[04:04] <yipdw> http://i.imgur.com/eEbH9.gif
[05:18] <chronomex> my brother is tromping around greece studying archaeology
[05:19] <chronomex> I suppose this nonsense runs in the family
[06:03] <BlueMax> chronomex, archiving is not nonsense. making out with hot Greek women is.
[06:04] <chronomex> are you serious?!?
[06:11] <BlueMax> Yes
[07:21] <SmileyG_> /nick SmileyG
[07:21] <SmileyG_> :(
[07:21] <SmileyG_> oh ffs
[07:37] <BlueMax> lol
[07:58] <SketchCow> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxjHbe7TrjY
[08:02] <BlueMax> Looks interesting SketchCow
[08:03] <BlueMax> Oh wow, the final day of DEFCON 20 is my birthday
[08:21] <SmileyG> oh nice.
[08:24] <SmileyG> Is that what you were filming for the other day SketchCow ?
[14:19] <S[h]O[r]T> http://it.slashdot.org/story/12/06/06/1335228/linkedin-password-hashes-leaked-online?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed
[14:37] <SmileyG> indeed...?
[14:38] <S[h]O[r]T> sucks pretty hardware
[14:38] <S[h]O[r]T> *hardcore
[14:38] <S[h]O[r]T> its still early :p
[15:29] <SmileyG> again, use a password manager, and lock it up tight
[16:38] <Aranje> anybody spry enough to have a copy of that linkedin data?
[17:18] <S[h]O[r]T> yes
[17:19] <S[h]O[r]T> http://www.mediafire.com/?n307hutksjstow3
[17:19] <S[h]O[r]T> if u prefer non mediafire i can host it as well
[17:25] <Aranje> nah that's perfectly fine
[17:25] <Aranje> thanks <3
[17:57] <yipdw> haha
[17:58] <yipdw> http://twitter.com/#!/search/ruby-lang
[17:58] <yipdw> single point of failure etc.
[17:58] <yipdw> this would be funnier if I weren't affected by it too
[18:07] <Aranje> I lol'd
[18:08] <Aranje> I find it interesting that it isn't just being given to everyone in packages... Unless most of ruby dev community devs on mac or windows.. :/
[18:09] <SmileyG> :D
[18:09] <SmileyG> so.... every time you use it you redownload it or something?
[18:12] <yipdw> Aranje: Ruby moves really fast
[18:13] <yipdw> nodejs, Haskell platform, Erlang/OTP sometimes hit the same problems
[18:13] <yipdw> an excerbating factor is that rvm by default points to ruby-lang.org to grab and install source tarballs
[18:13] <yipdw> and rvm is really popular
[18:15] <Aranje> Does it? 1.9.3 isn't very much newer than I remember
[18:15] <Aranje> the last release I was paying attention to was 1.9.1 and that was because they rewrote the regex parser or something
[18:15] <Aranje> that was a while ago
[18:16] <yipdw> Aranje: it moves faster than most packagers, yes
[18:16] <Aranje> Okay
[18:17] <yipdw> CentOS 6.2's ruby19 package is 1.9.2-p290
[18:17] <yipdw> which is behind (latest 1.9.2 release is 1.9.2-p320, and then there's 1.9.3)
[18:17] <yipdw> Ubuntu 12.04 is, uh
[18:17] <SmileyG> so why not multiple mirror?
[18:18] <yipdw> ruby1.9.3-p0
[18:18] <yipdw> ick
[18:18] <yipdw> and then there's other Ruby environments like JRuby and Rubinius, in which the packagers are also behind
[18:18] <yipdw> not necessarily their fault
[18:18] <yipdw> it's just the way it is
[18:18] <yipdw> SmileyG: because distribution is hard
[18:18] <Aranje> I'm on 1.8.7 :)
[18:20] <SmileyG> o_O
[18:20] <SmileyG> yipdw: it is o_O?
[18:20] <yipdw> yes, it is
[18:20] <SmileyG> sourgeforge, github....
[18:20] <SmileyG> somethingf that doesnt' go down so much?
[18:20] <yipdw> are both central points of failure
[18:21] <SmileyG> use both.
[18:21] <yipdw> SmileyG: if it were easy, RVM would not have a single URL for retrieving a Ruby tarball, and it would not fail if it couldn't access that single source
[18:22] <SmileyG> nothing wrong with single url
[18:22] <yipdw> the fact that it does means that accessing one source is easier than trying multiple
[18:22] <SmileyG> as long as you got round robin DNS.
[18:22] <Aranje> Mine says
[18:22] <yipdw> SmileyG: I can't tell if you're trolling me or what
[18:22] <SmileyG> i'm not :/
[18:22] <yipdw> I know that a URL doesn't have to resolve to a single location
[18:22] <SmileyG> you gonna say DNS is a single point of failure?
[18:22] <yipdw> the point is though that adding that sort of redundancy takes a lot more work than "one repo"
[18:22] <SmileyG> tbh this seems to be about people being lazy? :D
[18:22] <yipdw> and it's not easy to do
[18:23] <yipdw> it also takes more money etc
[18:23] <Aranje> Mostly the latter
[18:23] <SmileyG> money.
[18:23] <yipdw> and yes I will say that DNS is a single point of failure
[18:23] <yipdw> which can be demonstrated by ICANN fucking up the namespace with their new gTLDs
[18:23] <yipdw> sure you can exit that but who seriously uses other roots
[18:24] * Aranje uses opennic on every machine he owns or has admin over
[18:24] <yipdw> we have one person with a few dozen machines
[18:24] <yipdw> awesome
[18:24] <SmileyG> ;)
[18:24] <yipdw> 99.9% of the Internet to go
[18:24] <SmileyG> That was classic timing ;D
[18:25] <yipdw> anyway
[18:26] <yipdw> it's not hard to make rvm use another download site
[18:26] <yipdw> it's just funny to see a bunch of stuff collapse
[22:46] <underscor> <yipdw> we have one person with a few dozen machines
[22:46] <underscor> ha
[22:48] <underscor> for a while, when I (accidentally!) had my router proxying DHCP requests over the WAN (oops), I ended up leasing opennic to like 35 people
[22:48] <underscor> It's a long story
[22:48] <underscor> but I still thought it was cool
[22:50] <Aranje> lmfao
[22:52] <underscor> s/router/modem/
[22:53] <underscor> holey moley, 39 answers for dig -x
[22:53] <underscor> way to go, msft
[22:54] <dashcloud> am I the only one who gets the feeling we're in the world books like Neuromancer & Snowcrash describe when I read stories about Flame & Stuxnet?
[22:54] <underscor> hahahahaha
[23:00] <arrith> underscor: how long did it take for your beta server to show up on your account?
[23:01] <underscor> I haven't logged back in/gotten an email
[23:01] <underscor> let me go look
[23:02] <arrith> underscor: thanks. since i *think* i did everything correctly, but i'm not totally sure it all worked
[23:02] <arrith> one guy said he signed up on the 25th and got it on the 5th on some forum
[23:02] <arrith> also people talk about some mailing list for the beta stuff, but i'm not sure where to sign up for that
[23:02] <arrith> only email i got was notifying me about like logging into my Manager
[23:03] <underscor> yeah same
[23:05] <underscor> nope, nothing
[23:07] <arrith> underscor: even in the acct?
[23:07] <underscor> in the manager v3 thing
[23:07] <arrith> yeah
[23:07] <underscor> nope
[23:07] <arrith> same here, nothing in email or the manager
[23:07] <arrith> i guess that's just how they do it
[23:08] <arrith> radio silence for a week
[23:09] <arrith> underscor: did you see any way to get an OVH account as a US resident? since according to my ovh acct info i'm in some random english town google gave me
[23:09] <underscor> hahaha
[23:09] <arrith> but i really did look for a way to put in united states
[23:09] <underscor> I put in my real town
[23:09] <underscor> but a random postal code
[23:10] <arrith> ahh
[23:10] <arrith> i just assumed they checked the postal code matched the town
[23:10] <underscor> dunno
[23:10] <arrith> but i did randomly copy a postal code too
[23:10] <underscor> guess we'll see
[23:10] <arrith> yeah hm, dunno if they match
[23:10] <arrith> heh
[23:10] <underscor> I'll just pretend that's the name of my estate
[23:10] <underscor> and I got confused
[23:10] <underscor> :D
[23:10] <arrith> just like "oh yeah.. i moved to the US within the past week. it'd be great to /transfer/ that over to my new address"
[23:10] <arrith> haha
[23:10] <underscor> hahahaha
[23:11] <arrith> "my company, is just so huge.. i forget where our offices are.. stupid countries"
[23:14] <underscor> lol
[23:19] <arrith> hm under "Personal Information" in settings they do have an option for "United States" but if you try to change it it gives a message of "changing an account's country is forbidden"
[23:19] <arrith> maybe if you called you could change it. but yeahh no. i've tried hard enough
[23:28] <arrith> http://forum.ovh.ie/showthread.php?p=2729
[23:28] <arrith> about changing country
[23:28] <arrith> some guy moved out of ireland and support says you should be okay just leaving it as ireland
[23:29] <arrith> so yes, i have *very recently* moved from the UK
[23:43] <underscor> hahaha
[23:55] <underscor> http://imgur.com/gallery/YdDjU