[04:36] 1 hour [04:38] yup! [05:40] woohoo [05:44] i've never seen someone so excited over a thumbnail before ;) [05:48] wait, the nasa website has comments? [05:49] the live stream [05:49] where? [05:49] http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/mars/curiosity_news3.html [05:49] a bit late now :) [05:49] also http://www.ustream.tv/nasahdtv [05:55] hahah [05:55] ddos on the nasa sites [05:56] http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/ [05:56] wow, @marscuriosity really does have awesome tweets [05:56] whoever they hired is doing a fantastic job [05:56] haha indeed [05:56] and the profile image is called [05:56] SuperLaser [05:57] https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/64950950/SuperLaser.jpg [05:57] that's great [05:59] this has to cost ustream a fortune [05:59] 11 million concurrent views [06:00] misreading [06:00] 11 total viewers [06:00] 180,000k or something [06:00] ah [06:01] nice catch [06:01] it peaked at 280k [06:01] good ad for ustream though [06:01] also, running that infra has to be so fun [06:02] https://twitter.com/mattrobenolt/status/232355829867749377 [06:04] Twitter> @Oatmeal: MUST ... NOT ... MAKE BICURIOSITY JOKE .. MUST ... NOT ... oh fuck it: BICURIOSITY ROVER ENTERS BOTH EARTH AND MARS [06:04] hahahaha [06:04] i bet he's been waiting for that all week [06:07] also from the oatmeal [06:07] https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/551091_10152013157770078_1248162667_n.jpg [06:08] haha [06:11] via George Takei: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/255240_504332439596214_1147023620_n.jpg [06:13] i wonder how long it's going to be before the conspiracy theories start [06:15] haha [06:15] http://stephlaberis.tumblr.com/post/28821335020/holy-crap-worst-nightmare-confirmed [06:16] seriously not taking long for the shoops [06:17] yup! [06:18] it contains 11 pounds of plutonium [06:18] plutonium dioxide [06:18] this shit is awesome [06:20] it contains radiation-hardened RAM [06:21] news conference underway [06:21] two computers capable of 400 MIPS [06:21] and for the love of $deity, don't let wolowitz near it! [06:22] and whomever is at the sound board for the conference/nasatv needs to pull their head out of their butt [06:23] it also has an internal radiation detector that's never been used before [06:23] which gives us data to know if we need to protect humans from space radiation [06:23] during transport [06:34] https://twitter.com/lukeman/status/232360729410433024 [06:49] https://twitter.com/marsspacecrane [06:49] ."Detail of Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover with tread pattern which will leave an impression on the Martian surface spelling "JPL" in morse code" [06:49] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/37/Curiosity_wheel_pattern_morse_code.png [06:50] amazing [06:56] http://xkcd.com/695/ [06:58] and Xeni Jardin asks the project leads about image file formats... [07:00] And about chick ratios [07:01] not so far at the news conference [08:13] arugh [08:13] why do devs not listen [08:15] lets put all the files in a single directory with no function to remove them \o/ [09:36] http://linuxforniggers.us/ [09:37] (no offense intended :c ) [09:40] underscor: you. bed. now [09:40] I'm trying! [09:41] step one, turn off computer/smartphone [09:51] agreed with that step. [11:33] well, i'm off for a few days [11:33] <3 [11:45] D: [11:55] h [12:02] hi. [12:09] found out wget 1.14 is out [12:29] Is it? [12:31] You'd think they would publish that on the Wget mailing list. But so far there's only the tar file. [12:52] its a trap? [13:39] Can someone point out the cat in this? [13:39] http://timeline.textfiles.com/1987/05/11/1/FILES/rnepc.gif [13:44] looks like there was other gif files for page-22.htm [13:44] http://timeline.textfiles.com/1987/05/11/1/FILES/page-22.htm [13:44] but not on textfiles.com [13:45] wow that is huriting my eyes to look at it [13:46] i almost expect it to move. [13:47] better web page: http://web.archive.org/web/19981205104028/http://www.pixi.com/~irvdili/page-22.htm [13:48] will wget grab flash content from pages? [13:48] (embedded flvs or swfs) [13:48] using or [13:48] downloading techcrunch 2009-09 and uploading another gbtv episode [14:40] would making a panic download of atariarchives.org cause problems? [14:40] panic download? [14:40] is it coming down? [14:40] no [14:40] i'm doing more panic downloads to make sure stuff is archived [14:40] ah [14:40] i'm doing that now with techcrunch [14:40] yeah [14:41] but archiving by download like techcrunch.com/year/month [14:41] since its very big [14:41] i'm also searching for images on the site [14:46] just found out gizmodo.com.au does the same thing that hackaday does [14:46] but not gizmodo.com [14:46] example: http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2012/08/04/ [15:33] sourceforge needs a panic download, but that wouldn't be all that easy [15:35] if you want to archive an atari site do http://www.atarimuseum.com/ because they block ia_archiver [15:54] that's Curt Vendel's site [15:54] Lord_Nigh has contacted him in the past [15:54] I'd like to know why they block ia_archiver though [15:55] ugh [15:55] probably some heritrix misbehaviour that may or may not still exist [15:55] many "prefabbed" robots.txt files have ia_archiver listed as a "useless bot" [16:04] is warc-tools in debian? [16:07] hmm, hanzo-warc-tools doesn't work [16:07] or I'm doing it wrong [16:21] Updating revision table (TienbyhupzhnoejnpyvmxyckoeivmwlrkokblmvRynerson to Anonymous) [16:21] TienbyhupzhnoejnpyvmxyckoeivmwlrkokblmvRynerson may have been a valid user [16:21] and I'm just being racist [16:34] SketchCow: Well, if it hadn't been for the warning label I would have deleted http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=User:DavidFichtmueller ;-) [16:38] We've done so many ip blocks I'm running into DB errors. [16:39] So right now I'm doing some cleanup but more needs to happen. [16:39] I BELIEVE I've nailed all the pages that are pure ads. [16:41] We may need to kill the blocks. [16:41] Find the DB issue [16:48] I think we should try using a URI DNSBL instead of our own blacklist [16:51] I was going to say yes [16:56] I'll go and compare our current blacklist with some uri dnsbls to see which ones might work [16:59] Assuming our spam comes from botnets, using a simple IP blacklist might also be useful [17:00] Even better, if we block the IPs of botnet computers, we don't even get those hundreds of accounts that never post anything. [18:16] my internet ot going crazy just downloading artarimuseum.com [18:17] *atarimuseum.com [18:17] over 1mb download [18:19] over 100mb downloaded so far [18:19] i never got that fast of speed with techcrunch.com [18:34] i got atarimuseum.com [18:35] only 335mb in 11m 23s [18:46] i know why now [18:47] I really, really hope you're downloading these properly. [18:47] techcrunch lags on a http requests [18:47] Like, with Warcs resulting. [18:47] its in .warc.gz [18:47] OK. [18:47] using the new wget 1.14 [18:48] code: wget "http://www.atarimuseum.com/" --mirror --warc-file="atarimuse.com-20120806" --warc-cdx [18:49] i miss typed that [18:49] code: wget "http://www.atarimuseum.com/" --mirror --warc-file="atarimuseum.com-20120806" --warc-cdx [18:49] there we go [18:50] SketchCow: i uploaded occuprint.org yesterday [18:52] Hurrah, Wget 1.14 is out [18:59] i found some more screen savers shows [18:59] also got most of the first 50 call for help episodes from canada [20:08] SketchCow: maybe a reward for the $25 tier for your kickstarter could be a printed out photo of an item (rather than a video) [20:08] Too much work [20:08] ah. I was thinking what would be less work [20:36] http://pixnfun.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/9-11-angry-planes.png [20:36] kickstarter link? [20:40] http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/textfiles/1695826129?token=8c293148 but it still isn't live [20:40] godane: can you use --wait and such? [20:40] ah ok [20:40] maybe not this time, but try not to annoy hosters [21:01] Fatal error: Call to undefined method Article::getSection() in /home/archivet/public_html/extensions/recaptcha/ConfirmEdit.php on line 620 [21:02] balrog_: I never add the --wait [21:02] with techcrunch.com it always waits a bit [22:03] If we go over, I'll hire a kid to help me go through it. [22:04] Poor underscor has been drafted already [22:09] You're listed as a patron, and get sent a hard drive with all of the textfiles.com properties, in either EXT3 or NTFS format. This is roughly a terabyte of content, all yours. < Oh wow, I would've loved to get my hands on this :| [22:11] BlueMax: hahaha [22:12] I don't think he's talking about me [22:12] at least, he hasn't mentioned it [22:12] I would've helped him go through it, if I wasn't fat, lazy and Australian [22:13] hahaha [22:13] http://www.petapixel.com/2012/08/06/dslr-lost-for-3-years-in-creek-finds-way-back-to-owner-thanks-to-photos/ poor dslr :( [22:13] :( [22:13] There should be a "technology cruelty" law [22:16] Then again you could probably charge IA with overwork laws if those existed [22:20] haha [22:22] darn it. kickstarter doesn't let you star draft items [22:23] (to have it let you know about such things as going live, etc) [22:25] looks like i can't mirror kat.ph/blog [22:25] SketchCow: These guys are really fantastic for thermal monitoring and door notifications too [22:25] http://supermechanical.com/twine/ [22:26] I don't know if you have wifi penetration all the way out there though [22:27] wget "http://kat.ph/blog/" --mirror --warc-file="kat.ph-blog-20120806" --warc-cdx -np -p --user-agent="" -e robots=off --wait 1 [22:28] found out why [22:28] its gzip .html [22:32] fixed it [22:53] Have you seen this? http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/08/exorcizing-the-demonoid-ukrainians-raid-massive-bittorrent-tracker/ [23:20] there's a new twitter competitor in the works that plans to sell the service rather than your information: https://join.app.net/ [23:21] doomed to failure. we should back it up. [23:22] it's not launched yet- it will launch if $500,000 worth of people sign up [23:23] if it fails, what it says then is pretty important then- as important as if it succeeds [23:24] $50 minimum support? I'm inclined to chalk this one up to poor structure than a bad idea [23:39] Google closing more services. Google Apps for Teams, Google Video for Businesses, Google Listen(Android podcast finding/subscribing/listening app), and 'a number of Google-created blogs that are updated infrequently or are redundant with other blogs. [23:39] http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/giving-you-better-google.html [23:40] And.. a list of Google-created blogs (150+) http://www.google.com/press/blog-directory.html [23:41] Even though they may be redundant, a backup and mirror of the blogs would be nice. [23:41] What does AT think? [23:48] Grab them [23:57] arkhive: I don't have any bandwidth/space, but if you want, I'll get you the URLs to feed into wget -i [23:57] (you can use the spiffy new wget!) [23:59] is there an official wget warc commandline?