[00:56] Do we have more recent than 2011 dumps on IA? [00:56] (or can someone seed the latest torrent, I am getting 1KB/s) [04:15] An *extensive* list of url shorteners lol - http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/url-shortening-services-the-ultimate-list/ [10:27] getting 200KB/s on the torrent now [10:32] if someone here hopped on it, thanks [13:56] will there be any new task soon? [13:57] no idea, the project is changing hands. [14:25] PepsiMax: Yes, there will. [14:33] Good...good [16:05] ivan`: I started seeding it. I'm also mining it for Google Reader URLs - did you have the same idea? [16:06] yep [16:07] which sites are you searching for? [16:07] I really just need "generic feed URL pattern" and more sites that should be included in http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Google_Reader [16:07] then I can grep all of my URL sources and import [16:08] but you need a rewrite to the feed URL as well, don't you? [16:08] yes, I have programs for all of those, very easy to write [16:09] taking it to #donereading