[02:42] <godane> hey everyone [02:54] <godane> you guys need to get a team over to thebox.bz [02:54] <godane> only cause there like a ton of vhsrips on there [03:21] <godane> i learned that 'the sky at night' show is very rare for a lot of them [03:21] <godane> good news is i think thbox.bz as episode from 1989 to 1996 [03:37] <BlueMax> so I did that metadata for Acorn Programs [03:52] <underscor> Nice [03:52] <BlueMax> underscor, any good? http://pastebin.com/Y2Vrz6aK [03:56] <godane> this guy may have some stuff for archiveteam: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2076822/Richard-Wallace-hoarded-rubbish-seen-space.html [04:11] <underscor> BlueMax: if by any good you mean fuckin' great, then yes [04:11] <BlueMax> lol it's really that good? I just went full robot mode and that came out [04:13] <underscor> It looks good. You did well. [04:13] <underscor> Now do the rest! :D [04:14] <BlueMax> D: [04:17] <winr4r> godane: that guy reminds me of my hard drive man [04:18] <BlueMax> just sent the metadata to the textfiles email. now which one to do next :P [04:29] <godane> winr4r: i got nick arcade now [04:30] <godane> and 4 seasons of bad influence [04:48] <Coderjoe> man [04:48] <Coderjoe> He has some impressive collecting going on there, but plenty of plain old hoarding [04:50] <Coderjoe> (the newspapers are nice, though also slightly disorganized. the piles of stuff that look like food trash are gross, though) [04:52] <godane> i know [04:53] <godane> but a least he had a lot of newspaper that looks to be good [04:53] <godane> and not like moldly or something [04:53] <Coderjoe> 'A lesson to anybody thinking about collecting things - donât. Itâs not really worth it, is it? It doesnât make sense.â [04:54] <Coderjoe> Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2076822/Richard-Wallace-hoarded-rubbish-seen-space.html#ixzz23mBKYRlq [04:54] <Coderjoe> argh [04:54] <Coderjoe> I hate when shit tacks things on like that [04:54] <Coderjoe> anyway... if nobody collects, large parts of history can disappear [04:54] <Coderjoe> and THAT doesn't make sense [04:55] <Coderjoe> godane: in the text there is mention of having to put some of the papers on palettes and cover them with tarps. the papers got waterlogged and destroyed, of course. [04:56] <godane> ok [04:57] <godane> but it looked like a good chuck of it was still good [04:57] <godane> maybe stuff by the stove wasn't [08:12] <SmileyG> aren't google pics taken from non-space? [08:29] <SketchCow> Some are, some aren't [08:29] <SketchCow> Google Earth really kind of exploded the market of satellite photos [08:56] <SmileyG> k. [09:22] <Schbirid> huh, i lost my flagging abilities on hacker news [12:32] <Coderjoe> I think goog has been adding non-sat aerial photos as well. [12:32] <Coderjoe> MS certainly has in bing maps [13:40] <Schbirid> higher zoomlevels were always from non-satelites [13:56] <godane> uploaded: http://archive.org/details/bad_influence_se2ep12 [14:01] <emijrp> archive pussy riot [14:15] <godane> uploaded: http://archive.org/details/bad_influence_se2ep13 [14:15] <godane> 2 more episodes and season 2 of bad influence will be on archive.org [14:37] <godane> uploaded: http://archive.org/details/bad_influence_se2ep14 [14:55] <godane> uploaded: http://archive.org/details/bad_influence_se2ep15 [15:13] <godane> uploaded: http://archive.org/details/bad_influence_se3ep1 [15:13] <godane> starting season 3 [15:48] <godane> uploaded: http://archive.org/details/bad_influence_se3ep3 [15:49] <godane> uploaded: http://archive.org/details/bad_influence_se3ep2 [15:50] <winr4r> hi godane [16:09] <godane> hey winr4r [16:10] <godane> uploaded: http://archive.org/details/bad_influence_se3ep4 [16:11] <winr4r> excellent [16:47] <godane> uploaded: http://archive.org/details/bad_influence_se3ep5 [16:47] <godane> i can't upload anything else for now [16:48] <godane> my brothers foot hurts and is bitching about the internet speed [17:09] <Coderjoe> your brother's foot is bitching about internet speeds? [17:09] <Coderjoe> (also, you should perhaps look into QoS/shaping/prioritizing) [17:10] <winr4r> Coderjoe: haha [17:11] <Coderjoe> when I was pushing all of my stage6 data to IA, it was from a system that wasn't doing anything else with the internet, and I set things up so that system's outbound packets were placed last, after everyone else [17:12] <Coderjoe> nobody even noticed that the connection was completely busy [17:13] <Coderjoe> (keep in mind that to do that, you need to control the buffering, so you have to set a local limit that is slightly below what your provider allows. Otherwise packets build up in your modem's buffers) [17:13] <godane> i'm just finishing se3ep6 [17:13] <winr4r> never worked out why saturating upstream destroys an internet connection far more than saturating the downstream [17:14] <Coderjoe> winr4r: that's only for asymmetric connections. when you are getting data from a remote server, you have to send several packets out in order to establish the connection, and several packets telling the server you got what they sent [17:15] <Coderjoe> historically, US broadband ISPs would give you JUST enough upstream to send those ACK packets fast enough to saturate your downstream [17:15] <winr4r> ah [17:17] <godane> uploaded: http://archive.org/details/bad_influence_se3ep6 [17:18] <godane> i'm uploading se3ep7 at a slower speed [17:20] <Coderjoe> you're doing great. but again, we don't need continuous status reports. [17:20] <godane> i know but i feel better about doing that [17:23] <godane> after bad influence i have gamesmaster [17:23] <godane> thats about 20gb [19:22] <Famicoman> so who started the archiveteam subreddit [19:26] <winr4r> SketchCow: i think i've found my favourite wikipedia bio trick used by assholes [19:27] <winr4r> remove literally all the content save one sentence on entirely spurious grounds, then get someone else to nominate it for deletion on the basis that there is "literally no verifiable information" [19:28] <winr4r> (one of those things, in a particular case, was stuff like scientific papers and granted US patents, deleted because they weren't independent sources (!)) [19:29] <yipdw> I'm going to make a Wikipedia derivative that is perfect [19:29] <yipdw> number of pages: 1 [19:29] <yipdw> Main Page [19:29] <yipdw> "Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" [19:29] <yipdw> end. [19:30] <yipdw> on a less boring subject, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSvx_IP9XXU is pretty awesome [19:31] <winr4r> wikipedia isn't so bad, but you get shitheads with agendas [19:31] * winr4r listens [19:32] <yipdw> that mashup really depends on whether you've played Analogue [19:35] <winr4r> i haven't [19:35] <winr4r> but that was pretty well done [20:54] <shaqfu> My favorite Wikipedia trick is still SketchCow adding fake books to lists, letting them get scraped, and ordering the fake books [20:56] <emijrp> wut? [21:00] <shaqfu> A lot of Amazon retailers scrape titles from Wikipedia and print on demand when they get orders [21:00] <shaqfu> So, he put fake books in lists of works [21:00] <shaqfu> Waited a bit [21:00] <shaqfu> Found someone that scraped the list, ordered it from them [21:01] <shaqfu> Where it sits forever, waiting to ship [21:03] <emijrp> and what is the point? [21:06] <shaqfu> Fun, and that miniscule chance of someone actually sending a book [21:15] <underscor> hahaha, that's awesome [21:26] <emijrp> List of archivists is missing in WP [21:28] <emijrp> im going to add this guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brewster_Kahle but WP says is just a digital librarian [21:28] <emijrp> not an archivist [21:35] <SketchCow> http://ascii.textfiles.com/schuyler-towne-kickstarter [21:38] <alard> A sad story (the kickstarter, that is, not the cleaning up bit). [21:48] <godane> SketchCow: i found 4 hours of video of bbc 1 new year's eve 1999 [21:49] <godane> i don't think archive.org has that recorded [21:49] <godane> also is there a list some where to know what tv channels that archive.org is recording [21:58] <godane> season 3 of bad influence up [22:41] <Clandesti> I wonder how reliable are these http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-Blank-MD2D-5-25-inch-Dysan-100-Disks-for-Apple-II-IBM-PC-More-Sealed-/200802295533 [22:58] <godane> my stupid internet [22:58] <godane> keeps having connection problems [22:58] <godane> uploaded: http://archive.org/details/bad_influence_se4ep2 [22:59] <godane> this is why i post my uploads