#archiveteam 2012-07-29,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
06:31 🔗 Coderjoe ivan`: perhaps if you actually used git
06:32 🔗 Coderjoe I have a small collection of 8mm and 16mm film assets. I would direct to arkhive, but he is apparently not here atm
06:34 🔗 Coderjoe what do justin bieber, selena gomez, or the pope's choices in defecation location have to do with archive team?
06:35 🔗 Coderjoe and I don't feel like reading all the backlog
06:42 🔗 chronomex I'll summarize for you
06:42 🔗 chronomex there has been no significant on-topic discussion in here for days
06:50 🔗 shaqfu In a sense, that's a good thing; nothing's on fire
07:17 🔗 Coderjoe so, you could say: everything is fine. nothing is ruined.
07:17 🔗 chronomex perhaps yes
07:18 🔗 BlueMax breaking news: IA explodes
08:05 🔗 DFJustin the google video thing is a potential fire imo
21:30 🔗 balrog_ anyone have instructions on how to use wget-warc?
22:05 🔗 dashcloud -timestamping --trust-server-names --adjust-extension --span-hosts
22:05 🔗 dashcloud I've used variations of this for several projects: ./wget-warc -U "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0 Iceweasel/8.0" -e "robots=off" -nv -o "coming-soon/wget-phase-1.log" --directory-prefix="coming-soon/files/" --warc-file="coming-soon/comingsoon-html" --warc-max-size=inf --warc-header="operator: Archive Team" --warc-header="Coming-Soon Magazine download"-r -l inf --no-remove-listing --no
22:06 🔗 dashcloud adjust stuff as needed, and make sure folders you reference exist beforehand
22:07 🔗 dashcloud maybe someone has the authoritative version, or a better understanding of what actually to use- that's just what I used (I got it from someone else)
