[03:08] Can I run AT Warrior in Parallels for Mac? [03:10] nevermind :P [06:04] I have a project for someone who wants it. [06:05] It's minor but important. [06:05] I'd like a chrome or firefox plugin that, when it goes to a web.archive.org page, shows what on the page is referring to the original site directly. [06:05] Lights that shit right uo. [06:05] up [06:10] a tampermonkey/greasemonkey script might work well [06:19] Right [06:19] Anything, really [08:48] Third anniversary at the Internet Archive! [08:50] Congrats! Time flies [08:59] Whoo, 'grats! [08:59] it fails like i have been hear at least 3 years too [09:00] *fails=feels [09:13] Hey guys, I'm doing some Tumblr grabs (locally, no Warrior), and they embed their image links in the img attr: data-url [09:13] Only way I've found to do it is by editing this and recompiling: https://github.com/jay/wget/blob/master/src/html-url.c#L152 [09:13] Just wondering whether anyone else has found/would know a way to do something similar without the recompiling? (wget irc chan isn't too much help :P) [09:55] alard managed to get patches (for WARC) in wget, don't give up and send patches to them if you don't find another way [09:58] danneh_: try https://github.com/chfoo/wpull [10:00] I don't know if it does it, but I know it's easier to modify wpull at this point than wget [10:01] fair enough, makes sense [10:02] I'm a Py guy anyway, easier for me to play with in wpull, and possibly try to hack it together in wget for a patch later [10:02] thanks! [10:32] balrog: I'm using ddrescue now for a very nasty DVD but it's now reading at 100 kB/s... [10:34] Grabbing images from the data-url would also be doable with a lua script for wget [10:35] oh, looks like the old tumblr-grab didn't actually use a lua script [11:26] Cameron_D: old tumblr-grab also missed a few little things, one or two domains or so [11:27] though, could just be due to time and updates to tumblr [11:27] Yeah, possibly [11:27] I basically grabbed the wget call from that and threw it into my own stuff, made some mods so it grabbed everything (will probably post here once I'm fairly sure it all works) [17:13] ddrescue is very good at consuming all my CPU [18:15] yahoo shutting down vizify. soneone grab. am at work [18:59] http://flexcoin.com/ looks like that is closing down. [20:29] free 25G butt storage from ovh https://hubic.com/en/offers/ [20:30] havent tried it, would be nice if it supports some fuse or sshfs [20:30] The thwack of wood against wood jolted Jendara awake. She squeezed her eyes shut, but the sound reverberated throughout her whole head. [20:30] "I shouldn't have had so much of that lingonberry wine," she grumbled. [20:30] Wood cracked outside again. Jendara pushed back the furs and swung her feet over the side of her bed. She padded out into the hallway. Kran's door was open and his bed stood empty, his clothes missing from their hooks. [20:31] She sighed. He'd avoided her all day yesterday, and skipped the going-away feast. She shrugged on her sheepskin coat and trudged into the main room of the cottage. [20:31] "Kran?" [20:31] But he wasn't to be seen. His latest woodworking project sat on the plank table, the tools neatly in their case. A half-eaten slice of bread sat beside it. Jendara reached for her sword belt, hanging by the door, and buckled it on. [20:31] "Kran?" She opened the door. A swath of mist swallowed up the rest of the village. It cast a wintry pall over the summer morning, and Morul's house, just a few hundred feet away, was so shrouded in fog that it may well have been on the other side of the world. Fog was common here in the islands, but she never enjoyed the otherworldly cast it spread across the landscape, or the clamminess it left on everything. [20:31] With a sigh, she stepped out into the damp morning. Her toe squished on something wet and ropy on the doorstep, and she whipped her bare foot back. [20:31] It was the neck cord for Kran's slate. If the boy had taken it off, it was a sure sign he didn't want to talk. [20:31] Jendara's lips compressed. She didn't have the luxury of waiting around to settle this. In a few hours, the tide would change and she and the crew of the Milady would take their last trip to the mainland before winter's snow and ice hit. The thud resounded again, and she followed the sound to the back of the house. [20:31] dude [20:31] No one messes with Jendara's islands. [20:31] She rounded the corner of the little cottage and saw Kran's shape, the woad-blue sweater and shaggy black hair. He stood just past the wood-chopping block, his attention on a stick of firewood balanced on top of a fence post. His pants, she realized, cleared the top of his boots by a good half an inch. He was going to be tall, like his father. Like her father. The boy was made up of the best of both sides of his family. [20:31] She didn't know where the muteness came from. When he'd been littler, she thought it was something she'd done wrong before he'd been born. Maybe she should have made offerings to other gods beside Besmara, dark l0ady of pirates. Maybe she should have stayed on land instead of climbing so much rigging. But she'd never found a real reason for Kran's inability to speak, and she had to admit that as he'd gotten older, it didn't seem to matter much to the boy [20:31] Kran wound up his sling and lobbed a shot at the firewood. It hit dead center and launched the wood far out into the mist. [20:31] Jendara clapped. [20:31] apparently one can use https://github.com/redbo/cloudfuse [20:31] Kran spun around. His face, for one instant bright with his own success, went dark. He spiked two fingers toward his eyes, then pointed out over the fence line. The gesture spoke for itself: See? [20:31] SadDM: fuck off [20:31] "I saw. You've got a nice release." She held out her hand. "Can I take a look at your shot?" [20:31] He reached in his coat pocket and held out a handful of wooden marbles. She rolled one between her fingers. It was smooth and heavier than it looked. [20:31] "You carved these?" [20:32] He nodded. [20:32] "Makes a world of difference, using shot that all weighs the same. Can really improve your aim." She tossed the marble in the air. "May I keep this? I need a good shooter if we play marbles on the ship." [20:32] He tapped his full belt pouch, suggesting he had plenty more. [20:32] "You still practice with rocks at all?" [20:32] He shrugged a shoulder. [20:32] "You should. What if you run out of shot while you're out hunting? Be sad to miss out on a really good snowshoe hare just because you forgot how to adjust for the weight of an off-balance stone." [20:32] At the word "hunting," his face crunched into a scowl. He reached for his chalk and board and made an exasperated sound when he realized he'd left it behind. [20:32] Jendara took a seat on an old driftwood log and patted the spot beside her. Kran didn't sit. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't take you hunting yesterday. I was afraid. Boars are trouble. I've heard of too many things going wrong on a boar hunt." [20:32] ersi Smiley are you around? [20:32] Kran was quick to tap his ear, then raise his eyebrow and point at his eye. He didn't know much of the sign language other mutes used, but he was good at finding his own ways to communicate. [20:32] "That's true: I've only ever heard stories, I haven't seen anything. But I know a man whose uncle—" She broke off, suddenly reminded of Yul's ridiculous story about the skinwalker. "Look, Morul's dog was almost killed yesterday. Hunting is dangerous." [20:32] Kran shook his pointer finger at her and then crossed his arms. He must have picked the gesture up from Yul over the last few summers spent ashore. She wondered, not for the first time, if perhaps she should have insisted the boy accompany her on trading journeys. He was the son of two sailors. He should practice his seamanship. [20:32] She reminded herself to focus on the problem at hand. Her son was angry. She had only a few hours before the tide turned and she set out on a two-month-long journey. She rubbed her head and wished it would stop aching. [20:32] She switched tactics. "You're going to be eleven in spring. That's pretty grown up." Really grown up. At age eleven, she'd gone with her father on her first raid, sailing to the mainland and stealing five sheep and a gallon of Chelish brandy. He'd let her drink it, too. [20:32] maybe just an accident but damn :) [20:33] yeah, that's why /kick and not /kickban [20:33] :) [20:33] cheers [20:34] Schbirid_: https://forums.hubic.com/showthread.php?272-hubiC-for-Linux-beta-is-out-! [20:34] i think i will rather try that cloudfuse thing [20:35] i dont really trust any service with my data and "cloud" [20:46] Hi it is me again and I was wondering if there is a way to check to see if anything was actually archived from http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://www.sporbust.com/* other than the robots.txt file? thanks [20:46] Sorry about that everybody. [20:48] happens [20:49] maxdamage: ? [20:50] you're looking right at the page which answers your question [20:51] I guess the newer hits are a parked domain page but you can sort by the "from" date to see the older grabs [20:53] it sucks that the links were archived but not the the actual files and I don't have the time to go through every link to find one that exists plus the fact that I can't get access to the database that host his content now :@ :( [21:11] Yeah, it sucks but it's of little use to grief endlessly. Grab the next thing you suspect is going down or that you cherish instead. [21:14] well I only got the simulator after his site had gone done so I lost out there.However I can get other stuff that was backed-up\archived using urls for the sites that I can find through searches at the forum,elsewhere as well [21:20] can someone please explain this message Got an HTTP 302 response at crawl time. Thanks [21:21] Schbirid_: kind here. at work. was it a spammer? [21:22] no trying to access archived files is where I get that message [21:22] Smiley: all good, accidental spammage [21:24] what does that have to do when a link\file gets archived? [21:25] when the IA robot tried to grab the url it was redirected [21:26] oh ic thanks [21:26] "HTTP 302" means an automatic redirect [21:26] Thanks [21:49] Smiley: No, SadDM is a human. I bet he misfired his paste commando or something [22:05] just found a link to one of the .cdp files that somebody was able to download from the archived site :D Thanks IA Team! [22:08] maxdamage: just to make things clear, this channel isn't associated with IA [22:10] oh ok [22:15] still Thanks to them! :) [22:31] loged-off [22:46] HEY EVERYBODY [22:46] WHATS THE SECRET WORD? [22:46] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7348311 [22:46] yahoo's shutting down vizify [22:48] yahoosucks [22:51] RedType: ^ :) [22:51] Yahoo shuts down everything, one thing after another :( [22:51] well this actually looks like an acquihire [22:51] like yahoo is basically mass hiring the team, insetead of buying the project and then running it into the ground [22:52] they need a hot talent injection which is why they've been going crazy doign this [22:53] It's always an acquihire. HackerNews should probably be renamed ExitNews. [22:54] And the user created content goes to die. [23:22] hey, we are HN, and we are crazy [23:22] it's an acquihire? fuck users, baby [23:23] there's all the VC booooys who want to mate me [23:24] damn I can't think of a way to round out the stanza