[21:20] hi folks -- thank you for your work. [21:21] given the proliferation of limited-bandwidth messaging services, some people seem to think that link shorteners are inevitable. Do you have a recommendation for a "good" link shortener to use, or suggestions for what a cooperating party who wants to become a "good" link shortener should do? [21:22] i'm curious because i'm taking part in this discussion: https://support.mayfirst.org/ticket/4019 [21:43] ummmmm [21:44] twitter already shortens all of its links with t.co, you don't get any choice there [21:46] what other communication media are in play? [21:51] dkg [21:51] chronomex: identi.ca [21:51] chronomex: txt messaging [21:54] ur1.ca is identi.ca's shortener, but it appears to be dead? [21:54] at least their export no longer exports [21:57] that doesn't sound like a great recommendation [21:59] it isn't one [22:00] i know :) [22:03] anyway, I don't have recommendations for a line of business that I think is stupid [22:03] if you set up your own, we'd love to help you archive it [22:04] I'm happy to take custodianship of abandoned shortener domain+databases [22:10] chronomex: ok, thank you! [22:11] but you don't have any recommendation for one of these operations that you think is actually being run by reasonable people and is well-maintained, right? [22:28] nope