#wikiteam 2011-07-07,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
05:45 πŸ”— emijrp meatball wiki http://mirrors.sdboyd56.com/WikiTeam/meatball_wiki-20110706.7z cortesy by sdboyd
13:45 πŸ”— Nemo_bis I would like to help, but I don't understand what wikis I should download, who is working on what etc.
14:01 πŸ”— Nemo_bis meh, I'm downloading http://www.communitywiki.org/
14:09 πŸ”— emijrp hi Nemo_bis
14:09 πŸ”— Nemo_bis hello
14:10 πŸ”— emijrp that wiki is not mediawiki (no problem), are you using wget?
14:10 πŸ”— Nemo_bis curl
14:10 πŸ”— emijrp ok
14:10 πŸ”— Nemo_bis http://www.communitywiki.org/en/BackupThisWiki
14:10 πŸ”— Nemo_bis There's also a 2009 tarball: http://www.communitywiki.org/community.tar.gz
14:11 πŸ”— Nemo_bis Could you put it on Google Code?
14:11 πŸ”— Nemo_bis (They have a 10 pages per 20 s limit, 2 hours should be enough.)
14:12 πŸ”— emijrp nice
14:12 πŸ”— emijrp of course i will
14:14 πŸ”— emijrp send me an email when you finish with the backup
14:15 πŸ”— Nemo_bis ok
14:20 πŸ”— Nemo_bis Now I'm going to download all the wikis here: http://www.communitywiki.org/en/WikiNode
14:20 πŸ”— Nemo_bis Most of them offline :-/
14:21 πŸ”— emijrp if you prefer mediawiki http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&t=h&msa=0&msid=115570622864617231547.00044e461c185a89b6d71&ll=49.095452,14.677734&spn=39.93254,79.013672&z=4
14:24 πŸ”— Nemo_bis the maps?
14:24 πŸ”— emijrp every point in the map is a wiki
14:24 πŸ”— Nemo_bis I think I've even replied to that thread
14:25 πŸ”— Nemo_bis Or perhaps not. I've contacted some OSM guys in Italy to see why there aren't more Italian wikis on that map
14:26 πŸ”— emijrp cmap creator is german, so, a bit biased
14:28 πŸ”— Nemo_bis Probably. I'm trying to fix that. :-p
14:28 πŸ”— Nemo_bis But perhaps there are just no such wikis in Italy
14:28 πŸ”— emijrp im doing a global map http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Emijrp/Regiowikis
14:29 πŸ”— Nemo_bis ok
14:29 πŸ”— Nemo_bis http://c2.com has already been downloaded, right?
14:30 πŸ”— emijrp yep
16:35 πŸ”— Nemo_bis Γ―ΒΏΒ½ATTENTION: This wiki does not allow some parameters in Special:Export, so, pages with large histories may be truncatedΓ―ΒΏΒ½
16:35 πŸ”— Nemo_bis What should I do?
19:39 πŸ”— Nemo_bis emijrp, I have some 7z for you
19:40 πŸ”— emijrp great
19:40 πŸ”— Nemo_bis https://docs.google.com/?authuser=0#folders/folder.0.0B0bTq2pGEiCoNTBiOTE5ZDgtZjEwMS00MzVhLTliOWItNWNkNGVkMTQ4MjY2
19:40 πŸ”— Nemo_bis There's another one which will be completed in some hours, and a dozen more which are very slow.
19:43 πŸ”— soultcer emijrp: Why can't I edit the city wiki pages on wikipedia?
19:44 πŸ”— Nemo_bis soultcer, which page?
19:44 πŸ”— * Nemo_bis is a wiki[mp]edian as well
19:45 πŸ”— soultcer <emijrp> [14:28:56] im doing a global map http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Emijrp/Regiowikis
19:45 πŸ”— emijrp if you are anon you cant edit user-subpages i guess
19:45 πŸ”— soultcer oh
19:45 πŸ”— emijrp create an account
19:45 πŸ”— Nemo_bis Really? :-O
19:46 πŸ”— soultcer I don't want an account
19:46 πŸ”— * Nemo_bis can
19:47 πŸ”— Nemo_bis http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Emijrp/Regiowikis&diff=438291735&oldid=438246063
19:47 πŸ”— soultcer Weird, now I can too?
19:49 πŸ”— emijrp soultcer: what message do you see?
19:49 πŸ”— soultcer It only showed me the view source code button when I wanted to add the innsbruck wiki a few hours ago
19:49 πŸ”— soultcer But now it shows the "Edit" button
19:49 πŸ”— emijrp : /
19:50 πŸ”— emijrp perhaps database lag frozen edit button
19:50 πŸ”— soultcer maybe my old ip was blocked
19:50 πŸ”— emijrp or a cosmic ray impacted the page
19:51 πŸ”— emijrp Nemo_bis: remember to add the date to files
19:51 πŸ”— emijrp btw, downloaded
19:53 πŸ”— Nemo_bis emijrp, is the archive enough or also directories in them?
19:53 πŸ”— emijrp the directory
19:53 πŸ”— Nemo_bis ok
19:54 πŸ”— emijrp so, when you 7z, the directory name is used to 7z
19:54 πŸ”— Nemo_bis yes
19:54 πŸ”— Nemo_bis I have a couple of downloads stuck in a loop: http://p.defau.lt/?dPZkaWFe2Kr2dmmp6ge3zQ http://p.defau.lt/?9mEbzphqwYVPXjpEU8eSsQ
20:00 πŸ”— emijrp are you subscribed to wikiteam mailing list?
20:01 πŸ”— Nemo_bis no
20:03 πŸ”— emijrp im going to post a message with your dumps
20:03 πŸ”— emijrp you can drop a line showing how you did it
20:04 πŸ”— Nemo_bis UseModWiki is pretty easy to archive, actually, if the "raw text" plugin is enabled
20:04 πŸ”— Nemo_bis http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=WikiTeam&diff=6128&oldid=6113
20:04 πŸ”— Nemo_bis I just stole those scripts :-p
20:05 πŸ”— emijrp people would like to know about stoling scripts
20:05 πŸ”— emijrp stealing*
20:06 πŸ”— Nemo_bis ok
20:08 πŸ”— Nemo_bis I guess you mean only UseModWiki and OddMuseWiki, s23 is just your script
20:10 πŸ”— emijrp stop cdwiki.de, the script is failing
20:11 πŸ”— emijrp and cdwiki has +600k pages...
20:11 πŸ”— emijrp you can try contact the admin
20:12 πŸ”— Nemo_bis ok
20:13 πŸ”— Nemo_bis the same for the second one, I guess
20:16 πŸ”— Nemo_bis I'm writing to the list
20:21 πŸ”— emijrp we are reaching the 100th dump, i hope i can publish citizendium dump on 100th
20:21 πŸ”— emijrp they publish the currentonly version, not the full history
20:22 πŸ”— Nemo_bis too bad
20:41 πŸ”— emijrp i have to go, see ya
21:18 πŸ”— Nemo_bis does someone manage to download http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Rsync_repository ?
21:21 πŸ”— soultcer The rsync server config is broken
21:22 πŸ”— Nemo_bis I see
