[01:29] Nemo_bis: That data is for other projects [01:30] I've been pushing the repos to github, but they're just the git-annex metadata [01:30] So relatively small [02:17] DFJustin: https://github.com/ab2525/ia-cdbbsarchive [02:17] :) [02:22] ugh [02:23] I hate windows for the sole reason that I can't run it for months on end without rebooting [02:24] It does weeks well, but after 1.5mo it just goes to shit [02:24] http://images.4chan.org/a/src/1329445086102.jpg [02:24] haha I love that guy [02:25] He's a big fat grandious asshat with a tech company [02:25] and just enough money to hang himself with [02:27] * Aranje solemnly reboots [02:34] haha [02:35] Ugh, this is taking entirely too long [02:35] Compressing objects: 51% (22695/43827) [02:35] Counting objects: 55488, done. [02:35] Delta compression using up to 4 threads. [03:01] is delta compression redundant? [03:02] why is the fat guy with a chick [03:02] but the other guy with two gay looking guys [03:02] they don't look like employees, and if they were, they wouldn't be in his arms [03:03] closure: How do you migrate from URLs added with --fast to SHA256E? [03:03] the chick is his wife, so she's not shooting a scene [03:30] OK, I am lazy as fuck. Tell me the way to install git-annex on this linux box. [03:31] apt-get ain't doing it [03:31] I understand there's a git respository, but boy, git is confusing [03:33] SketchCow: fos? [03:33] Or, rather, what distribution? [03:33] SketchCow: ubuntu? [03:34] git-annex should be in apt-get [03:34] Linux teamarchive-1.us.archive.org 2.6.32-33-server #70-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 7 22:28:30 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux [03:34] if you're on Oneiric or newer [03:34] It's old though [03:34] I'd not recommend using the apt version, because it's lacking a ton of features [03:34] It's also in universe, iirc [03:35] SketchCow: Is universe enabled on that machine? [03:35] How about a manual. [03:35] a manual install. [03:35] You need http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/ [03:35] extract that [03:35] hahahaha [03:35] oh have fun with that [03:35] then download http://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist/7.4.1/ghc-7.4.1-x86_64-unknown-linux.tar.bz2 [03:35] inside of it [03:35] Then extract that [03:36] cd ghc-7.4.1 [03:36] apt-get install ghc6 [03:36] So what you're saying is it's too much work. Done. [03:36] kennethre: old [03:36] Believe me, I tried it [03:36] old haskell shouldn't matter [03:37] Yeah, it does [03:37] blah [03:37] You get conflicts with base- [03:37] haskell is crazy [03:37] Not really :P [03:37] it takes like 45 GB [03:37] OK, stop stop nerds stop [03:37] It's like 100mb [03:37] Anyway [03:37] kill -9 nerds [03:37] that's crazy [03:37] lol [03:37] SketchCow: How about if I write a shell script that does it for you? [03:37] kill -9 nerds [03:37] shutdown now [03:37] that way you can at least see the commands, [03:42] Write a shell script. [03:42] But don't discuss it here, just write it. [03:42] And give it to closure so he can improve install instructions. [03:46] okay [03:51] I'm convincing some filmmakers to release their footage for free on archive.org [03:51] I'm always convincing. [03:51] sudo make git-annex for me [03:54] hahaha [03:54] closure: ping [03:54] Have a sec to check over this script? [03:56] http://hastebin.com/vehakorigo.hs [03:58] Whoops, found two typos [03:58] http://hastebin.com/javifukemi.hs [03:58] That should be good, runs here [04:09] SketchCow: I saw that, pretty awesome! [04:18] kennethre: #1 on hnews [04:18] congrats! [04:18] underscor: haha, thanks [04:21] Just read the actual post [04:21] That's super awesome [04:22] it really is [04:22] i'm really pumpted [04:22] *pumped [04:23] :) [04:24] hmmm [04:25] a git-annex install script would be neat, especially if it could do all checkinstall and have what it manually installs be tracked by apt [04:25] but then you'd have to maintain it for newer hackage / ghc / git-annex releases, and test it on distros [04:26] one project i know of that tells you to just dl their stuff manually is the SAGE mathematics software. but it's tricky [04:26] not very clean [04:27] maintaining one's own software outside of the package manager is tricky. basically i'd recommend setting up an apt repo, which is probably what the debian/ubuntu devs would recommend [04:28] there's probably a way to do that on github [04:30] http://joseph.ruscio.org/blog/2010/08/19/setting-up-an-apt-repository/ [04:32] Well, I mean, it'd be better if distros would update their packages more often [04:33] The version of ghc, cabal, and friends in lucid is ancient [04:33] (relatively speaking) [04:34] and lots of other system packages rely on those specific versions of certain libraries [04:34] so you can't just grab the precise deb and install it [04:34] well, there's that 'constantly usable testing' effort in the debian world, to be more rollingish [04:34] and ubuntu has 'handled' it with ppas [04:34] sort-of [04:34] But then you run into dumb dependency issues [04:34] i'm basically advocating a ppa, unless people agree that doing apt-pinning with debian CUT like stuff is okay [04:34] eh [04:35] There are packages in uni/multi that require the older version of ghc [04:35] the ppa just needs to take it upon themselves to not step on the toes of packages on various versions of distros that they 'support' [04:35] right [04:35] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16681630 [04:35] I dunno, just seems awkward [04:35] onus is on the ppa until debian/ubuntu/etc get that together, if ever [04:35] oh it is [04:35] but a ppa is better than random tarballs everywhere [04:36] In your opinion [04:36] :P [04:36] Typically language/platform specific package managers are better than using the distro one anyway [04:36] underscor: not being tracked by the package manager == bad idea [04:36] eh [04:36] (cf cpan, gem, cabal) [04:36] cpan, pip, all that just reinventing apt [04:36] yea [04:36] they'd like users to think that [04:36] OperServ: other way around. [04:37] but i have seen the light of aptitude, and it is superior [04:37] * arrith: ^ [04:37] arrith: it's the other way around. [04:37] ^ [04:37] ? [04:37] no, aptitude is system-level. [04:37] it should be user-level. [04:37] yes [04:37] distro package managers have killed python. [04:37] they ruin everything. [04:37] they you install python and pip and then be done. [04:37] no packages. [04:38] one thing, distros at least provide someone besides the dev of something to make sure there's not a "rm -rf /*" hidden inside it [04:38] but yeah that comes at the cost of convenience [04:39] arrith: they also comment out sources of entropy :v [04:39] a user-level apt sounds interesting, not really sure how that would be done [04:39] your system should be ephemeral anyway. [04:39] kennethre: meaning? [04:39] arrith: look at homebrew or nix [04:39] arrith: rm -fr /* shouldn't have any huge implications [04:39] nix is very fancy, homebrew is beyond a hack [04:40] nix is over my head [04:40] but i like what i've seen so far [04:40] yeah apt could do quite well taking on some nix concepts [04:41] * underscor googles nix [04:42] ooh, this looks neat [04:42] hey, you guys are about archiving, i'm trying to find an rpm that would be considered ancient (2006) [04:42] 2.6.18-1.2257.fc5smp kernel-headers rpm [04:43] i can't believe i'm finding it impossible to find anything, i would have thought there would be someone hosting it [04:43] but alas haven't found anything yet [04:53] Wow, that's old [04:59] Back [05:11] What is #1 on hnews. [05:11] I just gave up trying to browse that thing. [05:13] SketchCow: http://kennethreitz.com/xcode-gcc-and-homebrew.html [05:13] not sure if that type of thing interests you [05:13] i assume not :P [05:14] Only as a cultural historical force. [05:15] For example, if I read this right, what you just did was make it so developing on apple is like 1996 [05:15] And not the proprietary fuckstick walled garden they've been working overtime to turn it into for a decade [05:15] But I could be reading it wrong. [05:16] Also, I love complainy nerds in the comments [05:16] Complainy nerds are my tip top favorite. [05:16] Tip. Top. [05:16] haha [05:16] they're the best [05:17] Love them. Love them coming into somewhere, and you see them unzip, and hunker down, and kind of move back and forth, and you go "Oh, certainly they're not going..." and then there's this moment, when they look right at you, and you lock eyes, and then SQQQQUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIIIIRP as they shit all over your work. [05:17] LOVE THEM [05:18] you get used to it ;) [05:18] No, you don't, and I've been doing it longer than you. [05:18] huzzah! found the rpm [05:18] You go through waves [05:18] http://dl.central.org/dl/linuxdev/fedora5/i386/kernel-devel-2.6.18-1.2257.fc5.i686.rpm [05:18] You're in a "My future's so bright I gotta wear shades" part of the wave [05:18] Made something good, nothing's gonna bring you down [05:18] lmao [05:19] the language trolls at least are all the same [05:19] But keep going [05:19] birthday boy mode [05:19] i toggle between hating them all and not caring [05:19] the GET OFF MY LAWN types [05:19] GET OFF MY LAN [05:19] I am a get off my lawn [05:19] But only in a relative sense. [05:19] Obviously I am trying to fit git-annex into my brain sideways [05:19] SketchCow is a major lawn(d)owner [05:20] http://www.treday.com/BowlingBash07Pix/Stunnas.jpg [05:20] So I am complaining about the relatively high barrier to entry to udnerstand it [05:20] But the inherent idea interests me. [05:22] btw but i'd much rather trust official distro maintainers than a random dev through cpan or pip, or let alone tarballs going crazy [05:22] I am a nazi when it comes to non-apt packages [05:22] been burned way too many times [05:23] everything non-apt goes in /opt/$packagename/ [05:23] which gets its own bin/lib/etc heirarchy [05:23] NovaKing: why in the world do you need that specific rpm? [05:23] Used to do that when I was an admin. [05:23] arrith: very old legacy server i have to support :( [05:24] chronomex: i see a ton of people just fine with untarring some random tarball, running make install, then deleting all install stuff then after a while going "derp, how do i remove this" [05:24] and complaining on irc [05:24] I used to do that, modulo the last step [05:24] NovaKing: image it, put it in a vm on a newer os :P [05:24] i'd use gpaco / paco until i figured out checkinstall [05:24] arrith: i really really really wish i could, but i can't at present! [05:25] NovaKing: :( [05:26] 6 months, and i can be gone with it [05:26] but until then, i needed that rpm :P [05:26] or i would have no backup system in place, lol [05:37] I save all my sources, but I don't install into a seperate tree [05:37] Perhaps I should [05:37] SketchCow: That script should do the job for you, fyi [05:37] I just used it to install on a clean lucid box [05:37] Where is the script? [05:38] You are seriously overestimating today's attention span [05:39] Someone mailed me about speaking at HOPE [05:39] Of course, when I look closer, I see that it's not that. [05:39] They're actually just some guy [05:39] SketchCow: http://hastebin.com/javifukemi.hs [05:39] Who is mailing me instructions to submit at hope [05:39] Because he'd like to see a BBS talk [05:40] here's a thing you can just wget -O install-annex.sh [05:40] http://hastebin.com/raw/javifukemi [05:41] fortress goes into dog slow mode constantly. [05:41] Going to love figuring out why. [05:44] yeah, so I've noticed with mobileme [05:45] I'll continue this in skype, so as not to say anything compromising [06:51] 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 -- web [06:51] 1 6:25AM:abuie@abuie-dev:~/archiveteam 23493 Ï git annex status [06:51] semitrusted repositories: 2 [06:51] supported backends: SHA256 SHA1 SHA512 SHA224 SHA384 SHA256E SHA1E SHA512E SHA224E SHA384E WORM URL [06:51] supported remote types: git bup directory rsync web hook [06:51] trusted repositories: 0 [06:51] 85019413-6049-441c-a4a9-2f17dc0e734a -- here (ArchiveTeam Releases (@ IA)) [06:51] untrusted repositories: 0 [06:51] dead repositories: 0 [06:51] local annex keys: 0 [06:51] local annex size: 0 bytes [06:51] known annex keys: 8611 [06:51] known annex size: 798 gigabytes [06:51] backend usage: [06:51] URL: 8611 [07:51] Because I just don't want the ia6xxxxx.archive.org/16/items/ bit, but I want everything else [07:52] underscor: you don't want the iaxxxxx anyway, you want www.archive.org/download/item, because items can be moved to new servers as needed [08:37] Well, I've now wasted, really fucking wasted, an hour installing Haskell. [08:37] So git-annex is awesome, but fail fail fail for regular people. [08:38] I had forgotten how much of an assmunch sitting here compiling is. [08:39] I did this for 10 years and hated it, quit, became a librarian [08:39] So I'll get bucky to fix it tomorrow [08:39] I am fascinated at the use but man, git is not for regular people [08:41] I got the developers/admins to fix the "I'm completely fucking crippled" problem on fortress [08:41] So that's going to make the umich go faster, alard [08:59] SketchCow: what do you need from me to get rsync'ing to fos? [09:05] Aw yeah! Top 10 on MobileMe [09:11] I need to know what in your directory is done and what isn't. [09:12] I can paste in a second [09:17] SketchCow: alot of hacker stuff can be found at good.net [09:18] like convention cdroms [09:18] and defcon realmedia files that are not hosted anymore [09:19] i'm kinda curious about what the fix for the crippling slowness was [09:20] (though I don't really have a huge xen/kvm deployment to worry about. only a couple hosts) [09:29] blackhat.com has some bad url [09:29] like this http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-usa-08/BH_US_08_Ossmann_Software_Radio.pdf [09:30] should have been this: http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-usa-08/Ossmann/BH_US_08_Ossmann_Software_Radio.pdf [09:31] also some 404 ppt are download minus the -1 in there file name [09:34] The fix for the crippling slowness was that it turned out there was a hard limit for the assigned ram [09:35] So it was given more space to play with and was constantly swapping out. [09:35] They made the machine less robust, so to speak, but it worked better because it wasn't calling out to resources that then needed to be swapped. [09:35] Nothing I do with these boxes needs so much RAM, so it's fine. [09:36] At most it bzips [09:36] But even bzip, a few hundred meg of ram, big deal. [09:36] 7z can consume a lot of RAM [09:37] Yeah, that too. [09:37] Regardless, this machine was almost at frozen levels for doing an ls. [09:37] SketchCow, I need to know what in your directory is done and what isn't. --> from me too? [09:37] It was not cool. [09:37] heh [09:37] Everyone. [09:37] SketchCow: i can give you a list of done/not done for all the users in my data directory [09:38] mobileme splinder [09:38] root@teamarchive-0:/2/FTP/nemo_bis# ls [09:38] Are both still in use? [09:38] i'm not downloading at all right now.. have some incompletes/fails but that's it [09:39] People should talk to alard about Using the new upload script. [09:42] So, Splinder is DOWN down, huh. [09:42] Gooooo splinder [09:43] SketchCow: The mobileme upload scripts are finished. Waiting for you to give the green light. [09:44] SketchCow, yes, they kept the promise, it was shut down on the 31st [09:45] I give the green light. [09:45] For everyone but kenneth. [09:45] Open the flood gates?! [09:46] Okay, people: git pull and start running again. [09:46] Mobileme is on a directory with 9.6 terabytes. [09:46] git pull done, now uploading~ [09:47] I'm sure there's some fuckery here. [09:47] rsync: failed to connect to fos.textfiles.com: Connection refused (111) [09:48] Hmm. Has the rsync been switched off again? [09:48] Should be back now [09:49] Doesn't autoboot, which I approve of [09:51] So, my schedule. [09:51] I'm not sleeping tonight. Cleaning and packing. [09:51] Tomorrow I go to NYC, do a GET LAMP showing, then a date [09:51] HOT DATE [09:51] Then Saturday ALSO HOT DATE [09:51] Why? Because I go away for a month [09:51] Sunday, CA. [09:52] http://i.imgur.com/M7iT5.gif [09:52] Hot date? woo [09:52] CA from the 19th through to the 8th of March [09:52] Then Austin for SXSW. [09:52] For another week. [09:52] Coderjoe: wät [09:52] Hence, I am LIVING IT AT THE ARCHIVE [09:52] So let's make a difference [09:52] Man these's a lot of these SXSW's [09:56] http://www.archive.org/details/jamendo-105013 [09:56] http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/105013 [09:56] \o/ [09:56] Yes that is right, motherfuckers [09:56] awesome [09:56] I'd say; SAVED! [09:56] The download is GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD [09:59] The best part to me is the music actually serves as good victory music for saving the song [09:59] Cycling rainbow text saying SAVED FROM OBLIVION [10:17] SketchCow: Do you want to set up the memac-mover on fos, or is that something that can wait? (Shouldn't be much harder than installing python, and changing the path names and the name of the Redis queue.) [10:21] Does rsync continue/re-establish connection if it loses it? Got a sync that's frozen and it's not pumpin' [10:22] We had to install python 2.7, right [10:22] Yes. [10:22] (That is, SketchCow: yes, ersi: No, I think rsync just crashes.) [10:23] Alrighty. [10:25] Also, people should watch: https://vimeo.com/36579366 [10:26] alard, private, let's walk it through while I pack [10:35] alard, with the new upload script should I use my tracker nickname (Nemo) or the slot name I had (nemo_bis)? [10:38] Nemo_bis: Please use your tracker nickname. [10:38] alard, ok [10:39] alard, wait a moment, this way I'm uploading a lot of empty dirs [10:39] because I used --remove-source-files before [10:39] I guess I should delete those first [10:48] Guys, rebooting fortress [10:48] Maybe [10:49] Aww, 'k [10:50] we broke it already? [10:51] I'm upgrading the os [10:59] ah.. well let me know if/when i need to kill the rsync [11:01] it'll kill itself if he reboots :D [11:05] it just rebooted [11:09] Upgraded fine [11:09] Now fuck it, I'm upgrading AGAIN [11:09] Because the upgraded version tells you to upgrade [11:10] Seriously, watch https://vimeo.com/36579366 [11:10] Right now [11:20] Hi Jason, [11:20] It's official; the program committee would like to formally invite you to speak at the 12th ACM/IEEE-Computer Society Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2012) in Washington, DC. As a reminder, the dates are Monday 11 June through Wednesday 13 June. [11:20] Let's fuck with minds! [11:22] http://www.jcdl2012.info/ [11:22] very cool [11:30] Bret Victor's talk dovetails EXACTLY with how I do things [11:30] Except of course I am MUCH more angry [11:31] of course [11:32] SketchCow: Start rsyncd? :) [11:34] Not yet [11:34] Now I'm in cutting edge. [11:35] OK, Ocelot looks like barf [11:35] haha [11:35] Going to stick with Natty [11:35] Yeah, I'd only go for LTS [11:37] Next, let's try some installs [11:46] I'm apparently a big fan of installing major os upgrades using a script written by a 17 year old on a sugar high [11:48] the best kind of script [11:50] I believe our children are our future [11:50] and apparently our system admins [11:52] Found a weird behavior in this system [11:53] No executable script will execute [11:54] that doesn't sound great [11:54] but I am no expert. [11:54] I am 1039% sure it's some security bullshit [12:02] YEah, something's wrong down there [12:02] Regardless, I upgraded the machine to natty so fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu world [14:01] Huggggg [14:02] http://library.nu/ [14:03] emijrp: Yes, it's been talked about a day or two ago. [14:04] and ... ? [14:04] Metadata was lost, the material is still out there somewhere - it's "just" a metadata repository [14:04] also, did I mention it's gone? Nothing to do about it [14:05] this fucking site is fucking cool http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ with 800k fucking books, they offer fucking torrents, fucking download before they gone, fucking thanks ftp://free-books.us.to/repository_torrent/ [14:07] emijrp: stop with the fucking :P [14:08] they are 1000 books batchs [14:08] Coderjoe: I'm recording www.archive.org as the key, but git-annex uses whatever it 302s to as the file name [14:08] The second link doesn't work for me anyway emijrp [14:08] try again [14:08] perhaps you are after big australia firewall [14:09] FileZilla won't connect t oit [14:09] *to it [14:09] firefox open it [14:09] Can't find server [14:10] are you addinf the ftp:// ? [14:10] Yes? [14:10] yes [14:11] Replacing it with http:// worked [14:12] Are we supposed to download the contents the torrents link to or just the torrents themselves [14:13] I'm apparently a big fan of installing major os upgrades using a script written by a 17 year old on a sugar high [14:13] I didn't do any major OS upgrades in that script! [14:13] Although, that *is* the best way to upgrade a system [14:13] Just saying [14:14] Is it just me or are these torrents listing files with long names and no extensions [14:15] yes [14:15] they name files as md5 hashes [14:15] to avoid adding dupes [14:16] magnets links l0l0l0l0 ftp://free-books.us.to/repository_torrent/magnet-links.txt [14:16] Man, this jcdl thing looks neat, SketchCow [14:16] Ooh, I'll be out of school [14:16] Doesn't look like it's something you can just reg for though [14:17] I keep a cellular/Cell-band radio jammer running in the trunk of my car. [14:17] I love seeing people shouting into their phones as I drive by [14:17] LOL! I'm going to stick it in a box, send to Lisbon on a 10Hr 9vt delay switch and power amp. LoL ... Take that bird the fuck OUT over the north atlantic! [14:17] paper maps? [14:19] ? [14:20] emijrp: BlueMax What is this torrent you're talking about? [14:20] books [14:21] a ton [14:21] underscor: It's the library.nu / free-books.us.to / gen.lib.rus.ec talk again [14:22] are they archived ? [14:22] Oh, awesome [14:22] Not currently [14:22] Wonder if IA's interested [14:22] sketchy wasn't very interested [14:23] probably because you used that name ;) [14:23] He hates it when people call him that [14:23] Unfortunately I don't have anywhere near the net quota to archive this so I can't help :| [14:23] How big is it? [14:23] 2tb+ probably [14:24] what he said [14:24] I don't even get 250GB a month [14:24] The covers for all the books are 20GB alone [14:24] underscor: Nah, I never do it when he's around [14:25] I suppose this site is of a questionable legal status, right? [14:25] Like how library.nu was [14:25] of course [14:25] ersi: ha [14:25] Yeah [14:25] Still, it's a pretty important repository [14:25] p2p is legal in Spain [14:25] I'm surprised no one's shut it down [14:25] enjoy your freedom land [14:25] I'm trying to get that file that appears to be a list of the books but can't even get 10kbps on it [14:26] emijrp: enjoy your habla espanjololol [14:26] Is there a list of the metadata for each md5? [14:26] ersi: hahahaha [14:26] ersi podemos hablar en esp [14:26] si lo prefieres, claro [14:26] need sleep [14:27] tengo mucho suen~o :( [14:27] you laugh about my english, but i would like to see you writing in spanish [14:27] English isn't my primary language either [14:28] magnet links are slow [14:28] I can go get the logs from when we talked about this e-book thing earlier if anyone's interested btw [14:29] Pienso que Ersi necesitan su licencia de ingles revocado. [14:29] How good did I do there? [14:29] creating a torrent with all the stuff would already be a good thing [14:29] haha [14:29] not bad [14:29] I thought these were already in torrents? [14:29] emijrp: Thanks [14:29] Nemo_bis: batches are better [14:29] 3 years of spanish ftw [14:30] btw emijrp GARR refused to mirror Wikimedia dumps for now because of possibly questionable copyright status of some parts of them [14:30] emijrp: Your english is fine, btw, don't listen to ersi [14:30] GARR = Italian GEANT partner [14:30] It's better than half the native speakers in my school [14:30] haha [14:30] eheh [14:30] I use mirror.garr.it a lot [14:30] orly [14:31] Nemo_bis: copyvios in texts and images ? [14:31] they have 120×2 TB now [14:31] emijrp, just text [14:31] thanks underscor , i do my best, but if people understand me, that is enough for me, of course i'm funny to read sometimes by my mistakes [14:32] I'm am not picking or have been picking on his English language skills [14:32] ha [14:33] emijrp: They probably feel the same way about me when I practice my spanish in the grocery store/fast food place/bank/elsewhere [14:33] Nemo_bis: 120x2TB space at GARR? [14:33] Or 120x2TB of content at wikipedia? [14:33] ersi: Just giving you a hard time [14:34] just explainin' [14:35] <3 [14:35] I can't believe that meme is still in the topic [14:36] haha, yeah [14:36] it's full of win [14:38] underscor, space at GARR [14:38] and 10 Gb/s bandwidth at least in theory [14:38] Daaaaayum [14:42] How can i get my old geocities page back [14:42] ? [14:42] You decide to get it back, and then you do it [14:43] Neat, then go huff some nitro. [14:44] Try the torrent or some of the links in the description http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/5923737/Geocities_-_The_Torrent [14:45] try archive.org [14:45] [#1 SIZE:9.0MiB/19,666.1MiB(0%) CN:8 SEED:2 SPD:153.6KiBs UP:9.2MiBs ETA:36h23m01s] [14:45] Thank you [14:45] Hot damn, this is popular [14:45] (covers.iso.torrent) [14:46] archive .org, dont work [14:47] What was the address to your site? [14:47] texasbmxi: The links in that torrent are good, or in the archive team geocities dump on archiveorg [14:47] that is the broken unpatched torrent [14:48] geocities.com/bmxpunge/PrueTrails.html [14:49] Are these files, a database? [14:49] You just search and hope you find it? [14:50] The one on the torrent [14:51] emijrp: Do you know if they have the metadata available for these md5s? [14:52] there is a sql dump, i guess that contains title, desc, year, md5 [14:52] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8985160/backup-last.rar [14:53] thanks for asking, im going to search for pre-1900 books [14:56] I wonder if there is some kind of "good set" initiative for science and tech books. [15:02] emijrp: Where'd you get that dump from? [15:02] Is it available onsite? [15:03] in the above menu download/mysql [15:06] texasbmxi, did you find it? [15:06] you have to download the archive with all profiles starting with those letters [15:20] If someone already has the downloaded files here, can you help me figure out how to download the file that would have geocities.com/Bmxpunge [15:20] Dont really want to download a million 100 mb [15:21] there's no way [15:21] you have to download all pieces of that archive and uncompress it [15:21] or rather, use it all to extract your piece [15:21] Probably LOWERCASE/geocities-b-m.7z.001 if the name was written in lowercase [15:23] and this, man, is the usability of archive team projects [15:24] thanks, got it, trying now [15:25] It's a hassle, but it's better than nothin' [15:26] SketchCow: too bad you have Ubuntu natty and not Oneiric. Oneiric has git-annex available in apt-get [15:27] ahahaha ersi has the need of reply to every comment of mine [15:28] Hi, the both of you, shut up, daddy loves both of you equally [15:29] ok mom [15:30] I'm adding oneiric then. [15:30] Well, I've had to download some 2-300 GB of archives, sometimes hundreds of 100 MB pieces just to check each variation of a username I didn't remember exactly [15:31] (yeah, so it's been too fucking many years since I was a teenager on mtn dew posting ambitious shell scripts to install stuff..) [15:32] can you retrieve photos along with your site [15:32] ? [15:32] you know, if you find it and all [15:35] damn, no seeders [15:35] What trackers are listed in your client? [15:36] Weird the download is so slow for oneiric [15:36] But I'm doing it [15:36] there it goes, sweet, someone heard my comment [15:36] haha [15:36] fricken gnar [15:37] why download from torrent? you have a copy on archive.org [15:37] archive.org doesnt work [15:37] damn it now it does [15:38] After twelve hours, literally twelve, of cleaning, my room has slowly moved from 'Hoarder' to 'He seems rather industrious' [15:38] http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=geocities%20snapshot [15:38] emijrp: You saw my thing about Jamendo, right [15:38] We've been kickin' the ass on it [15:38] sure [15:39] We've now officially gotten stuff that was soon deleted after. [15:39] i will check it soon [15:40] 10:56 <@SketchCow> http://www.archive.org/details/jamendo-105013 [15:40] 10:56 <@SketchCow> http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/105013 [15:40] ^_^ [15:41] Spirit probaly has more deleted albums, he started to download jamendo in 2010? [15:41] ok so what do i do with the 7z file? [15:42] the reality is that they felt free to delete it because they knew it was saved on IA :p [15:42] just kiding [15:42] texasbmxi, open it if you have a serious archive manager and look for your directory [15:42] otherwise, uncompress it and look for your directory when it'sfinished [15:42] i downloaded 7 zip, guess i dont have an archive manager, what do you reccomend? [15:43] 7zip-lib [15:43] or winrar [15:43] texasbmxi, OS? [15:43] that is an archive manager? [15:43] windows 7 64 [15:43] texasbmxi, http://www.7-zip.org/ [15:44] i already downloaded it [15:44] but when you extract the file, then what? [15:44] there is another file [15:45] which extension ? [15:45] figured it out thanks [15:46] still havent found it [15:46] not everything was downloaded... [15:46] but look closely [15:51] it seems like a minor fraction was downloaded [15:52] I think i had my name uppercase, Bmxpunge, but........ there is no B-m file [15:56] emijrp: Oh, hey, there it is [15:56] Thanks! [16:02] Welp, this is neat, but looks like my site wasnt saved........ RIP [16:05] Type http://www.reocities.com/yoursite [16:05] What was your site. [16:06] he is gone :( [16:08] why IA don't publish an index or a search engine? [16:09] They do [16:09] for all archived websites? [16:09] where? [16:09] Oh, for wayback [16:09] No, they don't do that. [16:10] archive.org itself has a search and an index. [16:15] not within *_files.xml [16:15] I guess this is what emijrp wants, he asked it before :) [16:16] at some point he'll just crawl the whole IA and create a DB [16:17] i was asking now for a Google of all WayBack. [16:17] A public database of all the _files.xml indexes would be great too. [16:24] archive.org allows google to crawl it [16:24] SketchCow: It wasn't on reocities, I checked :( [16:26] emijrp: They don't have the resources for a public search of everything in the wayback [16:31] the gray web http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_literature [20:08] apropos of nothing: Total Ghost is a hilarious group [21:49] http://www.searchdaimon.com/community/dataset/ [21:50] This dataset consist of 67 537 Wikipedia articles converted to Word format. [21:50] O_O [21:51] lul [21:51] they also added geocities to the bottom [21:51] yep [21:51] the first is entirely useless now [21:52] you can create odt with Collection extension [21:52] nothing is useless for a data hoarder