#warrior 2014-05-02,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
00:33 🔗 GLaDOS [13seesaw-kit] 15chfoo pushed 2 new commits to 06python3/development: 02https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/seesaw-kit/compare/67f8a02df52f...4423dea707be
00:33 🔗 GLaDOS 13seesaw-kit/06python3/development 144423dea 15Christopher Foo: Bump version to 0.1.8b1.
00:33 🔗 GLaDOS 13seesaw-kit/06python3/development 14e871053 15Christopher Foo: RsyncUpload: realize() files to allow variable number of upload files.
00:37 🔗 GLaDOS 13seesaw-kit/06development 14a2fae9f 15Christopher Foo: RsyncUpload: realize() files to allow variable number of upload files.
00:37 🔗 GLaDOS 13seesaw-kit/06development 14a58508a 15Christopher Foo: Bump version to 0.1.8b1.
00:37 🔗 GLaDOS [13seesaw-kit] 15chfoo pushed 2 new commits to 06development: 02https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/seesaw-kit/compare/5bf9f7f5c455...a58508a10251
