[01:35] holy crap- the configure for wget is really long- it tests for a lot more things than many other programs I've compiled in the past [01:44] WGET is the Joe McCarthy of makefiles [01:45] I dunno who that is [01:47] ha ha No, you wouldn't. [01:47] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_McCarthy [01:48] American politics ho [01:48] Right. But it led to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism [01:50] Even Star Trek covers this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Drumhead [01:50] I never saw that episode [01:50] I liked Voyager more than TNG [02:26] Not sure if heresy or just confused. [02:27] ^^ [02:28] Not sure if retarded or just BlueMax [02:28] I hate you all :( [02:29] And I'm not retarded [02:29] I'm just weird [02:32] Also I like Windows more than Linux and people don't seem to like that [02:51] http://www.flickr.com/photos/mirka23/8021572637/in/photosof-textfiles/lightbox/ [04:00] re: farming equipment manuals, can that be done using the "related collections" thing [04:21] SketchCow: I'm imagining "I want YOU to BACK SHIT UP" [06:42] https://twitter.com/me_irl/status/225832717756022785 [06:42] oh that's excellent [09:03] http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/148881_10151034707191927_123673374_n.jpg [09:07] photos-prn... heh [23:14] http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=528366390526152&set=a.223098324386295.105971.205344452828349&type=1&ref=nf [23:31] filezilla seems to have skipped some directories, is there a way to check?, also does it always go automatically [23:31] alphabetically [23:42] Subject: [dopefishjustin 63224000] You're Invited to the DreamHost Cloud Storage Beta! [23:42] OH BOY