#archiveteam 2012-12-28,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
00:24 🔗 no2pencil SketchCow: Who handles the shipping for Kagi orders?
05:55 🔗 SketchCow I do
06:01 🔗 godane hey SketchCow
06:09 🔗 SketchCow Hey
06:09 🔗 godane did you read my posts earlyer?
06:10 🔗 SketchCow The request aout eventually adding together all the twits? That'll happen eventually.
06:10 🔗 godane i know that
06:10 🔗 godane i was thinking of moving twit_home_theater to the computersandtechvideos collection
06:11 🔗 godane right now its under ebooks and texts archive
06:11 🔗 godane the only reason for it being there is the guys on the show work for home theater magazine
06:12 🔗 godane some good news on archiving attack of the show
06:12 🔗 godane i may have full month of dec 2010 soon
06:13 🔗 godane i had to buy a anonymo premium account
06:13 🔗 godane so i can get sfshare.se to resolve to download the episodes
07:50 🔗 tungol is there a script available to do the warrior's "whatever the current project is" without the warrior?
08:49 🔗 Coderjoe sure, as that is what the warrior runs to get started
11:54 🔗 true1 Wanna Earn Daily fast sure profits of 300$ now in forex trading? real, legal, safe, secured! can start wth small capital 50$ free guide, tips, pm me to start now!
11:59 🔗 SmileyG lol
11:59 🔗 SmileyG yey free money! what could possibly go wrong!
12:27 🔗 ersi oops
12:28 🔗 SmileyG ?
12:28 🔗 ersi I saw "tjvc" instead of "true1" and kickbanned the wrong one, which already left
13:01 🔗 * GLaDOS stares at ersi
13:14 🔗 Coderjoe wow. that was quite the delay between join and spam
13:15 🔗 SmileyG ersi: herp I missed that :D
13:15 🔗 SmileyG Coderjoe: at a guess, its a good way not to hit a honeypot type situation
13:15 🔗 SmileyG tell your bots to join hundreds of channels/networks, wait until you see activity which appears to be legit. (I.e. no $, £, !!!, etc)
13:16 🔗 SmileyG tho its a bit lame :D
13:24 🔗 Coderjoe there was no activity other than joins and parts in the hour between the bot joining and speaking
14:32 🔗 Nemo_bis Nemo_bis> What would be a quick command to take all PDFs in a directory and merge those which have in common the first 8 chars, like 1985_200*, 1985_201* etc.?
14:33 🔗 Nemo_bis What I'll do (lazy as usual): take list of files, run regex ([0-9]{4}_[0-9]{3})_(.+).pdf((?:\n\1_.+.pdf)+) -> pdfunite \1_\2.pdf\3 \1.pdf , fix newlines, run bash script...
14:36 🔗 ersi brrr, regexp
15:26 🔗 Nemo_bis Ah, I didn't have pdftk for some reason. Not better than pdfunite though, too bad.
16:44 🔗 SketchCow Why does everyone not want to run the warriorrrrrrrrr
16:50 🔗 Baljem hmm, that reminds me, I should check on mine and see what it's up to these days
16:51 🔗 Baljem (I set the VM image up on a colo crate when I woke up in the middle of a fever dream the other week, and pointed it at GitHub -- I blame your tweets for this, SketchCow ;)
16:59 🔗 kennethre I've been thinking about continual persistence lately
17:00 🔗 kennethre like, if i wanted to ensure that after i die, my content will be available, how would you go about that?
17:00 🔗 kennethre the only answer i can think of is archive.org
17:00 🔗 kennethre which is a great solution, as far as i can tell
17:10 🔗 tef yep
17:11 🔗 tef package your life into warcs and upload
17:14 🔗 kennethre tef: well i'm working on a personal website that will contain those warcs, amongst other things
17:14 🔗 kennethre tef: but i'll have it automatically export it's content to archive.org
17:54 🔗 ersi SketchCow: My reason is that I have a bunch of functional servers, so I'd rather run the programs stand-alone on 'em
17:59 🔗 Nemo_bis Does someone know who those guys were? Is their stuff all available elsewhere? http://web.archive.org/web/20081217062746/http://www.old-computer-mags.com/
18:02 🔗 Nemo_bis argh he lost all data of the website and credentials in a PC crash
18:02 🔗 SmileyG ¬_¬
18:04 🔗 ersi I don't always backup my things, but when I do, I put it in the cloud
19:50 🔗 ersi Any way to "validate" a WARC?
21:39 🔗 Nemo_bis grr 482 tasks waiting for admin, not a single derive succeeding
21:43 🔗 Coderjoe ersi: part of the reason for preferring the warrior is that it is a known configuration. one problem we ran into over and over again is people having different version of "standard" tools which behaved slightly differently or sometimes had bugs.
21:44 🔗 Coderjoe though that is also part of the reason the seesaw toolkit was moved from bash to python
21:48 🔗 godane i'm finally uploading my andriasang.com images dump
21:48 🔗 godane its about 3.3gb
21:51 🔗 Nemo_bis Coderjoe: I don't manage to fix this: The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is probably not loaded.
21:52 🔗 Nemo_bis hmm https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/users/2012-January/413113.html
21:52 🔗 Coderjoe I wonder if the VM works in kvm
22:13 🔗 S[h]O[r]T i must have missed some of the convo. :(
22:13 🔗 S[h]O[r]T random tidbit you can convert the vbox image to a vmware
22:14 🔗 S[h]O[r]T ersi were you getting errors setting up something on a standalone server?
22:15 🔗 S[h]O[r]T between mobileme, webshots, dailybooth, whatever else we did before them ive always run the standalone scripts on a few servers as well as the warriors on my machines at home
22:16 🔗 S[h]O[r]T ubuntu/debian is really easy to get them working with. gentoo isnt bad, centos is a bitch but its possible
22:20 🔗 ersi S[h]O[r]T: No. I just prefer running each project stand alone. ie. outside of a warrior.
22:42 🔗 S[h]O[r]T right
22:42 🔗 S[h]O[r]T so you were just stating that..ok :P
22:42 🔗 S[h]O[r]T me 2 :D
22:43 🔗 ersi Well, SketchCow asked/stated "Why doesn't everyone use the Warrior" - I said I have servers running, I prefer running stand alone - then Coderjoe came along and said that warrior is nice because it's a known environment
22:43 🔗 ersi which is true, but irrelevant in regards to my follow-up statement to SketchCow
22:47 🔗 S[h]O[r]T would be cool to distrbute some kind of chroot environment too
22:47 🔗 S[h]O[r]T you can just untar it and git pull and run it on anything
22:47 🔗 Coderjoe as long as the included libc matches the kernel
22:58 🔗 Nemo_bis Ah this made it it seems. https://ask.fedoraproject.org/question/1938/virtualbox-kernel-driver-not-installed-rc-1908?answer=4482#answer-container-4482
