[00:17] *** bithippo has quit IRC (Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com) [01:25] *** mib_vl503 has joined #warrior [01:26] I have a problem [01:26] I've warriorteam on vmware player [01:27] but when I try to connect to nothing happens [01:27] "unable to connect" [01:27] even though it says warrior successfully started up [01:27] in console [01:27] any ideas? [01:27] bridge mode is on [01:28] win7x64 [01:39] aaand for some reason virtualbox works [01:54] *** mib_vl503 has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [02:12] *** mib_j5i6k has joined #warrior [02:22] *** mib_j5i6k has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [05:34] There is a bug with VMware stuff... [05:34] I was too late to respond. Oh well... [06:34] *** kiska1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout (120 seconds)) [06:36] *** kiska1 has joined #warrior [07:31] sep332: Thank you very much. [07:51] *** surewhyno has joined #warrior [08:15] nikow: I want to do the same thing you're doing. [08:15] I will do that tomorrow. [08:15] Good night. [08:35] teej_: It was simpler than i was thinking, but SOMETHING is still writing on card even when i mounted whole data [08:36] i will figure it out after work [09:20] 2018-12-20 09:16:33,023 - seesaw.warrior - DEBUG - Result of the install process: True [09:20] 2018-12-20 09:16:33,026 - seesaw.warrior - DEBUG - Clone project tumblr /home/warrior/projects/tumblr [09:20] 2018-12-20 09:16:33,047 - seesaw.warrior - DEBUG - Cloning version 4c47c29 [09:20] Ok, so i need to volume whole /home/warrior and /data/data [10:52] *** agris has joined #warrior [10:52] hello [10:52] Can someone help me, I don't understand why my warrior is not taking jobs from the tracker [10:53] I just completely started from scratch and spun up a new images because I heard that warrior2 was outdated or something [10:53] however I see receive No item received. There aren't any items available for this project at the moment. Try again later. Retrying after 180 seconds... [11:29] *** surewhyno has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [11:55] agris: There is no jobs yet. [11:56] agris: I mean, all tumblr jobs are claimed. [11:57] http://tracker.archiveteam.org/tumblr/ [11:57] There is ToDo section, which you can see is empty :) [11:58] I see githubdiscovery has some tasks todo [11:58] quizlet too [11:59] and urlteam [11:59] :) [15:22] GitHub discovery and Quizlet are both paused. [15:22] URLTeam is the only active project aside from Tumblr at the moment. [16:14] *** svchfoo3 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [16:18] *** svchfoo3 has joined #warrior [16:19] *** svchfoo1 sets mode: +o svchfoo3 [17:53] *** Dj-Wawa has joined #warrior [18:27] *** kipari has joined #warrior [19:21] *** SmileyG has joined #warrior [19:23] *** Smiley has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [19:31] *** mtntmnky_ is now known as mtntmnky [19:48] *** teej_ is now known as t3 [19:50] URLTeam 2 does not work for me [19:50] Submodule updated scheduled. [19:51] Starting UpdateSubmodule for Item [19:51] Submodule 'terroroftinytown' (https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/terroroftinytown) registered for path 'terroroftinytown' [19:51] Cloning into '/data/data/projects/urlteam2-d070510/terroroftinytown'... [19:51] Submodule path 'terroroftinytown': checked out '127ea7c7fe3f79ed728cfce9f1ef45fd2b3696a0' [19:51] Finished UpdateSubmodule for Item [19:51] Starting CheckIP for Item [19:51] Finished CheckIP for Item [19:51] Starting RunScraper for Item [19:51] Getting item from tracker. [19:51] INFO:terroroftinytown.client.tracker:Contacting tracker. [19:51] Error communicating with tracker: 512 Server Error: EXPORTING OUR SHIT for url: http://tracker.archiveteam.org:1337/api/get. [19:51] Trying again in 57 seconds. [20:22] i should probably change that message [20:33] nikow: This is teej_. Let me know if you're able to get it working on Raspberry Pi. [20:45] t3: 'it'? [20:46] t3: Warrior works fine on Raspberry Pi 3B+. On Raspberry Pi 3B works too. [20:46] t3: Raspberru Pi Zero W has too low RAM for warrior - it can have 2GB on concurrency. [20:46] on 1 concurrency* [20:48] *** tuluu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [21:09] nikow: Which project are you running? [21:09] Is it URLTeam or Tumblr? [21:10] nikow: Thanks for the update by the way. Did you have to do anything special to get the Warrior running? I'm going to try instilling Docker too. [21:15] *** JL421 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [21:44] *** BobbyB has joined #warrior [23:34] *** Atom-- has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:37] *** Atom has joined #warrior