#archiveteam-bs 2012-06-11,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
02:10 🔗 Coderjoe anyone know why suddenly i hit enter and get an M on the irssi inputline and have to hit ^J to send?
02:10 🔗 Coderjoe similar issues in other screen windows
02:11 🔗 winr4r TERM set incorrectly?
02:11 🔗 Coderjoe (bash just beeps at me on enter)
02:11 🔗 Coderjoe but how would it suddenly change?
02:12 🔗 winr4r Coderjoe: did this happen in the time you've had the terminal open?
02:12 🔗 Coderjoe no but i have used the same saved putty session many times before without issue
02:13 🔗 winr4r Coderjoe: i'll put like six trillion dollars on $TERM being incorrect
02:15 🔗 Coderjoe i did the same thing I have done a billion times before: connect using the putty saved session and done a screen -x
02:15 🔗 Coderjoe but suddenly, the TERM would be wrong this time? how would it suddenly change like that?
02:16 🔗 winr4r well, the problem of hitting enter and getting M is definitely something to do with a terminal type mismatch
02:16 🔗 Coderjoe and it works fine outside screen
02:17 🔗 winr4r there could be something other than TERM set incorrectly, but i don't know what
02:17 🔗 Coderjoe i know that. I just don't understand how it would have changed under irssi and everything
02:17 🔗 Coderjoe stuff in screen is using a TERM of screen
02:18 🔗 Coderjoe and screen should be taking care of converting to the actual term type which is correct in the outer shell
02:19 🔗 winr4r then i don't know
03:01 🔗 Coderjoe under screen, when i hit enter, screen is sending esc-OM
03:01 🔗 winr4r Coderjoe: only in putty?
03:03 🔗 Coderjoe i have nothing else to test with, and this was working just fine for months until today
03:04 🔗 Coderjoe the only difference i can think of is that the terminal emulator i was using in knoppix (konsole, iirc) is no longer attached
03:04 🔗 Coderjoe i suppose i can try with connectbot
03:05 🔗 Coderjoe tesi
03:05 🔗 Coderjoe well, connectbot works
03:06 🔗 Coderjoe even after detatching everything
03:06 🔗 winr4r weird
03:07 🔗 Coderjoe and putty's still wrong after reattaching
03:08 🔗 Coderjoe ugh
03:09 🔗 Coderjoe i turn off numlock and it works
03:09 🔗 Coderjoe and turn it back on and it fails again
03:09 🔗 Coderjoe but it used to work fine with numlock on :(
03:10 🔗 winr4r wat!
03:10 🔗 winr4r how does that make sense
03:11 🔗 Coderjoe something thinks my normal enter key is the same as the keypad enter key?
03:12 🔗 Coderjoe but only with numlock on
03:15 🔗 winr4r does the keypad enter key do that?
03:15 🔗 winr4r i've never tried
03:15 🔗 winr4r (oh, i just died, on that line right there)
03:15 🔗 Coderjoe but it only happens within screen again
03:16 🔗 winr4r hm :/
03:42 🔗 Coderjoe grr
03:42 🔗 Coderjoe well, if I set "disable application keypad" in putty, all seems to work
03:43 🔗 winr4r excellent
03:44 🔗 Coderjoe i just hope i remember all the channels i was in
04:07 🔗 loofygun /save and /layout save
04:07 🔗 loofygun if using irssi
04:08 🔗 loofygun or course it's useless if you don't have your channels saved
04:08 🔗 loofygun of*
04:27 🔗 Coderjoe and how would you save the channels?
05:04 🔗 Coderjoe wow. the makey mackey is at 20x funding
05:09 🔗 loofygun /channel add
05:09 🔗 loofygun then when you join them they're placed to the saved locations
05:37 🔗 underscor http://i.imgur.com/Z9szy.jpg
05:37 🔗 underscor mildly nsfw
13:37 🔗 Schbirid aww, poop. just missed the ovh bhs giveaway by 35 minutes
13:56 🔗 SmileyG And warrior is off.
13:57 🔗 SmileyG thats a lovely mysql exploit ¬_¬
14:38 🔗 winr4r good afternoon
15:10 🔗 BlueMaxim I fucking hate my router
15:11 🔗 BlueMaxim Anyone think this looks OK? http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=20032&cPath=1296
15:16 🔗 winr4r ..128mb RAM? really?
15:19 🔗 Schbirid anyone know of any ebay data mining projects?
15:23 🔗 BlueMaxim winr4r, I dunno anything about all this
15:23 🔗 BlueMaxim http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=200_1296&products_id=19238 < what about this one?
15:23 🔗 Schbirid sketchcow set us up the bomb? http://yfrog.com/kewlxpmrj
15:24 🔗 winr4r BlueMaxim: i dunno man
15:25 🔗 winr4r i've never really had to think about this sort of thing
15:26 🔗 Schbirid http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/start might be a good idea
15:28 🔗 BlueMaxim Schbirid that page is confusing
15:28 🔗 Schbirid indeed :(
15:30 🔗 BlueMaxim It can't even tell me if 64MB of ram is good, which is weird
15:33 🔗 SmileyG BlueMaxim: you any good with linux/fun stuff?
15:33 🔗 Schbirid heh
15:34 🔗 SmileyG Wasn't it you asking yesterday?
15:34 🔗 BlueMaxim SmileyG, not even close
15:34 🔗 BlueMaxim Yes it was
15:34 🔗 BlueMaxim lol
15:34 🔗 SmileyG Build your own router
15:34 🔗 SmileyG get a geode board.
15:34 🔗 SmileyG 3 onboard ethernet.
15:34 🔗 SmileyG get a wifi card for it and go crazy. It'll cost about the same I bet :o
15:34 🔗 BlueMaxim lol nope, I can't even put a PC together :|
15:35 🔗 SmileyG lol ok then maybe not :<
15:36 🔗 BlueMaxim I guess I'll just get the Netgear one and hope for the best
15:37 🔗 Schbirid i would never pay so much for a route
15:37 🔗 Schbirid but then i have no clue about them
15:37 🔗 SmileyG that price is kind of extordinary
15:38 🔗 SmileyG for what looks like basically a home/small office router :S
15:38 🔗 SmileyG No, I don't know what to suggest instead.
15:38 🔗 SmileyG we use 3 £50 routers in the office (yes they are routers, with openwrt we turned that into a 5th ethernet port.
15:41 🔗 BlueMaxim Well yeah, it's basically a home router
15:41 🔗 SmileyG Router Model
15:41 🔗 SmileyG Netgear WNR3500v2/U/L
15:41 🔗 SmileyG Those. Nice. Get.
15:41 🔗 SmileyG Load Average
15:41 🔗 SmileyG 0%
15:41 🔗 SmileyG 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
15:41 🔗 SmileyG :D
15:41 🔗 SmileyG thats with 3 wifi clients.
15:41 🔗 SmileyG Total Available
15:41 🔗 SmileyG 26.8 MB / 32.0 MB
15:41 🔗 SmileyG 14.6 MB / 26.8 MB
15:41 🔗 SmileyG Free
15:42 🔗 BlueMaxim does the one I have up there look OK though?
15:42 🔗 SmileyG No idea, not used it
15:42 🔗 SmileyG and I've learnt to trust nothing on their websites.
15:43 🔗 SmileyG It *looks* nice BlueMaxim but no idea if its any good in pratice. Seems rather expensive though.
15:44 🔗 BlueMaxim Yeah, well to be honest I can't trust "cheap" routers though
15:44 🔗 BlueMaxim I've bought two routers in the $75 range
15:45 🔗 BlueMaxim One is the one I'm using now that refuses to save settings
15:45 🔗 BlueMaxim And the other one died right out of the box
15:46 🔗 SmileyG Hense why I showed you the model of a known good one
15:46 🔗 SmileyG (we have 3) :D
15:49 🔗 BlueMaxim Can't seem to find it anywhere
15:49 🔗 SmileyG :/
15:50 🔗 SmileyG What manufacturer was that one you linked?
15:52 🔗 BlueMaxim Netgear
15:52 🔗 BlueMaxim Well the second one was Netgear
15:52 🔗 BlueMaxim Other was Asus
15:55 🔗 winr4r http://luna.folger.edu/luna/servlet/BINDINGS~1~1
15:56 🔗 winr4r good: lots of old book bindings
15:56 🔗 winr4r bad: stored in some crapped-up system that doesn't give you an easy way to download anything
15:59 🔗 SmileyG netgears i've used have generally worked well for a few years
15:59 🔗 SmileyG never had an sus
15:59 🔗 SmileyG An asus
16:10 🔗 Schbirid winr4r: seems to go crazy with a reload loop if you have cookies and js disabled \o/
16:11 🔗 winr4r i have a problem with gatekeepers
16:11 🔗 winr4r which is, people who seem to have more of an interest in controlling access to shit than making shit widely available
16:11 🔗 Schbirid yeah
16:11 🔗 Schbirid "advancing knowledge and the arts"
16:12 🔗 Schbirid hm, that page seems the same like that map collection
16:13 🔗 Schbirid cant remember the name
16:13 🔗 Schbirid masive amazing collection of historic maps
16:13 🔗 winr4r i'm glad they're making stuff available, a bit sad that they really like controlling access to it
16:13 🔗 winr4r but nobody's perfect
16:13 🔗 Schbirid http://www.davidrumsey.com/
16:14 🔗 Schbirid ah http://www.lunaimaging.com/
16:14 🔗 Schbirid i once printed a map after stitching the highres parts
16:14 🔗 Schbirid iirc i later realised that i could have requested the full file
16:15 🔗 winr4r okay, i just noticed the "export" button
16:15 🔗 winr4r ignore all the above
16:15 🔗 Schbirid nice
16:15 🔗 Schbirid consider asking them nicely though
16:15 🔗 Schbirid maybe they see archive.org and say "hell yeah"
16:17 🔗 winr4r yeah, maybe
16:20 🔗 godane i have crankygeeks episode 230 uploaded
16:20 🔗 godane :-D
16:21 🔗 winr4r :D
17:06 🔗 godane i have uploaded episode 233 of crankygeeks
17:06 🔗 godane only 4 more to go
17:08 🔗 Schbirid stupid bash question: i have a file with lines that have two strings each, eg "argument1 argument2". i want to pass those to a shell script as arguments $1 and $2
17:08 🔗 Schbirid this should be trivial but right now, i am clueless
17:10 🔗 Schbirid "for i in `cat file`; do echo $i; done" cuts each line in two and prints argument1 and argument2 on new lines
17:11 🔗 winr4r Schbirid: use the read builtin
17:12 🔗 Schbirid oh god, i did and wrote a : by accident and did not investigate why it failed
17:12 🔗 Schbirid thanks for reminding me to take a closer look
17:12 🔗 Schbirid durrrr
17:12 🔗 winr4r :)
17:14 🔗 winr4r http://en.kioskea.net/faq/1757-how-to-read-a-file-line-by-line
17:15 🔗 Schbirid YES I KNOW THAT
17:15 🔗 Schbirid :P
17:20 🔗 winr4r sorry, just trying to be helpful
17:41 🔗 godane i'm up to episode 235 of crankygeeks
18:02 🔗 godane all of crankygeeks is on archive.org now: http://archive.org/details/crankygeeks_237_episode
