#wikiteam 2012-03-06,Tue

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Time Nickname Message
12:23 🔗 Hydriz emijrp: Apologies about yesterday :P
12:28 🔗 emijrp nevermind
12:29 🔗 Hydriz I just suck at doing proper things, sigh
12:30 🔗 emijrp how do you revert in svn?
12:30 🔗 Hydriz eh
12:30 🔗 Hydriz I just patch back the stuff
12:31 🔗 Hydriz there is a command, but I don't know how to use it :P
12:31 🔗 ersi 'svn revert'
12:31 🔗 Hydriz no, thats when its going to be local changes
12:32 🔗 Hydriz not when its live
12:32 🔗 ersi All that does is make the file you're reverting go back to how it was checked in
12:32 🔗 Hydriz ah
12:33 🔗 Hydriz svn merge -c -400
12:33 🔗 Hydriz maybe
12:33 🔗 Hydriz svn diff
12:33 🔗 Hydriz svn status
12:33 🔗 Hydriz svn up
12:33 🔗 Hydriz svn commit --message="Self-revert accidental breakage" includes/file-you-changed.php includes/another-file-you-changed.php
12:34 🔗 emijrp is hard to do
12:34 🔗 emijrp but it is a common operation for a repository
12:34 🔗 emijrp svn sucks
12:35 🔗 Hydriz heh
12:35 🔗 Hydriz I find svn easier
12:35 🔗 Hydriz but in teams, no
12:37 🔗 Hydriz hmm, is Nemo_bis here?
12:37 🔗 Nemo_bis no
12:37 🔗 Hydriz oh
12:37 🔗 Hydriz I see you got a labs account
12:37 🔗 Hydriz do know that the dumps project is for the uploading of dumps to IA
12:37 🔗 Hydriz unless you can do something awesome out of it
12:39 🔗 Nemo_bis Yes I know, in fact that's not the reason for the account, only something I might do if ever needed.
12:39 🔗 Nemo_bis Hydriz, I think it's a very bad idea to use TS to actually download stuff.
12:40 🔗 Hydriz okay...
12:40 🔗 Nemo_bis 26 GB are maybe not so much, but there are only 600 available.
12:40 🔗 Hydriz yeah
12:40 🔗 Hydriz someone else seems to be eating it up very fast
12:40 🔗 Nemo_bis And they still have to download visitor stats dumps, images to be uploaded to Commons (TB of them) etc.
12:40 🔗 Hydriz It was 1.1TB for a long time
12:41 🔗 Hydriz till recently it is at 600
12:42 🔗 Nemo_bis ah, they've downloaded some stats
12:42 🔗 Hydriz *facepalm*
12:42 🔗 Nemo_bis Hydriz, a useful thing you could do is downloading all the projectcounts stats to /mnt/user-store/stats/projectcounts
12:42 🔗 Hydriz for whom?
12:43 🔗 Nemo_bis for everyone
12:43 🔗 Nemo_bis it stops at projectcounts-20111106-230000
12:43 🔗 Nemo_bis uh, isn't emijrp the one who manages the script?
12:45 🔗 Hydriz oo
12:46 🔗 Hydriz emijrp is sure busy
12:46 🔗 Hydriz coding bots, working on wikiteam, also doing this downloading...
13:20 🔗 emijrp_ im not the guy of pagecounts/projecounts files
13:39 🔗 Hydriz heh
13:39 🔗 Hydriz but anyway I have uploaded February 2012 files to IA
14:05 🔗 emijrp_ cool
14:09 🔗 Hydriz Looks like the Wikipedia Archive user subpage is somewhat a coordination page :)
14:09 🔗 Hydriz for us
14:14 🔗 ersi All fine and dandy until some jack ass removes it
