#urlteam 2013-09-30,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
07:44 🔗 GLaDOS Torrent is at 5%
07:44 🔗 GLaDOS soultcer: oh, ok then.
08:35 🔗 GLaDOS Importing tasks..
08:37 🔗 ersi \o/
08:46 🔗 GLaDOS http://urlteam.terrywri.st/ hello world
08:48 🔗 GLaDOS Would've preferred tracker.urlte.am as the URL, but oh well
08:50 🔗 ersi Poke SketchCow and he'll fix the DNS for you.
08:51 🔗 GLaDOS SketchCow: tracker.urlte.am to
08:51 🔗 GLaDOS much love
09:08 🔗 soultcer Great!
09:09 🔗 soultcer Make sure to run the cleanup.py script every 15 minutes or so to free assigned tasks
09:10 🔗 GLaDOS I'm sure cron wants some attention on anarchive
09:26 🔗 soultcer GLaDOS: Create a directory calles files in the tracker directory and make it writable for the webserver
09:27 🔗 GLaDOS done
09:28 🔗 soultcer That's where the output files will go until you get them with the fetch_finished.py script
09:30 🔗 GLaDOS Is it worth it running fetch_finished.py on cron?
09:30 🔗 GLaDOS s/on/with/
09:31 🔗 soultcer not necessary but you could run it like once a day
09:31 🔗 soultcer The db gets kind of slow when there are lots of tasks, so I usually ran it every couple of days, put the results into a tar file and then later reimported that tar file into the main db
09:33 🔗 GLaDOS So for importing tasks into the main db, what format do you suggest them to be in? (tar, in a file, etc.)
09:34 🔗 * omf_ scribbles furious notes :D
09:36 🔗 soultcer The same format that fetch_finished spits out
09:36 🔗 soultcer I just tarred them up for transport because the tracker db and main db were on different hosts
09:37 🔗 GLaDOS Ah
09:37 🔗 GLaDOS It'd be so simple to make a cron script to do this.
09:37 🔗 GLaDOS If I had the time.
09:38 🔗 GLaDOS Which I technically do.
12:34 🔗 GLaDOS soultcer: it's still adding tasks
12:34 🔗 GLaDOS how long does it usually take?
12:34 🔗 GLaDOS (i forgot to run it in a screen session)
12:37 🔗 GLaDOS (chain_multiple(tracker, "bitly", "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", 6, 600, 10) and sequence_from_to(tracker, "tinyurl", "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "azzzzz", "bzzzzz", 600), btw)
12:41 🔗 soultcer Well from azzzzz to bzzzzz with 36 characters is 60466176 codes, divided by 600 codes per task is 100777 tasks, of which you have already created 86000
12:41 🔗 soultcer So another 14000 remaining
12:42 🔗 ersi So, soon done ;)
12:42 🔗 GLaDOS 01[13tinyback01] 15twrist pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/tinyback/commit/12d8610b6cbfb49ba4ce060834a14755e255ffcf
12:42 🔗 GLaDOS 13tinyback/06master 1412d8610 15Terry Wrist: Change tracker to http://tracker.terrywri.st/
12:44 🔗 omf_ I see graphs!
12:45 🔗 GLaDOS So other shorteners to add are ur1.ca, ow.ly, snipurl.com, vbly.us, arseh.at, and is.gd
12:50 🔗 omf_ let me fire up my warrior and pull down a few tasks to check it is all good
12:52 🔗 omf_ GLaDOS, you need to update http://warriorhq.archiveteam.org/projects.json to point to the new urlteam leaderboard
12:53 🔗 GLaDOS I don't have access
12:53 🔗 GLaDOS Smiley: ^
12:53 🔗 ersi Whos machine is that anyhow?
12:53 🔗 omf_ SketchCow, I believe
12:53 🔗 GLaDOS warriorhq? chronomex
12:54 🔗 ersi xmc: ^*
12:54 🔗 GLaDOS Smiley also has access
12:54 🔗 ersi We'll see who's the fastest
12:55 🔗 GLaDOS Bonus points to whoever gives us access
12:55 🔗 omf_ I will add an entry to http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Tracker
12:58 🔗 GLaDOS 01[13tinyarchive01] 15twrist pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/tinyarchive/commit/f5515b833b1f6a1331736b25352b377b01ef68fd
12:58 🔗 GLaDOS 13tinyarchive/06master 14f5515b8 15Terry Wrist: That's http://urlteam.terrywri.st/ of course....
12:59 🔗 GLaDOS sequence_from_to(tracker, "isgd", "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "kZZZZ", "zZZZZ", 600)
12:59 🔗 GLaDOS Will that work?
13:10 🔗 omf_ I updated the People section on the tracker page
13:18 🔗 omf_ soultcer, pass that ops around
13:23 🔗 omf_ We need to setup another admin for the projects file so 3 people have access
13:23 🔗 omf_ As we talked about way back it would be best if all services had 3-4 people as admins to better the odds of an admin being around in irc
13:24 🔗 GLaDOS I should set up access to pad/paste then
13:24 🔗 GLaDOS The URLTeam tracker is just running under user urlteam on anarchive
13:24 🔗 omf_ I saw and updated the wiki page with yourself, Smiley and myself as admins
13:36 🔗 Smiley sup?
13:37 🔗 omf_ Smiley, fix up the projects.json file to point to the new urlteam leaderboard tracker.terrywri.st
13:37 🔗 omf_ fuck
13:37 🔗 omf_ I mean urlteam.terrywri.st
13:39 🔗 Smiley hmmm ok let me see
13:39 🔗 Smiley "name": "URLTeam",
13:39 🔗 Smiley "description": "Archiving various URL shorteners",
13:39 🔗 Smiley "logo": "http://archiveteam.org/images/9/9d/Urlteam-logo-reasonable-size.png",
13:39 🔗 Smiley "repository": "https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/tinyback.git",
13:39 🔗 Smiley "title": "URLTeam",
13:39 🔗 Smiley "marker_html": "<a href='http://tracker.tinyarchive.org/v1/'><img src='http://archiveteam.org/images/th$
13:40 🔗 Smiley "lat_lng": [50.4773, 12.3692],
13:40 🔗 Smiley "leaderboard": "http://tracker.tinyarchive.org/v1/"
13:40 🔗 Smiley So which bits?
13:40 🔗 omf_ the leaderboard value
13:40 🔗 omf_ just change it to "http://urlteam.terrywri.st/"
13:41 🔗 omf_ GLaDOS, got the graphs up
13:41 🔗 Smiley done, I think?
13:41 🔗 GLaDOS And marker
13:41 🔗 GLaDOS change the href
13:41 🔗 Smiley ah k
13:41 🔗 GLaDOS Also, forwardslash at end
13:42 🔗 Smiley ah k
13:42 🔗 Smiley of.... both?
13:42 🔗 Smiley right, better?
13:43 🔗 GLaDOS Better
13:43 🔗 GLaDOS Many thansk go to Smiley
13:43 🔗 Smiley :)
13:43 🔗 Smiley commited to github too
13:44 🔗 GLaDOS Can someone verify if sequence_from_to(tracker, "isgd", "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "kZZZZ", "zZZZZ", 600) is correct?
13:45 🔗 Cameron_D What do I need to do to run the project standalone again?
13:45 🔗 GLaDOS I think you only need https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/tinyback
13:56 🔗 omf_ GLaDOS, how much more testing you think this has got before it is ready for many users
13:57 🔗 GLaDOS I honestly think we should just try for many users
13:59 🔗 omf_ You should add it to the Current wiki page as a warrior project then
14:02 🔗 GLaDOS Done
14:04 🔗 omf_ checking
14:05 🔗 omf_ make sure to put this in a tmux
14:05 🔗 GLaDOS I will
14:05 🔗 omf_ all the commas and quotes match up
14:05 🔗 GLaDOS I feel as if not all of them should have 600 URLs per item
14:06 🔗 soultcer Some pointers:
14:06 🔗 soultcer - Snipurl's highest code is currently 27wmtgk, going highe won't help
14:07 🔗 soultcer - Ur1ca's highest is frv3a, not fzzzz
14:07 🔗 omf_ is this data from the wiki page?
14:08 🔗 ersi no
14:08 🔗 ersi he just checked. The 'highest' changes constantly
14:08 🔗 ersi GLaDOS: Depends on how much work there is @ re 600 URLs per item
14:09 🔗 GLaDOS I've checked arsehat
14:09 🔗 soultcer arsehat as well, they are only up to 4hc5
14:10 🔗 omf_ We should have a note on the wiki that highest urls need to be checked and how to do that.
14:10 🔗 soultcer And you seem to have confused visibli (vsb.li/shared.co) with vbly.us (formlery vb.ly)
14:11 🔗 GLaDOS ah
14:11 🔗 soultcer Oh and the new tr.im is also net yet up to 50zzzz
14:12 🔗 soultcer Besides bit.ly, tinyurl.com maybe the bit smaller ones like is.gd and ow.ly, the other shorteners don't get many new URLs
14:12 🔗 GLaDOS yeah, added an extra z
14:13 🔗 GLaDOS http://paste.archivingyoursh.it/wageluxutu.md
15:40 🔗 GLaDOS soultcer: what happens if I add a task that's already added?
21:06 🔗 soultcer GLaDOS: The task will be run a second time, and then on import into the main db it will hopefully have no conflicts because none of the data on the url shortener is supposed to change
21:06 🔗 soultcer But there is no "deduplication". Tasks get an uuid and are always refered to by that id instead of the contents
