[18:45] Have been watching the coding progress on github a bit and it's great to see that the project is full of new live [18:45] *life [18:45] Just wanted to make a suggestion for https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/terroroftinytown/issues/10 [18:47] What you are probably looking for is a maximum length sequences https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_length_sequence [18:49] Just FYI, for the old database I used something similar but a bit more simple, basically just taking the md5 hash of each previous shortcode: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/tinyback/blob/master/tinyback/generators.py#L43-77 [18:50] This obviously means that the same code will sometimes be hit twice, but this was intended. If a bad person somehow tried to return wrong results, sooner or later another user would hit the same shortcode at random and we would discover the wrong data [18:53] The problem with hashes is that it isn't guaranteed to hit all of them and may get stuck in a loop [18:55] But I'm not familiar with the MLS you suggested, hopefully the devs are.