[01:23] I just checked the amazon page again and the price is up from $99 to 125 [02:14] here's a bit aof news from yesterday I came across: https://twitter.com/ChromiumDev/status/317183238026186752 DevTools: "Copy as Curl" added to network panel to reproduce any network request. [02:17] saw that, quite spiffy [02:25] Lord_Nigh: feel free to add whatever knowledge you have to the http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=DOS_Floppies page [02:35] folks, am I missing something, or is there no easy way to see the items in the shareware archive (cdbbsarchive) with a picture only? [03:14] There is no easy way [03:15] dash: Try http://archive.org/search_beta/ [03:36] i just noticed something off with one of my derives again [03:36] this one: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video38700 [03:36] the ogg video is 2gb [03:36] when the flash video is 558M [06:50] April Fool's front page reverted. [06:56] Wait, we weren't closing? But I took 1000 backups of the site! [08:54] FOS.TEXTFILES.COM just went off the net. [08:54] Not sure why. [08:57] Eventually everything's going to have a subdomain on textfiles.com [09:09] ------------------------------------ [09:09] FOS.TEXTFIlES.COM is down. Trying to get someone at Internet Archive to restart it. [09:10] ------------------------------------ [09:19] god, some of these users spam a lot.. got two 9GB files already [09:19] - Downloaded 329810 URLs, found 11695 usernames [09:19] - Downloaded 278600 URLs, found 26664 usernames [09:28] Trancer: We need to keep this channel tidy, can we take your discussion to the appropiate channel, I presume its #firespring or #preposterus :) Thank you. [09:44] "Bad news: Some disks are missing. This will have to wait for Andy or Jim with their LV tweezers." [09:44] Damn.. [09:45] Hopefully nothing unrecoverable. [10:02] Looks like we killed a disk [10:04] what? [10:23] so i just found something i was looking for [10:23] the gameshark weekinreview [10:23] in the original swf [10:31] lol we actually choked an Archive disk to death :P [10:44] where can i find a wget lua? [10:47] git clone https://github.com/alard/wget-lua [10:49] Use the ./get-wget-lua.sh script in any of the project repos, easier to compile [10:50] https://raw.github.com/ArchiveTeam/formspring-grab/master/get-wget-lua.sh [12:26] closure_, I found this 3tb for $99 on sale - http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.aspx?sku=411363 [12:52] Hiya. Is there something broken with rsync uploads from the warrior? [12:55] yes, from #preposterus: 11:48 <@GLaDOS> FOS.textfiles.com is currently down for some reason. [13:01] Oh well. [13:14] golgo13: It's on it's way back. rsync will re-try indefinately - so keep the warrior running and it'll resolve itself. [13:19] Some reason being a hdd died. [13:22] Unfortunately the jobs waiting to upload take up a concurrent items slot. [13:34] yup [13:42] Drive failure. [13:42] The Tech is looking at it. [14:01] Machine is back. [14:03] \o/ [14:04] How much space is left on fos? [14:21] Enough [14:23] So here's my theory, which I will cling to [14:24] I'd like to see some peer reviewed studies on that [14:24] My theory is that the dying hard drives were slowing things up. [14:24] Cascading a death, breaking, slowing down, ending in hell [14:34] [14:46] urgh. [14:46] always fun. [14:46] And yeah that theory is sound from my experience [14:47] you also can cause problems with hard drives if you yell at them [14:48] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDacjrSCeq4 [14:55] my cats have found that they can magically break my computer just by jumping on top of it [14:55] ;) [14:55] sometimes it causes the usb bus to die [14:55] o_O [14:55] sometimes it causes the computer to insta-reboot [14:55] i have smacked it around pretty good (the computer, not the cats) in an attempt to replicate the problem, but i CANNOT for the life of me! [14:55] heheh, srsly [15:00] #archiveteam-bs [15:15] fos is hitting max rsync connections [15:19] Doubled it [15:19] It's rebuilding a disk [15:20] Is fos a hotswap raid 5? [16:16] python /2/megawarc --verbose pack formspring_20130331215141 20130331215141 [16:16] Checking 20130331215141/formspring.me-FuckYeaaah-20130325-151239.warc.gz [16:16] An auspicious start! [16:16] It's some virual thing [16:16] I intentionally take no deep interest in the servers. [16:16] Did that shit for 10 years [16:16] Not going back. [16:19] 17006.4 / 22933.9 MB Rate: 639.4 / 3.4 KB Uploaded: 5487.9 MB [74%] 23d 10:01 [ R: 0.32] [16:19] Gotta love when it says your torrent will finish in 23 days. [17:57] Take inspiration from my work [17:58] I just hit Raph Koster with a 3 year callback on his day he quit his job [18:08] this has probably been asked before, but Formspring rsync upload is limited to 200 connections, isn´t it? [18:54] For now [18:54] The disk is rebuilding [19:26] still having issues with rsync :/ [19:26] I guess the uploads are too slow in general [19:27] Just calm down and wait. [19:27] meanwhile my disk is filling up with formspring data [19:27] balrog: it can only do so many at once...