[00:20] picplz plzplz [02:24] SketchCow: that may be most downloaded, but this is best http://archive.org/details/stage6-2236976 [02:24] http://pastebin.com/AReWwNnX [02:25] Multiply's closing statement text [02:25] " The closing announcement came in as a one-time popup when people logged in and [02:25] viewed their timeline." [02:30] hmm [02:31] I guess I missed it in the blog post here: http://multiply.multiply.com/notes/item/5 [02:31] actually, that wasn't there when I last looked [02:34] Closing date for the social networking and content sharing incarnation: December 1 [03:52] Coderjoe: Time to backup? [04:24] i would think so [04:25] user's blogs are of the form username.multiply.com [04:25] some material is only available if you're in the user's circle [06:47] http://news.slashdot.org/story/12/08/08/0437253/the-internet-archive-starts-seeding-over-a-million-torrents neat [06:50] now we just need that chrome torrent addon migrated to firefox and beyond [06:56] http://bt1.archive.org/hotlist.php [06:58] huh..now if only they could fix the 24 million domains illegitimately blocked from the Wayback....... [06:59] ? [06:59] emijrp: what do you mean "?" [07:00] ! [07:00] he probably doesn't know about the blocks [07:00] if a domain expires and is picked up by someone else (including a squatter), and they put a robots.txt file in play, it will hide all of the previous crawls for that domain [07:02] Yeh. One company *alone* did that to 24,000,000 (and counting) domains. Still no response from anyone :/ [07:02] time to create the UNCENSORED WAYBACK MACHINE. [07:02] LOL [07:09] underscor: that thread is full of fuckwits [07:10] (though that should go without saying, as it is sloshderp) [07:11] :( [07:11] yeah [07:11] like this pearl of wisdom: http://news.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=3033499&cid=40915391 [07:12] nevermind that bittorrent had already been legitimized by blizzard years ago [07:12] haha [07:12] http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4353266 the hn comments are slightly more intelligent [07:14] Coderjoe: Still not as bad as Youtube. [07:14] this is also a thing now [07:14] http://www.us.archive.org/log_show.php?task_id=117636732 [07:14] (.torrent deriving) [07:17] that looks more like it is using the deriver to download a torrent than actually creating a torrent [07:17] it makes sense to have a torrent deriver [07:18] that way you can just create the torrent and not re-encoder all your video files [07:18] Coderjoe: That's what I meant [07:20] Internet Archive is the new megaupload, go go go go [07:22] *ahem* [07:23] woop woop woop! [07:29] making a page dump of engadget.com [07:30] from there i will see about getting all urls then sorting it out [07:30] i will also upload engadget.com-page warc.gz [08:02] it was a good thing i got kat.ph/blog [08:03] there was only a few snapshot of kat.ph [08:03] and was only front page [08:23] man [08:23] i hope i don't have to start having a blog [09:46] http://phrozenkeep.hugelaser.com/ looks archive-worthy (and hard to crawl for ia_archiver). not my kind of game, just throwing this out here [11:42] looks like my warc.gz for engadget maybe close to 200mb [11:43] i'm only 2309 pages in right now [12:48] burning another bluray of gbtv [12:49] also uploading one from march 26 2012 [12:49] i'm very close to getting archive.org up to date with gbtv episodes [12:50] but i may stop around mid may so there very good delay with newer uploads [13:41] http://boingboing.net/2012/08/07/who-will-buy-the-well.html [16:02] Nice content free cory [16:08] did we have a list of services google is slashing? [16:43] Only from their blog entry., [18:01] archive.org is down. [18:02] Hence stuff with FOS will not work temporarily. [18:06] Clobbered by torrenters? [18:14] SketchCow: its not down [18:15] oh [18:15] items are not found [18:16] never mind [18:16] it found them [18:17] i have to reupload a episode cause my wifi failed on me at 55.1% mark [19:01] MobileMe uploads now over. [19:01] We're done with the upload part. [19:01] Now just flushing the remaining items into the archive, and we're at "needs cleanup/verify". [19:40] SketchCow: may want to talk to balrog and arkhive, theres about 65gb of mobileme stuff (some damaged) on a hard disk they're working on rescuing data from [19:40] bad filesystem corruption [19:40] the disk is physically fine [20:07] why the hell am I downloading someone's incomplete and encrypted backup willingly [20:35] Ymgve: insurance wikileaks file? ; ) [20:35] nah, just mirroring good.net [20:39] What is good.net? [20:40] file hosting site [21:15] SketchCow: can you delete http://archive.org/details/wikitravel.org ? [21:25] Why? [21:36] rename ? [21:37] there is no delete button [21:40] wikipedia from the future leaked http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Athena-Wikimania-2012-BrandonHarris.png [21:41] Wikipedia of the future is Wikia without ads everywhere? [21:42] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Athena-Tablet-with-languagelinks.png [21:42] wikia interface sucks donkey balls [21:53] Yeah, hooray, let's make wikipedia look like Forbes [21:53] http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenbertoni/2012/08/01/instagrams-kevin-systrom-the-stanford-millionaire-machine-strikes-again/ [22:06] Whoa, shit, Systrom grew up in the same town as me? [22:10] so I saw the jsmess bug in Firefox has been closed as fixed for a while- has anyone tried a new version of firefox on the site yet? [22:14] I don't think it's in a release version yet [22:18] I took a quick look at the release chart, and it should be in version 15, which comes out 8/28- it's already in nightly and beta builds [22:21] which is going to be a very good build- it's the one that contains the fix for a whole class of common memory leaks in addons [22:50] archiveteam.org e-mail is working again [23:05] we have email addresses?? [23:10] Germany's laws are now all on github: https://github.com/bundestag/gesetze#german-federal-laws-and-regulations [23:20] dashcloud: whoa, that's awesome [23:21] apparently even in markdown format as well