#archiveteam 2011-09-03,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
00:03 🔗 * db48x sighs
00:03 🔗 db48x FAIL
00:03 🔗 db48x my answer to the secret question can't contain spaces
00:04 🔗 db48x lol, FAIL again
00:04 🔗 db48x it asks me to verify that the information I entered is correct, and echos back my secret answer as *****************
00:05 🔗 chronomex hahaha
00:08 🔗 tev I hate it when sites insist on using secret questions--seems to me they defeat the entire purpose of using a secure password
00:09 🔗 chronomex it's just a second password, really
00:09 🔗 db48x yea
00:09 🔗 tev I usually just enter something equally cryptic that has nothing to do with the question. I use a password safe program, anyway. No way I have time to memorize 5 billion passwords :P
00:11 🔗 tev Though that does admittedly make things more difficult when my main PC breaks down or whatever
00:11 🔗 chronomex >.>
00:11 🔗 chronomex I have a password safe file that's replicated on all my machines
00:12 🔗 tev I could do that; I guess the only reason I haven't is sheer laziness
00:12 🔗 tev Just like I haven't bothered fixing my Grub config to load the right partition by default even though it would take all of about five minutes
00:13 🔗 db48x heh
00:13 🔗 tev Actually, scratch that. I'll just do it now while I'm thinking about it
00:13 🔗 Aranje :3
00:14 🔗 tev Now let's see, which partition is the right menu.lst on? I really need to do some cleanup :D
00:21 🔗 chronomex tev: yeah, I made one of my boxes boot correctly without manual intervention last week
00:21 🔗 chronomex it's been in a half-broken state for three years
00:22 🔗 tev Haha
00:23 🔗 tev What happened here was that I was trying to switch to Arch but hit a road block because my mobo uses some wacky PATA controller that the Arch kernel doesn't support out of the box
00:24 🔗 tev What I'll probably do is temporarily install it to one of my external HDDs that it does recognize, boot into it and rebuild the kernel for PATA support, then transplant the system back to my PATA drike
01:16 🔗 underscor <arkhive> Does archiveteam have any plans to backup/archive VHS tapes that were never released on a digital format?
01:16 🔗 underscor That would be ultra cool
01:16 🔗 chronomex be kind of labor intensive too
01:16 🔗 chronomex analog capture requires good hardware also
01:17 🔗 underscor yeah, I know
01:17 🔗 underscor it would probably be an archive.org project more than archiveteam
01:17 🔗 chronomex I was doing a bit of 16mm film acq a while ago
01:17 🔗 underscor but would still be cool
01:17 🔗 chronomex considering reusing the ccd in a flatbed scanner to make an ultra high res film scanner
01:18 🔗 underscor that would be neat
01:18 🔗 chronomex yup
01:38 🔗 none295 Anyone hear about home made 35mm film scanning equipment?
01:49 🔗 chronomex haven't, but i'd probably think it isn't hard
01:49 🔗 chronomex need a sensor and a transport, right?
01:49 🔗 none295 The crew? who i'm aware of working on a project was having frame warping issues.
01:50 🔗 none295 how were you automating the flatbed scanning?
01:50 🔗 none295 on the 16mm
03:15 🔗 chronomex hven't. i used a telecine and a ntsc-firewire thing
03:15 🔗 chronomex I'd make a new electronics thing to talk to the sensor probably
04:56 🔗 SketchCow Does Archive Team have any plans to become yet another rip group?
04:56 🔗 SketchCow Fuck no, actually.
05:09 🔗 underscor SketchCow: Only if the rip group is closing up shop and taking all their content down, aye? :D
05:15 🔗 SketchCow Well, maybe not even then.
14:18 🔗 db48x mmm: http://i.imgur.com/0lvGZ.png
14:19 🔗 db48x from http://insideinsides.blogspot.com/
16:41 🔗 dashcloud just got back from a better-than-expected flea market- picked up Macintosh Pascal, Microsoft Multiplan, and Macwrite/Macpaint pack
16:42 🔗 Schbirid https://encrypted.google.com/search?sclient=psy&hl=en&source=hp&q=site%3Afedex.com+inurl%3ATracking%3Ftracknumbers%3D&btnG=Search
17:59 🔗 inv web spider of choice (archiving some forums)
17:59 🔗 inv ?
17:59 🔗 inv wget?
18:05 🔗 chronomex yeah, wget is good
18:05 🔗 chronomex though wget with the warc patch is better for Actual Archiving
18:06 🔗 inv warc?
18:07 🔗 chronomex output format for web page archiving
18:08 🔗 inv yep I looked it up
18:08 🔗 chronomex wget is good any way you lice it btw
18:08 🔗 chronomex warc just makes it that much better
18:09 🔗 chronomex s/lice/slice/
19:56 🔗 SketchCow Hey, can someone do a heretrix crawl of desktop.google.com?
19:56 🔗 SketchCow They're killing it in 12 days.
19:56 🔗 chronomex o_O
19:59 🔗 SketchCow Let's do a few mirrors, we'll put it up the day after it goes down
20:00 🔗 alard SketchCow: Sure, I have Heritrix here, I'll have a look.
20:07 🔗 SketchCow Thanks
20:25 🔗 SketchCow Uploading wikileaks cables to archive.org.
20:35 🔗 inv does heritrix use pipelining?
20:45 🔗 Cowering wikileaks..decrypted?
20:45 🔗 dashcloud SketchCow: you're not one to change your mind much, so why are you now archiving the cables?
20:46 🔗 alard inv: I'm not sure, but I don't think it does.
20:52 🔗 SketchCow I was asked to
20:54 🔗 inv it should :(
21:01 🔗 alard inv: Well, just be patient and everything will arrive. Maybe that little bit of extra speed is not worth the extra complexity.
21:02 🔗 inv maybe it is.
21:02 🔗 inv it probably is.
21:02 🔗 inv 60% speedup? sounds good.
21:04 🔗 alard Also: with the default settings, Heritrix is very polite and waits a few seconds between each request to the same server. In that case, pipelining doesn't help.
21:26 🔗 inv no. I like my software to be rude though.
21:30 🔗 db48x rude software?
23:03 🔗 db48x so, are we going to archive fanfiction.net?
23:03 🔗 db48x has anyone given wget a go?
23:11 🔗 db48x need to go to the store first
23:12 🔗 db48x err
23:53 🔗 Wyatt ff.net? So it's got users, ff.n/u/{1..3_220_000} though the first couple thousand seem pretty spotty-- earliest I've seen is 3240. Story pages at ff.n/s/$storyid/$chapter and ff.n/communities which looks like it doesn't take straight numbers in the URI.
23:54 🔗 db48x ff.n/s/$storyid/$chapter/$title_urlized, if we want to keep the links working
23:54 🔗 db48x same with users
23:55 🔗 Wyatt Yeah, but when you get a page by the number all of that's in the variables defined within.
23:56 🔗 Wyatt But yeah
23:56 🔗 Wyatt Oh, right, there are forums.
23:59 🔗 chronomex SketchCow: ops pls
23:59 🔗 Wyatt And stories have reviews at ff.n/r/$storyid
