#urlteam 2013-08-20,Tue

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Time Nickname Message
10:34 🔗 GLaDOS soultcer: do you own tinyarchive.org?
10:34 🔗 ersi AFAIK: yes
10:37 🔗 GLaDOS And where is urlte.am hosted?
10:39 🔗 ersi SketchCow has owns and has acess to urlte.am.
10:39 🔗 ersi s/has//g
10:40 🔗 ersi The content of urlte.am/ is on github
10:40 🔗 GLaDOS But it's hosted on a different box to archiveteam.org though..
10:40 🔗 omf_ Its not hosted with any of our other services
10:41 🔗 ersi tqhosting.com
10:41 🔗 ersi same as textfiles.com
10:41 🔗 GLaDOS Ah!
10:41 🔗 ersi archiveteam.org is also at tqhosting.com
10:42 🔗 ersi they were all on hackhost a.k.a dreamhost before I think
10:54 🔗 omf_ thanks for the info ersi
10:54 🔗 ersi np
16:13 🔗 SketchCow I'm sloooowwwww
17:14 🔗 Smiley D:
