#wikiteam 2014-06-12,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
13:25 🔗 midas Nemo_bis: does the grabber support bulk domains?
13:28 🔗 Nemo_bis midas: what do you mean?
13:28 🔗 midas list of URL's
13:28 🔗 midas with mediawiki's
13:28 🔗 Nemo_bis midas: we use a wrapper script for that, launcher.py
13:29 🔗 midas k, lets see what we can do with that :)
13:29 🔗 midas lots of hackerspaces in .nl use mediawiki, might as well grab them
13:29 🔗 midas and after first grab explain how they can do it themselves, awesomeness
13:46 🔗 midas hm mediawiki's without api.php?
13:46 🔗 midas for example: https://frack.nl/wiki/
13:55 🔗 Nemo_bis midas: you can use it with index.php as well, just change --api
13:56 🔗 Nemo_bis That's a 1.22 wiki, how can it not have API?
13:57 🔗 Nemo_bis midas: you can check the HTML source in recent releases, <link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" href="https://frack.nl/w/api.php?action=rsd"/>
13:57 🔗 Nemo_bis --> https://frack.nl/w/api.php
14:16 🔗 midas ah thanks!
14:16 🔗 midas will use source checking, didnt know that
14:38 🔗 Nemo_bis midas: we have a script that does that, if you want (actually two!), checkalive.py :P
14:38 🔗 Nemo_bis Yes we should have an integrated tool instead of scattered scripts, but but but...
14:42 🔗 midas heck, if it works, it works :p
14:42 🔗 midas maybe, someday ill make some sort of wrapper for it
14:49 🔗 Nemo_bis We could just make launcher.py run checkalive.py over the input list as first thing, would also catch most cases of people using an incorrect input
