#jsmess 2018-09-26,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
00:55 🔗 Sgeo_ Want to poke around network stuff (and someone PLEASE remind me to disable native monitor, that's broken and useless), but I should be poking around fliplists first
01:02 🔗 Sgeo_ Uploaded sample item, haven't started writing code yet
01:03 🔗 Sgeo_ It's an item already in the archive, but I uploaded with different metadata and two disks in one entry, hope that's fine
01:15 🔗 Sgeo_ VICE fliplists can be described in three words making a common Internet initialism. What. The. ????
01:16 🔗 Sgeo_ Reading the code explains the code. I'll go do that
01:49 🔗 Sgeo_ The common case where there's one entry is easy at least. Both 10 Years HVSC and Habitat are happy members of that club
01:50 🔗 Sgeo_ "# Vice fliplist file" is not a comment, it's a mandatory header. Good to know.
02:09 🔗 db48x heh
02:10 🔗 Sgeo_ I need scratch paper for understanding what the order of entries in this thing means
02:20 🔗 Sgeo_ Ok, I understand. This code makes perfect sense now, it's just backwards. So why didn't WinVICE act like it?
02:22 🔗 Sgeo_ Right. First/last doesn't actually get loaded when you load the fliplist
03:46 🔗 Sgeo_ db48x, how deeply am I allowed to mess with Emularity to dynamically produce a file in the filesystem?
03:47 🔗 Sgeo_ I'm looking at the code that processes the structure that says "mount a file here" and then writes to the FS. I want to extend that with the option to have a synthetic file
03:47 🔗 Sgeo_ ....oh, maybe I don't have to tamper that much
03:47 🔗 Sgeo_ ....the mechanism already exists and is a thing explicitly checked for. Neat!
04:27 🔗 db48x :)
04:32 🔗 db48x in general, if you need to modify Emularity then you can
05:10 🔗 Sgeo_ First test item working.
05:10 🔗 Sgeo_ Onto second test item.
05:19 🔗 Sgeo_ I have to watch 100% of Comaland 100% now
05:30 🔗 Sgeo_ db48x, you have a pull request. SketchCow, here's a new loader.js: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sgeo/emularity/master/loader.js
05:31 🔗 Sgeo_ Here are samples: https://archive.org/details/10YearsHVSC https://archive.org/details/comaland_100
05:31 🔗 Sgeo_ Need both new vice.js build and new loader.s
05:31 🔗 Sgeo_ js
05:40 🔗 Sgeo_ Hmm, is the newer vice.js build already in? It's acting like it is, I think
05:42 🔗 Sgeo_ (As an added bonus, the menu makes it easy to experiment with sound settings now)
05:43 🔗 SketchCow Sgeo_: The improved vice is now installed.
05:44 🔗 Sgeo_ :)
05:45 🔗 Sgeo_ I did hear some sound glitches with it, I'm now vaguely worrying if that's an -O2 vs -O3 thing.
05:45 🔗 Sgeo_ Seems a bit less glitchy with 44100 (F12 -> Sound settings)
06:09 🔗 Sgeo_ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
06:12 🔗 Sgeo has joined #jsmess
06:48 🔗 db48x https://archive.org/details/comaland_100&external_js=1
06:48 🔗 db48x flipping seems to work, but I had to do it through the menu
06:57 🔗 Sgeo Hmm. Does Alt-B work (should show status bar)
06:59 🔗 db48x nnope
07:01 🔗 Sgeo Which browser?
07:01 🔗 Sgeo I've been testing in Chrome
07:02 🔗 db48x Firefox
07:07 🔗 Sgeo Hmm, Alt-B works for me on Firefox
07:09 🔗 db48x using the keyboard event viewer, I see that pressing alt-whatever delivers keydown/keypress/keyup events, but not with the alt flag set
07:14 🔗 Sgeo I should head to sleep
07:18 🔗 db48x yea, it's about that time
12:03 🔗 SketchCow I had it crash when I hit alt-b
13:00 🔗 Sgeo o.O that shouldn't happen
13:00 🔗 Sgeo Crash how? CPU JAM? emulator freeze?
13:01 🔗 Sgeo Alt-B is just the status bar. I would expect some games to crash if you alt-n at the wrong time, but not alt-b
