#archiveteam 2013-10-31,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
00:03 🔗 DragonDon Greetings all
00:04 🔗 DragonDon I saw this, thought of you guys, thought someone might be interested in these commercials: http://ftp.kameli.net/pub/pkpvideos/Classic%20Video%20Game%20Console%20Commercials/
09:46 🔗 www2 hi i have a site for a emergency backup: Hives.nl
09:48 🔗 www2 one of the first news articels about this can find here(this is a google translation to engles) http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftweakers.net%2Fnieuws%2F92306%2Fgerucht-telegraaf-stopt-met-hyves.html
13:43 🔗 iznonix hey, you guys heard about hyves.nl shutting down? http://hyves-corporate.pr.co/63596-hyves-transformeert-naar-online-gaming-portal
14:10 🔗 M1das one of the biggest social media sites in the Netherlands is shutting down. http://hyves.nl/
14:11 🔗 iznonix official announcement here: http://hyves-corporate.pr.co/63596-hyves-transformeert-naar-online-gaming-portal
14:11 🔗 M1das about 10 million users, nothing too big for the archive team ;p
14:12 🔗 iznonix Op de servers van Hyves staat meer dan 1 Petabyte aan content van gebruikers.
14:12 🔗 iznonix quoted from their shutdown page
14:12 🔗 M1das 1 PB, thats alot
14:13 🔗 Cameron_D and there is 1 month until they remove it all?
14:13 🔗 iznonix if they really have 10M users( which i doubt), that would mean 100meg/user
14:14 🔗 M1das Cameron_D: they think they need 1 month for existing user download requests
14:14 🔗 Cameron_D http://hyves.nl/robots.txt
14:14 🔗 Cameron_D Disallow: /
14:14 🔗 Cameron_D User-agent: *
14:14 🔗 Cameron_D lovely
14:14 🔗 Cameron_D M1das: ah okay
14:14 🔗 iznonix No, user downloads are only allowed in the last 2 weeks
14:15 🔗 M1das oh yeah, between 15 and 29th of november
14:16 🔗 iznonix plus side: they have like no active users anymore, servs should have a ton of overcapacity
14:16 🔗 M1das lot of the servers have been designated to other sites iznonix
14:16 🔗 Cameron_D Or they've got rid of half their servers already :P
14:17 🔗 iznonix site feels like 10x faster (at least) than 5 years ago
14:17 🔗 M1das not that strange iznonix :p
15:55 🔗 ivan` http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/important-announcement-about-your-my-opera-account
15:55 🔗 ivan` "We have made decision to shutdown My Opera as of March 1, 2014."
17:28 🔗 xmc they're getting out of the email business too
17:28 🔗 xmc interesting
17:28 🔗 xmc also, hyves is shutting down?!?!?!
17:29 🔗 odie5533 everyone is shutting down
17:29 🔗 odie5533 What is hyves?
17:29 🔗 Kninnug Yep, Hyves is going to be executed december 2nd
17:30 🔗 Kninnug Dutch social network site
17:30 🔗 Kninnug Used to be quite popular before FB took over
17:30 🔗 odie5533 how big is it?
17:30 🔗 Kninnug 9.1 million users in 2010
17:33 🔗 Kninnug They're going to transform in into a gaming portal
17:33 🔗 odie5533 but probably still in Dutch, so I can't read it
17:36 🔗 Kninnug Anyway, if anyone can read Dutch, here's the official press release: http://hyves-corporate.pr.co/63596-hyves-transformeert-naar-online-gaming-portal
18:06 🔗 mibbitbsm yugioh TAS uploaded into IA
18:07 🔗 odie5533 why
18:07 🔗 mibbitbsm cause i hate blip and it kept getting kicked off youtube
18:07 🔗 odie5533 erm, isn't that because it's copyrighted?
18:08 🔗 mibbitbsm its tranformative if I've ever seen it
18:08 🔗 mibbitbsm https://archive.org/details/YugiohTAS160
18:08 🔗 mibbitbsm parody
18:08 🔗 odie5533 what
18:08 🔗 odie5533 's transformative
18:08 🔗 mibbitbsm google it
18:08 🔗 DFJustin it's a parody
18:09 🔗 odie5533 oh
18:09 🔗 odie5533 I thought TAS = the animated series, like star trek
18:09 🔗 mibbitbsm abridged series
18:09 🔗 mibbitbsm also my bad
18:10 🔗 DFJustin yeah I wish more people were aware of ia for hosting stuff like that
18:10 🔗 odie5533 DFJustin: what do you mean?
18:10 🔗 odie5533 Does IA defend fair use more than YT?
18:10 🔗 bsmith112 i also uploaded all of AO3
18:10 🔗 bsmith112 hell yes they dp
18:10 🔗 bsmith112 do
18:11 🔗 bsmith112 IA might dark something which is fine but they still keep it
18:11 🔗 DFJustin for one thing they don't have a robotic takedown system like youtube
18:11 🔗 DFJustin so a human has to look at it
18:11 🔗 DFJustin and yeah it doesn't just get shoved in the bit bucket if it is a legit takedown
18:16 🔗 DFJustin also I just wish more things were hosted on IA in general because then I don't have to put up with recompression or other youtube bs
18:16 🔗 DFJustin as a consumer
18:16 🔗 odie5533 Can you just host anything on IA?
18:16 🔗 DFJustin yes
18:17 🔗 odie5533 If it was as popular as YT, wouldn't that be a problem?
18:17 🔗 DFJustin I think it's a problem they'd like to have
18:18 🔗 odie5533 hmm, I wonder what their business model is
18:19 🔗 DFJustin there's an endowment from brewster kahle who is a dotcom multi-millionaire, they charge institutions to digitize their stuff, grants from foundations, and then they have online donations
18:19 🔗 bsmith112 im also the who uploaded the superman isos, george reeves, originals, that i found at a PTA sale
18:20 🔗 odie5533 huh
18:20 🔗 odie5533 are those out of copyright?
18:21 🔗 bsmith112 dont care theyre 40 years old
18:21 🔗 bsmith112 http://archive.org/details/TheAdventuresOfSupermanTv1
18:21 🔗 odie5533 but copyright lasts for 120 years
18:21 🔗 bsmith112 see above
18:21 🔗 DFJustin worst case it gets taken down again, not worth losing sleep over
18:21 🔗 bsmith112 actually i checked amazon and they're on dvd so whatever
18:22 🔗 odie5533 At Wikimedia Commons, everyone loses sleep over the tiniest copyright problems.
18:23 🔗 DFJustin there is value in encouraging people to create free content like wikimedia does
18:23 🔗 odie5533 The English Wikipedia is actually one of the most lax on that front
18:23 🔗 DFJustin but e.g. archive.org are big boys and it's not worth worrying about stuff on their behalf
18:24 🔗 odie5533 the German, Japanese, Spanish, and French don't even allow any non-free images, even for fair use
18:24 🔗 odie5533 *Wikipedias
18:25 🔗 odie5533 so no movie posters, no game screenshots, etc., even if it's clearly fair use. The English one obviously allows these exceptions
18:26 🔗 DFJustin I know japan at least has quite different laws in that area so they may have no choice
18:26 🔗 odie5533 the law allows for it. but it goes against the purpose of Wikipedia. The English project, however, decided to allow it even though it goes against the purpose of the site.
18:28 🔗 odie5533 The Halo article on the spanish wikipedia is rather humorous: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo:_Combat_Evolved
18:28 🔗 odie5533 Microsoft would never allow a screenshot of Halo to be released under a free license, so they use screenshots from a different video game to help explain Halo
18:31 🔗 odie5533 DFJustin: why would IA like to have more videos uploaded?
18:31 🔗 odie5533 because that is their mission, to archive things?
18:42 🔗 DFJustin yes
19:47 🔗 odie5533 Does archiveteam only handle online stuff? :)
19:51 🔗 yipdw nope
19:51 🔗 yipdw online grabs are a thing, but other artifacts are also very cool
19:52 🔗 odie5533 What, if anything, has archiveteam archived of offline stuff?
19:59 🔗 DFJustin shareware cd-roms, floppy disks
20:01 🔗 DFJustin sketchcow has a multi-thousand dollar scanning workstation in his house now for computer manuals and miscellany
20:05 🔗 odie5533 I gotta get me one of those.
20:06 🔗 DFJustin http://web.archive.org/web/20131011093559/http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/3902
20:09 🔗 odie5533 I need to build one of those.
20:09 🔗 DFJustin http://www.diybookscanner.org/
20:10 🔗 odie5533 hmm
20:14 🔗 odie5533 Do people actually build those?
20:18 🔗 SketchCow Where's my hug
20:19 🔗 SketchCow odie seems like a man angered
20:42 🔗 * phillipsj hugs SketchCow
20:55 🔗 SmileyG keep an eye out for SnowPheonix, he's a good guy.
22:10 🔗 www2 can some one look in to http://urlteam.terrywri.st/ i get a 503 error
22:18 🔗 citruspi http://chfoo-d1.mooo.com:8031/puush/ for Puu.sh doesn't work either
22:40 🔗 Lord_Nigh http://archive.is/o/lfJSs/https://www.dropbox.com/s/wnzqidngrtj8y2l/Bookout_v_Toyota_Barr_REDACTED.pdf got taken down, does anyone have a copy?
22:42 🔗 Baljem hang on, I have that open in a tab somewhere
22:42 🔗 Baljem FUCK
22:42 🔗 Baljem I /had/ that open in a tab somewhere, but as soon as I touched it it refreshed itself and is now 404
22:43 🔗 Baljem sorry
22:43 🔗 Baljem ah, a Twitter acquaintance has a mirror at http://cybergibbons.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Bookout_v_Toyota_Barr_REDACTED.pdf
22:44 🔗 balrog asked this before but if possible please archive: https://tag3ulp55xczs3pn.onion.to/
22:44 🔗 balrog https://tag3ulp55xczs3pn.onion if you have tor
22:44 🔗 balrog not sure if it's http or https on tor
