#archiveteam 2013-10-13,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
01:15 🔗 closure the healthcare.gov one
01:18 🔗 balrog I'm unable to git unbundle that
01:26 🔗 closure hm, I seem to have made the bundle without including the branch ref in it, so you have to checkout 56ef8da2e73712ddabc5f2f2907e62faa4e0e68e
01:26 🔗 closure suppose I should fix that
01:28 🔗 balrog there's only one commit?
01:29 🔗 closure yes
01:32 🔗 closure https://archive.org/download/healthcare-gov-gitrepo/SHA1E-s4716162--ec5a56be8cc140b26b6b168e60d10069493ca430.git
05:16 🔗 bsmith094 can i still upload via ftp to IA?
05:22 🔗 bsmith094 well anyway, i ftp'd into item-uploads.archive.org using my IA account creds, and to my surprise it worked. im uploading my stuff, apparently
07:13 🔗 Nemo_bis bsmith094: did you create the item first?
07:14 🔗 bsmith094 yes but when i logged in to the ftp server the folder wasnt there so i made it again on that side
07:30 🔗 tephra http://techcrunch.com/2013/10/11/yahoo-acquires-bread/
07:30 🔗 tephra yahoo buys it, yahoo kills it
07:31 🔗 GLaDOS wow
07:31 🔗 GLaDOS much suprise
07:31 🔗 GLaDOS unforseen
07:34 🔗 tephra yep
08:09 🔗 Nemo_bis The only shortened URL Google seems to find is http://bre.ad/04wnog
08:56 🔗 tephra can't see any bread urls in the urlteam data, but my copy is a bit old
09:30 🔗 Nemo_bis https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/wikiteam-discuss/lIWPKIYEoQI
11:10 🔗 Nemo_bis Wikia dumps reappeared, but they are no longer as easy to archive as wger -r : http://s3.amazonaws.com/wikia_xml_dumps/m/mu/muppet_pages_full.xml.gz
13:50 🔗 cat___ so i thought my archiv was wonderfully complete and the HTML generator worked perfectly
13:50 🔗 cat___ then i found out the page number was hardcoded to 1
13:51 🔗 cat___ so all multi-page threads are now being redownloaded -.-
