#archiveteam-bs 2012-07-18,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
06:32 🔗 bsmith093 if we're still doing the "who's the most batshit crazy person on the web" contest, here, she wins. http://porkshanks.deviantart.com/journal/
10:00 🔗 Coderjoe I think we were excluding DA
10:54 🔗 SmileyG bsmith093: the crazy people don't post.
15:42 🔗 BlueMax bahahahaha
15:43 🔗 BlueMax damnit SketchCow you made me wake up my parents at 2 in the morning
15:45 🔗 winr4r hahaha wonderful
15:48 🔗 SketchCow I assume this is the tweet.
15:49 🔗 winr4r that and her reaction to the file
15:49 🔗 winr4r but uh
15:50 🔗 SketchCow Oh, she goes off the deep end, it's adorable.
15:50 🔗 winr4r one does kinda wonder how she accidentally found it
15:50 🔗 SketchCow Oh, that's because it ends up on things like reddit all the time.
15:50 🔗 winr4r yes, totally
15:50 🔗 SketchCow Someone puts it on there and the mind virus explodes out into a teenage wasteland
15:51 🔗 winr4r it's beautiful
15:51 🔗 BlueMax It really is
15:52 🔗 SketchCow Believe me. We have files like "koalas are little bitches" that go into the deep end of people linking them
15:52 🔗 SketchCow Tens of thousands in one day
15:52 🔗 Schbirid koala is so awesome i have that file on my phone
15:52 🔗 SketchCow Some of these textfiles are landmines, waiting for the day someone links to it
15:52 🔗 SketchCow And these writers suddenly get an audience huger than the entire population that used BBSes in the year the file was written
15:53 🔗 winr4r haha
15:53 🔗 winr4r i bet you have like a whole little sub-mbox dedicated to concerned parent emails
15:53 🔗 SketchCow In 1987, Miles attended a reception to honor Ray Charles and was seated next to a scion of Washington society. When she asked him what he.d done to get invited to the reception, he responded, .I.ve changed music four or five times. What have you done of any importance other than being white?.
15:54 🔗 SketchCow It has been a long, long time, easily 10 years, since I got a phone call or letter that said, basically, "I do not approve of your site."
15:54 🔗 SketchCow I mean, a really, really long time.
15:54 🔗 SketchCow 2001? 2002?
15:54 🔗 winr4r wow
15:54 🔗 SketchCow I had the FBI stop by my old house about the anarchy section earlier this year.
15:55 🔗 BlueMax lol really?
15:55 🔗 SketchCow But I am 100% sure this was because of the Occupy Boston guys, who've been pretty heavily targeted.
15:55 🔗 winr4r maybe because they can't figure out how to email you when they land at a text file
15:55 🔗 winr4r yeah, what happened with that?
15:55 🔗 SketchCow Yeah, the real FBI, not this fake poetry-fear bullshit of yours.
15:57 🔗 BlueMax :(
15:58 🔗 BlueMax Never gonna live that one down am I
16:05 🔗 SketchCow Never gonna live that down
16:05 🔗 SketchCow never gonna give you up
16:06 🔗 SketchCow never gonna run around and desert you
16:06 🔗 BlueMax never gonna dance around in a tutu?
16:07 🔗 SmileyG thats underscor ;)
16:07 🔗 SmileyG hey I just met you, and this is crazy; Grab a tut tut, dance with me baby?
16:08 🔗 SketchCow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sruQJ12PsI
16:08 🔗 winr4r i just met you / and this sounds crazy / but the world is run by a secret cabal of pan-dimensional super-lizards
16:09 🔗 winr4r tay still looks like 13
16:09 🔗 SketchCow Yeah, he'll grey out spontaneously
16:10 🔗 Schbirid how old is he?
16:10 🔗 winr4r 30
16:10 🔗 SketchCow 30.
16:10 🔗 winr4r BEAT YOU
16:10 🔗 BlueMax lol no.
16:11 🔗 Schbirid ha
16:11 🔗 Schbirid i will never complain about feelig like i look too young
16:12 🔗 BlueMax I feel like I'm too old. People think I'm in my 20s when I'm not even 19 yet
16:13 🔗 winr4r yeah i remember when i used to get annoyed at being asked for ID
16:13 🔗 winr4r this is my face when it happens now http://i.imgur.com/d6C64.jpg
16:16 🔗 Schbirid nice neckbeard
16:17 🔗 winr4r hah
16:18 🔗 SketchCow My theme song for this girl (and archive team in general) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBqhUarhaAU
16:20 🔗 winr4r i rather like MCR
16:20 🔗 winr4r and this song
16:21 🔗 winr4r my girlfriend got me into them
16:21 🔗 SketchCow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlDGFrP4NgI also good
16:21 🔗 winr4r oh, looks like i have the MP3
16:22 🔗 winr4r see, i actually like clicking on youtube links now
16:22 🔗 winr4r because now i glance down and it's like "herp derp herp herp" and i'm like "yes, that's exactly what you're like"
16:22 🔗 winr4r and the birds start singing
16:24 🔗 SketchCow Yes
18:07 🔗 underscor :(
18:07 🔗 underscor hey SketchCow, will you unblock me from twitter?
18:16 🔗 Coderjoe oh wow
18:16 🔗 Coderjoe https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=765645
18:33 🔗 balrog underscor: what did you do?
18:33 🔗 underscor I don't know
18:33 🔗 underscor I just can't read his twitter when logged in
18:35 🔗 underscor oh god
18:35 🔗 underscor this site
18:35 🔗 underscor http://www.constellation7.org/Constellation-Seven/Josiah/Index.htm
18:36 🔗 underscor no wonder he's bitching about MozOpacity going away
18:38 🔗 balrog LOL
18:40 🔗 SmileyG what girl?
18:40 🔗 SmileyG [17:18:32] <@SketchCow> My theme song for this girl (and archive team in general) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBqhUarhaAU
18:41 🔗 underscor this article surpasses ""fucked up"" and everything that categorizes with ""fucked up"" within a 90835985 mile radius hahahahaha
18:42 🔗 underscor uh, I added the laughter
18:42 🔗 SmileyG :d
18:42 🔗 SmileyG D:
18:42 🔗 SmileyG This still about teh dog sex thing?
18:44 🔗 underscor <SketchCow> Yeah, the real FBI, not this fake poetry-fear bullshit of yours.
18:44 🔗 underscor hahaha
18:45 🔗 * SmileyG doesn't undestand that :/
18:45 🔗 underscor oh, I think it was before your time
18:45 🔗 underscor BlueMax got a "threatening" Cease and Desist from the IT department of poetry.com
18:45 🔗 underscor iirc
18:45 🔗 SmileyG XD
18:46 🔗 underscor and despite jason trying to explain that it carried no legal weight, and even if it did, no fucking company is going to extradite someone for _DOWNLOADING POETRY_
18:46 🔗 underscor he was still upset
18:46 🔗 virato lol
18:46 🔗 SmileyG Ah
18:46 🔗 SmileyG :D
18:46 🔗 * SmileyG giggles
18:46 🔗 underscor yeah
18:46 🔗 underscor so when you see him, give him a hard time :D
18:46 🔗 virato and BlueMax is in Australia too, right?
18:47 🔗 underscor yep
18:48 🔗 virato Yeah, I heard about that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2ZTmuX3cog#t=35m18s
18:50 🔗 SmileyG Whats aus gotta do with anything?
18:51 🔗 virato SmileyG, are you asking why I reference Australia?
18:51 🔗 virato *referenced
18:51 🔗 SmileyG yup?
18:53 🔗 virato Because I heard about that from the video I linked, and SketchCow just says "a member in Australia", so I was just making sure that it was the same thing.
18:54 🔗 SmileyG :D ah ok
18:58 🔗 SmileyG http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/newzealand/9404669/Traffic-signs-in-New-Z
18:58 🔗 SmileyG ealand-destroyed-by-prostitutes-performing-stunts.html
18:58 🔗 SmileyG lulz
18:58 🔗 SmileyG errr why did that break into two lines :(
19:09 🔗 underscor haha that's great
19:24 🔗 Schbirid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL95aeNjarU
20:14 🔗 Schbirid http://i.imgur.com/T8eDR.jpg
20:16 🔗 mistym Schbirid: Did not realize I was requested so much
20:59 🔗 Schbirid nice, ovh made a solaris something as os for their servers http://smartos.org/
21:39 🔗 ersi lol, BlueMax
21:39 🔗 ersi he's one funny fellow :)
