[04:40] I think underscor is a moody teenager considering he likes to laugh and cry a lot [04:40] I, self-admittedly, am. [04:40] :) [04:43] You're probably younger than me [04:47] hm [04:47] I'm 18 [04:47] April 7th [04:48] '94 [04:58] I'm 19, underscor, and you're still twice the nerd I am [04:58] teach me you magnificent bastard [05:00] how are you so covered in servers [05:02] he smears them on himself, naked [05:02] like money [05:02] or like shit [05:02] that's just you [05:03] not me [05:05] Rolls in them, like a thief [05:05] where is my goddamn jet train http://thecontaminated.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/m497-jet-train/jet-train.jpg [05:06] just give me a goddamn hoverboard first [05:06] screw your train [05:06] jet train will smash your hoverboard [05:06] at least I look cooler. [05:07] you can't possibly look cooler than that railcar [05:07] can't [05:08] oh, but I can [05:15] although if you want to look like a nerd over me you win by default [05:25] SketchCow: :D you know it! [05:25] Sue: I rent a few, have some for work, and then the rest are from friends who work at hosting companies [05:25] and are usually temporary-ish [05:26] the "here, you can use this box until we sell it" scenario [05:26] BlueMax: Hey, hey, I prefer the term technologically inclined! [05:26] * underscor cries [05:26] I'm not *that* much of a nerd [05:26] * underscor tries to convince self [05:27] Well if you teach me how to be half as good as you, you're not a nerd, you're a teacher ;) [05:28] It's... [05:28] I don't even know how to explain it :( [05:29] I just live and breathe technology! Like, the rush of setting up a large scale distributed system, and watching it work (like processing these terabytes of webshots) just gives me a high like no other [05:29] >_> [05:29] On another note, this bench is so uncomfortable, my dick is falling asleep :( [05:30] ... [05:30] I don't want to know about THAT [05:31] well [05:31] you get to anyway [05:31] Sorry [05:32] It just popped into my head [05:32] BlueMax: Honestly, my advice is to just fuck around. Read things, set things up, experiment. [05:33] Even if there is no real world purpose, it's integral to getting good at doing things [05:33] Unfortunately I'm a broke Australian with my most powerful machine being a Dell laptop [05:33] It's what got me here, at least! [05:33] You don't need money! [05:33] I'm a broke American with my most powerful machine being a 5 year old dual core AMD [05:35] Heesh, you run on a dual core? [05:36] Yeah [05:37] My archive.org laptop is a dual core pentium, my personal laptop is one of the first core2duos, my desktop is a dual core amd at 2.2ghz, and my media server is a dual core amd at 2.8ghz [05:37] :) [05:37] Not a quad in any of it...my laptop is a quad 2.3ghz [05:39] underscor: two years older and that's almost my story; i *own* a hosting company (that failed) and i have a few boxes still [05:41] underscor, if I want to experiment where do I start [05:43] Sue: oic! [05:43] Virtual Machines are great for screwing around on, that is how I started doing *nix stuff [05:43] That's pretty cool :D [05:43] Well, not the failing part [05:43] but you know what I mean [05:43] BlueMax: Yeah, set up VMs [05:43] Or install linux! [05:43] (and not ubuntu) [05:43] Try arch for that hardcore immersion experience [05:43] The biggest thing it takes is time. [05:44] In fact, my high-school performance considerably suffered because of my nerd-ness [05:44] Including AT work. [05:44] Well with the amount of experience I have right now I'm not sure how much I can help [05:44] next month i'm probably gonna splurge my spending money on bringing up as many boxes as i can to drag the entire webshots in [05:44] or at least 3-4 more [05:45] I just jumped on WHT and found a place selling dedicated servers really cheap for the first month :3 [05:46] $23 for quad core/8gb ram/unmetered 100mbps [05:47] hahahaha [05:47] nice [05:47] Where? [05:52] http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1199012 [05:55] Arch doesn't have a desktop environment. /me is lost already [05:56] pacman -S gnome [05:56] >_; [05:57] invalid option? [05:58] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Beginners%27_Guide#Graphical_User_Interface [05:59] apt-get install gnome-desktop [06:00] command not found: apt-get [06:00] >arch [06:00] that onenetwork website scares me [06:00] and they use whcms [06:01] and using pacman on everything on that page always gives me "target not found" [06:01] Yeah, just a generic new hosting company [06:01] BlueMax: pacman -Syu [06:02] I should have a go at getting Arch set up one day, but I don't want to spend forever getting it working [06:02] i'm actually getting cheaper prices at my current DC [06:02] Cameron_D: try debian wheezy [06:02] you can get minimialistic *and* stable [06:03] unless you're going for a server [06:03] Nah, this would probably be on my laptop [06:04] how my linux experience do you have already? [06:06] in my world it goes in order of experence/time on your hands: ubuntu -> debian -> arch -> gentoo (or; fedora -> cent -> $JOB and redhat) [06:06] (and then shoot yourself in the foot repeatedly with jboss until you have no foot) [06:08] :D [06:12] god damn it [06:12] > _@don.gs is an invalid email address [06:12] No it's not, you fuckers [06:12] long@don.gs [06:13] also I have no idea what I'm doing with Arch >_> [06:13] whaaaaat [06:14] i want that [06:14] how about /@ [06:14] /@don.gs [06:14] I use addresses like me/@whatever to foil scraping robots [06:15] i want that domain for ever and ever [06:16] :D [06:16] It's a friends, but I can get you an email forwarder if you want [06:17] oh my goodness you know the owner? [06:17] as a matter of fact, I do too, by completely different route [06:17] Everything through me [06:17] I'm patient zero [06:17] Sue: Yeah [06:17] :D [06:18] chronomex: hahaha, really? [06:18] omg [06:18] yup [06:18] he's a dj, I have dj friends [06:18] i've been staring at that domain forever [06:18] i go by dongs on other networks >_> [06:18] chronomex: oic! [06:18] you could prbly get a subdomain [06:18] and our first irc server was loldongs.networkaddy [06:18] I know him through fuzzy means [06:18] fuzzy means. [06:19] yes, the fuzzy kind [06:19] damn furries [06:19] :D [06:19] * Furries ruin everything [06:19] not capitalized please [06:19] lol [06:19] lol [06:20] :D [06:20] so who's closest [06:20] underscor was in sf last summer [06:20] and is no longer? :( [06:20] if i could get something like lol.don.gs or infinite.don.gs i'd be so happy [06:21] also, Aranje was in on the hosting company conspiracy [06:21] wat [06:21] He's in college now [06:21] what conspiracy [06:21] hh [06:21] lol [06:22] (failed) [06:22] not really [06:22] just dormant [06:22] I didn't fail at it :D [06:22] and being used to funnel pictures out of webshotws [06:22] oh yeah, I still don't have axx to that box [06:22] wat [06:22] I just throw everything on nagisa [06:22] * Aranje grins [06:22] this poor poor box [06:22] it's crying btw [06:23] yeah I've never had access to the new one [06:23] same with the windows machine above it [06:23] i should drag it here [06:23] nagisa cries? [06:23] for tears [06:23] no [06:23] harvest the tears and distill it [06:24] * Sue|mail ** WinSys ** Client: HexChat 2.9.2 (x86) ** OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition ** CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz (1.00 GHz) ** RAM: 2046 MB Total (1405 MB Free) ** VGA: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 (Microsoft Corporation) ** Uptime: 690.85 Hours ** [06:24] System Up Time: 78 Days, 11 Hours, 10 Minutes, 53 Seconds [06:24] this is me crying [06:24] (and it's looking good, apparently) [06:24] Aranje: I'll most likely be back there this next entire summer, if IA renews my contract [06:24] Aranje: I'm from northern Virginia. I was in SF for two months last summer. I am now in upstate new york. [06:24] Sue: Hosting company conspiracy? [06:24] x3 [06:25] cool, hopefully I'll remember [06:25] nah just me trying to be proactive and failing really [06:25] sue lives in sacto-ish, and I'm just south of there in san luis obispo [06:25] oh really? [06:25] i should visit before i go full time trucking [06:25] that's awesome [06:25] you? proactive? [06:25] ahahahahahaha [06:25] where's the punchline [06:26] I went to a furmeet in SLO for july 4th while I was there [06:26] it's a pretty easy drive [06:26] oh fuckin [06:26] the punchline is where i become a furry and a trucker [06:26] hahaha hey man [06:26] be whatever the fuck you want [06:26] lol [06:27] So how did this turn into a conversation about furries again, haha [06:27] nfi [06:27] Cameron_D, because fuck you [06:27] when i made fun of jboss [06:27] * underscor blames Aranje [06:27] Aranje: fair enough [06:27] underscor, you're the furry. don't fucking blame that shit on me [06:27] Aranje is the honorary anthropomorphic orange [06:27] :D [06:27] roughly, yes [06:27] honorary? [06:27] bs [06:27] (preferably really roughly) [06:28] he *is* an oragne [06:28] 23:25:58 < Sue> the punchline is where i become a furry and a trucker [06:28] don't laugh [06:28] I met one [06:28] damn furries [06:28] keep creeping into my social scene [06:28] hmm [06:28] this chat makes me think we need an #archiveteam-bs-bs [06:29] #archiveteam-bs-social [06:29] because [06:29] ya know [06:29] #archiveteam-wank [06:29] alt.internet.insane.fap.fap.fap [06:29] why doesn't that exist already [06:29] alt.data.yours.is.mine [06:30] ^ [06:30] but hey before i enter insanity who should i ping about don.gs [06:30] I'm not sure why, but presently my big fast fancy computer is running through a 2005 dell inspiron [06:30] pshh [06:30] It [06:30] It sped everything up [06:31] using linux to compensate for windows > * [06:31] System Model: OptiPlex GX260 [06:31] why is your router on irc [06:31] not exactly router [06:31] It was [06:31] nah [06:31] it's my |mail [06:31] old net diagram had catastrophe as router [06:31] cata became a crappy comcast cpe [06:32] oh, sad panda [06:32] it makes me cry sad packets [06:32] It's cool [06:32] my routermodem is so shitty charter canceled their routermodem program because of it [06:32] Sue: He's soto on irc.anthrochat.net, not sure where else [06:32] Or I can just relay to him if you want [06:32] my routermodem is so shitty charter canceled their routermodem program because of it <--- really. seriously. I'm not kidding at all. [06:33] i trust random people more if they have a better connection [06:33] I need to poke charter via twitter and see if they've relaunched with new hardware [06:34] fls on phones don't know shit. their twitter people have the keys to the kingdom [06:34] lol BlueMax [06:35] quit lurkin [06:35] no [06:35] trying to get Arch working [06:35] you should see what happens when i call comcast business [06:35] at 4:30am [06:35] nothing at all? [06:35] they do backflips for me [06:35] ahh [06:35] i'm like "why is this down" [06:35] I was gonna say, alternative is they move lake tahoe 5 feet to the left for ya [06:35] "we'll have a truck out at 8am" [06:36] ooh [06:36] that's what I get via twitter from charter [06:36] what does tinyhosting get me [06:36] cc Sue [06:36] wat [06:37] tinyhosting used to get you uhh [06:37] what was it, 256mb ram vps [06:37] yeah [06:37] but i killed kvm [06:37] The $5 Plan [06:37] You get eight gigabytes of storage, 256 megabytes of ram, php-fpm powered nginx, mysql. You know, the usual. [06:37] ^ he wrote that [06:38] Fuck you I was typing that [06:38] oic! [06:38] whmcs is still up [06:38] and lets me order :D [06:38] it isn't connected to anything [06:38] I take it that it won't be fulfulled though [06:38] wait [06:38] it's up? [06:38] yes [06:38] i haven't paid in two months [06:38] https://billing.hardestyhosting.com/ [06:38] https://billing.hardestyhosting.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=1 [06:38] apparently they don't honor their own license [06:38] hah, I'm not the only one who tried [06:39] i removed my payment from their autobill [06:39] * Sue quietly removes billing from hardestyhosting's zone [06:39] cc Aranje Sue this sounds like an awesome company [06:39] I know, I wrote the entire website [06:39] is Aranje == tinyhosting? [06:39] it was up until i had a panic attack or something and killed it [06:40] ^ [06:40] nah [06:40] we' [06:40] we're http://hardestyhosting.com/ [06:40] ok [06:40] i'm waiting until this trucking job comes through, gonna save up and try again with a backing savings account [06:40] tinyhosting aka our 5/mo plan [06:40] bootstrapping is hard [06:41] I'd totally host here if you guys didn't close it :( [06:41] sign me up for a vps1 [06:41] it was on that 3.2TB cap 1gige line [06:41] It ain't closed, he's just not getting new people [06:41] I have european customers [06:41] ;) [06:41] maybe if i grow a pair and set up kvm again, and upgrade to 10TB cap [06:42] ok [06:42] Well, same diff to me :P [06:42] i love nsd [06:42] :> [06:42] rebuild / reload / notify [06:42] Oh wait, you have uh [06:43] fast box [06:43] how saturated is the line? [06:43] me? [06:43] yes [06:43] 1gbox [06:43] 0 right now, i killed seesaw [06:43] we've only got 1TB left before cap [06:43] until i upgrade to 10TB cap [06:43] well that's way more than I want [06:43] I need a box with a faster uplink than nagisa to host aranjepack on [06:44] was gonna pay 11/year for a 32mbram vps in florida haha [06:44] just because you said that [06:44] 500g of transfer/mo which is still way more than I need [06:44] i'll even set up nginx and a user [06:44] there's like 30 actual aranjepack users [06:44] aranjepack? [06:44] oh [06:44] google [06:44] I think you mentioned this before [06:45] likely [06:45] why does .gs have to be 40 bucks [06:45] * underscor downloads [06:45] handy [06:46] i could buy ohgod.notmoredon.gs [06:46] I frequently break things in the syslab here [06:46] yeah and I just updated it [06:46] haha [06:46] and have to reinstall win7 [06:46] yes [06:46] that is precisely what it's for [06:46] we did the same shit all of highschool, got so annoying to reinstall I wrote an app for it [06:46] haha [06:47] first two major versions were only flash-drive distributed [06:47] :> [06:47] but yeah, download will be slow [06:47] hey Aranje; remember the d505 farm? [06:47] hence my looking for faster box [06:47] yes [06:47] remember when I built 44 of them? [06:47] :D [06:49] ;P [06:49] Aranje: Should host on archive.org [06:50] I... could [06:53] that awful feeling when you have to 2012101408 ; serial [06:55] oh god [06:55] 08? [06:55] seriously!? [06:55] fuck ALL THE THINGS [06:56] coolest error [06:56] 504 Host dl.explodie.org lookup failed: Host not found [06:56] Generated Sun, 14 Oct 2012 23:56:16 PDT by Polipo on babylon-MXC051:9050. [06:56] The following error occurred while trying to access http://dl.explodie.org/: [06:57] my caching web proxy is smart! [06:57] $TTL 3600 patience young padawan [06:57] Aranje: wait, what's the 08? [06:58] zone serial [06:58] version 08 [06:58] ^ [06:58] oic [06:58] I, uh [06:58] means he fucked it up 7 times before getting it right (maybe) [06:58] * underscor coughs [06:58] I use webmin [06:58] we uh [06:58] edit config files on live servers [06:58] hahahahah [06:58] Like a man [06:58] cause fuck staging [06:58] That's the way to do it [06:58] fuck it [06:58] the only place to test [06:58] is production [06:59] (because i'm too broke for dev boxes) [06:59] not even [06:59] http://blogs.msdn.com/cfs-filesystemfile.ashx/__key/communityserver-blogs-components-weblogfiles/00-00-01-32-02-metablogapi/8054.image_5F00_thumb_5F00_35C6E986.png [06:59] I wouldn't use dev boxes even if I had enough money for it [06:59] yes that, underscor [06:59] that is company philosophy at hardestyhosting [06:59] except on this server [07:00] and that windows one [07:00] yeah [07:00] I fuck with nagisa all the time [07:00] FreeBSD nagisa 9.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE-p3 #0: Tue Jun 12 02:52:29 UTC 2012 root@amd64-builder.daemonology.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64 [07:00] not the kernel (yet) [07:00] which reminds me what are we going to do about 9.1 [07:00] does it bring anything new we want? [07:00] pretend like it doesn't exist until 9.2? [07:00] whats changes? [07:00] uhh [07:01] FYI [07:01] where: &w_identifier=webshots* | imagecount: 17,346,351| size: 11,778,529,026 KB [07:01] :) [07:01] good work [07:01] fuck yeah [07:03] how much space do you have left [07:03] Me? [07:03] nginx still holding up? [07:03] underscor: yeah [07:03] Cameron_D: So far, I think [07:03] on the boxes behind the rr [07:03] also woot woot nginx [07:04] Sue: Well, clusterwide we http://home.us.archive.org/~tracey/mrtg/df.html [07:04] ah [07:04] On the rrs? [07:04] they're all at about 200gb right now [07:04] and almost all emptied out [07:04] because we're going too slow [07:04] ;) [07:04] aww [07:05] heesh, I do not understand Arch at all [07:05] i wish i had the spare change to get 10TB [07:05] BlueMax: it takes a bit [07:05] I wish I had spare change to get 3tb [07:05] read the wiki 3 times over [07:05] double my capacity right there [07:05] I wish I could justify another 12 boxes at IA [07:05] hahahahaha [07:05] Aranje: freebsd 9.1; the only change worth noting is zfs improvements, the rest is like 801.11n and intel kms [07:06] pfffft [07:06] Sue I have, it's confused me every time [07:06] anything we're sorely missing? [07:06] alright, 9.2 it is [07:06] I doubt we need dedup much [07:06] BlueMax: what are you having trouble with right now [07:06] Aranje: we aren't using dedup, 2G of ram isn't enough [07:06] since we've got 31g of data, and 30 of that is brandons [07:06] the only thing i'm doing is snapshots [07:06] and we're at 60G right now [07:06] oh, haha [07:06] more than I remember [07:07] I followed the tutorial and now I'm logged in as root after install - the package manager is telling me everything's read-only [07:07] you haven't been getting cronspam because your email decided to drop everything i send it [07:07] the day the robots stop emailing us is the day they die [07:08] my email doesn't drop shit? [07:08] automated reminder mails are how we know things still work [07:08] gandi redid their email though [07:09] i've been getting can't deliver emails constantly [07:09] i offered to host you but oh well [07:09] well since you're trying to send me mail via basically unconfigured mail servers [07:09] do i have to route it through mine? so lazy [07:09] haha no, it needs real domain names [07:09] I'd bet it's still listed as sending from localhost [07:10] i'll fix it when i'm not suffering from hadfunitis [07:10] for sure :P [07:10] hadfunitis is a weaker form of gotlaidities [07:10] underscor: pulling 700TB/5m no big deal [07:10] * Aranje wonders why dl.explodie isn't out yet [07:11] doesn't resolve yet [07:11] whats ttl? [07:11] cause it was like 3hrs or something [07:11] at one point [07:11] wait [07:11] do i host your dns [07:11] yes i do [07:11] yes [07:11] fail [07:12] on kanade [07:12] which is master [07:12] i know this [07:12] i *should* know this [07:12] want me to fuck with it? [07:12] or can you handle nsd? [07:12] haha [07:12] no i'm doing it [07:12] i did hh [07:12] :> [07:12] oh man [07:12] lulz [07:12] i wish i could get struck with gotlaiditis [07:13] come down here and pick up one of the mental women [07:13] there's tons of em, and they're all really hot [07:13] nothanks [07:13] 2012062901 ; serial [07:13] yes [07:13] Aranje: also, mental [07:13] yes [07:13] where is here btw? [07:14] california [07:14] san luis obispo [07:14] anywhere [07:14] ahhh [07:14] yeah [07:14] not even though [07:14] chicks in sac are fugly compared to here [07:14] implying [07:14] slo has the 5th lowest obesity rate in the country [07:15] just walk around any of the 12 colleges [07:15] spin your head around that [07:15] 12? [07:15] 12 uc's! [07:15] so you're saying slo is pretty people town [07:15] there's like 107 cc's [07:15] yes [07:15] specifically slo [07:15] except at night [07:15] wat [07:15] it's VERY pretty people town at night [07:15] they spend daddy's money getting dressed up [07:16] me and mealy went to 7/11 at 3am and almost got beat by a hobo [07:16] top notch [07:16] and got free drinks from the clerks because of it [07:16] what the fuck [07:16] why the fuck would you go to 7-11? [07:16] that place is shitty no matter where it is [07:16] hrm, gotlaiditis [07:16] hahahaha [07:16] that's awesome [07:17] oh look, a disease underscor will never get :D [07:17] Depends on how cute he is [07:17] and who he's chasing [07:17] maybe I'll fuck him, just to prove you wrong [07:17] BlueMax: I caught it this weekend, tyvm [07:17] also in the news, underscor is a liar [07:18] I'm actually not lying :( [07:18] LOL [07:18] there would be film at 11 but that requires high-budget sfx [07:18] i forgot why i disconnected from this channel [07:18] chronomex: lol [07:19] BlueMax: What, just cause I'm into computers doesn't mean I can't get sex? [07:19] Absolutely untrue. [07:19] Well it's not true for me [07:20] Same. [07:20] i could (too bad sac is void of women) [07:20] t Sue just need to be an equal opportunity enjoyer [07:20] ;) [07:20] (under 40) [07:20] the only people i know are twice my age :| [07:21] are you 12? [07:21] no [07:21] :D [07:21] t Sue let's fuck [07:21] :D [07:21] lol [07:21] one damn month [07:21] been trying to get him to tag team some girl for like 4 years now [07:22] Aranje: i've got a birthday fund already [07:22] Oh? [07:22] i'm gonna have some fun november 20th [07:22] Don't pay for what you can get for free [07:22] :P [07:22] no no no [07:22] you plan, that's your problem [07:22] hot~ [07:23] what have i gotten myself into [07:23] irc [07:23] well [07:23] ^ [07:23] has gotten me laid multiple times [07:23] so there [07:23] how's that dns coming? [07:23] * Aranje grins [07:23] chronomex: same [07:23] and is nginx listening for the right domain? :D [07:24] irc has never gotten me laid >_> [07:24] I'd say it got me close [07:24] but didn't deliver. [07:24] that too often [07:24] the big question is tht if you were interested or not [07:24] Aranje: i've got it all done, TTL is a bore [07:24] coulda today but I was not interested. [07:25] bah [07:25] what a fucking random convo this is. [07:25] ^ [07:25] #-bs [07:25] I should just ssh in and wget it over [07:25] get used to it [07:25] Aranje: upload it now, it'll come online whenever [07:26] This is probably the most activity I've seen in this channel, haha [07:26] ^ [07:26] hhaha [07:26] i still feel ill, why did I come to work [07:26] damn pressure! [07:26] Aranje: ns1/2 both report correct, it's entirely ttl at this point [07:26] kk [07:27] i want ns3 [07:27] and I'm running through caches, so good luck there haha [07:27] I.. [07:27] that box I spoke of in florida [07:27] was gonna be ns3 as well [07:27] lol [07:27] why not arizona [07:27] dunno [07:27] put all the eggs in one coast [07:27] 11$/year for 500gb transfer per month [07:27] seems legit [07:27] also [07:28] the guy I was gonna put on it has a primarily european clientèle [07:28] I have a euro feeding site, fwiw [07:28] what was that one euro host [07:28] that everyone uses [07:29] or we could use gandi because they've sent me two billion coupons [07:29] haha yeah [07:29] ovh? [07:29] ^ [07:29] ahh yeah [07:29] but they're expensive for what I need [07:29] unless I start pushing eu clients [07:29] haha [07:29] the slowly expanding hosting company: HOOOOOOOO [07:30] http://www.ovh.co.uk/dedicated_servers/superplan_mini.xml [07:31] and then one in australia for the 70 aussies i keep getting requests from [07:31] Australia is crazy expensive though [07:31] 72/mo [07:32] oh wait [07:32] that's a good price for that hardware [07:32] 60 bucks ooooooh [07:32] damn [07:32] If you can get a german bank account [07:32] or your bank doesn't charge you out the ass for intl wire transfers, euserv is the best company [07:32] cheap and awesome [07:32] i wonder how much i'm getting f'd in the behind by chase for wires [07:33] I get my wire on a spool [07:33] prefer 26 gauge solid core copper [07:33] http://www.euserv.com/en/dedicated-server/filer-rootserver/dual-core-servers/filer_xxl_giga_2011.php [07:33] 595eur a month [07:33] Just need to find 10 people to split it with :D [07:34] 24x2tb, not bad [07:35] If only I had the money [07:36] yay! [07:36] dl arrived! [07:36] http://www.euserv.com/en/dedicated-server/filer-rootserver/dual-core-servers/filer_l_giga_2011.php Been trying to find someone to split this 4 ways for a while [07:36] oh my [07:37] BIG DISCOUNT FOR CHRISTMAS Sex Toy Factory|Adult Toy Factory|Masturbator Factory|Vibrator Factory|Dildo Factory at Louisfuture.com [07:37] i uhh... rsync [07:37] er [07:37] oops [07:37] oh my x9 ----------^ [07:38] fucking accidental pastes [07:38] underscor: if you can't find a 4th that's actually tempting [07:38] lol [07:38] quassel ;_; [07:38] not irssi ;_; [07:38] ? [07:38] Sue: Well, I'm looking for a 2nd-4th [07:38] Haven't been trying very hard [07:38] :P [07:38] lol [07:38] I'd say yes [07:39] because unmetered 1gbps + 6tb raid [07:39] But I don't have that much of a need for it [07:39] i could either rsync or heavy varnish cache [07:39] like, varnish my entire cluster [07:40] into swap [07:41] lol [07:41] serve aranjepack from ram [07:41] fuck yeah [07:42] you should have seen [07:44] mmk, aranjepack is wgetting onto dl [07:44] Aranje: i ran btinternet-grab in an 8gb tmpfs mount @ ~100 concurrent [07:45] Aranje: http://tracker.archiveteam.org/btinternet/ change the second date to the 13th [07:46] that bump was poor sketch turning on fos [07:47] lol [07:47] the 100 was inadvertent, i was caching warcs and suddenly it uploaded everything at lightning speed [07:47] 23gb of british gifs in under an horu [07:47] *hour [07:48] fuck yeah [07:48] #mostimportantwork [07:48] oh [07:52] hahahahaha [07:53] my maths must be wack [07:53] because my syste is telling me that 5MB == 6MiB [07:53] in a very wrong sense yes [07:54] 2+3=6 [07:54] for large values of 5, that's true [07:54] large 5, small 6 [07:56] hurray! cash money [07:56] wop yo' wad on the countah [07:57] I should take this pile of pennies to the bank [07:57] turn it into $4 [08:00] lol [08:06] @_ [08:06] Exact;y [08:09] Aranje: fatal error: need fqdn [08:09] i'll fix that later [08:09] eh? [08:10] oh fqdn for mail? [08:10] y [08:10] 20s! [08:10] you should append [y/n] so i can be even more lazy [08:11] huh? [08:11] or even [Y/n] so i can carriage return [08:11] lol [08:12] just take the rdns for the box and set as that [08:12] >_> [08:12] also woot [08:12] aranjepack on new host [08:12] awesome [08:12] yeah [08:12] 1.2mbyte/s [08:12] :D [08:12] much better [08:13] also fuuuuu so many subdomains [08:16] I'mma sleep now [08:16] me2 [08:17] i am asleep [08:17] type faster, asshole [08:17] >:D [08:45] well this seems like a silly package name: percona-server-server-5.5 [09:55] @_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcSp2ej2S00 [10:25] cc SketchCow [10:30] that joke has a bit too much lead in to be funny in my opinion [10:34] Did you listen to the clip he posted on FB? [10:34] https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151119324964527 [10:34] I think it's publioc [10:34] public* [10:35] man that sounds good in headphones [10:35] I meant the video underscor :P [10:37] oic [10:38] BULLSHIT [10:38] BULLSHIT ON TOAST [10:38] no, bullshit on your toast [10:39] oh baby [10:39] Shouldn't you be sleeping or something [10:39] what time is it there? [10:39] not even 10pm [10:39] damn [10:39] oh [10:39] and shuddup, I'm older than you :P [10:39] hahahahahah [10:39] :D [10:40] <3 [10:40] get off my lawn, kid [10:43] hahahaha [10:43] * SmileyG == so confused. [10:45] BlueMax is 19 (year older than me) but I like to give him a hard time [10:45] :D [10:46] Wait, I'm older than underscor? [10:46] and he has a bigger e-peen than you do. [10:46] Wat [10:46] I'm 28 [10:46] * SmileyG WAVES HIS ARMS [10:48] I have a 16 year old friend with a bigger e-peen than me >_> [10:49] heh [10:49] I've seen a 3yr old headshot someoen on CS :/ [11:17] Cameron_D: How old are you? :D [11:17] 19 [11:18] oic [11:18] yup! [11:18] :D [11:18] I'll be 19 in 6 months though! [11:18] xD [11:19] I'm 20 in December :P [11:20] haha [11:20] Y'all are old farts [11:20] <:) [11:21] get off my lawn and teach me Linux you silly kid [11:22] sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root / [11:23] can you run that on your own machine and show me the output? [11:27] ll [11:27] lol* [11:28] It just runs and returns quickly [11:28] You use it to transplant trees of directories [11:28] hence the --no-preserve-root [11:28] since you don't want to move the roots, only the tree [11:30] The great thing about virtual machines is you can quickly set one up ad run that, for fun [11:32] I have a couple of Linux machines right now as VMs but I never turn them on [11:32] never thought of trying the old rm rf [12:34] BlueMax: its not very exciting [12:36] your shell is generally cached [12:38] just all the binarys eventually are gone except whats cached [12:38] so stuff just kind of "stops working". [12:56] Was just browsing textfiles.com and found that the BBSHISTORY link on the bottom of the main page doesn't lead anywhere anymore [12:57] The Wayback Machine didn't get it either [13:40] http://zeroimage.fortunecity.ws/ bahahaha, this makes me laugh [13:42] "This Site is best viewed in 800x600" [13:43] hot [13:44] If you are affiliated with any government, or ANTI-Piracy group or any other related group or were formally a worker of one you can NOT enter this web site, cannot access any of its files and you cannot view any of the HTML files. [13:44] I can imagine a government guy saying "Try and stop me" and clicking [13:46] What if you don't enter the site via that page, are you still bound by the restrictions [13:58] I found underscor a new wankbank http://dbradphoto.fortunecity.ws [14:45] lol [15:38] I feel as though I shouldn't be excited for ubuntu 12.10 but I am [15:41] Its becoming a compelling desktop OS [16:45] http://www.furaffinity.net/view/9037099/ unique take on the song, pretty awesome <3 [16:46] oh god [16:46] it sounds like a comedy reel [16:50] underscor, NP: Fatboy Slim - [Halfway Between The Gutter And The Stars] - Weapon Of Choice [FLAC 859kbps] [16:50] ooh [16:51] <3 fbs [16:51] no, mostly just the soundtrack to christopher walken dancing [16:52] * Aranje grins [16:53] :P [16:53] NP: Filter - [Short Bus] - Hey Man, Nice Shot [FLAC 849kbps] [16:53] mmmm [16:56] oh god "I'm so old school I hated NiN before they were bad" [18:09] lol