#urlteam 2013-02-26,Tue

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Time Nickname Message
13:57 🔗 ersi soultcer: got a seperate post.ly-tracker up?
13:57 🔗 soultcer http://posterous.tinyarchive.org/v1/
13:57 🔗 soultcer Though the numbers are wrong, there are more tasks that I have yet to add
14:02 🔗 ersi yeah ofc
20:05 🔗 ersi Hmm, is is.gd blocking me occationally? Or is it just shit?
20:06 🔗 soultcer It only allows 60 req/minute
20:06 🔗 soultcer And the reaper does the rate limiting, it tries to fetch exactly 60 codes in 60 seconds
20:07 🔗 soultcer But the Service class itself sometimes makes two requests, for example when is.gd sends http status 200 and we have to investigate (the first request is just a HEAD request, the second one will be a GET)
20:07 🔗 soultcer So even though only 60 codes were fetched, 61 requests were made
20:07 🔗 soultcer Which means that is.gd will tell us "please wait", which we do, and then we carry on like nothing happened
20:07 🔗 ersi ah
20:07 🔗 ersi I get 2013-02-26 21:04:19,140 tinyback.Reaper WARNING: ServiceException(Socket error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer) on code 4t0o8e
20:07 🔗 ersi though - I guess it's flipp floppin'
20:09 🔗 soultcer On what service?
20:09 🔗 ersi is.gd
20:09 🔗 soultcer Nah, that can't be right, the tracker doesn't hand out is.gd tasks with that code
20:10 🔗 ersi on different codes, seems to be spotty
20:10 🔗 soultcer It must be tinyurl or bit.ly
20:10 🔗 ersi hmmm
20:10 🔗 ersi oh
20:10 🔗 ersi I was watching the console
20:10 🔗 ersi that's why
20:10 🔗 soultcer Can you paste a second failed code?
20:11 🔗 ersi yea
20:12 🔗 ersi soultcer: http://pejsta.nu/1163 (4t0o2x, 4t0o5s, 4t0o60's a few)
20:12 🔗 soultcer That's sequential and it's from tinyurl.com
20:13 🔗 soultcer Ah, I have the same things in my log as well
20:13 🔗 ersi ah :)
20:13 🔗 soultcer Looks like tinyurl is having some problems (which is not unusual for tinyurl)
20:13 🔗 ersi tinytrouble
20:13 🔗 soultcer As long as it's only on a few codes, it's no biggie, the reaper will retry and it works on the second try (probably hitting a different server due to round-robin dns)
20:17 🔗 ersi yeah :-)
