”— DFJustin it's showing up some of the limitations in the mame architecture though, my core 2 duo drops below fullspeed in some situations just emulating a 486
23:31 πŸ”— DFJustin aaron giles will probably come out of nowhere with one of his weekend rewrites of everything and fix it at some point though
23:33 πŸ”— Coderjoe kenji managed to shove a lot of stuff into the queue ahead of the sciam items
23:33 πŸ”— SketchCow Yes.
23:33 πŸ”— Coderjoe or is it after? I'm not sure which way the whereiam queue list goes
23:33 πŸ”— SketchCow Kenji wins, always.
23:34 πŸ”— Coderjoe same priority level, though there is some interleaving later
23:34 πŸ”— SketchCow Yes
23:35 πŸ”— SketchCow Yeah, just watched it slam from 400 down to 241.
23:35 πŸ”— SketchCow It'll be through these in no time.
23:35 πŸ”— Coderjoe i find it amusing that they bother to hide the submitter on the queue, when I can just go look at the item metadata to get that info
23:36 πŸ”— Coderjoe oh. the order is right there in the box at the top. i kin reed.
23:37 πŸ”— Nemo_bis Coderjoe, and you don't even need to login for that
23:41 πŸ”— Coderjoe wow
23:41 πŸ”— Coderjoe everything at prio -6 is running except one item
23:42 πŸ”— Nemo_bis yes, after last time underscor put some hundreds GiB of JPG books, derivers have slacked a lot
