#urlteam 2013-04-18,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
00:53 🔗 chfoo i updated the urlteam wiki with what i got so far. its very unpleasant that my grabber was redirected to yahoo.com. sending a 4XX would have sufficed to slow down my grabber...
00:57 🔗 chfoo soultcer, can you take at my pull request and see if its good? and should visiblihex be spread out via the tracker instead?
09:37 🔗 GLaDOS 01[13tinyback01] 15soult pushed 2 new commits to 06master: 02https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/tinyback/compare/ffe5f6b4351e...4c25aba404b3
09:37 🔗 GLaDOS 13tinyback/06master 144c25aba 15David Triendl: Merge branch 'pull/9'
09:37 🔗 GLaDOS 13tinyback/06master 146076ba8 15Christopher Foo: services.BaseVisibliService: Detect problems with user-agent
19:27 🔗 soultcer ersi: Are you still in need of old HDDs?
