#warrior 2019-03-28,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
00:00 🔗 JAA run*
00:54 🔗 Kaz Just outgoing
07:05 🔗 kbtoo_ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
08:55 🔗 kbtoo has joined #warrior
09:12 🔗 _folti_ you only need open ports to access it's web interface
09:13 🔗 _folti_ (which is unprotected, so you should think twice to open it to the bit bad internet)
11:46 🔗 Gallifrey has joined #warrior
11:47 🔗 Gallifrey I'm trying to increase my concurrency and I'm wondering which is the more efficient arrangement: 2 Warriors (on the same machine) doing 2 items each, or 1 single Warrior doing 4 items?
12:07 🔗 jut One vm with more concurrency
12:15 🔗 Gallifrey Thanks
13:26 🔗 kbtoo has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13:29 🔗 kbtoo has joined #warrior
15:13 🔗 warmwaffl has joined #warrior
16:27 🔗 chfoo i tried troubleshooting the tracker ruby application to see why it stalls. i have watch passenger-status running and the requests in queue is 0, but then after a while it accumulates to 500 in queue with none of the processes processed counter go up. then after a while, the queue goes back to 0. redis slowlog only shows the tracker log drainer that doesn't seem to be blocking anything
16:28 🔗 JAA sets mode: +oo chfoo Kaz
16:29 🔗 kiska I see...
16:34 🔗 chfoo i also noticed is that client connections disconnect while waiting in the queue, which might indicate slow clients. unfortunately, i don't see a free (not enterprise option) request timeout option. and even if it existed, i don't want to risk breaking it because it would need to only apply to the seesaw api and not the admin urls
16:36 🔗 kiska I am looking at the telegraf graphs for the tracker server, and I am seeing spikes of CPU usage upto 100% and stay there for about a couple mins, then drop down to 25%. I am guessing that is the result of the stalling, and passenger might be panicing?
16:36 🔗 kiska panicking*
16:37 🔗 chfoo i did notice that correlation. i would have assumed cpu usage would go down since it would have nothing to do
16:38 🔗 kiska I am guessing its happening again, since its now at 86% and rising
16:38 🔗 kiska Is there a profiler that you can attach?
16:39 🔗 chfoo not that i'm aware of
16:40 🔗 kiska I am guessing you just can't use this tool? https://github.com/MiniProfiler/rack-mini-profiler
16:43 🔗 chfoo "Ruby 2.3+" i'm not sure if the tracker is compatible
16:43 🔗 kiska Yeah, that was what I feared
16:57 🔗 chfoo one thing in the past was that the worker process memory would bloat to 1 or 2GB so max_requests was set to 4000 to force it to restart. i have it set to 8000 right now
16:57 🔗 kiska Is that still a problem?
17:00 🔗 JAA It looks like memory fluctuates by over a GB used, and CPU usage drops when it reaches a peak.
17:02 🔗 JAA See e.g. https://atdash.meo.ws/d/000000058/telegraf-detail?orgId=1&var-user=astrid&var-host=xn--zoty-01a&from=1553789236525&to=1553789861131
17:08 🔗 Kaz I think one thing to raise is: do we care about 'slow connections vs no connections'. As it stands, once that queue hits 500, you get a barrage of things retrying
17:08 🔗 Kaz Would we prefer just letting them sit in a queue for longer, and respond once passenger stops hanging
17:09 🔗 Kaz that's by no means a *solution*, don't get me wrong
17:11 🔗 marked if bigger hardware fixes all ills, we should be able to dpulicate the sofwtare environment with just the package list on the current machine
17:12 🔗 Medowar has joined #warrior
17:13 🔗 Kaz I haven't actually checked, but does redis actually reply to queries when the queue is full? I wonder if they're just all waiting for info
17:27 🔗 marked does yipdw ever come by? one of the patches for the tracker by them looks useful
17:38 🔗 chfoo i had redis --latency running for a while and it didn't stop when the queue gets full
17:38 🔗 Dj-Wawa has quit IRC (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
17:40 🔗 Kaz interestingly not all the threads are locking at the same time, i just watched 3 of them lock up, then finally the 4th locked and queue bloated
18:45 🔗 Gallifrey has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
20:08 🔗 robbierut has joined #warrior
20:10 🔗 rnduser_ has joined #warrior
20:15 🔗 duneman25 has joined #warrior
20:18 🔗 lemoniter has joined #warrior
20:19 🔗 notanick has joined #warrior
20:21 🔗 qbrd has joined #warrior
20:46 🔗 notanick Hi everyone, I have just set-up a warrior to help on the Google+ project. It's up and running now for 30 min or so, but I'm still not sure how exactly it works.
20:47 🔗 notanick It seems like it uploads the pulled data immediately. What does it need the stated requirement of 60GB of available space for? Also, where exactly is the data uploaded to? Does it go to archive-team servers or somewhere else?
20:47 🔗 tmg1|eva another one of my workers froze...leaving 1/6 remaining unfrozen.
20:47 🔗 tmg1|eva notanick: i could be wrong, but the 60GB was from other projects
20:48 🔗 tmg1|eva the average workunit seems in the 10s of mb
20:48 🔗 tmg1|eva so really you only need about 100mb on average...but
20:48 🔗 tmg1|eva there are workunits that are upwards of 30GiB each
20:48 🔗 notanick Ah ok, that's what I thought but I wasn't sure
20:48 🔗 tmg1|eva so if you have 6 workers you'd need 180GiB to be sure that if you got 6 of those
20:48 🔗 tmg1|eva that it wouldn't break
20:48 🔗 robbierut There are some items who can be bigger, so they need the space. But the vm only takes the space it needs, not ypu set it to
20:49 🔗 tmg1|eva without more details (ie stddev stderr / CI) it's hard to know the likelihood of that
20:50 🔗 robbierut I got a few of 20gbit items I think. But I'm running 10 vm's with 6 workers
20:52 🔗 tmg1|eva robbierut: how are you measuring?
20:52 🔗 robbierut Somebody spotted them for me in the tracker website running list
20:53 🔗 notanick Ok, and where is the data uploaded to? The logs during the upload phase show a variety of domains. Do they belong to archive-team? (If yes, where did they get all their storage and bandwidth from?)
20:53 🔗 JAA notanick: Even Google+ has some really large items; the largest I've seen was nearly 25 GB, but there have probably been larger ones. But yeah, 60 GB is rarely used normally. It's mostly the maximum size your warrior might use. The VM should only use as much disk space as it actually needs, though IIRC the disk image won't shrink back down again automatically in VirtualBox.
20:55 🔗 robbierut Notanick, the warrior uploads data to a target. Targets combine files to 50gb megawarcs and upload those to the Internet Archive (IA) or to a storage buffer server maintained by the archive team
20:58 🔗 notanick So I'm uploading to servers that cache the files which eventually upload to archive.org? Where do these targets come from? (sorry for asking so many questions)
20:59 🔗 robbierut Yes
20:59 🔗 robbierut The targets are paid and maintained by volunteers from the archive team
21:00 🔗 robbierut Trustworthy people with enough time and skills to do that
21:00 🔗 notanick ok
21:01 🔗 qbrd how do you manage a fleet of warriors?
21:01 🔗 notanick final question: What prevents someone from uploading junk data?
21:01 🔗 qbrd I've built 8 so far, and they don't seem to honor `--env CONCURRENT_ITEMS=$(nproc)`, so I'm having to login to each one individually, set that, then restart the warrior...
21:01 🔗 robbierut Actually, I dont do a lot qbrd. Once you saved the settings they work automatically. I only need to start the vm's and they do everything themselves
21:01 🔗 qbrd it would be really nice to have a central point to handle that.
21:02 🔗 yano the max CONCURRENT_ITEMS can be is 6
21:02 🔗 robbierut Oh, in virtualbox set a different port per vm. So you can access them all in a new tab in your browser
21:03 🔗 robbierut Notanick I dont know actually, but why would you do that? I do guess there is something built in
21:03 🔗 qbrd > yano> the max CONCURRENT_ITEMS can be is 6
21:03 🔗 qbrd ah, that could be my problem on the 8proc nodes. but what about the four core nodes?
21:03 🔗 yano the gui website menu also shows that the max value is 6
21:04 🔗 qbrd and why is the max 6? Seems arbitrary.
21:06 🔗 robbierut Its to not get an ip ban from the more strict websites and also to not overload your pc. I believe you can up it to 20 while running the normal script
21:06 🔗 qbrd ah, interesting.
21:06 🔗 qbrd neat!
21:06 🔗 robbierut I am running 100 workers with no problem but someone here got an ip ban I believe for running to many connections to google
21:06 🔗 robbierut Or at least a lot of error
21:06 🔗 robbierut S
21:07 🔗 notanick robbierut, I mean, I wouldn't. But I could imagine how someone somewhere could do that just to be annoying.
21:08 🔗 yano if you use docker you can configure each warrior to use a different ip address
21:08 🔗 yano and Google suports ipv6
21:08 🔗 yano *IPv6
21:09 🔗 robbierut True yano but some services block connections on a higher lvl than a indvidual ipv6. Dont know exactly but for ipv its like setting a max from 1.2.3.* instead of
21:10 🔗 yano true, some places block /64 for ipv6, or /112 if they are trying to be careful and not block too many people
21:11 🔗 robbierut Yeah that
21:12 🔗 robbierut But still, most people wont run into that limot
21:13 🔗 lemoniter has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)
21:20 🔗 JAA I'm really surprised by that actually. This is not the first time we're trying to archive something from Google, and we've been rate-limited to hell before.
21:22 🔗 robbierut Really? I'm running quite a long time with 100 workers. I only saw fusl today getting ip bans I think.
21:22 🔗 robbierut My workers are working quite nicely
21:23 🔗 SmileyG Maybe someone at google likes us
21:23 🔗 SmileyG maybe they want a cake
21:24 🔗 JAA Maybe they don't want bad press (cf. Tumblr).
21:25 🔗 robbierut I heard something about a few people in g+ made it easier for us
21:33 🔗 SmileyG well, they only need to shutdown the API's really
21:33 🔗 SmileyG that's the 'bad' bit
21:34 🔗 robbierut Yeah, but good reason to close the thing and save some money for something else
21:34 🔗 robbierut And besides money, talented people
21:36 🔗 notanick has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
21:38 🔗 KoalaBear has joined #warrior
22:23 🔗 marked robbierut: where did you hear about g+ helping us out?
22:23 🔗 robbierut Sonewhere on the irc. That someone was closing error messages on their side
22:48 🔗 KoalaBear I've heard the same, but I'm not sure when/where/who
22:57 🔗 phiresky has joined #warrior
