#archiveteam 2013-02-16,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
00:00 🔗 closure once again I find myself signing up for a dying platform. gotta love it
00:00 🔗 balrog_ you can't sign up
00:00 🔗 balrog_ the signup page is broken
00:00 🔗 closure lol
00:01 🔗 balrog_ however... http://www.bugmenot.com/view/posterous.com
00:01 🔗 balrog_ I just reset the password of the first one to what's listed on bugmenot
00:02 🔗 balrog_ hmm
00:03 🔗 balrog_ there's an "id" key
00:03 🔗 balrog_ I wonder if that's serial
00:03 🔗 balrog_ and an api call to retrieve by id
00:03 🔗 balrog_ yeah it seems serial
00:03 🔗 balrog_ GET sites/:id
00:03 🔗 balrog_ closure: you paying attention?
00:04 🔗 balrog_ weird, the highest id that works is 299999
00:04 🔗 closure heh
00:04 🔗 balrog_ hmm no
00:04 🔗 balrog_ 300001 works too
00:04 🔗 closure missing users
00:04 🔗 closure so you have a list?
00:05 🔗 balrog_ no, I'm using the api at https://posterous.com/api
00:05 🔗 balrog_ after logging in with bugmenot credentials
00:06 🔗 balrog_ estimated about 10 million possibly vallid ids
00:08 🔗 balrog_ so you should be able to whip up a program to make a list
00:08 🔗 balrog_ right?
00:10 🔗 closure I'd think so. It's not clear to me how their API uses the api token
00:10 🔗 balrog_ see https://posterous.com/api/docs/pages/overview
00:11 🔗 closure 10k per day rate limit
00:11 🔗 balrog_ :/
00:12 🔗 chronomex only 100 days!
00:12 🔗 closure would need quite a lot of accounts, at least 15 or so working for months
00:12 🔗 Cameron_D and we can always make more keys
00:12 🔗 balrog_ how?
00:12 🔗 Cameron_D lots of accounts?
00:12 🔗 balrog_ account creation is disabled
00:12 🔗 Cameron_D ahh
00:13 🔗 closure emailing them a post still seems to open an account
00:13 🔗 chronomex wheee
00:13 🔗 chronomex really?
00:13 🔗 chronomex nice
00:13 🔗 closure http://joey-toqiv.posterous.com/post
00:13 🔗 balrog_ oh really?
00:13 🔗 balrog_ what email address?
00:14 🔗 chronomex post@posterous.com ?
00:14 🔗 ersi Remember that they have a shortener called Post.ly
00:14 🔗 closure yes
00:15 🔗 Cameron_D use the URL shortner project to get a list of URLs, and therefore users
00:15 🔗 chronomex good thinking
00:15 🔗 chronomex who has the giant url archive? swebb?
00:15 🔗 ersi URLTeam does not have any Post.ly links for what I know
00:15 🔗 chronomex k
00:15 🔗 chronomex weird
00:15 🔗 ersi Yes, swebb's got links from the tweethose
00:16 🔗 closure 2 birds
00:16 🔗 ersi so if there's any post.ly links, he has a few.
00:16 🔗 chronomex bird channel
00:16 🔗 ersi Two birds, one cup.
00:16 🔗 chronomex ogod
00:17 🔗 Cameron_D If we start getting post.ly URLs now (How hard is it to add a new domain?) then after a few days we should have a decent list of usernames to start working with
00:19 🔗 closure curl -X GET --user bugmenot@trash-mail.com:bugmenot23 -d "api_token=JAHeFmHJldwlsrlyHcutDEBBhvhDvFbt" http://posterous.com/api/2/sites/99999
00:20 🔗 closure well, that works.. json parsing and looping 1 to 10000 left
00:21 🔗 closure also they have < 10800000 sites
00:23 🔗 balrog_ creating an account by email seems to take me to https://posterous.com/register?flow=newcomment
00:23 🔗 balrog_ closure: based on?
00:25 🔗 closure escatly 10793724, based on bisection
00:26 🔗 balrog_ be warned, there are some invalid/deleted ones
00:26 🔗 balrog_ closure: does opening an account by email actually /work/?
00:26 🔗 balrog_ hmm
00:26 🔗 balrog_ the iOS app is still alive
00:26 🔗 * balrog_ grabs it
00:31 🔗 closure hmm, posting by email seems to make a site, but you still have to sign up to claim it
00:31 🔗 * closure tries email password recovery
00:31 🔗 closure nope
00:31 🔗 balrog_ I'm going to try ios account creation
00:34 🔗 balrog_ YES
00:34 🔗 balrog_ you can sign up from the iphone app
00:34 🔗 balrog_ "Thanks for using Posterous Spaces! Please click the link below to confirm your email address."
00:34 🔗 closure lol
00:34 🔗 chronomex awesome
00:35 🔗 * closure rushes out to buy an iphone. 100 iphones
00:35 🔗 balrog_ you only need one
00:35 🔗 chronomex do they have an android app
00:35 🔗 balrog_ or an ipad
00:35 🔗 balrog_ or an ipod touch
00:35 🔗 balrog_ I want to say yes
00:35 🔗 balrog_ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Posterous&hl=en
00:35 🔗 balrog_ aaah
00:35 🔗 balrog_ that's not gonna help
00:35 🔗 balrog_ you have to request an API key
00:36 🔗 balrog_ and all requests appear to be reviewed? huh
00:36 🔗 chronomex suck
00:36 🔗 closure nooo.. really?
00:36 🔗 closure I used the bugmenot account, went to the api page, there's a place to click to see the key
00:36 🔗 balrog_ it's possible someone created it with a different email
00:36 🔗 balrog_ then changed it to bugmenot after the api key was generated
00:37 🔗 closure so you don't have view token on http://posterous.com/api ?
00:40 🔗 balrog_ when I click it, it says: "To gain access to the Posterous Spaces API, please submit a request via our API request form."
00:40 🔗 balrog_ with the form linked
00:40 🔗 balrog_ the form asks for your name, email, and phone number, and why you want to use the API.
00:40 🔗 closure I'm sure you can write something interesting there ;)
00:41 🔗 balrog_ what's funny is that the send request buttons on the page all work
00:43 🔗 closure oh, in that case.. load it up in firebug or chrome dev console, you can see it make the request there and get key
00:43 🔗 balrog_ it may be using the cookie there
00:43 🔗 balrog_ but it is making a GET request on the API
00:43 🔗 balrog_ yeah that's what it appears to be doing
00:43 🔗 balrog_ using cookie-auth
00:44 🔗 balrog_ possibly referer-checking and such as well
00:44 🔗 closure look for api_token=
00:44 🔗 chronomex winrar
00:44 🔗 balrog_ there isn't any
00:44 🔗 balrog_ I'm looking at the request in wireshark
00:45 🔗 balrog_ huh
00:45 🔗 balrog_ now I'm getting "error": "Unauthorized You are not authorized to view this site."
00:45 🔗 balrog_ oh wait
00:45 🔗 balrog_ nvm
00:46 🔗 balrog_ yeah it's using an XMLHttpRequest
00:46 🔗 balrog_ and I see no api key
00:47 🔗 balrog_ X-RateLimit-Remaining doesn't seem to be decrementing though
00:48 🔗 closure there's a cookie
00:49 🔗 closure ooh, that's interesting
00:49 🔗 closure perhaps they forgot to rate limit this way?
00:49 🔗 Wack0 what's up
00:50 🔗 balrog_ it's possible
00:52 🔗 closure curl -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" -H "X-Xhrsource: posterous" -X GET -H "Cookie: _sharebymail_session_id=e55e807375f457efa9a22e091c0685c7; email=bugmenot%40trash-mail.com; _plogin=Veritas; logged_in_before=true" http://posterous.com/api/2/sites/107
00:52 🔗 closure try that
00:52 🔗 closure erm, assuming this is not our only usable api :)
00:52 🔗 balrog_ http://hastebin.com/finekoveva
00:53 🔗 balrog_ closure: hm?
00:53 🔗 closure ok, so they also limit by IP, because that worked for me
00:54 🔗 balrog_ so that didn't work?
00:54 🔗 closure for you?
00:54 🔗 balrog_ see the hastebin
00:54 🔗 closure oh, NM, I misread it. ok.
00:54 🔗 closure well, until they notice us and ban.. let's see if the request count is going down now
00:55 🔗 balrog_ I suggest creating like 100 accounts
00:56 🔗 closure hmm, it seems your curl logged me out ;)
00:56 🔗 balrog_ LOL
00:56 🔗 balrog_ well they're clearly vulnerable to the firesheep exploit
00:57 🔗 closure ah, no, I misunderstood what curl -I does
00:57 🔗 balrog_ ohh
00:57 🔗 closure well, the api rate limit is *not* going down
00:57 🔗 balrog_ hah!
00:57 🔗 closure so.. time to put some load on the servers people
00:57 🔗 chronomex balrog_: firesheep author is a friend of mine ;)
00:57 🔗 * closure claims first million
00:58 🔗 chronomex hahaha
00:58 🔗 chronomex you would
01:00 🔗 beardicus just ran the afore-pasted curl 3 times here, btw. seemed to work fine.
01:00 🔗 closure so, I'm running this: for s in $(seq 1 1000000); do curl -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" -H "X-Xhrsource: posterous" -X GET -H "Cookie: _sharebymail_session_id=e55e807375f457efa9a22e091c0685c7; email=bugmenot%40trash-mail.com; _plogin=Veritas; logged_in_before=true" http://posterous.com/api/2/sites/$s >| site.$s; done
01:00 🔗 closure can pull the user urls out of the files later
01:01 🔗 closure have 300 done, no sign of the rate limit header going down
01:02 🔗 balrog_ the apps probably use the API too and have their own platform API keys
01:02 🔗 balrog_ it's not exactly nice but we could rip them out :)
01:03 🔗 closure seems you don't need a key, just a login cookie
01:03 🔗 closure so loging with bugmenot, get the cookie
01:05 🔗 chronomex haha
01:08 🔗 kanzure balrog_: i suggest using HTTP HEAD to determine the existence of pages, instead of GET.
01:11 🔗 closure I'm running 100 concurrent api grabbers now. Seems to be working.
01:12 🔗 closure hah, they rename spam sites to $site-banned.posterous.com
01:13 🔗 closure 20k users snarfed
01:13 🔗 beardicus closure, should i start another range, or have you got this covered?
01:13 🔗 closure I think I have 1-1 million
01:14 🔗 closure just getting usernames, not downloading any site
01:14 🔗 beardicus righto.
01:15 🔗 closure which will be around a 4 gb download itself
01:23 🔗 beardicus 10793855 is the highest number that seems to give me results, though if there are gaps i may be mucking things up a bit.
01:23 🔗 balrog_ there are gaps but that seems to be a fairly good ballpark estimate
01:23 🔗 balrog_ we need a new irc channel for this
01:24 🔗 beardicus EcapsCore, GENERIC "WE'RE ON IT" RESPONSE
01:24 🔗 beardicus and thanks :)
01:24 🔗 beardicus or rather, closure / balrog_ / other_smart_people are on it.
01:25 🔗 EcapsCore Think we'll be able to do it?
01:25 🔗 balrog_ I'm still mad about nbc's handling of everyblock
01:25 🔗 balrog_ it's like they deliberately did it to prevent archival
01:26 🔗 balrog_ http://www.wbez.org/blogs/britt-julious/2013-02/being-here-vs-living-here-why-everyblock-mattered-105550
01:27 🔗 closure need about 10 other people to run this on a million each: http://pastebin.com/4ka5niDy
01:28 🔗 balrog_ I can run it, but we need to keep order
01:28 🔗 closure wiki?
01:28 🔗 closure btw, that session_id might expire in an hour or who knows
01:30 🔗 NotGLaDOS Gah, horrible mobile IRC clients.
01:32 🔗 * closure has 112 thousand sites already
01:32 🔗 closure so, until they ban me, I guess it's going pretty well ;)
01:32 🔗 balrog_ ;)
01:33 🔗 beardicus shall i start a table on the wiki?
01:33 🔗 closure yes please
01:33 🔗 balrog_ once we have all names, how do we download sites?
01:34 🔗 closure probably one of the new fancy warrior jobs
01:36 🔗 dashcloud so is there a page or something that details what people have done already?
01:36 🔗 dashcloud it's just downloading names right?
01:36 🔗 closure right, names and a few other bits and bobs
01:38 🔗 beardicus ugh. http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Posterous
01:38 🔗 beardicus wikis.
01:39 🔗 beardicus filling in all ranges now...
01:39 🔗 balrog_ I'll grab 7m
01:39 🔗 dashcloud if you don't like the wiki, just use some collaborative editing tool online
01:40 🔗 dashcloud I'll do 1-2m unless it's already done (example makes me think so)
01:41 🔗 balrog_ please change the script to make curl not dump anything to the screen
01:41 🔗 beardicus ranges 1 - 11,000,000 on the wiki for claiming.
01:42 🔗 balrog_ I have 7m
01:42 🔗 beardicus ok. will mark it for balrog_ .
01:42 🔗 NotGLaDOS I'll grab 9m
01:42 🔗 beardicus got it NotGLaDOS
01:43 🔗 balrog_ can someone please make the script not spit out so much crap to console?
01:43 🔗 balrog_ add -s to the curl line
01:45 🔗 dashcloud curl -sH ?
01:45 🔗 balrog_ curl -s -H ...
01:49 🔗 balrog_ hah
01:49 🔗 balrog_ it's not going very fast for me, 5589 so far
01:49 🔗 balrog_ and load averages: 95.54 79.33 41.68
01:49 🔗 chronomex o_O
01:49 🔗 NotGLaDOS Nah, you'll be alright aye
01:49 🔗 closure here is a simple data processor to get a list of sites found: http://pastebin.com/YpLXBb1w
01:50 🔗 closure hmm, my load is only 50 or so
01:50 🔗 balrog_ what speed are you getting?
01:50 🔗 balrog_ 1 million may take too long
01:50 🔗 balrog_ and/or the cookie may expire
01:50 🔗 closure well, it happens to be round-tripping all the way to the UK, and I have 206000 done
01:51 🔗 balrog_ this box is IO-starved :/
01:51 🔗 closure granted, this is a well-connected server
01:51 🔗 balrog_ my connection is fine
01:51 🔗 balrog_ my IO is shit
01:51 🔗 balrog_ I need something with eSATA
01:51 🔗 closure it'd be possible to hook the curl output up to the perl script and then you just get a list of sites
01:51 🔗 balrog_ right now it's running off a USB disk
01:56 🔗 dashcloud how am I supposed to run it? for chunk in $(seq 100 199); do ./snarf $chunk &; done ? so I'm guessing the file should be called snarf.sh?
01:56 🔗 closure yeah
01:57 🔗 closure well, snarf
01:57 🔗 NotGLaDOS Yay, dos line endings interfering with the script!
01:58 🔗 dashcloud so, it's not just me- I feel a lot better now
01:58 🔗 closure yay appropriate irc nick
01:59 🔗 NotGLaDOS Ugh, forgot how to change a file encoding in vim
01:59 🔗 closure :%s/\r//g maybe
02:00 🔗 dashcloud apparently the tools are now called tofromdos , and you call fromdos or todos
02:01 🔗 NotGLaDOS "Pattern not found: Y0LOSWAG"
02:01 🔗 NotGLaDOS Wut
02:08 🔗 closure ok, they're overloaded I think
02:08 🔗 closure getting connect fails
02:08 🔗 closure or I'm banned
02:08 🔗 balrog_ getting fails here too
02:09 🔗 closure I'm getting connect hangs
02:09 🔗 balrog_ actually no
02:09 🔗 balrog_ it's still working here
02:13 🔗 closure I have a better (less disk IO script)
02:13 🔗 balrog_ will it pick up if I kill this one?
02:14 🔗 closure no
02:14 🔗 closure well, I could make it
02:14 🔗 closure one sec
02:14 🔗 NotGLaDOS Going to wait for that script befire
02:15 🔗 NotGLaDOS I start. Last time I had a high disk IO (feeding 103 books to my bot), my host yelled at me
02:16 🔗 beardicus hmm. doing about 2000 per minute here... load avg 2.
02:16 🔗 beardicus scratch that, 4 :)
02:17 🔗 closure http://pastebin.com/ZJ1WEi56
02:17 🔗 balrog_ load averages: 93.97 94.47 86.21
02:18 🔗 closure named in honor of my recently meeting Kryton. nice guy ;)
02:27 🔗 closure my ip is 100% banned. I have 4 other IPs here.. was there a way to make curl url a different one?
02:28 🔗 kanzure can't you just ask them for a dump
02:29 🔗 balrog_ so you can't even access their website?
02:30 🔗 closure nope
02:30 🔗 balrog_ wow
02:31 🔗 closure I guess someone notices the .24 million hits
02:31 🔗 balrog_ 33633 grabbed before stop
02:32 🔗 closure smeg will replay the site.* files you got and resume
02:32 🔗 balrog_ running it.
02:32 🔗 balrog_ not as fast as I'd like because of I/O contention
02:34 🔗 closure yeah, it'll be IO-y when resuming
02:34 🔗 * closure guesses that aroud 99% of powerous sites are spam
02:35 🔗 closure typoy tonigt
02:35 🔗 balrog_ lol why you think that?
02:35 🔗 closure just looking at all the iphonefoo and dealershipsblah names
02:35 🔗 balrog_ how do I know when they ban my IP?
02:36 🔗 balrog_ maybe I should not let them do this?
02:37 🔗 closure 432175 iphone-wodq.posterous.com
02:37 🔗 closure 432177 iphone-sylf.posterous.com
02:37 🔗 closure 432179 iphone-afii.posterous.com
02:39 🔗 closure 522173 idxf0d1mnl-banned.posterous.com
02:39 🔗 closure 522175 o6nuzdet0g-banned.posterous.com
02:39 🔗 closure 522177 bgv23e4mls-banned.posterous.com
02:39 🔗 closure 522179 ik1gtjuxyi-banned.posterous.com
02:39 🔗 closure lol
02:39 🔗 closure I have pages of that
02:39 🔗 balrog_ cat *.hostnames | wc -l gives me 33028
02:43 🔗 balrog_ btw what happened with xanga-grab?
02:49 🔗 balrog_ closure: http://www.sysadminvalley.com/2009/06/29/curl-requests-by-binding-to-different-ip-address/
02:49 🔗 balrog_ see man page
02:53 🔗 closure 950831 best-price-for-nexium-generic-banned-banned.posterous.com
02:53 🔗 closure double banned!
02:54 🔗 balrog_ :D
02:54 🔗 Wack0 someone really likes their banhammer
02:55 🔗 closure cool, got around the ban
02:55 🔗 closure yeah
02:56 🔗 balrog_ hmm, the numbers stopped advancing
02:56 🔗 closure that's ban time, probably
02:56 🔗 balrog_ wait, they started again
02:57 🔗 balrog_ but that may not mean much
02:57 🔗 closure or it's a little overloaded maybe?
02:57 🔗 balrog_ how do I check if it's valid?
02:57 🔗 closure the hostname files will only grow if it's fail
02:58 🔗 closure tail -f *.hostnames
02:58 🔗 closure er, grow if it's valid
02:59 🔗 balrog_ we is banned
03:00 🔗 balrog_ cat *.hostnames | wc -l : 39462
03:00 🔗 balrog_ :\
03:00 🔗 balrog_ closure: add some throttling
03:01 🔗 balrog_ curl http://posterous.com
03:01 🔗 balrog_ curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
03:02 🔗 closure well, you could run less than 100 at a time
03:02 🔗 closure maybe they won't ban at 10 at a time or something
03:07 🔗 dashcloud so does it really start at 100100 or is that a mistake? if it's supposed to start at 100000, could someone grab those first ones?
03:08 🔗 closure dashcloud: you did a million already?
03:08 🔗 closure oh, I'm getting from 1, don't worry
03:08 🔗 dashcloud I ran this: for chunk in $(seq 100 199); do ./snarf $chunk &; done
03:08 🔗 dashcloud wait- I think I know what happened
03:09 🔗 dashcloud I think I botched part of the download for 1-2 million
03:09 🔗 closure I'm curious how you evaded the IP ban
03:09 🔗 dashcloud probably because I didn't actually download a million
03:10 🔗 dashcloud looks like I had done 10k or so
03:10 🔗 closure switch to smeg, it'll resume
03:10 🔗 balrog_ they banned me at about 40k
03:11 🔗 dashcloud I think I edited the snarf.sh and accidentally shrunk the range
03:16 🔗 closure this posterous thing is a nice preview of how much twitter cares about preserving all their data, btw..
03:20 🔗 dashcloud they've got it preserved- you just can't get to it unless you've got $$$$$$ bucks, and an "appropriate" business plan
03:20 🔗 dashcloud you can't do analytics and data-mining stuff without an extensive archive
03:21 🔗 closure well, I just found my 250000'th hostname
03:23 🔗 * closure thinks it's hilarous that they have an api key with such an easily bypassed rate limit. wonder how common that is?
03:26 🔗 closure fwiw, they seem to have around 25 boxes in the cluster handling these api calls, based on some headers
03:26 🔗 balrog_ closure: lmk if you figure a way around the ip-block
03:26 🔗 closure well, if you have more IP addresses, I do
03:27 🔗 balrog_ I don't :/
03:27 🔗 balrog_ well I do but I don't want to waste them,,, the banned one was my primary
03:29 🔗 closure there's always EC2
03:29 🔗 godane looks like SketchCow got some computer power magazines uploaded: http://archive.org/details/computer_shopper
03:38 🔗 closure I've made a better smeg that automatically resumes from the *.hostnames files when re-run. So you can move the files elsewhere or give them to someone else to continue.
03:38 🔗 closure http://pastebin.com/VUvydX0q
03:39 🔗 closure hmm, may be the ugliest for loop I've ever written in shell
03:39 🔗 balrog_ well someone wants these?
03:39 🔗 balrog_ ew
03:39 🔗 closure I'll take them
03:39 🔗 closure if you're done
03:40 🔗 balrog_ I have 39462 grabbed and I'm banned
03:41 🔗 balrog_ closure: see pm
03:44 🔗 closure you sure got banned before many were done.. I'll bet it's not automatic, just they noticed you
03:44 🔗 * closure reserves an ip for the 3 am run ;)
03:47 🔗 dashcloud here's an interesting project I found: https://github.com/calufa/tales-core
03:47 🔗 dashcloud block-tolerant scraper
03:49 🔗 dashcloud I'm going to remove my name from my blocks, because I won't be around this week to babysit them
03:51 🔗 closure we can always go full-on-warrier job just to get the hostnames if it comes to it
03:52 🔗 closure ... and take a month or whatever
03:52 🔗 closure I'd worry they might fix their broken rate limit before done
03:55 🔗 closure whups 2 more ips banned
04:02 🔗 beardicus whack-a-mole
04:02 🔗 beardicus try rate-limiting?
04:02 🔗 closure spose I ougt to
04:02 🔗 beardicus maybe it's time for the week-long slow burn?
04:03 🔗 beardicus i mean... we have six whole weeks... how "generous" of them.
04:03 🔗 closure gotta get the data too
04:03 🔗 closure if they rate limit just hostnames ......
04:04 🔗 closure otoh, this is probably running on some barely scaled part of their architecture
04:08 🔗 closure I have over half a million hostnames if someone wants to start the site mirroring BTW
04:28 🔗 Wack0 hey. what's going on.
04:29 🔗 beardicus closure, i'm going to keep at my range overnight... one measly thread on a new IP... just to see what happens.
04:33 🔗 closure k.. I have an ip that's running only 10 threads, also to see
04:33 🔗 beardicus hmm. 'bout 80 per minute with one thread. ten days to finish a block of 1 million.
04:53 🔗 closure not bad
04:57 🔗 beardicus 100 per minute now. 7 days.
04:57 🔗 beardicus though i guess that's not counting misses at all, so it may be a bit faster.
05:00 🔗 beardicus poop. banned with one thread after just 2000 or so requests.
05:01 🔗 closure wow
05:01 🔗 beardicus or i'm just hitting a big dry patch.
05:01 🔗 closure yeah, me also banned
05:02 🔗 closure so, admins are sitting at the console with a red bull in one hand and a banhammer in the other
05:02 🔗 closure time to go away for 12 hours ;)
05:03 🔗 * closure has 935845 hostnames including other grabs
05:39 🔗 SketchCow have we set up #perposterus yet?
05:39 🔗 SketchCow sorry, #preposterus
05:46 🔗 closure beats #closurus (no)
05:47 🔗 closure the constant ip banning is a bit of a problem
05:47 🔗 closure although I am over 1 million, on my 5th ip
05:49 🔗 beardicus i got 5000 with a single thread on my third IP. sadface.
05:50 🔗 beardicus i guess maybe balls-out is the way to go... slurp it quick 'til you're banned.
05:52 🔗 closure possibly. or it just keeps them opening the red bull
05:52 🔗 chronomex schhk
09:35 🔗 lemonkey http://techcrunch.com/2013/02/15/posterous-will-shut-down-on-april-30th-co-founder-garry-tan-launches-posthaven-to-save-your-sites
09:37 🔗 omf_ we are already mapping the site out
09:38 🔗 omf_ but we keep getting banned
09:39 🔗 BlueMax has that ever stopped us before? :D
09:41 🔗 omf_ not that I know of
09:42 🔗 omf_ banning only builds the rage
10:35 🔗 GLaDOS closure: the script seems to be scarce with output info
10:35 🔗 db48x sweet, just found a picture of my great great great grandmother, great great grandmother, great grandmother and my grandmother all in a line out on the farm
11:00 🔗 Nemo_bis :o
11:34 🔗 SketchCow Could someone write to Garry Tan to ask him what the story is and how big Posterous is?
12:51 🔗 godane SketchCow: i have over 7k videos now in g4video-web collection
13:45 🔗 closure SketchCow: we know Posterous has just over 10 million sites. Size of sites unknown
20:49 🔗 SketchCow closure: Thanks
21:24 🔗 SketchCow Oh boy, ANOTHER person going "it was free, what do you suspect"
21:24 🔗 SketchCow "What did you expect"
21:34 🔗 ersi There's a bunch of those morons.
21:35 🔗 ersi Don't go reading CircleHackerJerkerNews. ;-)
21:38 🔗 SketchCow Wait- you mean the Y combinator message oard thinks this is fine?
21:41 🔗 ersi Yes, basically. But it might be related to the fact that it's mainly a bunch of startup inmasturbators there
21:42 🔗 ersi "Of COURSE it's fine to burn the house down when money runs out!"
22:10 🔗 SketchCow http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Main_Page
22:12 🔗 Smiley :)
22:12 🔗 omf_ and most hners think they could build something to take posterous' place
22:13 🔗 SketchCow OK, I have to go take a flight from Wellington to Auckland.
22:14 🔗 Smiley plz try not to fall in the sea.
22:14 🔗 SketchCow On it
22:15 🔗 SketchCow This Posterous one is different. People are getting it.
22:15 🔗 SketchCow I mean, they got it with geocities and others.
22:15 🔗 SketchCow But people are really getting this one, what it represents.
22:15 🔗 Smiley \o/
22:17 🔗 SketchCow OK, I'll be back on later.
22:22 🔗 ersi SketchCow: Neat. New logo/image.
