[03:57] underscor: link to the df page again? [03:58] http://tracker.archive.org/df.html [03:58] i need to bookmark this stuff :) [03:58] thanks [03:58] yikes we're extremely low [03:58] Yeah, only 740GB [03:59] what's the timeline for more storage? [04:00] no idea [04:00] maybe i should shut down [04:00] SketchCow hasn't been online that I've seen him [04:00] You're okay for now [04:00] 740GB is still a lot [04:00] :P [04:00] i've done 2TB already [04:00] it'll be full by morning [04:01] True [04:01] But it's almost morning in finland [04:01] Maybe just scale it down a bit [04:07] down to 100 now [05:15] holy shit [05:16] doesn't that box have like 20T disk or something ridiculous in it? [05:20] not anymore ;) [05:21] I think it's on pace to be full in three hours. [05:21] i'm going to shut down then [05:23] okay i'm running 10 now [06:46] 22:01:00 740GB is still a lot <-- heh, two hours later, we're at half that [07:03] and that's after he cranked it down, damn [07:10] about 1GB every 34 seconds [07:26] ... [07:26] 205TB of data to go? [07:26] (estimated) [07:40] Coderjoe: should i turn down more? [07:41] my estimate, if I did my math right, was about 10 hours remaining at the rate noted [07:41] hmm [07:41] http://vault.fbi.gov/steve-jobs/steve-jobs-part-01-of-01/view [07:41] and we havea no idea when we'll get more space? [07:42] we get more space on some new machine we're supposed to get. plus when stuff is pushed into IA by SketchCow [07:43] which is a physical procress? [07:43] *process [07:51] Hi. [07:51] Mornin' SketchCow [07:51] So yeah, we're filling. [07:51] I am in Finland, so I've been busy. [07:51] And yes, we're filling 20TB handily. [07:51] Part of that is that the disk is split, but the rest is that we have about 8 imultaneous projects on the machine and kenneth is too good. [07:52] Kenneth, can you possibly restart monday or will some magic fairy dust be gone if you do? [07:56] SketchCow: haha, I feel like this is a good problem to have ;) [07:57] SketchCow: I can def shut down [07:57] all set [08:00] i'll check the df page on monday :) [08:00] - Running wget --mirror (at least 5466 files)..../dld-me-com.sh: riga 324: 12007 Errore di segmentazione $WGET_WARC -U "$USER_AGENT" -nv -o "$userdir/wget.log" -i "$userdir/urls.txt" --directory-prefix="$userdir/files/" -r -l inf --no-remove-listing --trust-server-names --page-requisites --span-hosts --domains="web.me.com,www.me.com" --exclude-directories="/g/" --no-check-certificate --warc-file="$userdir/${domain}-$username" --wa [08:00] rc-max-size=inf --warc-header="operator: Archive Team" --warc-header="mobileme-dld-script-version: ${VERSION}" --warc-header="mobileme: ${domain}, ${username}" [08:00] ERROR (139). [08:00] Error downloading from web.me.com. [08:00] Error downloading 'tom.healey'. [08:00] whoops, seemed shorter [08:00] alard, another segmentation fault even with new wget apparently ^ [08:06] kennethre: Yes. It's a fine problem to have. I just need to get the house in order for how excellent you're doing this. [08:06] kennethre: Being able to yank down mobileme in a month would be spectacular. [08:06] SketchCow: haha, thanks :) [08:06] SketchCow: I look forward to proceeding [08:08] I just don't want to start making unnuanced decisions to push back the flood of incoming data. [08:08] It could lead to completely valid lesser projects getting lost in transit. [08:09] yeah, and I'm not bound by a time window or anything [08:12] I wasn't sure if you were due to the resources or anything. [08:13] luckily, i have a cloud at my disposal :) [08:13] and effectively for free [08:13] it's a fantastic workplace perk :) [08:13] unlike many of us [08:14] you have a cloud at your disposal eh [08:14] * kennethre is now known as zeus [08:14] hehehe [08:14] than's for the encouragement :) [08:14] this does mean that you now have to go out and start screwing women left and right [08:15] clearly [08:15] well, to be Zeus, one must act like Zeus [08:15] hey girl [08:15] watch out for the jealous wife, though [08:15] virtual private cloud? [08:15] i downloaded 2TB in 24 hours [08:15] hahahaha [08:17] well, jealous sister/wife [08:17] gotta watch out for flies too [08:18] http://troll.me?p=236449 [08:19] did you just make that up? [08:19] also keep an eye on your forehead. [08:19] sadly [08:59] i got defcon.org [08:59] there was alot of bad/dead links on it [09:30] mmm, sister-wife [09:35] INBOX 319 [09:35] time to do some filing I suppose, I've let this shit get out of hand [09:35] whoa [09:35] Tesla Model X [09:35] those doors are awesome [09:35] MODEL T [09:51] Boy, I should talk about git-annex at the Personal Digital Archiving conference speech and just blow some fuckin' minds. [09:55] yes. [09:55] VERSION ALL THE THINGS [10:03] More than that [10:03] The idea of archiveteam making a file directory WHERE THE INTERNET ARCHIVE IS A SUBDIRECTORY [10:09] that is rather compelling [10:49] board finally arrived [11:29] OK, alard and I have worked out a good system for moving mobileme data into archive.org. [11:29] I need a few days for it to get going, especially because I am now going to go enjoy Finland. [11:29] But that's a good sign. [11:29] Somewhere in here, we're going to swap machines over to the new machine, that should be fun. [12:00] Host fortressofsolitude.textfiles.com. points to IP [12:00] Host opiumden.textfiles.com. points to IP [12:08] Switcheroo at it's finest [12:08] SketchCow: You're relatively damn near me distance wise at the moment [12:11] * Done waiting for 100-continue [12:11] > [12:11] > Content-Length: 204820131840 [12:11] > Expect: 100-continue [12:11] That's going to hurrrrt [12:11] Am I. [12:11] I assume you're not in Finland. [12:15] Correct [12:15] I'm in Stockholm, Sweden [12:15] but that's not very far away :) [12:16] I'm sorry we can't hang out this time. [12:17] It'll happen, just not now [12:18] Good outlook. [12:18] So proud of myself for going with opiumden.textfiles.com and not rapedollars.textfiles.com [12:19] Holy moley, getting over 1MB/s to "teamarchive-0" [12:19] 2MB/s! [12:19] Aw, back to normal [12:20] http://danarchy.youfailit.net/Spiderman/spidey14.jpg [12:21] Awesome [12:21] lol, nice comic [12:21] I have to say, rape dollars would be a good name [12:22] best name ive heard yet, for this year [12:25] It'll just cause too much problems. [12:25] Might as well name it dickwolves.textfiles.com and put it on business cards [12:25] Like, bad problems with no redeem [12:25] Otherwise, I don't care [12:29] Let's bask in the glory of the awesome names, and secretly name opiumden to secret-rapedollars [12:42] hmm [12:46] > x-archive-meta-title:ArchiveTeam MobileMe Panic Download: Set 1328865740 [12:59] OK, heading out for six billion things, will be on in another 8 hours or so. [13:04] *yawns* uhh, gotta stop sitting up late, ruining my sleeping patterns [13:15] Countdown to destruction. Done! http://tracker.archive.org/df.html [13:16] hm, but I'm still uploading [13:17] Perhaps to your own rsync target? They're on a different disk. [13:35] Whoa, full disk hehe [13:35] No space left on device (28) ^_^ [13:37] yes, my slot [13:39] I got plenty of disk left, so I'll just fill that up and rape the shit out of batcave when it got space [13:45] We have 12GB available now [13:45] But please leave it for "emergency" purposes [13:45] (I'll let you decide what constitutes an emergency [13:45] ) [13:46] So if you have your own disk, please hold off until whenever SketchCow drains batcave [13:49] ok [13:50] underscor, what's taking space on batcave right now? [13:50] he mentioned 6 projects [13:50] On that drive? [13:50] Almost all mobileme [13:51] But the other drives have various stuff [13:51] there's some yahoo video and splinder [13:51] how much is splinder? [13:52] yahoo....... [13:54] The Y!V is at least partially mine. (Found an older HDD that I hadn't uploaded from yet.) Is that drive good for space or should I halt that upload? [14:30] hm 29G data/k/ke/kev/kevinmacleod/ [15:16] Nemo_bis: Heh, isn't that user linked on the wiki as a 'huge user'? [15:18] ersi, dunno [15:18] not finished yet [15:22] sigh, and this is what he's driving me crazy for: dw6e2.mp4 dw6e3.mp4 dw6e4.mp4 dw6e6.mp4 dw6e7.mp4 fringe1.m4v fringe2.m4v torchwoods4e1v2.m4v torchwoods4e2.m4v [15:23] (Doctor Who) [15:26] awesome [15:26] that's well worth it [17:17] too bad: disk space finished, download aborted [17:21] but, what a fun to peak the uni connection http://lucy.divtlc.unimi.it/cgi-bin/routers2.cgi?rtr=%2FWAN%2Fconf%2FWanFibra.cfg&bars=Cami&xgtype=d&page=graph&xgstyle=x2&if=aggr-qui-qua&xmtype=options [17:24] Nemo_bis: :( [17:41] haha damn [17:41] the best I've been able to get out of abusing the local university is 50 megabits [17:44] crappy uni line in that case :D [17:44] and that wasn't very impressive either ;o [17:50] My university pays a lot of money for non-academic traffic so they try to limit it. [17:50] sure, that's only a crappy machine in a peripheric building [17:50] there's another one where you easily reach 800-900 Mb/s [17:51] soultcer, pay? :o [17:52] my university doesn't pay, owns the national universities to external world link [17:52] owns the what? [17:54] the PoP where peering between the national university network and the rest of internet [17:54] happens [17:54] (well, sorta owns) [17:54] are you talking about I2? [17:55] I'm in Italy [17:55] GARR [17:55] oh [17:55] I love italy [17:55] :) [17:57] That would be nice, but unfortunately the Austrian science network has a fee of 100 Euro/Mbps/month for non-academic traffic [17:58] soultcer: where in austria are you??? [17:58] Innsbruck [17:58] oh :( [17:58] soultcer, max or guaranteed bandwidth? [17:59] Guaranteed, but if you go over the guaranteed bandwidth multiple times in a 3 month period they will bill you. [17:59] I'm moving to wien soon [18:00] For study or work? [18:00] study [18:00] TU Wien [18:00] cool [18:01] hopefully :) [18:01] I'm excited. [18:05] is there a good craigslist-like site that is popular in austria? I found flohmarkt.at but it's kind of a mess [18:07] soultcer, that price doesn't make any sense to me, my university makes a "friend" institution pay about 10k€/year for 50/100 Mb/s guaranteed non-academic bandwidth [18:08] that's even more expensive than what private ISP ask you here [18:11] dnova: I use ebay sometimes, but I don't think there is much of an online space for such selling used stuff in Austria. [18:11] ok [18:13] Nemo_bis: The official Aconet price is 1200/year for 1 Mbps, though everything routed via GEANT is free. Maybe they have a private deal that costs less [23:27] Trying to get this data off btcave. [23:27] Working as fast as I goddamned can! [23:53] http://i.imgur.com/qE42R.png